(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

sunflower, how to relax?

deep breathing?

actually maybe it is your hormones bah. last time i was also like that. as long as see open liao or just stay happie for the bb, then can feel happy!

this time i am quite well controlled, cause must stay happie mah.

no worry. i read one article before (i think 3 years ago), when preg if we are stress (moderately, not too much), bb can feel it and bb will be smart woh. dunno how true, but it was a study in PAPER or TODAY.

ahNah, good la. maybe your boy will be smart smart next time.

I mean eat better than dont eat bah. unless keep vomit out.

jia you!

Dear all

i have went for my DC this morning..sonographer said everything looks ok for my bb n after this i bring the report to my gynae too..she said everything is fine..i'm so happy ;-)Here is my result

BPD: 49.4mm

HC: 170.3mm

AC: 148.9mm

FL: 30.1mm

Humerus Length: 28.5mm

Weight: 313gm

It is a boy, this time i asked for a report and according to the report, bb is 350g. I have a low placenta... gee seems like the fengshui master words are becoming a reality argh.... is there anything i can do to make it move up??? i don't want a caesarean! I also found out that I have a 6cm fibroid... growing alongside the bb! Sign ... left the hospital with a heavy heart.

i left for sgh at 11am and reached there at 11.30am had the ultrasound at 12.45pm. Saw doc at 12.20am. left clinic at 2.15pm... if i continue to do this i think i will get fried by my co. Got to apply leave next time.

Din get to do a 4d scan today sigh.... but today's scan cost a bomb at $155.84! I think the previous 4d scan at gestational age of 12 week also cost ard this px... sorry. I asked the sonographer how come no 4d scan today and she say now bb still doesn't look v good, best to wait till after 30 week to do it... cos the skull has not really fuse together. She also say got to few kicks once in a while from now on to make sure bb is okay.

scooby2010..i also have a 6.8cm fibroid thats on the top of the uterus....do note that the fibroid may cause severe stomach pain if it red degenerates (u can goggle on the term red degeneration of fibroid) to find out more....i had v severe stomach pains abt 3 weeks ago and had to mc for 8 days....but it is common for fibroids to red degenerate during pregnancy..

i m now taking weekly jabs to soften the fibroid...but don worry, it is only a 'may' thing...yours cld be perfectly quiet thru ur pregnancy...jus wanna share my experience w you....

my DS will be coming sat and i m 21 weeks now....

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The exchange rate i will adjust later when i get check my CC transaction.

thank you pekkle for your post, it is really sweet of you.

Now there are three things for us to deliver... the bb, the placenta and the fibroid.

The worse case scenario would be for the fibroid to continue to grow and fight for space w the fetus. And if the fibroid grow too big, then there is this chance that the fetus will have to be prematurely remove for the well-being of the mother and child. if my placenta doesn't move upwards thats it, everything hv to be removed via caesarean somemore.


AC: 160mm



FL: 31mm

Ulna: 29mm

HL: 31mm


Date: 24th April 2010 (Saturday)

Time : 12pm to 5pm

Venue : Suntec Singapore Convention Centre Level 3, Meeting Room 325 to 326

Name (Interested)


ednique and hubby

ahnah & wife


replying to your leg cramp... I got it quite early when I'm having #1... I dont scream out but i immediately woke my hb up, as the cramp came very sudden, i think usu we dont have the reflex to straighten our leg... what my hb did was to help me straighten my leg, hold on to my calf and flex my foot back... this will slowly relief the cramp, however do note that pregnancy leg cramp will cause the following day calf pain... i think it's naturally...

previously gynae advise to reduce salt intake and cover the small calf when sleeping... i did bought those footless socks to cover up incase i kick my blanket away unknowingly...

now before i sleep, i'll exercise abit by straightening my leg and flex my foot, hold for few seconds, repeat few times... *touchwood* I suppose it does helps...

scooby2010, u scare me leh. I also have one but doctor say is small and soft so no big deal unless it grow. How u know about the fibroid? Can see from the DS ah? Mine is bcos doctor check for infection so happened to see.

My DS on 13 Apr. Will ask sonograpfer to check in detail cos the previous subsided clinic doc very lousy. Don't know whether she check correctly. Will also ask my new gynea to check too.

Sigh, hav to cancel the swim tmr with wl cos my fungus infection came back. Need to wait till I finish my medication and fully recover then can swim.

hi all,

long time no posting...

recently, read stomp posting..and found this post..

stompers say if u cant afford to buy a car, dun get ur wife pregnant..so dun blame ppl who dun give up seats to ur pregnant wife -_-'''

damm sad after seeing such post..

WTF~~ got $$ doenst meant have to buy car wat!! siao di dong..sorry for my language.. cant stand pple think this way..

HAHAHA....which stomper so stupid said such things....like that gov hv to give all mothers a car n waive off everything in order to raise up birth rates....their mothers oso took so much pain to give birth to them how could they say such things.....these ppl nxt time oso will get married n their wives b so 'ke lian' not able to get a sit in buses or trains n those ladies who thinks of that in future when they preg ppl oso wun give them seats.....so sad to see ppl giving such comments.....haizzz

i'm gg for my DS now....yeah!! hopefully can get confirmation it's a healthy girl :)

alibaba..so sad rite...

damm inconsiderate..

no wonder nowadays lesser ppl giving up seats to preg woman..

even now i wear maternity wear, i doubt ppl will bother to give seats to u..


so surprise to see ppl write that in stomp. actually i can feel that those without family (with kids) they wont understand. last time my bil also kind of say (scold) my hb that he did not plan properly about bb care issue, etc etc, ended up everything in a mess for my girl.

in fact, he did not know that even if we plan it out well, the plan also went haywire de. nanny last min dun wan to take care then i have to change plan mah.

now he has a kid, he understands more. so i think it is from experience bah.

