(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

Morning all,

Haiya, my EDD also 4 Aug 10, sharing same date as Ednique and Saffy. Too bad I can't make it tomorrow, I'm going to miss the fun tomorrow. Enjoy babes!


purelyz--> thanks for the list! wow me same edd as Saffy! ya so excited..felt like it was only few weeks ago that u had came up with the gathering..i remembered some of us were mentioning 1st April a long way to go..but nw it's only tomorrow!

wl--> maybe next time if we have another gathering can meet u lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Purelyz for the comprehensive update!

Yah lor, Ednique. We seem to be planning for this in Feb... tml Apr liao... very fast... hehe~ will be interesting to see a group of preggy mummies... lol~ must bring camera!!!

I gg to pray pray this friday wor.. ermm my parent nv say anytin that i shldnt go leh..

Hah.. all in msn . later here become v quiet.. i v sianz leh...

fumiko, really such a long time never see u log in... hope everything is fine with u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Angel, I got Carpal tunnel syndrome and cos numbness in my right hand during my last pregnancy too... it happened from 6th mth onward. Gynae said it mostly due to fluid retention. Anyway, the numbness only will be gone after delivery. you can refer to below link for more info.


Yeah... looking forward for our gathering tomorrow! really fast ya... Apr already! But pls no 1 play the April Fool joke okie... hehey... See ya gals!

suika ,

added you..


i wana ask u about cordyceps.. can you see the images below and let me know how your cordyceps looks like after cooked..mine grew only about 5-10% bigger which is similar to the first pic..but my mum say i bought the fake ones..she say usually the ones she bought can grow until very fat.. i ask around, they say if grow too fat are fake ones..


hi purelyz, can u include me and hubby for the talk on 24th april? thks!

btw, anyone attending the antenatal program at kkh? thinking of signing up but dunno if i'm too late - supposed to start at 16 weeks?

Extract from 1 website to share:-

Do I need to keep track of the kicking?

Once you're feeling kicks regularly, pay attention to them and let your practitioner know right away if you notice a decrease in your baby's movement. Less movement may signal a problem, and you'll need a nonstress test or biophysical profile to check on your baby's condition.

Once you're in your third trimester, some practitioners will recommend that you spend some time each day counting your baby's kicks. There are lots of different ways to do these "kick counts," so ask for specific instructions.

Here's one common approach: Choose a time of day when your baby tends to be active. (Ideally, you'll want to do the counts at roughly the same time each day.) Sit quietly or lie on your side so you won't get distracted. Time how long it takes for you to feel ten distinct movements — kicks, twitches, and whole body movements all count. If you don't feel ten movements in two hours, stop counting and call your midwife or doctor.

Angel, this is what i experience.. that time ard CNY, I have alot of seafood and my wrist swell bigger and more painful.. so I try to prevent that..

Sunflower, my mum cooks the cordyceps is always small thin type.. never the fat one.. the fat one looks yucks (sorry!)

so i went to see woody last evening.

i'm seriously thinking sth is wrong with his measurements etc. its like his measurements always come out big leh.

see i went to visit him on 26feb, 5mar (sick) followed by 30mar. in btwn, i had the DS @ 20wks on 15 mar.

measurements as follow:

26feb (woody's) - FW 216g, AC 12.9cm & FL 2.5cm (put me @ 17wks + 4)

5mar (woody's) - FW 318g, AC 14.9cm & FL 3.1cm (put me 1wk ahead @ 19wks + 4 i/o 18wks + 4)

15mar (DS @ TMC) - FW 339g, AC 15.1cm & FL 3.23cm (put me @ 20wks)

30mar (woody's) - FW 631g, AC 19cm & FL 4.2cm (put me 1wk ahead @ 23wks + 3 i/o 22wks + 2)

btwn 5 mar & my DS on 15mar, i was worried how come my bb ate so little by putting on only 21g after 10 days whereas previously she put on 102g (fr 26feb to 5mar). and then now, suddenly my bb bloomed to 631g!!??

i feel that the measurements are driving me nuts cos i was worrying abt bb eating too much, then too little & now too much again. sigh...

mtbs under woody, do u feel like his scan measurements are bigger when compared with DS results??


