(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


ya, i think next time i better not read newspaper at a crowded mrt.. i will stay focus to protect my tummy..

i will learn from you, whoever tries to push me, i will push them before they do it..



everytime something like that happen to me, I will tell my bb, "let mummy votmit... let mummy vomit." My secret dream is to vomit on those inconsiderate ppl. But... my dream has yet to materialise.

sometimes i feel that foreigners dont give up seats to pregnant women. i ever encounter 2 ROC guys who keep looking at my big bump (although i am skinny) and yet they dun want to give up the seat to me.

i always protect my tummy whenever i saw any women (sometimes old men) who tend to push most of the times. i always have this problem whenever i board the train. i always purposely cover my tummy in case they really hit my tummy. it's quite pain when being hit.

cheekrene, I once push an old lady with walking stick. I feel so bad but I have no choice cos her elbow is hitting my tummy lightly. Its very crowded. What is ppl push her and her elbow........ So I no choice but to push her elbow away with my hand.

xpink, Wah, u gained 51kg during 1st pregnancy?? this is really first time i heard ppl gain so much le... hopefully this time round urs weight gain will be under control...

wl, actual my gyane (Dr Ang) machine can do 3D scan le... for my #1, he did it for me around 5 mth plus. During my last visit, he also tried to snap the 3D photos but bb position no good so not able to do it... he said willl try again to take the 3D scan for next visit...it is FOC n i dun have to pay any extra cost...

scooby2010, hope everything go smoothly for your DS, keep us update ya...

ahNah, can feel u really like gal huh? as ppl said... bb girl is daddy ex-life gf?? haha... anyway, since is ur 1st child only, boy or girl doesnt matter la...

purelyz & alibaba, dun worry... got 2 boys so now u r the QUEEN in ur house liao... hehe

sunflower, dun lets these unconsiderate ppl spoilt ur mood... no worth it...

hihi, can i join? expecting a little princess this august [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

SunFlower, I felt my baby movement below belly button. But i dont have low placenta.. So i guess it is just the position where the baby lies? Don't worry too much abt low placenta.. take more rest and dont do strenous exercise..

Dreamz, actually u should ask yr gynae which date to follow.. coz sometimes the scan measurement really depends on how accurate it was measured.

ahNah, i want a boy but u want a girl.. lol.. try next time la.. ;)

anyway, TMC DS scan increase price liao.. from $100 to $118 (w/o GST)..

my gynae machine got 3D scan.. within the $550 package. try to do a 3D scan last fri but cant coz baby lying face down.. cant see her face clearly.. will try to do again for the next visit..

Well.. Sunflower.. I have encountered similiar experience in MRT.. I m not racist but I realized other races are not courteous.. A malay auntie "snatched" a seat in front of me last week.. then after a few stops, the seat next to her is empty, she placed her bag on the empty seat and ask her son to sit..


no la... Queen is my mother in law..


just realise we have one common friend in FB. & ur got the same birthday with my hb!! happy advance bday to u.

hi mtbs,

very long nebe login..mth end closin..wrk so stress :S

I juz went for my DS last thurs, its a girl =D *happy* I like bb girl cos can doll her up pretty pretty...

Btw, anyone going for the Childbirth Education Course conducted by TMC? Thinking to attend.. wonder is it good or not..

wah, long time no log-in and this thread is atill so active.

Went for gynae visit on Sat. my bb weighs about 272g at 18w5days. Gynae say my bb looks like a girl cuz she can't see any thing sticking out from the bottom... lol~ so my gut feeling is correct, so is the gender chart. hehe~ can't wait for DS to confirm gender... =)

Re: Weight Gain

What is the so call ideal weight gain for mummy and bb per week, for average-size mummy? My gynae told me to cut down on dessert cuz I'm gaining weight a bit too fast for 2nd tri.

Re Baby Movement.

My bb very active these few days, keep feeling her movement. Position varies. Sometimes at the side, sometimes just below belly button. i can now feel her moving lor. hehe~


i got nose bleed last week lor. very sudden also. Just boarded the train to go home, then suddenly feel a trickle down the inside of my nose. Thought it was mucus but alas, it's blood. whole trip home pressing a tissue on my nose... haha~ I heard taking some chrysanthemum tea will help to slightly cool us down.


Thanks for making all the dinner arrangments. Able to let us know what name the table is reserved under?


wah! these pple really CMI lor. saw a few incidents lor. just for seats, they can squeeze from one side of the train to another...then they alight at the next stop! *faint*

Usually at crowded places, I will always use my hand and arm to protect my tummy. including if the person sitting beside me has big movement! u never know when they are gng to hit ur tummy!


u so funny.. haha~

ok..will try taking tonight..

Sunflower; i also encounter this b4.. my bump also show lolz ppl also keep on ignore... relax dun get angry cuz of this kind of ppl.. no worth it...


ur MRT incident very bad le. Must say loud loud and make them paiseh mah. "i'm preg, if u dun mind, can i've the seat?!"