AhNah, all gynae will say stop folic acid.

however, i still take (anyway i take less in 1st tri cause i kept vomit).

I read that bb's brains are developing in very fast rate in 2nd tri and 3rd tri as well. so having folic acid is also good to help brain development. not too much, just 1 a day will do (sometimes forget nevermind). i just continue.

this folic acid helps to make the brain cells duplicates, right?

i am not sure, but i did that for my girl, it seems alright.

but if we ask gynae, they surely say NO NEED de.

ahNah, if you go read the ingredients of multivits, they also have folic acid inside.

so it is still ok de.

you are right in that sense. but i still eat one pill a day! cause my 1st tri i really cannot take anything. take liao vomit, take liao vomit. now can take le then i bu3 back. haha!! maybe it is not as effective le.

and we can get folic acid from our food too.

QQ : Talk abt Multivits . b4 I make my wife preg, we ate Multivits and CoQ10 that we bought from drugstore.com and it really give me more energy (maybe that is the reason why my wife can get preg after trying for more than 5 yrs).


wah, singaporean are so disgraceful to say such things..in fact those rich pple are the ones taking mrt becos they keep their cash rather than spending on cars.. even if we have car, doesnt mean hb will send pregnant wife to work ..timing may be different or route is different.

Sunflower, right!

even if we have 1 car, it doesn't mean we have the license and $$ to drive another car. our work places can be very differnt woh.

nevermind la, there are many types of ppl around, just stay happie for ourselves can already. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cheers!

ahNah, i find it weird to talk to a guy here. but haha!! quite interesting hor. u both took multivits prior to pregnancy? haha!! maybe can intro this multivits to other TTC couples leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] quite informative i find.

eh, is it because of that powerful multivits, then u get a boy? *siam* but really le, maybe it is powerful.. that's y the Y-chromo can stay longer.

Jascmy, I have a fibroid in my uterus before i got pregnant. it was 2cm then ...now that i became pregnant it grew to 6cm. The alarmingly fast growth is attributable to the hormonal changes during pregnancy.

Like what Pekkle shared, it will be dangerous if it causes acute stomachache/cramps. In such cases, the doc will hv to do something.... to reduce the pain if the bb is not ready to be 'harvested'.

ahNah, if yr gynae gives yr wife multivit.. then no need to take folic acid.. coz the multivit contains folic acid too.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

last nite i saw an accident near my place, sembawang area. A lady stuck under a lorry.. terrible.. i keep thinking abt this last nite and cant sleep well.. sob sob..

QQ : Then treat me as a sister lor, most of my gal friend do that to me. (but already confirm I AM A MAN). Wat happen to me last time is the lab report stated I have low sperm count and very weak activity. And that specialist from TMC only can suggest me to take MultiVita n CoQ10 to fill up whatever mineral that I lack. It don't really help. Until when come to certain date/time (my Ba Zi teacher told me) when we will have child and it really come true.

So to intro this to other TCC couples, I dun recommend cause that specialist who recommend this method, he also not sure.

My suggestion for those TCC, JUST DO IT . See doctor, see my ba zi teacher to know when can have child lor.

scooby2010, I don't have it before preggie. I did the check for infection every checkup but only last checkup that doctor found it inside. Doctor say it grow recently and its due to hormonal changes. I always tot it will grow bocos of family history (Mum have, daughters will also have and Granddaughters will also....). I don't have fmaily history but it still grow due to hormonal changes during pregnancy. I'm so worried leh. Worried that it will grow. Then I heard is quite common and most automatic disappear after delivery. Then I'm more relax liao. Now you say till so serious leh.


I don't think it is a group of stompers, it is probably just one. One that is bad tempered and defensive enough to say something like this and definitely a male.

Probably one that i have taken picture of...haha..or one of those guys whom have been told off to give up his seat for women. I am amused by such reflection of childishness. He gets old too one day...

hmmm Fumiko_neko and all the rest of the mommies and a ftb...we should try to get it publish in the main paper... pple like him will sooner or later force the govt and social grps to take action and make it a penalty not to give up that particular seat. haha see who hv the last laugh..


since u tried so long, u still wan to exchange ur son with another person..*kok* we should be blessed to have a child since its not so easy for some pple.. be it a boy or a girl, they are the wonders in our life..alot pple want a boy , cant get a boy..so dont exchange lar..must be contented leh.. some boys are very guai also.


so u are not guai when young also? hehe..but i think it depends on the 'ba zi' of the baby to determine the character leh..and also how u brought up the child.

Jascmy, can your subsidised clinic be worse than mine? haiz ... I was only told of the 6cm fibroid yesterday at the 20 week gestational scan. But there again i don't know whether it only grew during the last 3 weeks or what ...

Fumiko_neko, i also don't know ... do you have the link? If you have it i will send it to my business associates in SPH...haha... cant find the article..

Sunflow : yes, all the boy in our family are not guai one. Very bad bad boy one.

When shall my wife go for 3D or 4D scan ? at which week ?

scooby2010, yup, mine worst. I don't even know the size. I tried to call the KKH helpline to ask, the nurse checked my file and say she can't read the doctor's handwriting. She somemore say "Only the doctor herself know what she is writing". Very bad rite! I will ask my gynea when I go for my first checkup with her next month.


if the fibroid is soft, shld not pose a problem...

the severe stomach pain is really quite terrible...v painful to walk, stand up and get off bed...that will last abt 3-5 days...after that the pain will gradually subside...

my fibroid was discovered at the first checkup when the pregnancy was confirmed at 6 weeks..

