(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

haha, when i pregnant #1 , i really crave for beef steak , no choice , then order steak very very well done ! like eating rubber ! haha



haha, ya i agreed with saffy too.. too much meat! must be a boy!

im opposite of u leh..im now a vegetarian..only like vege.


i'm super greedy mummy one. I eat all. haha... Tues, i jus went to jack's place and order a mid rare steak. wkend i also eat jap sashimi.

white lady,

cannot eat liver now meh? how come? i cook myself with mee sua eat at nite coz no mood to eat


2mths oni IFC takes in....ur kid must pass 18mths then can go childcare

the ratio is like 1:4 like that....if u lucky the centre u put not so much bb then u heng lor....got a friend send her boy to IFC it's 1:1 lor but then again her boy oso fell dwn in sch...hahaha so dun think 1:1 sure 100% care lor

purelyz> for me, once my kid 18mths i will send him/her to the childcare which is in my hubby's office building. got special rate. the IFC i saw is about $1.3k for full day and there is subsidy from MCYS which is $600, so still need to pay $700.


if u wan to send ur kid to childcare must be ready for ur kid to fall ill. My boy join childcare in Nov 09, till now he have fall sick for 3x, one time even go A&E due to high fever. He got a few mosquito bites here and there. Some even got swollen. Luckily my hubby co got cover his GP visits. If u plan to send ur 2 mths bb to childcare, a lot of things to consider. Why not go for a nanny near ur blk, at least it 1:1 or at most 1:2 ratio.

tink cannot eat pork liver becos scare of contamination bah.

i feel like eating bak ku teh...


u not taking full 4 mth maternity leave? beside puttin in IFC, maybe can consider nanny near by ur house? i tink the market rate now is $650. for me, i engaged maid for taking care of my #1 even though my mil nv work. cause she said she dun wan to take care of children. so have no choice but to employ a maid, can help out on house chores too.

purelyz> i also got eat sashimi but only can eat little due to MS, just that i try to take lesser of the swordfish and tuna. i think once my MS over, my sashimi craving surely come back.

purelyz ,

wow , so fierce ah you ! u not scare ah ! hahah .... when i got #1 , i never drink cold water at all , now #2 , i lazy liao , everyday drink cold water ...

Liver confirm can eat ah ?? i thought cant ? hahhaha ... but outside one if not very cook ok meh ? those with ginger , spring onion type ?

wahahaha .... i used to crave bloody steaks and chunky hamburgers with my boy. i even threw a tantrum in a cafe because they didn't serve burgers (can you believe it, scary preggie woman).

now just thinking about meat makes me sick! yes i am secretly hoping for a girl.

Mummies making me high leh , cos i crave for liver ! now can eat ah ! hahhah ... but scare not cooked well ouside .. cos normally i eat , will have blood come out from liver type

sashimi lovers:

wait until our 2nd trimester we go buona vista's sakuraya and eat sashimi ok? cheap and very fresh!!


May be you have girl , last time me preggy with #1 girl, got scared to eat meat and everyday eat only vegiie for first 7 months last 2 months eat some fish alone.

This time , though not able to cook meat(now for me veggie also cannot cook) , I sometimes crave for meat,yesterday night suddenly crave for chicken rice and now want to lamb steak with soup.so hoping this round is boy for me..


i also eat bak ku teh for lunch yesterd. Cos now i got craving for hot soup.


ya, i take the salmon, no tuna. i always like jap food, so difficult to stop. Haha!


now i hear advices from u all, dun take cold drinks with ice. So i drink straight from canned drink lo. i understand the craving, if dun eat wat u crave for, u will keep thinking of it. Jus eat a bit of liver lo. Think it as reward. Hee...


u very funny to throw tantrum over burger. U make me crave for MOS burger dinner. I wan to eat now. So hungry. After lunch, i've eat papaya, agar agar, guava, cheezels, chicken essence and now i wan milo. I feel like a monster!


i hope you are right [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i crave fruits


i wish i had your appetite! now i want agar agar ... hahaha

i think we are just encouraging each other's cravings here

Anyone need duphaston?I have 2 weeks supply in excess.As I have stopped it.Let me know if anyone ?Will let go at 1/2 price.Purchased on 29/12 from KKH.

Just to contribute:

Vitamin A

While you're pregnant, make sure your diet doesn't include too much vitamin A. You do need some but if too much vitamin A builds up in your body, it can harm your unborn baby. Eating a normal, well-balanced diet should give you all the vitamin A your body needs.

Liver contains high levels of vitamin A, so don't eat:

* liver, and

* liver products such as pâté.

Check with your GP or midwife before you take any high-dose multivitamins or cod liver oil supplements as these may contain vitamin A.



Should a pregnant woman eat liver?

