(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


can help me update my edd as per my 1st scan - 3 aug 2010. thx dear!



they'll send everything back to gynea n later he'll give it back to u

mi super scared of needles so drawing of blood for mi it's no no provided no choice....later part we'll hv to draw blood at his clinic....even woody see my face he oso says wait till nxt time my hb w mi then draw ba....hahaha


if the yellowish liquid is super sour and burns your throat then you will know it is stomach acid. i have it all the time as well, and i especially hate it when it comes through my nose.

daintyaqua, suika,

really 6 tubes of blood?? wah i will totally faint man. am already so anaemic.


later part draw blood is to test for hep A/B right? i read that if u go for the oscar test alr, then u no need draw blood at a later time liao cos they will test the blood for DS & hep A/B together.

oh yes, for mtb intending to go thru labor birth, do also rem to test for strep B during ur last trimester. if mtb have the infection, ur gynae will inject antibiotics during delivery, otherwise, if ur infection goes undected, this can get pass on to ur bb which can lead to lung infection & other serious complications. read some real-life accounts from other threads so better be safe than sorry. no worries for those opting for c-sect.


guess i'm among the first few on this thread to go for the oscar test, will update if its really 6 tubes of blood after i've been thru it lah. haha.

i feel so heavy wearing heels so change it to flats this week then last sunday very suay... even thoug not wearing heels but thick soles, slipped down the stairs... luckily nothing happened...


oh dear... luckily all is well. did u go to ur gynae to cfm that bb is okay? do be very careful, its could have been very disastrous when u slipped down the stairs ya. take care!

seem like i also got the same problem like everyone. i tend to wake up at night to go toilet after that i could not get back to sleep. in the end, i look so lethargic at work.

my nausea had stopped and finally i am eating a lot. i hope i will continue it till next 4 weeks before my 1st trimester end. i feel happy when i eat one whole bowl of ramen =P

p_eeyore--> do take care ya.. i hope you and bb are fine k..

angel--> i think you're the first among us to go for the oscar test. do update us k.. i'm abit nervous abt it too coz mine will be on 25th


think u have not hit 9-10wks yet? not to scare u but sometimes, nausea will come back again during this particular period and much worse than previously. mine stopped for a wk before it came back in full force. >_<


oh ur oscar is exactly 1 wk after mine. dun worry, i'll sure report here in full details. lol.

Angel, what is strep B??

P_eeyore, be more careful when u walk around with that new shoes.

Jus went for 1.5hrs of lunch cos I really no mood to work. Very tired. Lucky my boss not around when I left for lunch. hahaa....

jascmy, mine was not a new shoes, some more it's already season until gg to wear off and no such thing happen b4... furthermore i like this design so much that this is my 2nd pair...


you are right. even my colleague told me that it will come back on 9-10 weeks. so i must enjoy before it come back again.


below is what i googled.

"Between your 35 and 37th weeks of pregnancy you will be tested for Group B strep or GBS. Group B Strep is a type of bacteria that one to three women carry in their vagina. These bacteria, though benign to women in general, may pose serious and potentially life threatening consequences for your baby during birth. However, with proper screening women who test positive will be treated with an antibiotic during labor to prevent passing these bacteria on to their baby.

Most women who test positive for Group B Strep or GBS will deliver a normal and healthy baby. Without adequate diagnosis and treatment however, babies exposed to Group B Strep during the birthing process may face potentially life threatening side effects."

cheekrene--> oh ya, it happened to me..i thought my nauseousness was bad enough during the 6-8 week, skali when i reached 9th - 10th week it was even worse till nw in my 11th week. right now im just waiting for this 1st trimester to end soon.. hopefully the nauseousness will disappear after this.. but then again, diff ppl may have diff MS

jascmy--> haha i also had more than 1 hr of lunch.. so tired and no mood to work today leh..


think its not absolute lah. if u r one of those lucky mtbs, ur MS may have really stopped for good & that's a blessing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but anyhow, just be prepared for the possibility so u dun feel too depressed. for me, i also thought my MS stopped for good & when it came back again, i was upset.

