(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

sob sob.. only my gynae hav to wait till so long...argh..

just eaten my lunch now suddenly feel like puking...i hav v bad block nose i can't normally...sian..


i also thought of getting a breastpump too. as i'm a 1st-time mtb, quite clueless abt this. read different versions of breastpumps. not sure if i shd buy a manual or electrical one. what are ur thoughts??

I heard that we should start applying anti-stretchmark lotion/cream before our tummy gets bigger to reduce the marks after birth... is this true? if so, what brand of anti-stretchmark lotion/cream?

purelyz, yah lor... my relatives sure ask one... most of my cousins around my age gave birth liao except me... at least now can get them off my backs... lol~

i heard from a friend that 'bio oil' brand is good.. and like starz said, she has advised me to put the oil before the tummy gets bigger to reduce the marks after birth.. however, the downside is that, this brand cant be found in singapore [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but can be found in JB. so if anyone likes to go JB, can try to look for it in the pharmacies there..

hi mummies -

sorry to interrupt, i have an avent food warmer used only once willing to let go at a lower price do PM me if interested.


suika> i still thinking of getting a manual one or electric one.

daintyaqua> i read the philips avent suction mirrors the suckling effect of the baby. anyway cos philips can get discount so i getting it cos it seems quite good from feedbacks i have read.

I've previously used ameda dual pump, but that one already passed down since my elder sis's 1st kid... then now my younger sis stopped breast feeding liao and she commented this pump like getting noisy already... the sound used to be very soft but mayb it has been years now so wear and tear could be seen...

i've always prefer electric pump and the sound must be soft... so i heard medela freestyle pump or pis is the softer one but dunno how true... dun want to invest in pis cos very ex so looking for a much cheaper type...


how much is the philips one? and how does the discount works? not sure if its too early to start getting a breastpump. we wont be using them until many mths later.

daintyaqua> not too sure of the price yet, but bcos my future da-sao usually buy during their sales time.

the last time i got my 10-in-1 hairstyler and epilator at like 50% of the price. but i heard for avent products that discount is not as much. she say usually got sales ard march, june and dec. so i will have to go see see look look ard outside to see which one i want then tell her so she can get for me once there is sales. might ask her to get ard june time ba. ya is get earlier, warranty starts earlier and we are not using it.

i bought avent pump abt $60 and used it for almost 1yr other then hands tired, the rest i feel not bad....for mi BF-ing is more to save $$ so mi not gonna invest in a pump that's few hundreds.... esp my manual is light n can pump anywhere no nid plug

based on calculation, BF-ing for 1yr can saved more then $1k, so if pump already cost $500 then i feel no point i pump till so 'xinku'....it's really hardwork to keep pumping esp we women needs to work now

juz sharing my thoughts.....

hi all, my colleague advised me to stay indoors during the solar eclipse period coz it seem that there's some scientific prove that the sun rays during the eclipse is not so good for pregnant woman and her baby.. anyone heard of or know more about this?

hi mtb/mummies

i'm a 2nd time mtb. Guess it's because 2nd time. Up to date i have not visit my gynae yet. However i've seen my family doc. & got to know my EDD & saw bb's HB.

my details as follow

nick: alibaba

age : 28

LMP : 7 Nov 2009

EDD : 23 Aug 2010

Location : Sembawang

Gynae : Dr lawrence Ang

Hospital : TMC

#1 : 14 mth old/boy

Hope ev one here got a smooth & happy pregnancy days~ gambate

Re: electric breast pump

Thumbs up for Medela PISA. initially I used avents manual pump for the 1st-2nd mth until one day i felt like giving up becos it's too time consuming.& i got this 2nd hand medela PISA pump from a forum mate. Hence, ended up i continue to BF my #1 for about 9mths. Am also surprise that i can did it for this long. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for my 1st preg, i use a pass down manual avent, after a few weeks, it broke down. so my hubby go buy pigeon electric pump, i use for 1wk, i hate it and sell off. i got avent electric pump from this forum at $100. use it for a few more wks, before i stop bf. I like avent cos quiet and really help to pump quite effectively. i read reviews from a lot of website, avent pump is one of the very quiet one. i agree that dun buy so early, cos got warranty mah.

Ednique,I am from India and in our conutry we believe that pregnant women and young children are not supposed to go out during eclipse as the radiation might affect the baby/kid.

Hence to be on safer side we stay indoors though I don't think there is any scientific proof.



Though cost is a pro in breastfeeding , thinking of the benefits of breastmilk ,I feel it would be worthier to invest in better pump especially if you are working.If we are SAHM , we might have little time more and we can alternate between latching and manual pumping to save more cost.

For my #1 I do breast feed for 16 months,latching more when younger and after 9 months used pump more and latching lesser.

