(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

Wahahaha... So many mummy still stay awake, working hard for their babies. All daddies should b sleep like a dead log liao...

We are the breast pumping club members hehe. Btw anyone know safe to microwave mendela freestyle parts? Drying them after washing quite sian and time consuming

Jus finish also... Very tired!!! In the day still must look after my 23mth toddler , at nite still must do nite feeds and pump milk, my hubby slpin like pig with my elder ger... Lol.

Microwave sterilize , not too sure also , got the steam bags from medela yet to try... Microwave broke dw.

QQ: thanks! Last nite overslept 1 hour shld hav wake up

at 1.30am in the end wake up at 2.30am I faster jump up n pump! Juz finish pumping gg to zz liao...

Huff, i think tat few drop is colostrum.

Btw last night give him 50ml his lips still chew chew, so give another 17ml.

But this morning give 50 to 70ml. He couldnt finish already

Good morning mummies...nice and rainy outside...just finished feeding my hungry monster.

Scooby, thanks for the info! I may get a bottle to try out.

Ahnah, must give baby the colostrum...ask ur wife to continue latching and pumping to prevent engorgement when her milk kicks in...

any mummies experience your baby crying out loud when changing their diapers? my boy always cries when changing his diaper, dont know is it bcuz he doesnt like to be naked or he feels the coldness when the baby wipe touches his butt.. hahah..

hi all..

tink i really lost track on e post here..


my parentcraft nurse say our milk is e richest at 4-5am...

so u mummies can pump during tat period..


me too..

i oso been pumpin out milk for my bb..

my bb latch n will fall asleep..

she treat my nipple as pacifier..

but i still let her latch on before bottle feed..cos my parentcraft nurse say latching is still more effective on stimulation on milk flow than pump..

and dun let e bb have e concept tat she can get milk asap..so let her latch le..then feed her on bottle..

ah nah

my colostrum start to kick in only on my 3rd day nite time in hospital..

i had a bad time in hopsital..

i cried on my 3rd day morning when e lactation nurse say my bb cannot latch well...keep fallin asleep..and say i dun hold proper position la..blah blah blah..and only ask me use football hold..

cos i went emergency c sec in e end..sigh..labour oso another sad long story..

anyway, i bcome so stress up and break down..

then i start to ask my MIL to cook green papaya soup in e afternoon..i drank 3 glasses

at nite, my colostrum kicks in..

i dunno is so coincident or bcos of papaya soup..

u can try using on ur wife..

and i tink sleep is v impt..

i didnt rest well during my 1st n 2nd day in hospital..alot of frens came to visit me..

so 3rd day after i break down, i ask all frens not to visit me..cos i wan to rest..

so i tink

combine with rest, papaya soup ..my colostrum kicks in...

anyway if u have prob holding ur bb, hands feelin tired after latching..try http://www.mybrestfriend.com/

my hubby went to buy this nursing pillow

i use it for football hold....aiyo..is so much easier & effective than in hospital where e lactation nurse give u SO MANY pillows and ask u to hold bb properly so bb can latch on ..

but after sometime, i dun use my breast fren nursing pillow cos..bb cry..i kan chiong..no time to put on e pillow..and jus use craddle position..which i tink is so much easier oso..

Thanks Fumiko ... i forward those info to my wife. She already got the nursing support from sis in law. Lucky her In Law (my mother and my bro's sister) so helpful.

If without him, we sure become kan jiong spider or octopus.


During confinement, we wont feel heaty one..in fact we should be taking heaty stuff..but actually we cannot take milo, becos got malt content which decreases milk flow.


For EMB in chiller, also consumed within 24hrs leh..


Alcohol after cooked for 10mins, will be evaporated..so still can drink..but if ur baby having jaundice, u shld avoid Chinese herbs for the time being.. that time when my baby having jaundice, I drink rice wine..so 2 hrs later, I pump out my milk and throw just in case lar..


I was about to ask this question..how to manage baby at nite when CL left.. we have to feed baby, take half hr to burp (sometimes I took 45mins!) , then put him to slp, 1 hr later feed again.. during that 1 hr when he is slping, I gota pump..how to slp like that!!


Where is ur PD? At sembawang area? I wana bring my son to see PD too..too much phlegm causing him cant slp at nite.. we digged out nostril muscus almost everyday.. haiz.. last nite he puke a lot milk too..am worried ..

Anyone got gd PD to intro at woodlands or sembawang area?

Mdm Yip,

I never dry my medela parts leh..i just shake to remove excess water, then I use them.


Recently I overslept 1 hr too..haha..but I never set alarm leh..its either my son cry wakes me up or my breast too full and pain to wake me up..

