(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

purelyz, why you dun recommend feminine wash? I've been using even before I'm preggy leh...

jascmy, i understand how you feel. my parents stay very far from me... the travelling time is a killer... stand too long in the train, will kanna tummy cramp...



the nurse got check, she say 10cm. wat make me angry is the gynae come, nurses put me in the deliver position then try to push a few times. Then gynae see no improvement, so he check and say jus 9cm. So i jus waste my energy to push. So stupid.


last preg i also same headache. My MIL hm in WL, i work Paya lebar but i stay Clementi. So i nd to take bus to AMK, take train from AMK to WL then walk to my MIL blk. On bus or train no one give up seat for me. So angry. Then sometime, the dinner food not of my liking, i'll be super pissed. Usually we take taxi hm after that. Now i drive, so no excuse to not go.

had been quiet few days I logged in this thread..wah so many posts..

My MS also seem to have subsided this week a bit but still not able to cook as I usually cook our food as I WAHM,for past few days took a break from my work too and will be starting again next week as will be having my mum to help me for next few weeks.


Try to wipe dry completely after everytime pee and it is not advisable to use feminine wash during pregnancy if I am not wrong.I have also stopped using feminine wash since conceived.

Also feel Panty liner will actually increase the chances of infection as we change them like once/twice a day maa .

Try taking yoghurt and Yakult they are good remedy for fungal infections.

This might help too


Been busy whole day ! didnt have the time to lunch ! everyday skip lunch , wonder will be bad anot ... but i heard , for the first 3 mth , baby just need the sac issit , even we no eat is ok ? i just had my dinner at 7++ then went home , vomit all out ! hai

Sahamum, u r right, my doc told me not to use panty liner. She asked me to keep panty dry and change frequently. Hmmm... Where got time to change...then still have to wash more panty.

Whitelady, did u have a full breakfast? Better not to skip meals. maybe u can try to eat small amt of food every 2hrs. Thats what my colleague's gynea recommend to all preggie. But for me, I really have to eat. If not, I will feel hungry and will vomit. Eat till i put on lots of weight liao. Sian!

morning everyone!!


so it's the nurse no check properly lah....actually i do wonders how they meansure 9cm 10cm wor?

white lady,

dun skip too often, u still nid to eat....maybe some bites like bread or biscuits will be good if u not gg for lunch

sahamum & jascmy,

cannot use panty liner? i've been using it everyday even for my 1st preg wor

ednique> yup it is a thumbdrive. once your plug into your PC, the thumbdrive will run the software automatically without any installation. then you can save all your photos, music, videos and even post your comments or diary. at the end of the whole thing there is a function for you to convert the data inside into a video file to share with others. so it is exactly like a hardcopy pregnancy journal just that it is in softcopy. waiting for the company to get back on the packaging size so that can gauge the delivery charges.

purelyz,jascmy> i understand what you mean, cos even when i not preg i go my in-laws place sometimes also food not to my liking, in the end before go home still have to buy things to eat. especially now preg, dun feel like moving too much at all. after work only got 1 thought and that is to go home and rest. at least at my parents' place i can say i dun like to eat or cannot eat and find alternative.

morning all ,

yes , i had breakfast every morning , but when reach 11++ , i will get hungry , but my job super busy till i no time to eat one , so this morning , i make some sandwich and bring to work , later afternoon hungry can eat . so tired , feel like sleeping ! i also put on alot of weight and my bottom all can wear , need to shop for new bottom this weekend ( if i got the strength to shop ) haha ... ok , poor me got to go work , no time to log in liao , sad sad ... miss u all ! hahah


Even if we don't eat the child will be absorbing from your body which will make you very tired as we progress hence try to have small bites in between.


Yes,panty liner must change often few hours once if using else it will increase chances of infection as it will be good breeding ground for bacteria even if we don't have discharge we will have sweat etc.,

Also if have panty liner not much air breathing for the parts there and scented panty liners are a Big NO NO.


no wonder i so tired ! but i tired nevermind , as long as i know the child can still absorb from me for the first 3 mth , then after 3 mth , i no wokring liao , so can relax n eat good meal at home =)

Oh ya , i very worry , my V area have been feeling pressure , i so scare , anyone got this feeling ? i will suddenly have a sharp push feeling !

suika , i same as u , got alot of discharge , mine is yellowish one .... ur gynae say ok ? for my gynae , he told me , cos i m #2 liao , so is like that ... weird


If you can avoid,it would be better so can V area can have more breath , if you have infection.If dun infection, can use it as long as you are confortable maa.