There is some concern about consuming liver during pregnancy. Liver is a good source of protein and is rich in certain vitamins and minerals. These include:

* The B vitamin folic acid, which helps prevent certain birth defects

* Iron, which helps prevent anemia

* Vitamin A, which is needed for normal fetal growth and development

However, in the case of vitamin A, liver may contain too much of a good thing.

Some studies suggest that high doses of vitamin A may cause birth defects. According to the Institute of Medicine (IOM), the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of vitamin A for pregnant women is 2,565 IUs (international units) per day (7). In a 1995 study, women who took more than 10,000 IUs of vitamin A daily (nearly 4 times the amount recommended by the IOM) in the first two months of pregnancy had more than double the risk of having a baby with birth defects (8). Other studies have suggested that doses under 30,000 IUs daily probably do not cause birth defects, but the lowest dose that may cause birth defects is unknown (9).

The body makes its own vitamin A, when needed, from substances such as beta carotene, which is found in yellow and green vegetables. This raw material for the vitamin is completely safe and healthy during pregnancy. However, much of the vitamin A consumed is the preformed vitamin (retinol) which, in excessive amounts, may cause birth defects. Preformed vitamin A is found in many vitamin supplements and some foods, including meats, eggs, dairy products and fortified breakfast cereals.

Liver is the only food that provides very high amounts of vitamin A. For example (7):

* A 3-ounce serving of beef liver may contain 27,000 IUs.

* A 3-ounce serving of chicken liver may contain 12,000 IUs.

A pregnant woman who eats liver regularly may consume enough vitamin A to pose a risk to her baby.

Though it is not proven that eating liver causes birth defects, the safest approach is for pregnant women to minimize their consumption of liver. A pregnant woman also should be sure that her multivitamin or prenatal supplement contains no more than 5,000 IUs of preformed vitamin A. Some prenatal vitamins contain no preformed vitamin A, substituting beta carotene or omitting vitamin A entirely. She should not take any vitamin A supplements beyond that amount (10).


thx for sharing with us! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i'm sure mtbs who currently consumed liver will find this article of interest.

so, i went to see my gynae last evening. dr. woody did a scan for me & for the first time, we managed to see bb moves about. bb looks like he/she is performing water acrobatics in the belly. lol. CRL is 4.7cm and the scan puts me at 12wks1day?! it even shifts my edd fwd to 29jul!! but i think sth is not quite right with the scan. just 10 days ago, i'm at 9wks6days and even if my estimated wks and edd is based on the current size of bb, i read fr julymtb thread that those at 11wks+, the bb's CRL is ard 4.8cm and those ard 12wks+, CRL is 5-6cm+. in this case, my bb seems way too small at 12wks leh. really beats me!


also dr. woody asked whether i want to take blood and i asked for what. he said its for Hep A/B & i said din the oscar test alr incl blood test for Hep A/B alr?? he said its different. hmmm... so in the end, he took blood fr me, took a while for him to find the right vein, ended up with hugh bruises on my hand after the deed. >_<

furthermore, as this blood test is considered non-routine hence not included in his antenatal package, were asked to pay $38.

and i think dr. woody got so sick of seeing me & my hb every now & then, he cancelled my scheduled appt on 26jan and asked me see him on 12feb instead. @#$%&


congrats, u have just step in 2nd trimester!

Re : Bio oil

i've just bought bio oil. its not bad as it absorbed very fast and not greasy at all. it has a nice fragrance too..

Hi, ladies!

Sorry to interupt. Anyone going for elective C-sect ma? Interested to get a good support binder? I'm letting go mine for $50. It's USA Bird & Cronin Inc. brand and in very good condition with its original box. Good for 30-45" Hip/Waist. Pls PM me, if interested. Thks.


congrates in stepping in 2nd trimester...dun worry so much on edd nw, keep changing, when u go for oscar they will give u the edd which is more accurate

as for the nxt appt, whenever u go see him earlier, they'll change ur appt nw he shd b seeing us 4wks later but i notti always go after 3wks coz anxious too long no see bb heehee

Dear Fella MTBs,

Just to inform that I will be terminating my preg on mon due to missed abortion.

Please remove me from the chart.

Last but not least, I wish everyone a smooth and healthy pregnancy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


so far i don't really crave for anything, like my #1... but some food really make me turn off after eating... like i had fried hokkien mee for dinner js now... then now my tummy is so uncomfortable with all the hokkien mee...


sorry to hear that.pls take gd care.


Just had the very delicious indonesian grilled fish rice at the plaza sing food court..yummy!but puked everything out after that!thanks for the the chnge in hormones!~Hiaz...

