(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

MVH, will drop you a msg in facebook on what i took later. understand how you feel when ss drop. same here.

btw, what kind of cooking jar you are looking for? Those Thermal pot type?


pls include me n bb.

fyi, we(oct08) did our 1 yr bash at harbourfront gymboree.. if i recall right, there wouldnt be time to eat. it starts with music n play program.. then free play.. after which adjourn to another rm for "cake cutting".. we did cupcakes too. that was it.. the 1/2 hr snack time in the program was the cake cutting time if memory serves me right.


I didn't take any supplement.. If Im too busy and only pump 2 times a day, supply drop significantly.. But the next 2 days, I will try to pump 4-5 tines, and I will then get back my supply 3rd or 4th day onwards. At the same time will drink lots of fluid.. U gals can try.. My understanding is that , as long as u keep pumping or latch, and drink lots of fluid , ur supply will maintain or even increase. I tried this several times when my supply dropped, it wrks all the time


U can try to exchange at 'want to exchange' thread. There are pple looking for the fm u posted.. Milk powder is quite exp now.. Think u try ur luck there

Haitang, thanks for e link.. Have been drinking green tea, crysathemum tea, chocolate, pear for several weeks.. No wonder my ss suddenly drop like crazy.. I shall stop taking e above n try to drink more soya bean.. Thanks!!

I m looking for tiger cook jar that can cook porridge on e go.. Hehe..


Is it? I drank chrysanthemum tea, eat choc and peat very frequent too , but I don't see a drop in supply leh

Penguin: u can sold the milk powder at the exhange thread.

i manage to sell away my friso and mamil..

lots of ppl wanna buy this 2 brand..

morning, ytd my girl wake up at 1am and whin...she simply dun wan to zzz..s i bring her frm her yaolan, guess wat i put her on my bed, she also cry out loud..

i bo bian let her sit on bed.. she is so happy when i place her sit.. omg she wanna sit in the middle of the night.. am so tired now...

winnie, hahaha... my ger last week oso wake up in the middle of the night continue for 3 days... she wake up then in her crawling position then look at me smiling....

read from somewhere that it's normal for bb the wake up in the middle of the night during this stage cos they r eager to practise their new acquired skill... i tink i read from baby center if i remember correctly...

Winnie gal - I heard b4 that when bb learn new skills, they will wanna repeat their skills at wee hours..

Maybe she wanna wake up and do her "sitting"skill till she is happy...

eelyn and penguin,

include both in Gymboree.


thanks for your feedback.

i also worry about timing on finger food. i will see how the arrangment can be done when i go down to make deposit.

How do we know they wan to do new skills?? Cos I always latch my boy on till he fall back to sleep instead of carrying him around leh. If he refuse to sleep after milk, I will ask hubby to rock him to sleep. I'm too tired to find out what he wants. So do the easiest way, drink milk and rock to sleep. hehee...

hav been doin it for 2 mths liao.

Mine is sticking out tongue and blow out saliva now. I hope he doesn't do it in middle of the night. Will scare us.. Hehe..

Limited slots now!

For those who had reserved your slots and still considering, please let me know by 18th March. By then I will be collecting deposit from everyone first and will book the Gymboree on the last week of March.

First Birthday Bash for Our July/August Babies:

Confirmation Venue at Gymboree (Harbourfront):

(Subject to availabilty if everyone can confirmed. Please see deadline below.)

Please note that it is not possible to cater everyone's needs, hence I need to re-confirm the number of participants.

It is confirmed on 9th July 2011 (Saturday). The available slot is 6pm - 7.30pm inclusive of activities and birthday celebration!

Package for Gymboree (Harbourfront)

- 1.5hrs birthday package is $370 for 10 children.

- Additional baby will be $15.

- Additional siblings will be $15.50 (Please note that if we hit 35 babies, siblings won't be able to join in.)

- Each child will receive a free Gymboree class voucher worth $40, and a gymboree balloon at the end of the party.

- Birthday package do not include any food and drinks, however can source for outside caterer

(recommend finger food and packet drinks for the adults and kids).

- Can accommodate up to 40 babies in the venue. However, limit up to 2 adults to one child. (Please see ** below)

- Meals and cake are not part of the amenities provided in the package.

