(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

ahnah and winnie,

before my delivery, i did clear. after discharge the next day, i can go toilet after that, i am constipated. don't know is it i ate too much heaty food.


1 week is very long. how can you tahan?


my supply is there but i can only get 20ml. i still eat apple so not a problem. my gynae did give me lactose to take but no use.

ann and eeyore,

i don't dare to use force. i can feel the pain on the side of my stitches. really uncomfortable.


i understand. i only use the cold cabbage just yesterday to relieve pain and my engorgement was already gone just today. so i tried my best to pump whenever i feel my breasts full as my breasts actually were quite small.


my baby also kicked me very hard at night before the delivery. i was surprised as my girl normally don't move so much in my tummy. it can be a sign too.. hehe! when my water bag break, i was on 12 hours labour... hehe! but remember to get hapi-dural, it work...


good luck to you =)




oh ya, talking about constipation,

i just asked this morning and now i manage to release. feeling better now.

thanks everyone =)

Jascmy, when I was dilated 3cm also no pain, only mild bh.. Strange that yr gynae din do ve.. Maybe he scared will induce labour.

Thanks everyone for yr wishes.. I also hope my gal get well.. Gave her 1st dosage of medicine ard 1+pm.. Glad that she latches quietly n din cry or arch back during e feeding.. Somemore she sleep peacefully till now haven't wake up for feed.. Think e medicine is working! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pd0513, hehe, very bad right, i will regret when i end up with creaky and aching bones when I'm old. My mil also told me can only drink the tea and yeah, she keep making me Milo to drink. U dun feel heaty meh?

Cheekrene, glad u manage to get some relief. kkh prescribed some white liquid to help with constipation and i managed to pass motion every 3 days or so, but very hard type and got to use a lot of force. Now i can go every day. Haha... TMI.


hahah.. not really lah.. u not drinking everyday right??? not really lah, my hb wont make the milo too sweet for me to drink lor..


wa so similar. must really observe. but i still wish for a virgo baby. :X

since we can eat apples during confinement period, can we drink apple juice? don't feel like just drinking red date tea and milo only.

and what other fruits can we eat?

Day 4 liao, mama's nipple kana swollen by bb's suxking and blood come out. Ouch!

He just finish 35ml of FM. Mama supply still zero.


dun worry. Eventually your baby will be out soon. I wanted to have virgo baby but my girl wanna to be a leo, same as daddy and their birthdays are 2 days apart. Hehe. Oh ya, you can drink apple and orange juice. I drank in hospital since they gave me. But tried to control not to drink much.


my girl also latch until my nipple is sore. Its just initial stage. Dun worry. Sooner or later your boy will drink more than half. Hehe.

Hi mummies,

Sorrie to disturb. I'm from the July 2010 mummy.

I have the following that I would like to sell away.

1) Similac 1 (900g) - Unopen tin

Bought at NTUC @ $41.95, I would like to

sell away at $35...

2) Baby Beannie Carrier

Bought recently from the Taka fair @ $75. Nv

use before. Only try out at home however BB

did not like at all. Once I put him in, he

will cry out loud... Thus would like to sell

away. I would like to sell away @ $60.

Interested Buyer could contact me @ 91459082 directly.



forgot to mention, ask your wife to massage her breasts and pump at same time to stimulate milk. Otherwise she will kena engorgement.

Hello all

i am back [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just now went out for post natal check felt so tired nv walk for so long already and felt weird without a bump and i looked at those reserved seats with recollection of how i used to hate healthy ppl putting their butts on top and feign ignorance when i stood in front of them. Miss those pregnancy times[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] lookin forward to home tml .. Pack pack pack .. Really need help my baby's lips become black how huh no matter how much water my hb gave him still wont wash away e black hardened stuff wont go away[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] he also has a big pi sai in his nose.. Anybody feeling very bloated and no appetite now? I feel that the red dates tea made me very bloated basically i don eat anything except drinking milo, warm water and red dates tea and chicken essence everyday.. Im not trying to diet.. Just no appetite..

Aiyo after the delivery second day i started big business twice daily.. Hard type so ask medicine from gynae..

jia you dsqyvonne and jascmy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pd0513, I drank twice. Ice cold one. Lol.

Jasmine, I eat all types of fruits leh. Esp eating lots of cherries and durian.

Cheekrene, can drink apple and orange juice?

Ahnah, same thing happen to me. The LC told me to apply nipple cream. Now got colostrum right?

Penguin, ur baby's lips became black??

Yup black hardened layer on both upper and lower lips[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] will try to wipe later.. Don know what is happening ! Haix.. From eyes to dry skin to jaundice now baby have constipation and black lips should i bring him to normal gp or pd?

Goodness!! I think I just gave my boy some 20ml of spoiled breastmilk!!!! Shucks!!

Think my maid transfer the frozen breastmilk to the chiller to thaw since yesterday aftnoon.. N I took tat to warm for my boy.. As he was drinking , I smelt something awful.. Jus like those jasmine hair oil smell... I immediately pulled out the bottle from my boy n tasted the milk.. Yucks!!