Had a great great DND Last nite!was in the committee and its so fulfilling to actually accomplish the whole event with praises!Last contribution to my co liao..starting 11feb - new job...very unsure and nervous if i can prove myself..Especially i;m always feeling dizzy and nauseous...

My 19mth toddler starting his second lession @ julia gabriels!i love the lessons...thought he enjoyed it too though he was not listening and paying attention half the time!~


been wondering abt u & very sorry to hear that. our thoughts are with u. be strong and u're still young so i'm sure bb dust will be with u soon. dont give up! i'll be 34 when i give birth to my 1st child, by the time u reach my age, u'll prob have 3-4 kids by then. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] take care!

sunflower & suika,

thx but i thought each trimester is ard 13 wks?? so its only when one completes her 13th wks then its considered end of 1st trimester ya? anyway, i dont think i'm ard 12wks+, based on my past scans, i shd still be in my 11th wks lah. will know for sure when i do my oscar on mon. nervous nervous!!

Morning, I went JB yesterday but cannot find Bio Oil. Maybe bcos I search in Tesco and Giant instead of pharmacy. Maybe I will try when I go again next time. Meanwhile, any recommendation for good stretch mark cream in Singapore?

purelyz> wah a few months sick 3 times already. wat is the market rate for nanny? cos currently also very hard for us as we do not know when our flat will be ready.

alibaba> i was thinking of not taking the full 4 months at 1 go as my company has alot of things gg on during Oct to Dec period. i dun feel comfortable getting a maid to look after, after reading all those cases that happened before. cos a new maid you nv know how they are like. if my house is ready by then then at least can get my mil to stay with us awhile until the baby is older then send to childcare.

today i m 10 weeks and 1 day . Morning wake up , not bloated but tummy abit pain , so worry ... cos i every morning will bloated , is it becos after week 10 liao , better ? hai ... stress

juz wondering if its normal dat im having more discharge than usual? anyone experienced the same thing?

Angeline> so sad to learn abt yr loss .. do take care n take more tonics to replenish n build yr health back =)

mirai ,

more discharge is normal i guess , for me , someday more , someday less , but u have to observe lor , if no smell n no itch then ok .

Today monday blue , so quiet ah ....

Wah, I'm 8weeks+ now. My nausea getting worst leh. Last time only have HS (hungry sickness). Starting last sat, I have HS, MS + ES. Feeling so drowsy and feel like vomiting for the whole day. Saw some of your MS subsidized liao, so good. Not sure why mine getting worst. Feeling terrible now, feel like sleeping and vomiting rather than doing work.

MORNING! Arrive late in office cos try to parallel park my car. I hate it! After i tink 10 mins, i finally get the car into the lot.

I'm also at wk 10. I'm feeling my energy coming back. I feel so fresh today even i sleep at 2am yesterday.


thanks for sharing. I think i eat liver at least once weekly. Yesterd eat with steamboat. Hee... i'll try to reduce intake.


take care and rest well.


welcome to the gp! Eat well, rest well!


cos he 've been with my mummy for so many mths and didn't faced so many children. I tink jus treat it as to build up immune system. i think market rate from $700. Depend on how many days u wan nanny to take care. i tink if ur mil can help, it will be gd.

purelyz ,

so u also feel better ? so i guess i dont worry too much hor ... but just on sat when i went food court , i smell the smell in food court , i go toilet vomit , then no matter how many thing i eat , still hungry and this morning suddenly feel not so tired n bloated , so is normal ?

white lady> but my more discharge is realli quite alot leh .. its like slight menses flow for but its transparent de la .. so weird ... n i've been trying hard to kip dat area dry .. but becuz its like constantly damp .. dat "area" abit red n itchy nw

morning mummy...i feel so yucks today.. feel like wan to puke and stomach feel so bloated and dun feel vwey well...

i already 11week liao. seems my MS nt getting better....

white lady,

i also dunno. hopefully it's the MS leaving me soon! But wat jascmy mention hungry sickness, i also got! Still eating like monster!


if that area red and itchy, u nd to go doc. Cos might be V infection. normal GP can give u the right medi, jus tell him u r preg.

for me now MS not too bad. but constantly seems to be hungry. so every 2hrs i have some food intake, it will not be so bad. hopefully it stays this way or get better next 2 weeks while i'm in HK. Keeping fingers very tightly cross now.


me too. in fact i am going to be 12 wks on this coming wed but my MS is still bad that i'm heavily dependant on the medication - without which i can even take liquids. in fact it has gotten worse over the weekend!


hello all, me kena food poisoning 2 days ago. omg... horrible...

but glad that i'm ok now... if not will go see a doctor...

i always kena food poisoning often during pregnancy. so sian!!!

me coming 10weeks liao, morning sickness did gets a little better but wake up sure vomit once.

so miserable!!!

