(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


bruise maybe accidentally kanna bend or wat? u jus realise he got it . discharge from hospital dont have one right??

i can feel the heartpain.. tat time clean my bb buttock.. his testicle so fragile.. use wipe clean den he keep kicking & whining.. got a bit scratch den bleed abit.. i also heart pain... now we use warm water with cotton wool to clean his buttock most of the time..

when discharge from hosp, dun have.

it is 1cm swollen some more. No one dare to touch on it.

Couldn't be due to the mitton or the wrapping of his body.

ah nah,

swaddling bb shld already wear mitten liao right.. i tink cant be.. maybe wear mitten tat time kanna one?? who take care of bb? CL? u bring bb see doc..

the mitten will come out and we will put it back.

maybe during the wearing part lor. but if really kana that time, he should cry wat .. or during breast feeding ?

CL and my wife taking care of bb.

Asking my SIL and Mother and CL to go n see PD now, cause if bone injure or fracture cannot wait.


thanks thanks for the links and help.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pd0513, maybe he's cold? Mine cries and struggles when mil bathes her. Till now I haven't tried bathing her, scared she will struggle out of my grasp. Gotta try before I move home >_<

Fumiko, Haha, I also used the football hold in hospital...I remember the nurse folded up the pillow and baby kept sliding off when nursing. Yeah I think cradle is easier.

Sunflower, thanks for info. I've been taking Milo at least twice a day...oh dear.

Alibaba, might be. Baby will know it's mummy, my girl always licks my shirt when she's hungry, she doesn't do that when other ppl are carrying her.

Ahnah, if no pain u can monitor first... if u really worried then see a doc ba.


no lah, dun wan to wait. asking my SIL and CL to bring him to see PD at GlenEagle now.

Because the swollen is blue black (injure type of color).

Scare is bone.

I just brought my boy to PD for his 1 month check up and injection. He's now 3.95kg! I got a shock cos his birth weight is 2.5kg nia...... so means he put on 1.5kg in 1 mth...... I didn't know my BM so power....

re: Colic

I asked my PD for medication for colic but his response is "some pple use Gripe water, Rid wind etc but there is no consistent cure. Babies will get colic around 5 wks old and it will go away by itself when they are 2 months old." End up he didn't give me any medication.........

Mdm Yip, I also used that Klorane dry shampoo during my confinement but I only used twice.... waste money for me cos I still prefer to wash my hair and bathe... Hee hee.....

Ahnah, oh dear, the swollen blue black part looks quite bad. Did u try rubbing it for him? See if he cry or not... if cry, means pain.... Make sure his thumb fingernail don't turn blue... If u r worried, just go see a PD... anyway u need to bring him to see a PD around 1 wk old to test on the jaundice.


No one dare to rub it for him, he is on the way to GlenEalge PD now.

I know .. if fingernails turn blue color, that means it is too late liao. That why now must go n see PD.

He got minor jaundice and PD say not a concern at all.


Me use lucky baby warmer. No temp ctrl so manual test. Usually I just throw glass bottle in (rm temp water) n on power, leave for ard 5 minutes (or less) n use my wrist to test the milk temp. Very cheap, only cost me $15 two years ago fr WTS section (BN). =)


mine sometimes will cry, sometimes wont..so i guess i just have to change his diaper fast.. hahah.. oh yes, he also cried when i bathed him lah.. guess they are scare of coldness ba even though we closed all windows, door n fan...


oh.. okok.. will look thru the WTS section for good deals in bottle warmers.. thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Is it blisters? Got water bubbles or not? Aiyo, I cant understand how u feel, better bring him to PD soon to check..mine got lots of big water bubbles blisters on hands and legs after phototherapy..already damn heartpain..


So baby below 6mths can take gripe water har? I read from somewhere say cannot leh..

ahNah, wah.. so keep us updated with bb D.

ann, power sia! i failed!!

i gave bottle jus tnow. cause he vomitted all milk (curd with water base thingy). a lot! that time i was not feeding him.

so after 1 hour, i gave bottle. cause i have been latching him onand off on and off.. too many times a day. each time 5-10 min, etc... maybe over fed? or under fed? or too much wind. i dunno. gave up TEMPOrarily.

sunflower. no no. dungo angeline there. salah liao.

bb bear pd is a guy! i dun like ange pd. went b4. no good.

bath :

baby is afraid of undress becos they dont feel secured..and they are afraid of water ..in our womb , although there is water around them, but they are 'wrapped' tightly in our womb, so they are more secured..but when we bath them, their hands and legs are not wrapped, so they are scared.. bath them on their back first, then change to the front, so they wont feel so scare..while bathing to them, keep talking to them to assure they are fine..it works for me.