But for working moms,think it is better to invest in more efficient pump as cannot afford to spend more time for pumping esp in office.


mummies from Dr Lawrence ang. May i know how much does Dr ang charge now? izzit a must to do it within Week 12? cause i probably, will make an appt soon to see him. Can share with me what's his current price for antenatal package? start from week 12?

sunflower> thx for the link. but one thing is must go malaysia then can buy.

wow...i go the website, the bio oil like not bad. Can try try one bottle. My sis in Aust, jus msn her and see if she can help me buy. If not, i'll get frens to buy in malaysia.

i also bored at work. Call up my spa to make appt for facial aft work but all fully booked, so disappointed. Jus wan to relax relax myself after the long wk.


coz all my cousins kids no BF n they oso grew up healthy so for my family conclusion is BF or bb still healthy for theirs.....for mi the main reason is cost savings oni...heehee

suika> haha me too cost savings. but dunno if i will be hardworking enuff a not.


u must b really hardworking....esp during the 1st mth to build up ur supply if not u'll find it hard to match bb's intake later on

when do u gals think is an ideal age to send your kids to childcare? cos i was looking at the childcare and they start accepting infants which are 2 months and above.

2nd time mummy

is this time round tummy is bigger? symptoms same as #1? my #1 MS was pretty bad... vomit alot..cannot eat alot. this time round.. cannot dont miss a meal.. still get frequent headaches.. hopefully will not be same as the last one. but afraid become too fat.. & cant lost the exta weight.


2mths n above is infant care (IFC) n 18mths can go playgrp for 1-2hrs or childcare for (half or full day classes) the later Nursery n K1&K2 then primary sch

wow , this thread so fast today ... i finally have the time to take a quick bite of my bread ! tired till siao liao ! i have craving for Pork Liver !!!! but we cant eat right .... so poor thing ! hahaha ...

Seem like alot of mummies same hor , mostly going to visit gynae before CNY then can spread the news ... For me , my gynae visit will be 3 Feb , and i thinking of booking my Oscas test on maybe 11 or 12 Feb ( think i will be 13 weeks n 5 days ) , think cant , too late hor .... maybe book when i m 13 weeks

I have craving for Salty food ! and i eat sweet food i will want to vomit , think i m having a boi boi again =)


My MS quite bad too, puke all time round, but hungry all the time, so have to eat.. eat already puke, puke already eat..every 2hrs must eat.. stomach so bloated after food, but until now i still losing weight. so u dont worry, i think our metabolism is doubled now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

suika> but is it advisable to send a 2 month old infant to IFC? i see the teacher to infant ratio is 1:5. cos i am currently staying in bukit panjang, will be moving to punggol sometime this year hopefully. if kid comes after my house come then my mil can stay with us for awhile to help look after the kid. if not, i stay at my parents place, there will be no one at home so might consider IFC which is near my hubby's workplace.

white lady> pork liver cannot eat? alamak i have been eating it a few times in my 4 & 5 week.

for stretchmarks, the last time round i bought this oil from Ocean (People's Park Centre - the one that sells cheap toiletries). the box states that it's from germany and costs prob ~$10 nia. i think it works coz i totally ballooned out during the 3rd trimester and i don't have a single stretchmark on my tummy

white lady

saltish food = boy?

i hope for a gal... #1 boy now so active... duno if can cope when carry big tummy around


wah. i can fully understand the hard time u gg thru..bloated & wanna puke feel really drive me crazy.. really hope so i wont gain more than 15kgs. my last time i put on around 15kgs , & shred off within 2 mths. thx to breastfeeding that keep me so "fit"..

dreamz ,

can eat meh ? from what i know , cant eat leh ... cos some not fully cook one ... even fully cook ,, i think the iron or what too high , so cant ... u eat one fully cook bo ?


really depends on the IFC. i know some mummies hesitate as bb is still very young and risk getting sick more often. but others may find it preferable to leaving the child alone at home with a maid, esp if the maid is new

whitelady> i eat those that they cook with the congee lor. i didn't know cannot eat. hmmm i think play save, i will stop eating it.

i keep searching on the net is can eat anot , found no answer, cos super feeling like eating ! later going to tabao rice home to eat , hope there is no pork liver , if not very ke lian , can see , cant eat ! and i crave for Beef steak medium cook ! arh !!!!!!!

whitelady> ah i am not eating beef steak now cos i like my beef medium rare.



i send my boy at 20mths for a full day childcare. 9 to 6pm. only some childcare have infant care, quite exp sch fee too.


yes tummy look bigger. my MS diff from 1st one. Craving also slightly diff.

white lady,

pork liver can eat mah. I eat throughout my 1st preg. I tot gd for iron. i dun find it a prob le. I also take pig internal organs soup.

