(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

purelyz, I'm also eating like monster. My hubby say the way I eat is horrible. He worried ppl see me eating like that will tot he ill treated me by not letting me eat for months. Hahaa....

But today I feel terrible leh. Not sure whether I can still eat like monster today cos I don't have appetite leh. My HS is changing liao.


for those who were interested in the Digi Time Capsule, I have posted the details at quello2010.blogspot.com.

xpink> oh that's bad. your gynae nv say why you will get food poisoning more frequently when you preg? better take care.


i also eat abt 2 hourly. So scary... If i remain hungry, i'll be so frustrated.


dun worry abt taking medi, at least it given by doc to allow u to eat. maybe it will peak for a wk and goes off later? Finger crossed.


i tink usually aft u get the food out, u shd be better. Jus eat plain food. ur MS very on time, every morning one. must take care


my hubby also say so! During family dinner, all pp finish and put down their chopstick, i'll be the only one still eating! If my HS dun change, i tink i'll be a fat pig in no time!


my MS has subsided..only after food feel uncomfortable. maybe dont rely on med? i realised i feel even worse after med.. so i stopped already, and i feel better without med.

i felt hungry all the time, also need to eat every 2 hrs.. maybe u need to eat more often, then MS will subside..

hi mummies

my details as follow

nick: agnesu

age : 32

LMP : 1X Nov 2009 (cant remember correctly)

EDD : 24 Aug 2010

Location : Sembawang

Gynae : Dr lawrence Ang

Hospital : TMC

No 1 : 3.5 yrs old boy

purelyz> oh .. maybe i can ask my gynae when i see her on wed ... i get yeast infection quite often de ... shall see if it subside these 2 days or nt ...

Angeline, really sorry for your loss. Hugs

Ladies, hope you are well. Jascmy, seems like we are the same. Last week my HS disappeared and I feel sooo sick these days - from eating EVERYTHING i am confused as to what to eat now. I am 10 weeks and on Fri/Sat had a bit of spotting so so scared I was crying all the way to the gynae but he said its old blood gave me jab + meds. Anyone had same problem? Today morning I am still spotting a little. Is it normaL?

Angel (daintyaqua),

Wan to check with u, wat did ur gynae say abt the dry skin on the legs? Cos i remem u got the same issue as me. My leg are so scarred now... So sad...


drink more water and try to keep the area dry

purelyz> yeah trying to loh ... after bathing i will put the vagasil(forgot the exact spelling but they got those feminine wash too) powder to absorb the moisture ... so far its better then the day before .. hopefully it will go off soon ...

hi ladies!

So glad to hear that some of you are feeling better and finishing the 1st tri soon! I'm still at my 9th week and feeling nauseous everyday. Have to keep eating as well to curb the nauseousness.

I had pork liver last nite! Told the uncle to cook longer, which make the liver taste so rubbery... *yucks* Looking at the post, I better reduce my intake. hehe~


I think it is better you check with your gynae. That much of discharge might not be good.

xpink, drink more water ya... and take care...


last time i use the same powder to keep dry and get scolding from gynae. The gynae say the powder will create a breeding ground for the yeast, cos when it's moist it will be in clumps. After that, i dun dare to use. i jus "air" the area after bath. i dun wear my panty back immed after bath and wear long tee to cover. Luckily only me and my hubby at hm, so i can do so.


ya lo. maybe mon bah. usually fri a lot of posts. Haha...

Can i ask for advices from all?

I've a wedding on Wed and i was invited to be jie mei. I've told the bride that i'm preg but i'm not patang. I ask her to check with her relatives if anyone mind i join. She came back and told me shd be ok. Her preg sis also joining. Anyone have same situation before? Should i just sit back and not stand at the gate?


actually if can miss better then attend now....coz bb might b pantang for us chinese....i was told we better not carry others babies oso...or sit on others bed too

i oso no attend my godbrother's customary during my 1st preg stage

purelyz> i think if both yourself and the bride's side is not patang then it should ok. maybe u can monitor and see the preg sis got stand near the gate a not lor. just make sure when the brother wan to chiong in, you siam aside else they knock into u.