Re: Burping

for my girl , she seldom want to burp , so now we also lazy to burp her , what we do is , after feeding , will carry her abit straight , not lying position , carry for 15 minute then let her sleep in cot . So feeding is 10 minute , carrying 15 minute , so total abt half hour then we can get back to sleep =)

ahNah, I went to kidslink @ Sengkang... after asking for recommendation here. Saw Dr Vanessa Tan. She is quite good, I find. Very informative, very detail. She speaks very fast though. However, since I walked in, I waited for almost 2 hours, which apparently is the norm. They will let in those with appointments (for vaccination) first. That's why the long waiting time.

duno ur hav this problem anot. i feed my boy btl with my ebm. he dont react.. mouth open but dun wan to suck... i ask my maid take over.. he can drink... duno izzit becos he can smell me. so he prefer to latch on?

Sunflower, there is one pd in yishun blk 400+ can't remember e name Liao. U can check on Internet.. There is another one in woodlands which duckling recommend, dunno wat bear one.. Also can't remember e name..

But I went back to mt A. kinder clinic dr Terrence tan. He is a super nice doctor, patient n never chase parents .. As in patient to answer all questions.. But long queue though.. He is specialize in kids respiratory problems also.. Brought my elder gal to him to treat her asthmatic cough..

Actually my gal also seems to be breathing hard n sounds like have phlegm. Snoring noise when latch on. Nose also got pi sai stuck, sticky type.. When I bring her to see him regarding e frequent throwing up issue, I mention to him abt this nose problem.. He said for me gal case, e gastric acid plus milk went up the throat n nose, therefore got sticky stuff n breathing sound..

sunflower.. haha!! i was asking my hb the same question last night? cause he said he sleeps with #1, then i take care of #2. so unfair right?

if u really buey tahan, then feed bottle, it is much faster, and ask hb to feed, u just pump and sleep..

and i try to sleep in the day la. i say try, but end up i am doing this latching and feeding exercise in the day too!

about burping.

i am v sure my ah boy need to be burped after feed. otherwise sure vomit out de. (tried few times le). if cannot burp then i put him down, then few min later pick up again etc etc. end up also use 30 min.

mvh... i got a trick now. i buey tahan last night so i use my pillow, let him rest there (with his waist also on pillow a bit), about 30 degre bah. then just let him sleep there... then i ko besides him.

winnie, it is better than never wake up. 4 hourly is still better than6-8 hourly.

anywy i stopped pumping last night, i wanna see how icope with oni latch. see how.

MVH, my ah boy drink milk also sometimes come out from nose one. cause drink too fast la. haha!

i use cotton wool, rolled and clean his nostrils once a day.

woodlands pd is called babybear.

i prefer e pd at bt timah plaza, dorothy ong.

oh yes, my boy still has jaundice cause i bochap and eat confinement food. now i am off confinement, i wanna monitor, next wk dun clear then i bring him go test again.

i hope he is fine.. i refused to let him poked for test last time.. did not obey the appt.


hmm.. my friends told me EBM in chiller can last 24 - 48 hours but of cuz if can consume within 24 hours will be good lor..

im thinking if i shd invest in a warmer to heat up my EBM from fridge anot cuz using the hot water to warm it takes quite awhile leh.. any mummies using warmer to warm up your EBM from the fridge?

pd0513 , me me ! am using philip warmer , left me down from my elder girl , intially i use a container put hot water to warm up the bm but realise its taking very long den i find the warmer to use , can try getting from WTS section , brand new selling quite cheap, tat day jus saw a mummy selling bn philip warmer for $25 only

ah nah , u not seein the doctor at bedok kinderclinic right? my elder one used to c the lady doc there , but dun find her good and still must wait damn long even with appointment, their timing nt very organise. now seeing the doc at kinderclinic at parkway east


oh.. great! thanks thanks, will go there to find.. i know pigeon warmer is selling at $75 but dont feel like spending that much.. heehee..


I had a milk warmer, but need 7mins to warm up..also need hot water..so I fed up, rather use hot water in a cup..


The babybear is it at woodlands st 31? The dr is called Angeline Tan is it? Ask u all, is it more expensive to go to these private PD ? or cheaper to go back to hosp?

pd, you can get the cheaper, non-digital version warmer at around $60 I think. That one is good for warming up EBM to 40 degrees, coz EBM needs to be warm up to that temperature before feeding bb. They have a knob that just turn straight to 40 degrees.. no brainer.

Btw, anyone going mad from not washing hair during confinement can try this brand Klorane Gentle Dry Shampoo, HB got it for me at Watsons.. Wont be 100% clean but will at least make you feel like you din wash hair only for one day, not one week haha

Duno when my son's right thumb got blue black and swollen .. from it, it looks like injure . so heart pain.

Shall I wait until tomorrow then see the PD ?

Or go now ?

Mdm Yip, I have been bathing everyday since this is my last week of confinement. Super bo chap. It really helps to keep our sanity check after a nice hot bathe.

madam yip,

i can't wash hair for 12 days. now my hair became oily as i used to have dry hair. i heard the powder may not be good for your scalp.

heart pain .. how come such thing happen to him.