** As we are having big groups, the staff suggest us to split into 2 groups of 20 kids.

The first twenty could do the party from 6-6.30pm and the second group to do the party from 6.30pm - 7pm.

Then, 7 - 730pm we will have snacks and birthday cutting which is provided by the party attendees.

Please note that the attendances can only be up to 40 babies due to space constraint at the venue.

Estimated Budget:

If hit to

20 babies - $26 each

25 babies - $23.80 each

30 babies - $22.50 each

35 babies - $21.50 each

40 babies - $20.50 each

Please note that

- budget is not inclusive of birthday cupcakes, goodies bags, F&B and other misc!

- Everyone are to give $20 deposit to secure your slots and it is non-refundable after I have finalised the attendance.

- Deposit payment for booking the venue will need to be done by 31st March 2011.

- Other misc payments like birthday cupcakes and goodies bags will be done before 31st May 2011.

- Final bill will be done after the event.


1) Treasurer to handle payments - Any volunteers?

2) Cup Cakes - Jasmine Goh. Any volunteers?

(My idea is to get cupcakes so that every babies will have their own small cake and a candle to blow on that day instead of getting everyone to cut cake. #1 & #2 also will have 1 too.)

Optionals (If everyone is ok with budget, we can include those shown below)

1) Finger food and packet drinks only - Purelyz (Only if time allow us to eat within 1.5 hours)

2) Customise T-shirt- Sunflower & Jasmine Goh (Budget for tee is $10 each.)

3) Goodies Bags for Babies- MVH (Budget is $5-10.) Any other volunteers to help out?

Interested participants (Please confirmed attendance before 18th March 2011.):

1) cheekrene + HB + 1B

2) eeyore + HB + #1 + 1B

3) Jasmine Goh + HB + #1 + 1B

4) Sunflower + 1B+ HB (TBC)

5) bakaholic + HB + 1B

6) crescent + 1B (tentative)

7) duckling + HB + #1 + 1B

8) pd0513 + HB + 1B

9) MVH + HB + #1 + 1B

10) Winnie_gal + HB + 1B

11) glamglem + HB + 1B

12) dsqyvonne + 1B + 1M

13) Cinderbelle + HB+ 1B

14) jascmy + HB+ 1B

15) fumiko + HB + 1B + 1M

16) Haitang + #1 + 1B + 1M + (HB TBC)

17) cheese + HB + 1B

18) ednique + HB + 1B

19) ah bee + HB + 1B

20) purelyz + HB + #1 + 1B + 1M

21) ahnah + WF + 1B + 1M

22) mamyvelle + #1 + 1B + 1M

23) nekowong + HB + #1 + 1B

24) Cyn here + #1 + 1B + 1M + (HB TBC)

25) QQ + HB + #1 + 1B + 1M

26) xuan82 + HB + 1B

27) shay + HB + #1 + #2 + 1B + 1M

28) suika + #1 + 1B + 1M + (HB TBC)

29) lina + 1B

30) sweetkyra+ HB + 1B

31) alibaba +#1 + 1B + 1M

32) charmaine + HB + 1B + 1M

33) saffy + HB + #1 + 1B

34) chocochips + 1B + (HB TBC)

35) eelyn + 1B

36) penguin + 1B





No more intake.


Yet to confirm again:

3) sheric + HB + 1B

12) tearybabe + HB + 1B

15) dreamz + HB + 1B

21) butterkiss + HB + #1 + 1B

28) jerlyn chow + HB + 1B

32) dreymin + #1 + 1B + 1M + (HB TBC)

33) xiaozhuzhu + HB + 1B

38) Tikey + #1 + 1B + 1M + (HB TBC)

42) Lvgal + HB + 1B


Please do not copy and paste. Just update me the number of people and who are going.

For those with #1 and #2, I am sorry that I could not include them in the package as the main celebrants are our babies.

However you can plan other entertainment for them since Vivocity also got mini playground.

Thank you

Haitang, Thanks for the information. I pass the infor to my Mum and she say will cook for me to try. Very useful info. I have been eating the wrong food too.