Sigh ... Hope he wun hav any tummy upset!!

Must the thawed milk be immediately served??? Should we thaw in chiller or at room temp?? But thawing at room temp tAkes v long n wouldn't it spoil even faster ??

How u mummies handle frozen breastmilk??

penguin_88 ,

i same as u , i also no appetite for the first 2 weeks . dont feel like eating anything except water . now week 3 , better , but still eat little compare to last time before pregnant , and worst is , without eating much , weight still can go up 1kg , faint ....


can defroze by putting the frozen milk container or milk bag into warm water to defroze. But if cannot finish put in fridge but.must consume within a day. Or else also can put fridge to thaw but it Will take a longer time.


jaundice is common but black lips? nv heard before leh.


waaa.. i have drink any cold drinks yet.. always see hubby drinks cold stuff, so tempted to steal a sip manz.. the weather so hot, how i wish i can drink cold stuff!!!!


from what i know, frozen BM shd be defroze in chiller and consume within 24hours.. if she defrozed it from yday afternoon, means u must consume it by this afternoon, e.g. yday afternoon defroze at 2pm, by 2pm today have to drink, if not, have to throw away le..

スーザン ,

i also drank alot of ice cold drink liao ... cant tahan ... didnt do confirment at all i think , except not eating seafood ! haha ... next time old jia liat ! haha

Oh dear.. Wad a blur mom I am!!

I told maid not to transfer the froZen milk to chiller anymore.. Think I will jus pump n let boy drink immediately

white lady,

hahaha.. i cant drink at all cuz hb dont allow.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


for frozen EBM that thaw in chiller, will have to consume within 24hours.

for EBM kept in chiller, will have to consume within 48hours.

for EBM kept in room temperature, will have to consume within 4hours.

but i wonder how long can we keep for EBM in aircon temperature?? also consume within 4hours?

I am going to hospital to bring my girl home. What if i need to do pumping, how do i store the BM? Kept in cold bag? If kept in cold bag, my girl wanna drink? Should i need to warm it? Sorry to ask these questions as after her discharge, i need to go in-laws' house. My mum dont allow them to go her house as my MIL like to interfere. So i got my worries.

スーザン ,

i dont care , when HB have cold drink , i will stare at him , then he auto give me the drink to share ! haha ...

Cheekrene ,

maybe is due to heaty body ? some pple say " huo qi " ... got " huo qi " then no appitite to eat ...


must massage harder. Do it every 3 hours. Must ask her yo drink more water especially red date tea. Engorgement is terrible. Pain until need to get treatment. Does she has colostrum yet? Her BM should kick in anytime.

White lady,

maybe. My mum tend to put more rice wine, alcohol and sesame oil to the food. I start to get sick of it. All i want is to drink milo but she even keep forcing me to take DOM. Sian, scare pump milk got alcohol.

Penguin, think better to see a doc. can bring ur baby to polyclinic. Infants have priority so u dun have to wait.

Csy, hope ur bb is ok. Lucky it's only 20ml..

Pd0513, I drank secretly when I woke up for night feed. But u better dun follow me, later when u old liao will blame me. Lol!

White lady, same, I broke all sorts of confinement rules liao, not looking forward to my old age. Hehe..

Cheekrene, the polyclinic doc asked me to avoid alcohol cos i' m breastfeeding. I think Cooked in food is prob ok but I avoid totally.

Dear all, am here to share my birth story.

Gave birth to my ger on 14 Aug, natural w/o epidural. Was busy entertaining visitors (since it's a weekend) and trying to catch some rest so didn't update here. Now back at my in-laws place to do my confinement (last min change from my place to here) and there's no internet access. My hubby just subscribe to mobile broadband for me during the 1 mth stay here.

Anyway, here's the story:

1.50am: feel the urge to poo so went to the toilet and sat there for ard 15 mins. Quite alot came out. Went back to sleep.

2.10am: Just 5 mins aft poo, i feel a sudden pain, lasted for half a min. Am thinking, is that the so called contraction? I'm not sure. Quickly wake hb up and we waited for the next one. It was at 15 mins interval. Aft the 2nd one, hb told me to get changed while he get the car.

2.40am: Got into the car and contraction was at 10 mins interval.

3.00am: Reached TMC already at 5 mins interval. Changed into gown and saw red. Strapped onto CTG machine for monitoring.

3.10am: Finally one nurse came and check for my dilation. Already 6cm. Asked me if I want epi? Am thinking already 6cm, should I still go for it? She said let me consider and will come back later.

3.30am: I told her I want epi and they pushed me from the waiting room to the birth room. Did a check for me and she said no need epi le.... already 9cm dilated. Was put on gas.

3.45am: Got ready to push. I kept asking for my gynae and they said she's on the way. Assured me that she will be in time.

4.15am: Gynae arrived.

4.36am: Baby out, weighting 2.47kg, length: 46cm.

