(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


thanks but where can you give me the link to this post

"stompers say if u cant afford to buy a car, dun get ur wife pregnant..so dun blame ppl who dun give up seats to ur pregnant wife -_-''' "

pekkle, jus curious, how the doctor find out? During scan?? Mine is when doctor check for infection by inserting something into my viginal to collect sample of the discharge then she saw it.

Hi all, anyone has any recommendation for confinement ladies? I'm hestiating whether to get one from PEM or GPLS? anyone has any feedbacks to share on the above 2?

jascmy > mine was discovered via scan...it was a transvaginal scan...meaning that the gynae inserts a stick-like equipment into the vagina..then can detect the fetus as well as the fibroid....

pekkle, oh, I did that scan too when I 1st find out I'm preggie (6wks). Doc nvr say anything so it grow recently this mth or feb bah. Scary hor. It jus grow suddently. I'm really worried that it will grow further....... Let pray hard for a smooth pregnancy from now on.

jacsmy > don worry too much...i m a bit more unlucky to have to experience one round of pain first....haha....yours cld be quiet throughout...i have a colleague w a 9cm fibroid...she is now 24 weeks and so far so good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pekkle, I do feel some very mile cramps sometimes. Not sure is it due to the fibroid or stretching of uterus? Hope it won't grow further quietly inside there loh. Pray for you and Scooby2010 too.

Jascmy, u take care okie? Though I have been looking forward to meet u. But your health more important. Don't worry, there will be other opportunity.

wl, u not going to the gathering on thur?? Tot I can meet u there 1st then we plan for another swim when i recover.

Hello Mummies, my due date also at 31st Aug [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but still don't know gender yet . Any mummy know the gender liao?

Jascmy, I can't make it on Thurs leh, got something on liao. But I know you babes are going to have fun. Don't worry lah, you got my number, can arrange anytime.

Belinda, me having a girl. Only knew last week. Cos ppl say, if you take a long time to find out the gender, it's mostly to be a girl. Most mummies carrying boy will know earlier.

But hor, my FIL says "aiyo, like that discounted liao...". Donno wat he really mean, but I take it as a joke, cos whether boy or girl, I don't really care.

This thu gathering

I have a suggestion... shall we get some sticker tags and write our nick and names when we arrive so we know who is who [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Weiling99,

Congrats ya, I also prefer girl. This is my no. 3 lor..accidently wan..

Don't botter too much in laws, they will drive us mad :p

wl, your FIL so bad. I think my FIL will also be the same. He won't say it out, he will act. Hahaa... meaning he will neglect me and hubby loh. Thats why I'm so stress abt bb's gender.

Belinda, most mums here already know except for those whose EDD is end Aug like me. My Detail Scan will be mid next mth. Will know the gender that day.

wo ho , counting down , tomorrow for gynae appt and thursday for DS ! hope can see gender ! =) sooo excited ! haha ....

And i realise i put on weight real fast this 2 weeks ! even my #1 told me , mummy u last time very pretty , now very fat ! hahaha

morning all!

thx for the feedbacks re. postnatal hairloss by experienced mtbs.

so far, i gathered that becos the hair is thicker or have less hairloss during pregnancy hence its only normal to lose more after delivery.

cant helped feeling bothered by this cos i din noticed my hair becoming thicker during this period. hairfalls are as per normal, din seem to be lesser too. the only hair growth i experienced is a line of fine bb hair on my belly lor.

furthermore, i always have thin hair & due to parting or hairline, i have one "spot" at the back of my head where hair is visibly lesser. e.g, if ppl walk behind me, they can see one line or "hole" at the back lor.

so really cant imagine if i suffered fr postnatal hairloss somemore. >_<"


long time no see u here.

how are u & ur bb? hope all is well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i finally found it..

HengAhKow said on 28 Mar, 2010 Report as offensive

I remember clearly in one of the posts relating the similar incident, a stomper said: "if you cannot afford to own a car, then do not make your wife pregnant". Although this statement was quite blunt but in certain degrees, I do agree because of the outrageous behaviours shown by these men! For those fathers-to-be, please remember that to offer your wife a seat, be it a priority seat or not, is out of courtesy of the offeror but to decline is his/her rights and not an offence la...

hi angel,

ya really long time no posting..

i switch my gyane back to my yis one..cos was disappointed with dr ang comments..

me is well..eat n eat..hahaha..

bb, so far so gd oso..goin for DS in 10th apr..

my bb is shld b ger...hahaha...jus my feeling n when doin scan...oso didnt see any extra thing ..haha..

i cant join e 1st apr gathering..cos i celebrating my fren bday at somerset..

i hope we will have another gathering n i will wan to meet up..

jus like last time i meet up all my sept brides..keke

dont worry too much abt hairloss , that time after give birth , when my #1 was 4 mth , my hair start to drop , also stress , but slowly will grow back =)

i'm worried about post natal hair loss too. i have thin hair too and what's more, it's really long now. think i'll just chop it off before delivery and hope for the best lor. hehe.


glad that both mother & bb is well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


for me, i got feel bb's kicks/movement now & then though i din really monitor if its daily. think maybe not but i supposed i can feel bb every 2-3days?

2days ago, my doggie jumped on my stomach. can feel a dull pain then, be seeing woody later.

my hair was really long too. the longest part almost touch butt liao but i have cut my hair recently, approx to bra length now. it feels alot lighter.

for me , i also can feel baby movement now n then , i also no observe . But when i lie down , my tummy will have earth quake ! haha ...

Hi mummies,

I am letting go of my pumps and some confinement stuff as need to make space for my girl's things. Pls PM me if interested in any of the items.