Sunflower n QQ,

Angeline near woodlands Polyclinic? Me n hb go once n oso dun like there. She is too experience (mayb) n just flip my boy here n there n my hb found too rough. N somemore feel a bit cheated. Her fees not cheap n when we request for receipt the girl at counter say printer spoilt n will mail to us our bill then no news liao.


from tat day onward I only send my boy to GP when needed. I found tat dr Gabriel seow (hope I remember correct) from 888 plaza, 2nd floor, opposite Champkids' (childcare n infant care) gd. He is gentle n detail. Oso recommend by mummy here. =)


gota check wats that..mine is becos my baby super active during phototherapy..so under the warm light, he kept struggling..and results lots of blisters..super big ones..some already burst when he discharge, some my hb gota burst them..very heartpain..until now the blisters just started to dry up becos infants takes longer time to heal.

i went angeline pd before (opposite marsiling mrt area).. for colic when #1 bb time. she damn fast one.. ev ting like normal to her.. see her less than 3 mins come out liao... she say we nv burp bb properly... twist & turn bb.. thought us to burp bb den come out. take colic drop .. nv been to babybear pd before...

Huffpuff n fumiko: I hate football position too! I also go thru cs. The only way to bf is football n the nurse fold alot of pillow n ask u bm bb! In the end I giv up n express it out! But I still feel craddle position easier! Haha

mdm yip,

oh.. okok, will go there to see look too..hee.. thanks..


ok, will try ur method when i bath him tmr.. ;p

QQ, so issit normal for bb to throw up almost every feed? Now it makes me wonder have I overreacted n now she has to be on medication.. Maybe she will recover on her own? Dunno e medication got side effects or not? Check Internet on e purpose of e medication, it will reduce gastric acid n slow the production of stomach acids .. Like that my gal can digest e milk properly meh with slow production of stomach acids?

Sunflower, I think most pd consultation is similar.. Ard $45-60.. E one I visit in mtA, consultation more ex, $60..

I think wat most impt is u r comfortable wif e pd n can trust him/her..

Ann, My gal put on 1.1kg when weigh yesterday, day24.. I remember My elder gal put on 2.3kg by week7.. So bb actually grow very fast..

U can get woods gripewater from pharmacy.. Normally pd will prescribe ridwind.. I got one bottle yesterday too..

sun flower,

i give ev day after his shower for #1 til today he is still drinking it. shld be doing the same for #2

BTW choz has 20% discount for aug... seems gd deal leh..


paiseh, really can't remember leh. Not sure whether he is specialist in infant but since I dun feel like going to pd n according to mummy here he is gd, we just giv him a try. N we feel comfortable with the way he handle our baby so since tat day onward we just go c him lor.

i think ru yi you can also helps to remove wind in the stomach, just apply it after bath. put some on your palm n rub both palm together then gently cover the belly button for a few mins n also ard the tummy area, it may soothe baby's tummy.. sometimes i also cant burp my boy well but my PD said as long as baby poo n fart normally, it's still ok de..

Sunflower, thanks for advice re bathing.

Pd0513, mine not only cry but oso struggle like crazy when bathing. Haiz.

Winnie, haha, yeah how to breastfeed properly with all the folded and lopsided pillows? My arm was so tired from trying to prevent baby from sliding off.

Re colic: so all babies will get it from week5?How do we tell if baby has colic and need the gripe water? Or can just give it regardless?


so far, mine just cry but damn loud lor..but i still slowly bath n talk to him lor.. after bath, quickly cover him with towel then he stop his cry..

sunflower, baby bear clinic info as follows;-

Dr Teo Siak Hong

Baby Bear Children's Clinic

849 Woodlands Street 82

#01-209 S730849

Tel: 62696928 Fax: 62696929

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri : 9am - 12.30pm, 6.30pm - 9pm

Sat : 2.30pm - 4pm ( By Appt Only)

Sat : 9am - 12pm

Dr Teo is good & very patient with handling infant... i will bring my boy there for 1st mth injection on coming monday too...