Cannot imagine 2 monkeys at hm... Sighz... Everyone say try again la. I say "NO THX"


i tink i shd be named "Maid" not Queen. Cos nd to take care 3 "boys", include my hubby at hm...


Average weight gain is 2kg per mth for 2nd tri. I ask him abt my gain. He jus say my last visit gain a bit more. Cos i gain 4kg. But he say i average out this time. I still gain abt 4kg for 2 mths.

I forgot to inform those that are going for Fri gathering. The table is reserved under Karin for 12 pax.

hi huffpuff, welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] U may give ur detail to udpate the chart!

purelyz, our gathering should be on Thur nite, not Fri, right?

purelyz, it is thurs outing not fri rite?

starz, what purelyz said is correct.. on average 0.5kg gain per week.. recommended by alot of website and mum magazine. Total weight gain throughout preggie is ard 12-16kg about this range la..

ahNah.. can exchange meh? lol..

huffpuff, welcome to this thread!

Hi MTBs & FTB,

I'll update the chart when I'm back in office as my gal is down with hfmd, taking care of her for these few days...


my bb movement also always at the lower tummy leh... is that low placenta too?? however i ask my gynae, he says not to worry cos it will move up at the later stage...


sorry need to skip the on order again as i've no time to surf in detail and the jeans i want like oos...


i feeling very pek chek now...very very pek chek..

morning incident of my poor tummy, plus i lost my USB stick..cant find it at home and in office..i almost tearing my whole office just now just to find it..

i know its trivial matters, but i dont know why i'm like that.. i super frustrated now, nothing can tame me down..

talk to my hubby, even vent anger on him..i feel i need to see him now to vent more anger!

can someone teach me how to relax? i feel like banging my head on the wall to cool me down..i find myself going haywire!

and i got tummy cramp that last for 30mins..is my stress affecting baby? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

huffpuff--> welcome to the Aug2010MTB thread..maybe you wana share with us some details abt urself then ee_yore can help to update it..



Baby #:



Location :



think i'm not able to make it for the gathering....juz realised fri it's holiday.....so meaning my boy's nanny (my godmum) will b going home on thurs nite so i wun b able to stay out late

sunflower--> sorry to hear abt ur unpleasant encounter today..i can understand what you feel..sometimes i even feel so sad that i start to cry..sometimes i also dont know abt what but i just felt so sad..i've just started to read a book titled 'Understanding Your Moods When You're Expecting' by Lucy Puryear..i hope i will be able to control my swinging moods better after reading and trying to understand the feelings we experience during pregnancy..maybe you can try to relax by doing something to pamper urself like spa, facial, or shopping for ur baby stuff? yesterday i suddenly felt abit depressed, i went to library and browsed and borrowed some books abt pregnancy, then when window-shopping for baby stuff..i felt better afterwards leh.. hehe

sorry all, i blur mummy. It's Thurs, not Fri. Hee...

Date: 1 April 2010 (Thurs)

Time: 7pm to 9.30pm

Venue: Swenson Cafe - Plaza Sing, Level 3

Reservation under Karin.

Name (Confirmed)













Got to know a FOC seminar for mummy to be!

Date: 24th April 2010 (Saturday)

Time : 12pm - 1pm Registration & Visitation of Pregnancy and Baby-Care related Booths

1pm - 3.30pm Public Forum

3.30pm - 5pm Witness & Learn Pregnancy Workout in Singapore

Venue : Suntec Singapore Convention Centre Level 3, Meeting Room 325 to 326


Wan to join? I'm interested but my hubby working can't go. I dun wan to go alone le. Maybe this can be our 2nd gathering?

Limited seats, need to register. I can email and register as a group. Couple are welcome! Please inform me by this week.

Date: 24th April 2010 (Saturday)

Time : 12pm to 5pm

Venue : Suntec Singapore Convention Centre Level 3, Meeting Room 325 to 326

Name (Interested)


Just stretch my leg straight and wait for the pain to go off. When I'm not preggie, after the pain, I will stand up and do marching so the the veins can go straight faster and lessen the pain when I walk. Now I don't dare to do marching. So far I got it 2 times during pregnancy liao and its not as painful as normal cramps. Maybe if next time very super pain (touch wood) I will have to ask my hubby to wake up and do massage for me.

diamantz : got break in between.

jascmy : she didn't wake me up. I got woke up when she scream next to me in the middle of the night.

ah nah, hahaa... I will also scream loh. But that 2 times when I want to start to scream, the pain goes off liao. Its fast so not that pain. My mum say don't touch her legs when she still in pain if not the veins will pop out and legs will become very ugly. Only massage for her immediately after the pain.


oh i forgot. kept wanting to tell u all.

If you can, eat more sweet corns. apprently that's what i heard from my friend before. sweet corn (jagung) can help to stimulate bb's brain.

i dunnot how true but i seldom eat cause had bad ms last time. now i think i should start eating some.

i ate quite a lot for my 1st kid.

FYI. dont ask me why, but i oni know JUST EAT.