1. Medela Pump in Style Advance (Backpack)

- Condition 9.5/10

- 2 BRAND NEW unopened SoftFit breastshields

- 2 BRAND NEW unopened membranes and tubes

- 1 BRAND NEW unused manual pump

- 1 removable cooler bag with cooling element

- Adapter

- 2 bottle stands

- Local warranty until Oct 2010

Letting go at only $450 (retailing at $750). Condition of pump is perfect as I only used it at home and for less than 3 months. The breastshields, valves and membranes are also unused and still in their original packaging as I reused them from my Mini Electric.

2. Medela Mini Electric

- Condition 9.5/10, used for only 2 months

- Pump unit

- Adaptor

- 1 BRAND NEW unused membrane

- 1 bottle stand

- UNUSED local warranty as I did not send in the warranty card

Letting go for $100 (retailing at $200).

Giving away with pumps (Used but in good condition and thoroughly sterilized):

- 4 Medela 120ml bottles

- 4 Medela bottle covers

- 2 valves with tubes

- 3 boxes Lucky Baby Contour disposable breast pads (BRAND NEW, unopened)

3. Warming Shampoo for confinement

BRAND NEW, unopened Warming Shampoo from Little Dreamers

“This warming shampoo was created for mothers who wished to wash their hair during the confinement month. Made with pure essential oils of Lemongrass, Ginger and White Camphor commonly used in Chinese Medicine tradition to warm the body, this wash will limit the exposure of 'wind'. Lemongrass, Ginger and Camphor are known for their relaxing & warming properties. This shampoo also contains pure Canadian Honey, Calendula Flowers and Shea Butter to further moisturize and soothe your hair. Enjoy! Note: To be used only after delivery and not during pregnancy.” For more information, http://www.littledreamers.com.sg/catalog.html

I was using this shampoo and loved it. Bought a few bottles and now left 1 bottle, letting go at $18 (retailing at $20.90).

4. Pure ginger cream for confinement

This Pure Ginger Cream aids to get rid of sturborn wind especially in the tummy afterbirth. It helps to relieve body pain especially shoulders, back and joints. May be use during pregnancy to relieve backache pain or joint pain. (Avoid the tummy during pregnancy). It also acts as a slimming cream.


Eliminate stomach wind

Slimming properties

Soothes body and muscles aches

Aid in indigestion

Reduces swelling, bruise and sprains

Helps in Rheumatism

Helps in Arthritis

Relieves Numbness

Suitable for : Pregnancy, AfterBirth, for Elderly People, for Daily Normal Usage

I bought it from a BP in SMH. They are now having another BP: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3770790.html?1269526057

I’m letting go for $10. BRAND NEW unopened 80g tube.

Hi all mum,

Our gynae email to us saying that NUH does provide for 3D and 4D scanning. However the best time for this is at 28 weeks, and they will charge for a series of pictures.

Anyone know how much they charge ?

ahNah--> ur wife's gynae also in NUH? mine too. i dont know abt the 4D scanning..but if u need to go for scans, it will be at Antenatal Diagnostic Centre (ADC). i went there for my NT scan and detailed scan. maybe u can give them a call to check the pricing..

Thanks purelyz and MVH for the clarification. My weigh gain for 4 weeks is about 2.4kg, not sure why gynae say i put on a bit too fast.


I got leg cramp 2 weeks ago. I couldn't manage to bend my foot inwards as it was so painful... i kick my hubby awake to help me. haha~ so now, I try to stretch my legs before I sleep.

angel and white lady, thks for ur response on baby movements. hubby thinks i'm paranoid - guess i am, lol.

angel, take care ya. am sure ur bb is fine.

ah nah, don't worry too much. your boy is made up for your wife's X chromosomes and your Y's chromosomes. X Chromosomes is the one with all the genes. Y is basically quite empty, according to current studies there are not much genes in there and its basic function is to change the embryo are week 10 into a male fetus thats all.

You should be more concern, if you kena a female cos a female will get a set of x chromosomes from the mother and a set from the father. But there again as parents all we want for our off spring(s) is to be healthy and normal. All other issues are secondary.

wl : i google around. Price is around 100 to 200 SGD.

ednique : mine is GlenEagle. not NUH. We did our NT scan few weeks ago over at ADC.

Starz : Ya lor .. dun kick your man lah .. he very pity also .. u scream he wake up.

scooby2010 : very chim leh .. u mean if a baby gal, then she will inherit some part of me, some part of my wife ? Not bad what .. baby gal can get my wife's upper measurement and get my bottom measurement .. then can have 36 24 36 figure liao.

winnie> saw the email, haven read the details. will read tonite. let you know if got anything.

dreymin, that is a really useful website! wow it is crazy i have to put on 15.4kg!!! at 5kg more my legs can feel some difference already although i have quite stout and muscular looking legs.

weiling99, i think your fil is a lousy old man. don't need to care too much about him. Gals are just as precious if not more. Apparently he didn't do science in school during his time or else he will not think like this. actually a male genome is inferior to a female genome.

jascmy, don't worry too much you will be fine, i will pray for you and the rest of the mothers too that you will not kena the same thing. the cramps is probably due to the womb expanding, don't worry yourself unduly (okay lah easy to say but not so easy to relax... i know)

Angel, my dog also kicked me the other day when i was cleaning his eye... haiyooo... but i think fetuses are smart the can maneuver ard in their water beds quite well.

alibaba--> which area are u now? me working in clementi..raining heavily and got thunder some more.. hw nice if can sleep...


i'm at woodlands.. now drizzling... counting down to go home... another 35mins... am munching on crackers... hungry..