Cheekrene, I agree. now bb J always wear the same clothes now cos some really wear a few times only then cannot fit liaoz...

Jascmy- IMO latching on to let them zzz will become a habit to them.. i got a friend bb that always need to latch before sleeping.. and she just like to suckle for leisure, dun really drink and she sort off just place her mouth at the nipple and suck for comfort.. but she is a SAHM.. so still ok.

Ya. me also rock him to sleep if not he will give a super long speech.. haha


how about bibs and some packet finger food like crackers/juice/fruit bars/dried fruits in the goodies bag?

I can help you with the goodies bags if you need extra help.

Do you think formula milk companies will sponsor some stuff?

cheese, ya loh. Hope he can sleep thru again. Then I no need to latch on in the middle of the nite liao. Somemore I latch on with fear. He bite very pain!

Yes.. some more got tooth now.. i can imagine that.. cos i clean his tooth and he chew my fingers! ouch!!! I gave bb J bb puff and he is happily chewing with his little tooth.. so adorable..

as if he got all many teeth like that.. haha

Cheekrene and jasmine

Just got the quote

Any color tee with either solid color or glittering on names at $11. Each of us can choose any color tee from her catalogue but all standardize the print color for names.

Sunflower, according to haitang's link, these food I mention r recommended for ppl who wanna stop ss... I take green tea n chrysanthemum tea every day leh for one month I think.. Last time my gal drinks one side full le.. Now she needs to drink both sides.. Argh...

cheese, our nipples are very sensitive leh. Even more painful. Yesterday morning, he even bite and don want to release.

I let him chew on bananas and apples. He very happy chewing and even hold my hand and push the whole banana into his mouth. Like he got so many teeths to bite loh.

How u clean his teeth??

I think the goodie bag shld consists somethings more useful, like biscuits, toothbrush toothpaste , food jar etc. Anything they can consume now or later, rather than things that they may outgrown and not use anymore

Sunflower, that could be due to you are too rich in ss. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

MVH, tea as in those leaf tea, which usually will affect ss, due to the diuretic effect of tea & coffee. so not drinking tea actually for 2 reasons, both the stimulation and the diuretic effect that caffeine brings. when i'm sleepy, i took tea too, boh bian leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

but chrysanthemum is considered flower tea, so it should not affect much.

I'm using Thermos instead of Tiger. So far I'm happy with Thermos, since the pricing is lower than Tiger and quality is there. I will say Tiger/Zojirushi in general are slightly better than Thermos coz both are still manufactured in Japan, but their price is too much higher than those of Thermos. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

You stay at the North right? Can try Metro in Woodlands or Sengkang. Now Metro has storewide 20%, 25 & 26 Feb.

Rachel, good to hear that. Hope your bb can settle down in the new IFC soon and grow up happily. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bakaholic, i think there is a page to "request for sponsorship" in Nestle website, you think we could try that?

Goodie bag will be useful, but it's difficult to decide the items in it, unless it's consumables like food and toiletries. Items like food jar, i guess many of us would already bought/source for one that meet our individual requirement & budget. Myself already got a Thermos food jar for my bb 2 mths ago.

winnie, really? then should request sample from Friso & Mamil. :p

By the way, what is the link i can request for Nestle sample? I still cannot find it at their website. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jascmy-i use toothpaste to clean him

with little toothbrush to rub, he likes that.

if not just clean with warm water and a silky hanky

Angel, just realised that you are in my facebook. Will drop you a msg there. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I think with current budget for goodie bag, dun think can include thermos flask. I think the food jar that sunflower meantioned is those baby food jars like Heinz, Gerber. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw, will anyone object to the kind of items in the goodie bag since they are paying for it? Shall we list down what's in there after we have finalized?

i think Heinz got quite a good range of stuff so i will try to ask them for sponsorship.

for those with #1 and #2,

do you want to have goodies bag for them? but please note you have to pay additional costs for them too...

Cheekrene, thks[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm too late!

Pls PM me if there's slot cos I hardly come here.


just sent an email to them. May take while cos i cant find their local office email so i sent to their global site.

Thanks Bakaholic for the clarification [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yes, I'm referring to food jars like gerber and Heinz.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