We can use the CDA account to pay for the injection fee there too... U can call to check b4 bringing bb there...

ahnah, aiyo, what happen to ur bb's finger... what did the PD said?

Today really a bz day for me... baby official full mth (Lunar calendar), giving cake & bring bb cut hair... hehe, also dye my hair liao...

just finish my last session massage... stomach look flatter but still more to go i think :p

Will be having bb fullmoon celebration 2molo & my CL is leaving at noon time... think will be another bz day...


Alice spits up at least one mouthful of milk after each feed, esp. if bottle-fed, but sometimes can be 3-4 mouthfuls successively. I always suspect that she has reflux problem since she will also snort after feeding, macham like the milk going back up her nose. These symptoms lessen if I prop her at an angle after each feed. But I think if PD gives you medication for reflux then yours is a genuine case, so you are not over-reacting?


erm ... any totally BF baby has watery poo each time? as in, the texture is like curry, not the usual soft, mustard with seeds sort of poop. not sure if it is diarrhea or normal

Re: warmer

I got a pigeon warmer from the wts section for $17 and fenugreek at $15/ bottle. the mommies in the wts section are all very nice. they will tell you if there is any problem with the product can let them know and they will advise. the fenugreek mommy also ask me to call her anytime when i have doubts.

still waiting to use both products though ... nothing has happened since the membrane sweep yesterday... haiz ... baby still doesn't want to come out.

Last couple of days super duper busy...

CL caught a cold so she went back to rest for a few days since Tues. In a way, good oso... OJT (on-the-job-training) for both mummy and daddy. :p

Only dared to towel-wipe/clean BB on Tue & Wed. First time bathed BB yesterday. BB wailed like "tang ji" (slaughter chicken?). Sigh. Lousy mummy... Must learn how to calm her down first. Just have to try again... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

CL's coming back to resume work tomolo. Maybe the 3 day's OJT made me realise jaga baby and mummy oso not easy job. Shrug... Still wonch give CL high points especially for the cleanliness & occasional sloppiness but thk it's not so bad after all.

Plus heart pain ler... poor hubby getting panda bear eyes liao. He's been so sweet to assume most of CL's duties while she was away... Can't wait to finish this confinement thingy... so that I can eat watever I want, bathe & wash up whenever I want... :p

wow ... i hope my husband can behave like ahnah.... that night caught him playing pc games again ...


That's what my PD said to me today... ie usually babies get colic around week 5. He said "usually" but I guess not all babies get it. My #1 didn't get colic. This week, my #2 seems to stop his madness crying at night too so maybe I wrongly thought he had colic. I read on the net that colic is when baby cry for hours without any obvious reason.


The instructions on Gripe Water box says can feed from 1 month old onwards.


Yup, I use Ru Yi oil on my boy but he still has lotsa wind.... He will always cry b4 farting... so I think it must be really uncomfortable for him.

re: Bathing

My boy doesn't cry at all when CL bathes him. In fact, he even open out his arms to let the CL submerge him in the bath tub... he will keep v quiet... like enjoying bathing. BUT today I bathe him, he kept on crying. So I dunno what's wrong..... maybe I just dun have the right technique!

re: PD

My PD here at Pasir Ris charges me only $10 consultation fee. I realize he is really cheapppppppppp....... However, heard from his nurse that if I ask a lot of questions and take up his time, he will whack me with a $30 consultation fee.

Baby dorje saw the PD liao, he also say he duno. Could be born in nature.

He pressed and baby no cry (still sleeping). asking us to monitor for 1 month.

Jaundice result I duno yet. Waiting for them to go home first.


Like me like wat ? play PC game is my wkend thing .. but this wkend is my first time in fatherhood. I duno will continue to Ping ping pang pang at the baby room or not.



it is ok, until now I still dare not to handle soft item (our son). Not even dare to carry him from bed to my arm.

Me so lousy, ppl ask me to use father love .... damn it. So 抽象