I also had lot of discharge for first few weeks , for past few days don't have obvious discharge.But ine whitish and gynae say shld nt be problem so far no itch and weird smell , discharge due to hormone changes.



cos the wash change the pH of the area. The pH of the area naturally is diff during diff time of the mth (before preg and during preg). Gynae tell me if not really needed, dun use, cos wan the body to do the work naturally. I've V infection for 7 yrs and it never goes off. Last preg is worst, come every 2 wks. Gynae say it's hormones. I'm suprise that the V infection stop after i got preg now. Hopefully i can be infection-free now! (should not say so early)


all doc will tell u to take yoghurt and Yakult, like wat sahamum mentioned. But for me, it didn't work. Cos i didn't like to take yoghurt reg. Doc recommend 2 serving per day to see the effect.


i also dunno how they tell. they can also tell if the bb have move downward to B3, which is closest to the exit (this is a way i tell my frens. Ha!) or still at B1. But i jus hate the check, cos it's painful le. my gynae check me when i'm 37wks and tell me i'm 2cm. Some of my frens say the doc dun check le. Does ur gynae check last time or jus scan only?


exactly! When at in-law hm, if dun like the food, i'll jus eat white rice. like very poor thing. Then go hm eat biscuits.

Last time, my sis-in law jus give birth, she wan to eat less and slim down. She cook the dinner as my MIL help her to take care bb. The food she cook are so little that i dun dare to eat like a hungry ghost even that time i'm preg with my 1st boy. After that, i'm so angry and keep complaining to my hubby and tell him i dun wan to go his hm for dinner in the future.

My mum still noe what i like or dislike. So usually the food is ok. But she lazy to cook.

I'm coming to wk10. I've my 1st morning-morning sickness today, cos usually mine is at night one. A few times, during i brush my teeth, i feel like vomiting. Maybe it's the mint taste?!

whitelady, i also have some tugging feeling at the v-area a few days ago... but now better le... also have yellowish discharge...

Think i better stop using the feminine wash then.

dreamz, how much is the thumbdrive? I'm interested to get also... i'm starting a bb diary soon...

morning ladies.. long time never login liao i was very very sick for the last fews days and i'm on mc till ytd....

on tues day got no choice admit to KKH A&E see doc due to my high fever 39.6c...

now feeling better after taking the antibotic from the doc...

the feeling is so sucks now... was thinking hw is my bb doing.. but my gynae appt is stil far apart... 18 FEB...

white lady,

mi no ask my gynea....i guessed so long not smelly it shd b ok ba


he did check when i told him bb like not moving that much....after check he oni said...hmm ok dilated, can induce juz in case....then ok check in tml at 9pm....we were like HAR? then my hb's reaction was har? so fast i hvn prepare ley....n kana scold by him....u prepare wad oso not u deliver....hahaha so drama, we even asked for half time to go out discuss on the date to induce the Queue to go in see him again


jus my little experience. U can double check with ur gynae.


Oh... fever so high. So scary. if u dun wan to stress so much, maybe can ask for appt earlier. At least go before CNY, can enjoy the holiday in peace of mind.


we have the similar situtation. I go normal gynae check and he suddenly say i engage and diluted 2 cm. Anytime if the cramps comes, maybe tonight. My hubby and me jus go huh? SO fast? make us so nervous and quickly go temple to pray. and i start my leave early cos i really scare is anytime. But 1 wk later, i dilute to 4cm and doc sugg induce. As i've stay hm for 1 wk, jus to wait, i agreed. i regret a bit after that. I should wait for the cramps to come by its own. Sighz...

ednique> have checked if we can get at least a total order of 5 sets, shipping charges to singapore should not be more than SGD$5, so the more ordered, the cheaper the shipping fee. also if we purchase 2 sets and above, there is a 15% discount.

i tried to post it on the spree section but cannot. only those join before year 2006 or have joined for more than 1 year can post there. was hoping to get more pple to save more shipping cost.

starz> there are different designs, the cheapest is USD$35. so depending on the exchange rate when we buy, total plus shipping should not be more than $50. they actually have 1 which is for pregnancy and 1 for baby. also inside there i read got information abt pregnancy all those, also some for the dads to read also. i am thinking of getting both, 1 for preg and 1 for baby.

purelyz: ya..due to common flu and my fever is so high....argh....

duno y my gynae always fx the appt so far apart de... i went for my 1st scan on 7 Jan then the 2nd scan is on 18 Feb....wah lau..

normally how many week apart u all see gynae ar?

dreamz--> ok i'd like to order one of those, for the pregnancy one..when u want to place your order? if we can consolidate orders from here, then it would be good. my email add is [email protected], we can communicate via emails first..


usually is 4wks apart. But i like to be 5wks to 6wks apart, save cost and time. i tink for urs is close to CNY, so it's later bah. my next one is 4 wks apart cos if 5 wks, it will be CNY. I wan to spread news during CNY, so wan to make sure bb is ok.

morning everyone

i m 2 mths pregnant. does anyone know whether can we drink chicken essence during pregnancy?

i feel so sleepy.. everyday even though i sleep early

ednique> no prob, i will drop you an email with the format i prepare for the spree. i think i will place the orders by 26th Jan if the response is good. then just nice when i come back from HK, the stock should have arrived.


y regret induce? i heard it's more painful to induce....i was put on drip (shd b induce oso) to fasten up the dilation.....mi oso dilated mayb 3cm like that oni when i admit but coz waterbag leak abit liao then when i admit they check on mi it broke lor

winnie, my 1st and 2nd appt is 4 weeks apart...

purelyz, i also thinking of spreading the news during CNY cuz by then just nice finishing 1st tri...

actually, hubby and i havent told our parents... wanna wait for 2nd appt to make sure bb is doing well before announcing... by then will be 10week+ liao...