I also pee a lot at night then last nite can't sleep after pee. My boss still expect me to be very fresh and energetic after 2 days rest. Hahaa.... I'm not loh.

p_eeyore, still have to be more careful. I'm a very blur person and tend to fall easily. Now I will walk slowly and look carefully on my path.


My nauseas came the same time as you. I was from 6-8 week. completely can't eat anything. i really hate nausea as everyone in my office will know that i am pregnant.


i hope i am one the lucky MTB. my mum even comfort me that i can last thru the remaining 1st trimester. she also dont wish it will come. it's all depend on me now.

here's more info on strep B infection, especially useful for 1st time mtb.

Group B Strep: The test every pregnant woman needs

The infection can cause health problems, even death, in infants.

"For a pregnant woman, the test is simple and painless, but it can prevent a lifetime of grief and perhaps even save the life of her baby.

It's the test performed in late pregnancy for a bacterium called group B streptococcus, or GBS, which can threaten the life of a newborn if it is transmitted from mother to child. To detect it, the obstetrician simply swabs the vaginal and rectal area and sends the sample to the laboratory, where a culture is grown to determine if GBS is present.

While many women who have been pregnant before know about the test, those experiencing their first pregnancy often do not, says Dr. William Growdon, chairman of obstetrics and gynecology at Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center in California.

"Usually at the beginning of the visit, I'll say, 'This is the time we need to be looking for a bacterium that is dangerous to your baby at the time of delivery,'" he says.

To focus attention on the problem, July has been designated International Group B Strep Awareness Month.

Awareness of the importance of testing for GBS is growing, says Dr. Charles Prober, a professor of pediatrics at Stanford University School of Medicine, and a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics' Committee on Infectious Diseases.

If left untreated in a woman about to give birth, Group B strep can be transmitted to the newborn. GBS is the most common cause of blood infection, or sepsis, in newborns, as well as infection of the lining and fluid around the brain, or meningitis, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Under revised CDC guidelines released in 2002, it's recommended that every pregnant woman be screened for GBS at 35 to 37 weeks of gestation. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists also recommends that every pregnant women be tested.

Before the test was widely recommended, about 8,000 babies in the United States were afflicted annually with group B strep and one in 20 would die, according to the CDC. Those who survive often have long-term problems, including learning disabilities and vision problems.

Since testing has become more common, the incidence of group B strep in babies less than one week old has declined by more than 70 percent, the CDC says.

If the test comes back positive, preventing transmission is relatively simple - the woman is given antibiotics beginning four to six hours before delivery, Growdon explains.

When you consider that between 10 percent and 30 percent of pregnant women are infected with the bacterium, Growdon says, it's crucial to be alert to the potential problem, since those affected often do not have symptoms.

Prevention techniques are good, but not perfect, Prober points out. "There are two types of GBS [in infants]," he says. "Early onset starts within five to seven days." Late onset, which could be contracted from the mother or from other people who carry the germ, shows up after five to seven days.

The typical treatment of GBS infections in newborns is also antibiotics, administered intravenously, according to the CDC.

About half of the late-onset GBS in newborns comes from their mother, the CDC estimates. The rest of the infections come from carriers of the bacterium, according to the March of Dimes.

Experts agree that getting the test done in late pregnancy is the best way to reduce a baby's risk."

dreamz, i sama sama as you... 4.5 weeks more! Let's jiayou together!

I stop wearing heels le as I can't stand long wearing them. But then, I also can't stand long now... stand too long, tummy will ache...

cheekrene, yah, do enjoy urself now... my MS has worsen this week... =( everyday I just wanna go home straight after work. dun feel like going anywhere else...

my gyane advise me to do the oscar and blood test together, so i dun have to draw so much blood... i scare my blood not enough... went for body checkup last year, the nurse only manage to draw 2 tubes of blood instead of 3... so gonna force more blood out...