purelyz> realli ah ..then i better stop using it le .. but i cant air like u do (staying with in-laws, hubby's bro + wife) .. think maybe i juz air it when i slp (in the privacy of my rm).. haha


i also peiseh to reject, cos she only got 4 jie mei. 1 is her elder sis, which is preg, then me, also preg. The other 2 a bit soft spoken. i plan for the gate crashing games. I told her i can be "production crew" but not front line lo.


ya, i tink i'll stand back. Jus in case.


i dunno if it work for u. Cos everytime after i "air" the area, i dun feel that itchy. But i wear back my panty when i sleep cos i scare got discharge then dirty my bed. Hee... I also dun wan to "seduce" my hubby. Haha!

purelyz> hah understood~ think maybe i can try lah .. but will prob put a towel beneath so dat wun dirty the bed ... thanx for the advice =)

never log in for few days & just finished read thru the archive...

Angeline, so sorry to hear abt ur lost... must take care & try again few mth later...

purelyz, last mth I supposed to be my best friend Jie Mei but end up cancelled due to my friend's hb side pantang... I only attended the dinner.. sianz... Anyway, I did attend my cousin wedding (morning session) when i experting my #1. That time my family said can attend but ask me dun be the Jiemei... One of the auntie asked me to go and hided at the kitchen to avoid seeing the groom directly when he entered the Living room... after that, everything just like usual...

Actually, I m not pantang for all these things... just that if other ppls dun like, then we just follow. or else if later on anything happen, they will just pin-point it to us...


u very close w her? if not then i rather u dun take the risk....her sis diff...it's her direct family members mah.... if u really not pantang den ok lah juz careful dun over stress urself on that day


you got a point. when i don't take the med, no nausea but will vomit. when i take the med, constant nausea but cannot vomit. haiz. maybe i will go 'cold turkey' just for one day and see how it goes.


i didn't know that it is considered pantang to attend wedding when preggie leh. i was invited to my ex-coll's wedding for end Jan but he doesn't know that I'm expecting ... anyway at the rate things are going with my MS don't think i can attend also


im more on the pantang side. i feel u shouldnt go on the customary part..only attend the dinner.

bcos i heard old pple saying that sometimes the customary thingy will clash with your baby.. i duno how true, but i rather not take the risk.

purelyz, i agree with SunFlower... maybe you can help with the reception at the dinner but not the morning portion. that's what one of my fren did when she's preggy.

Morning mummies!!

Was v busy at work yesterday and did not log in. Hope everyone is well!! Have all of you informed your boss that you are preggie? I have not yet..maybe will tell her today..

My normal clothes are getting tighter..but have yet to buy any new clothes..haiz..anyone like me?

Off to work..take good care everyone!!

hmmm, rather quiet these few days...

I'm now in my 11th week, doesn't seems energetic leh... my #1 is having fever, flu and cough, especially in the night, her fever will shoot up... and I'm down with flu and cough again... tiring weekends, still must entertain my gal who's so bored at home, keep pestering us to let her go swimming, otherwise keep asking us to switch on her barbie doll show... she can really watch the same show again and again and again... even she remember the scenes very clearly already...

wah, charliebrown, u so good life, this timing still at home... I'm already at office slogging...

purelyz, I also agree with Sunflower to help out at the reception instead... actually I'm not really pantang but sometimes ppl will say... like last week, my uncle passed away, initially they say I cannot go but later say i can go just don't stand near... so I go for one night without those praying and don't burn joss stick and don't stand near...

Hi gals, I don't have a good night sleep last night. My hubby passed his cough to me so I cough last night till can;t sleep. Even if I stop coughing and fall asleep, I have lots of funny dreams. Now whole brain very tired. Very moody too. Hope no one come disturb me today or else I will roar like lion.

keke..p_eeyore! I am already at work..sneaked in to look see before I start work. I am sneaking in again..haiz..I am so distracted and not focused on my work at all.