Amelia, my MIL asked me to drink fa guo lang jiu 2 times a week at night leh. She say can drink chicken essence in later stage of pregnancy. I nvr listen lah, cos I lazy to pour the fa guo lang jiu at night.

wah look like most of them appt is 2-4 weeks apart..

haiz mine is 6 weeks apart.. after this 18 feb de, my details scan will be on 17 march...

tis coming 1st feb gg for the DS test...

my 1st tri ending next weekend..

Better tell parents wor, so that they can advice on what to do and what not to do. Unless its not your 1st preg.

I'm also waiting for CNY to announce the news. So far only my bosses, my parents, ILs, KKH and Facial shop knows. They are so call the impt ppl to know 1st if not might affect BB.


i drink chicken essence too. It's like chicken soup, no prob. Jus dun take tien chi one, normal one is ok.


jus feel if bb wan to come, he will "signal" u. And i tink use medi to induce him out, like a bit bad le. Maybe he still wan to enjoy a few more days. I induce at 38wks, break waterbag and put on drip.

Ya, urs consider induce cos on drip to fast dilute.


CNY happy occasion to share gd news. If i'm not preg, cfm got kpo relatives ask " ur boy 2 yr old, any plan for 2nd one". Now i can reply back, ya... in process... Haha!

Hiyo Sorry to interrupt, im an oct mum, trying to sell off some unused items as my bb had outgrown[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1)Huggies S-size diaper

2)BRAND NEW PHILIP AVENT Newborn Starter Set (which contains 2 feeding bottles (260ml/9oz) with newborn teats(No2) ; 2 feeding bottles (125ml/4oz) with newborn teats(No1); 2 newborn teats(No1); 1 Newborn soother and 1 Bottle brush (altogether 8 pcs) to let go @ $30 (original price @ $45.90).

Collection can be arranged once confirmed.PM me if interested.Thank you


that 1 is consider as liquor cannot take during preg....chix ess now u drink i think can but not useful coz our body not able to absorb....if u wana eat 'pu' things, wait till 2nd trimester if not it's like waste money


i'm going for the test on 2nd feb


coz my waterbag burst liao mah so put on drip.... those really induce is to insert pills then wait for contraction then they'll break the waterbag etc....

sometimes cannot wait too long oso must see how bb inside us....


i think it's white lines....pls dun buy the cocobutter cream to apply for stretchmarks.... mostly preg woman actually will develop rashes, i kana last time....damn itchy but lucky no leave scar


alamak! i so fast kena liao.. just put some moisturiser and it helps abit..then what brand shall i buy?

TGIF mtbs! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sahamum & purelyz,

thx for the advice! i do take yogurt & yakult drink fr time to time. also drink fresh milk & fruit juice too. but i dun drink them daily. i read that if u drink those milk for preggie mtb, u'll gain weight real fast & worse of all, none of the weight goes to ur bb!

think i'm going to see my gynae tonight. been having very dry skin which caused itch on my legs. i would scratch like mad then they'll bleed & leave ugly scars. >_< been applying calamine lotion to sleep like every night. any mtb in the same situation huh? i seem to be the only one facing this problem. the skin dryness only started when i became preggie leh.


stretch mark is red colour, a bit like spider web like. after u give birth, when ur skin return to normal, it will become white and if gd luck, it will turn back to skin colour.

jus apply normal moisturizer lo.

sunflower> i read that drinking more water will make your skin more elastic, and hence you will have lesser stretchmarks after giving birth.


i got the same prob as u. my leg have super dry skin, esp after i shave. this only happen when i preg. i scratch and now i got red red scars. my hubby say i scratch ike monkey!

i've ask my gynae, he say nothing can be done, jus apply normal cream lo. I try apply cream but still itchy. i jus tell myself, jus tahan lo.

jascmy, can drink fa guo lang jiu?? how abt DOM??

winnie, mine is 4 weeks apart too..

sunflower, some have brown lines instead...

btw, anyone intend to buy breastpump?? I was thinking medela freestyle good anot, soft sound??


gd to know there's someone facing the same problem as me cos i rarely read abt this on other threads.

peeyore & jascmy,

alcohol is a big no-no according to my gynae. i think best to avoid lah (even if these wines are said to be pu & good for health).

btw, my gynae appt are always 3wks apart. but sometimes, i see him like once a week when i faced new issues lor. perhaps just like the constant assurance that bb is fine & still growing per normal lah.


apply normal creams, or olive oil oso can but it all depends on ur skin....for me i nvr apply anything now coz after the previous time got frightened liao.....i heard clarins 1 not bad but very ex

mine is my toes the side the skin dry until it peel off.

p_eeyore> i planning to get a breastpump also but i think i getting the philips one. wait for their sales.