Angel, I think this is the test the doc did for me on Tue that cause me to bleed? She say she want to get sample of my discharge to test whether bacteria is growing inside. Cos I told her I got infections very easily.


I will. I also hope that i can go out this weekend as i had been staying at home for the past 3 weeks. i wanna go out to have good breather. i cant stand staying at home for my whole weekends.

i am trying to eat as much as i can since my appetite had come back. otherwise i am not sure if i have lost weight.


hmmm i think ur gynae is most likely testing for UTI or other infections. the strep B is only done between 35-37wks of pregnancy becos the infection apparently develops only during that period. i dont think ur gynae would have tested for that now.

btw, have not heard from angeline re. the status of her bb. hope all is well with mother & child.


i understand how u feel. the moment i tot of taking care 1 toddler plus 1 baby later, i headache le. Dun wan to tink now...


i'll nd to buy new flats to suit my office wear, very lazy. Now shopping also a bit no mood, esp goin with my son, he will jus run and run abt.


wow... better take care. Dun "perform stunts" le.


my lunch also very long. Hee... eat snake. Luckily tmr is Fri... I tink ur doc do normal swabs. When i've my V infection last time, doc also need to collect samples form inner walls of V to test for wat type of bacteria or fungi is growing.


i tink strep B test can be done at the same time. Cos the test result will show wat type. If early preg and get strep b infection, the doc will try to treat but when later tri, the doc can only give antibio during delivery or advice u not do opt for normal V delivery.


oic... i din know that. i thought the bacteria only infects mtb during the last few stages of pregnancy.

anyhow, mtbs who are pro-natural, do rem to test for strep B lah. sometimes i read fr other threads, u may need to prompt ur gynae for the test cos its not like an auto process.


During my 1st preg, i get V infection almost once every 2 weeks. So my gynae test me during 1st and 2nd tri and tell me is normal fungi infection. As my V infection is still ard during tri 3, he just tell me that he will insert antibio during delivery. but during that "painful" delivery time, i din noe if he really does a not. My gynae is in family dinner when i deliver and rush back after that for luo hei.


lol, so his loh hei dinner is interrupted by ur delivery... think gynae's job really super tough. they din have much decent time with their own family. i think they prob see their own patients more often than their family lah.

anyway, i also have discharge which is sometimes yellowish in color and got 'fishy' odour too. i ever brought up this issue to my 1st female gynae & she just dismissed it like its nothing, e.g, no test etc. but i have read that discharge shd be clear & odourless lor. that said, i have discharge like this all along & not just when preggie.

my current gynae is a male, havent brought up the subject with him yet. not sure if i'm having some kind of v-infection too?


for OSCAR if i no rem wrong it's abt 6 tubes lor


ya...the strepB test...but for woody, u'll hv to act blurz go ask him then he'll ask if u wan do it...wan then he do...it's abt $30+ the price if not wrong

so those under woody do take note to mention this test to him that u wan take if not he'll missed out 1


pls do go see ur gynea, coz 1st trimester cannot fall dwn like that


my hubby say my last gynae face black black come in to the delivery ward then scold the midwife why call him when i'm just 9cm diluted. Should wait till 10cm. So the midwife also difficult job la. If doc didn't come on time, we will scold her cos she call late. Haha...