Sorry I have not read the entire thread, cos the thread moves v fast..but has Angel posted anything on oscar test and the procedure...? I am so eager to learn about it...

morning ladies! The thread this morning seems to be moving faster than yesterday... hehe~

I'm also having cough... and whenever I cough to violently, I will vomit... =(

Talk about last nite... my hubby hit me in the head and woke me up... zzz...

charliebrown, same here! I couldn't wear some of my pants le... planning to get some new elastic bands one... any idea where to get?

Sian, just received call from KK that my test results for my discharge shows infection. WIll be going down to get the medicine during lunch time. Not sure whether the infection will affect BB.

those below 30yrs old for both parents.....i juz heard that if u deliver 3 kids b4 30yrs old can hv tax free for life wor.....

morning ladies... my fever recover but my cough and flu is still there...yucks..

now everynite i got to take cough syrup and zzz...

No lah, now tax laws don't look at age of parents liao and there is no tax free for life thingy in Singapore lah. Wef Year of Assessment 2009, 1st child already can get tax rebate of $5,000 for deduction of tax till it $5000 used up completely. Last time only 2nd child will get. There is also child relief of $4000. We working mothers can also get Working mother child relief of 15% of income for 1st child etc

Parenthood tax rebate


Child relief


Working Mother child relief


So remember to claim the parenthood tax rebate leh. Usually ppl tend to forget to claim. I'm working in tax line, anything can ask me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i feel very guilty towards my boy... have no energy to play with him and his daddy works till late 3x a week. he is taken care of by maid who is busy with her chores and will just let him watch TV every night until his bedtime. I also don't know if he feels traumatized seeing me run to the toilet to puke each time, he is always very curious.

His behaviour is starting to get quite bad these days, throwing tantrums for stupid reasons and crying a lot. We think it is due to attention-deficit...

Hi everyone,

i am in the 9th week and just seen my gynae. baby is growing well. Although MS is over, but i tend to be giddy at all times. haiz....

Hi Fumiko,

My gynae had confirmed my EDD is 24 Aug. Can you update? Thanks!

Wondering how accurate is the first scan??

As my LMP is on the 25th Oct, after scan EDD is 19th Aug? Or is my baby growing too small?

Kind of worry...

Afternoon girls,

I am currently in my 10 weeks went for my 3rd scan on 12jan everything is fine so far have book oscar appointment and will be going down for checks on 2nd feb. Not much of morning sickness as for now except the tightness of the stomach.

Charliebrown and starz (angel),

I have the same problem with you girls now trying hard to fit in my pants and short. Me not a dress person so now limited clothes to wear.. Haiz...


mi oso...i always leaves him to cry when i'm too tired to wake up, now he gives mi the angry sound


could it b coz of the vits we taking....can b heaty plus we ladies normally got constipation issues so can adds on to the problem


Are you having constipation? Don't think its normal to have bloody stool wor. Better mointor if its still bloody the next time check with your gynae.

I keep having yellowish stool ever since i took folic acid told my gyane about it she change my folic acid into another brand which consist iron now at least i find that its back to normal. Better mointor, nothing is too minor to check with gyane they know better.

Hi mummies,

I'm new here.

nick: Pink_Piglet

age : 28

LMP : 10 Nov 2009

EDD : 17 Aug 2010

Location : Jurong West

Gynae : Dr Fong Yang

Hospital : Mt A

I dragged my husband to suntec city last weekend to shop for my clothes, cos skirts all too tight also liao.

OIO maternity have dresses on sale 30% off.

Perfect Mum have sales going on too, 10% on 1st item, 20% on 2nd item and so on.

Bought 3 sets of clothes for office wear and 2 sets of dress for CNY, broke liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I also just informed my boss yday, actually plan to do so after CNY.

but last week MC 2 days, then i intend to clear my AL.

Got 2 colls in my dept seems to "follow" me, take urgent leave & mc, so I decided to inform my boss earlier to avoid any gossip.

Hi charlie brown,

I also just inform my boss yday, actually intend to do so after CNY. But last week MC 2 days, and I intend to clear some annual leave.

And also 2 of my colls, seems to "follow" me, taking urgent leave and mc. so decided to inform my boss earlier, to avoid any gossip.


Hi Ai Cheng,

Apparently we are having the same EDD [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but in different hospital