seems like ur last measurement is quite a questionmark. base on normal fetal development chart. @ week 20 fetal shld be weight around 300g +- (estimated)


i tink on the EDD part, it may vary base on the bb size. however, doc will fix just one date from the beginning. u willl have to stick to it, cannot trust on the latter EDD anymore.

dont worry too much.. unless doc highlight to u..


yes, i also think my last scan measurements was a big ? mark. but as usual, woody never commented anything like it was perfectly normal.

based on ur chart, my FW was abt there @ 20wks, bb is 339g so within the range. whereas my last FW puts me ard 24-25wks when i shd be only 22wks.

abt EDD, my LMP is not reliable. so i shd follow the very 1st scan @ 8wks with EDD on 3aug hor? anyway, both my oscar's & DS, EDD is 2aug so not too far off.

only the recent scans by woody's put me ard 24-26jul but i'll just ignored them.

Dinner Gathering

Time:7:00PM Thursday, April 1st

Location:Swenson Cafe - Plaza Sing, Level 3

Name (Confirmed)

Ednique, 4-Aug-10, Boy

Saffy, 4-Aug-10, Girl

winnie, 6-Aug-10, Girl

Purelyz, 10 Aug-10,Boy

ducklingeshop, 10 Aug-10,Boy

MVH, 10-Aug-10, Girl

scooby2010, 15-Aug-10

Snowy55, 19-Aug-10, Girl

Starz, 23-Aug-10

nekowong, 25-Aug-10, Boy

jascmy, 26-Aug-10

Sorry gals, I cannot make it for tomorrow's dinner so I removed my nick from the list.

My close gf's hubby just arrived in Singapore and wants to meet up for dinner tomorrow.

They are leaving Singapore on 10 Apr so decided to meet them instead.

I will definitely want to join you lovely ladies next time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

winnie--> nt really lah..i'm sure we will all still chat up in here.. coz if we post something, we can get alot of feedbacks or share will all members here ma..


dun look at the measurements now....at this stage our concern is to make sure bb is putting on weight every time

as for EDD u'll take DS date can liao...dun bother abt wad u see on woody's printout....for his juz make sure bb putting on weight n growing well


mi still here....mi everywhere....hahaha can find mi at msn or FB or here

whitelady--> that time i also have a feeling that i'm having a girl..in fact, before i even got pregnant, i have a feeling that my child-to-be will be girl and alot of ppl said i'm carrying a girl..haha but in the end, the sonographer, confidently told and showed me, that my baby is a boy.. but still, until the day baby is born, its only assumption..


if u witness the little 'penis' on the screen, then its not assumption leh..

i also have a very strong feeling that im having a girl during first trimester until i saw the penis.

White lady

i duno why most pple feel tat i will have another

boy, & indeeds it's a boy.. somehow i realise those #1 got gal, #2 will have boy.. Those #1 got boy #2 still boy.. hehhe.. a few senario liao.. eg. purelyz & me..

tmr's gathering

i cant make it.. cos gonna bring my boy to trim his hair .... last saturday he got a bad hair cut at another place... -_-" waste my $$.. now looking at his "kanna dog bite" hair... bey tahan..

sunflower--> hehe ya i saw a bump between his legs.. my sis told me a sonographer told her before that a bump between the legs can also be the umbilical cord in between..but of course in some scans, its really very obvious lah..


oh i see..mine scan from bottom, so the penis very obvious, becos can see the mountain with a pointed tip. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Angel,

I am under woody also ... when i done my deatiled scan in TMC, report showed my placenta not low ... but i visited woody ytd due to a bit spotting and he said that my placenta is low ....

My DS done on last thursday, can it be move down after a few days ... i am really wondering ...

suika, i was telling Angel that I had swollen wrist (right hand) when I was preggie with #1.. When I ate seafood, the swell got worse and more painful.. ppl say "poisonous" .. so if you have joints swelling when preggie, watch what you eat la.. if you are fine, then you can continue to eat what you like but in moderation..


hi eeyore_03, woops, forgot to post my details earlier. here it is. thks for updating!

Nick: huffpuff

EDD: 13 Aug 10

Baby #: 1

Gynae: KT Tan

Hospital: KKH

Location : Lavender

Gender: Girl

looks like no mummy sharing the same gynae or staying near me...

good luck fifi and all mtbs going for the detail scan. have fun!