Is ur V area red and itchy? yellowish with slight fishy odour i tink still ok. Cos during preg, discharge smell diff than normal. If ur discharge look like clots of yourget-like and white/yellow colour, it's fungi infection. It will be itchy and sometime the area is red and swollen

If u dun feel comfortable, u can ask ur gynae to check visually. Or if u dun feel like taking ur pants down, u can jus describe to him.


huh, really 6 tubes ahhh?! omg, think i'll faint leh. sometimes, when i have very heavy flow, i'll also feel like fainting too. as in, see stars, room start spinning round in circles etc.

good thing, my hb will be with me so got support. lol.

whoa, now thinking abt it, getting cold feets alr. siao liao.


i'm not sure how to define slight fishy odour leh. i only know whenever go toilet, take off panty, very put off by the smell lah. but i did notice during pregnancy, the smell like more intense compared to non-preggie times lor. i feel like buying those feminine wash for the v-area but dont know if its safe to use.

so far since preggie, i havent notice any itch but before preggie, there will be some itch once in a while though nothing unbearable.

my gynae quite boh chap, not sure he wants to check my v-area or not. lol.

Angel--> maybe i can give u some morale support too hehe... think abt this, all ur doing is for the best of ur baby and urself .. so happy thoughts and dont think about it too much now k... im sure u will be all fine.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jiayou!

Angel, thats what happened to me. But the yellowish and smelly discharge start only during my preggie and its itchy. I bring up the issue to the doc that is why she did the test for me. Sigh, she make me bleed after that.

The doc say if its itchy, then it might be fungi infection, if not itchy, then nvm.


its still easy not to dwell too much on the blood test thingy since its a few days away but i'm guessing on the day itself, i'll be one nervous wreck, most likely breaking out in cold sweats etc. lol.


are u still bleeding now?? do rest well & take care ya.


u jus put panty liner and wash with plain water after every visit or use wet baby wipes. The feminine wash i dun recommend 1st. i tink it's not infection. i agree with jascmy, no itch is ok.

Angel, I have stop bleeding today. Thank god. Thank u. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


shd b 6tubes if i no rem wrong....


ur gynea sure angry 1 lor....coz dilate 10cm then enuff to deliver mah....call them in so early ask them wait sure flare up 1....if in the middle of the nite they nid to slp n if day time they've got lots of patients to see mah...patients = $$ wor

the last time my gynea oso like that....the nurse told us straight that they can oni call him come when i dilate fully lor so he come n immediately can start delivering liao

besides the blood test, i'm also concerned abt the outcome of the oscar test, worried that my results will be no good or borderline.

anyway, the guideline for measurements of NT scan shd ideally not exceed 0.2cm (2mm).

for my age, my estimate is alr like 1:350. the way i look at it, alr quite high risk liao. but i do have a fren, same age as me & she did the blood test only, her results is 1:8000+


if change panty-liner daily adds up to additional costs lah. usually, i just wipe myself clean with tissue paper after each toilet trip & handwash my panty when i bathed lor.


good to hear that. have ur gynae come back to u with the outcome? hope all is well with u.


cos the nurse tell me if feel the urge to push must info her, so that she can call doc. Then when i've the urge to push, she say doc not here, ask me to hold on. How to hold on, when i can feel it coming?! Make me so angry. Then she ask me to lie sideway so that the bb dun come out (Huh!). When doc finally here, he check me and say not fully dilute and he turn the drip higher. During the waiting, the nurse get scolding lo. I jus dun like my gynae and nurses didn't talk to me abt my situation, i jus heard from their conversation and noe i'm not fully diluted. Such a mess...


jus keep the area dry lo. Cos moist and damp is a gd growing place for fungi.


i also have that kind of discharge. really puts me off but i just dismiss it as our hypersensitivity to smells now that we are preggy. usually i will change panty-liner as least one time during the day.

yes 25mins more to go. really really tired. later gg to take cab home then sleep.


the nurse no check if u fully dilated 1st meh? that time they left mi there pain lor then my hb go find nurse to check on mi then they realised mi abt to deliver liao...lucky woody came v fast within 10min in the middle of the nite....best part is he turns up w t-shirt n shorts!!!


But I'm tired. I want to sleep. IL house very far away from me. Still have to travel. Worst part is, have to stand in the train all the way there. No one will give up seat for me loh.