Sorry for my long post.

winnie, great job. tonight must wake up again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i was on my own last night, since cl left.

my ah will, dunno how to describe. he woke up every 3 hours for milk. but then he took 1 hour to latch (latch stop , unlatch, latch again. many time...)then half an hour to burp, and wake up another 1.5 later. so consider 3 hourly. but still.. where can i get enough sleep like that ah?


duckling, your oversupply prblem was my problem before when i had #1. ended up throw away lots of milk, gave away some too.

so this time, i dun pump so goot lat, and i latch latch latch, until so buey zai i think my supply has dropped so much.

so i think, if you can ADJUST the supply to meet baby's requirement, then plus anotehr 20%.. PERFECT!

cheekrene, penguin, white lady,

me also no appetite n only feeling thirsty.. i still can take my bfast n lunch but when comes to dinner, i only feel like eating abit.. but i will drink alot of red date tea just to quench my thirst..


my mum is forcing me to drink now. Sianz lor. I got to waste my BM later.


Congrats. Your labour is really very fast. Should have visit you on that day as i was still staying in hospital =) anyway have a good rest.


i ate more on breakfast and lunch but come to dinner, i felt sick. My mum put lots of rice wine in it that make me lose appetite. I wanna drink water but my mum said drink water for what. Haiz. Sian.

MVH, that serious, hope she is better soon.

penguin, alamak.. anyway u can go poly first, if nbot satisfied then go pd.

i am quite lost and lazy to chase all posts...


welcome aboard all mummies who popped recently and jia you!


me also eat more on bfast and lunch.. when come to dinner, i will still try to finish the food cuz it's my hb's hardwork to prepare the food for me.. think can drink warm water, just dont drink cold water.. i will ask for warm water cuz i tried stopping to drink the red date tea for yday n today to see if BM supply will come fast anot..

i realised i stopped drinking red date tea for 2 days, i dont get engorgement so fast..


hahahahaha..wont blame u lah cuz u are not the one who ask me drink mah.. i can blame myself cuz i cant resist the temptation lor... ;p


I am not too sure whether this is a potentially harmful herb but i did show it to my gynae who happens to be the president of some breastfeeding society as well. Maybe you can check out this website : http://ezinearticles.com/?Side-Effects-of-Fenugreek-and-What-Breastfeeding-Moms-Need-to-Know!&id=578197.

By the way, GMC is selling it at $29.90 in the stores but some mommies are selling it in the forum at $15.00, maybe you wanna try one bottle. I bought it from one mommy who told me that she only got adequate supply when she took it .. so i guess after 3 affirmations (breast doc, my gynae and the mommy)... i am kind of receptive to the herb


although domperidone is no longer approved by fda, the strange thing is sgh still promotes it leh... so i also don't know... maybe we in singapore here are not concern about fda..by the way domperidone is a canadian drug so probably there might be some political issues involved thats why it has not been approved...

But as long as it is given by your doc ... i am sure it should be okay bah...

Jascmy and dsqyvonne, I will be joining you guys! The doc did a VE and a membrane sweep for me this afternoon. If nothing happens within 48 hrs. I will have to be admitted on sunday morning for induction. This replacement doc is really nice, he gave me an ultra-sound and even measured the head, abdomen and femur length. This really ease my anxiety!

cheekrene, unlike you I am hoping for a leo baby cos i realise i can gel better with leo people ... bb pls come out soon.

Xuan82, thank you for sharing. wow i hope my labour can be as fast as yours... seems so simple.

you gals constipation cannot be worse than mine, i go only once a week and it happens only when i have a stomache...haiz ... just imagine the kind of constipation i will encounter when i reach you gals stage... i must rem to get the doc to prescribe laxatives for me.

din know that bm spoil so fast ...

mvh, so tha 200 bucks is money well-spent.

hoping that i can go into labour soon ... else i am so sianz ...have to go back to the office tomorrow haiz...

CSY, I thawed my bm in e chiller compartment e nite before, so that can use e next day.. But u can only keep up to 24hrs once put in e chiller..

Fast labour xuan, congrats!

QQ, I read from babycare mag in e mt A goodies bag that we can stop trying to burp bb after 10mins to prevent throw up.. Maybe u dun have to burp for 30 mins..

Strange.. I m diff from some of u who complain constipation after delivery.. I have loose stools everyday leh starting from day2.. Dunno why.. I eat vege n fruits everyday.. Apple, green pear or kiwi..

For some of u who dun feel like eating.. It would be good to eat some so that ur body can produce milk for bb..

Mvh: im same as u.. My last night stay at tmc has no patient zzz beside so i go toilet chua sai already[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] very scared cuz 7th month mah. Hb stay at parentcraft room during my last night stay..

me only have appetite to eat at night ! I just had shilin xl chicken shiok the chilli i ask them put extra so spicy and nice finally my old appetite came back [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] during pregnancy don dare eat spicy stuffs. Den i had mac chicken and fried chicken from western.. All these really perks my appetite.. So weight did not decrease again.. Gulped down a large glass of plain water and still so thirsty..

the black stuff on my baby's lips is dried milk we managed to get rid a little..

