(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

gosh i'm starting to get very worried now..looking at double digit weight gain during pregnancy..i'm already overweight even before preggie sia..



it's very common to start losing hair ard 2-3mths after delivery....but first of all now some of us may encounter white hair....that's what i've gone thru n still experiencing it rite now....but not to worry, so long we eat well during confinement time it'll turns black again...but not all lah...hahaha

for hair lost i personally finds the 'chen long' that shampoo (green color) not bad in helping....am still using it till now (maybe you can try)


how come u've gained so much this time?

hihi.. i have brand new set of AVENT ISIS IQ DUO electric breast pump to let go...need cash..it's a gift...

PM me if you interested.. thanks

Angel : I all along got thick hair so im lucky! But can see that i got alot of baby hair cos my hair drop alot. Erm, it takes few months to totally stop dropping leh.

Shay : My #1, i gain 51kg. #2 i gain 30kg. My #1 born 3.2kg and #2 born 3.4kg

suika : i oso wondering why i gain so much. i normally first few months won't gain so much one, is last trimester i gain alot. But this time, really die liao. Think slimming center also cannot help me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

shay, if u look at the chart ahNah sent... this yr u r 32, last yr 31.. but according to chinese tradition u r consider 32 last yr nov.. so it is a boy. accurate rite?

just had my detailed scan on fri n visit my gynae.. everything is fine.. baby is lying facing down so at first cant see baby face.. the sonographer is very patient and shaked my tummy hard.. she is trilled to see baby moved and my baby sticks out her tongue too! lol.. anyway, my gynae said we should start to monitor baby movement from 20 weeks onwards.. every 12 hrs should have at least 5-10 movements..

Shay, my gal is only 320g at 20w3d.. yr boy grows so fast!

angel, my gynae said as long as the measurements are within the range indicated by the bar besides the numerical values means ok. dun worry too much.. i think my gal AC is less than 50% but he still says ok.

xpink_xuanx, congrats! glad to hear everything is fine for u!

angel, about hair loss.. during preggie, i seldom had hair dropping.. but after my #1, when i wash my hair, a lot of hair drop off.. after 6 months, i went to cut hair, n the hairdresser said i lost too much hair around my temple area, advise me to do treatment.. but i ignore.. i think try to keep hair short so that wont lose too much hair?

xpink_xuanx, ah? you gain 51kg???!! your gynae din say anything?? I cannot imagine leh..

anyway, i read that we should be gaining from 12-15kg for normal build, else might be different to lose weight...

MVH : Got. my gynae say my hormones changes alot and not suitable to pregnant. My water retention also very serious. Now at 19weeks, i have water retention already.


wah u really gain 51kg?? is that possible?? my #1, total i gain 18kg i already think alot... but hor now this one so far 2 to 3kg only, is that normal?? but my sis #2 also overall only gain 5kg so might be okie...


dont worry abt hair loss... this is also part of hormones change... for those that usu have thick hair, nothing to worry abt cos they'll usu grow back... for me, I have less and fine hair, my mum's genes but i dont experience very terrible hair loss and it will be back to normal too...

eeyore : Yeah. i happen to know a few mummies from this forum who gain 50-60kg during pregnancy too.


i tot i saw wrongly. 51kg? you must be very under weight before that, am I right?

so now gynae said ok?

as long as bb is healthy, the weight thing can slowly come back.

angel, i got hairloss last time, but i think, maybe i bochap, not very serious bah. i have super thin hair, i keep long hair as well.

so during confinement can eat more he shou wu while boiling the reddate water. my CL did that for me cause she said can help a bit.

after 6 months or so, hair already came back bah. no worry.... diff ppl diff pattern, maybe you have less hairdrop? worry too much also no use.

if wanna less hair drop, keep hair short is good.


check with those who already felt baby movements, are the movements below belly button or above? pple say if movements below belly button, u have low placenta.. i have low placenta during DS, and all my baby movements are below the belly button..so gota monitor now if the movements start to move up to ensure placenta moves up too.


not true le.

i feel bb movement a bit high, just below my ribs cause bb legs there. but my placenta is a bit low. no worry about low placenta. last time i had low placenta too, then the placenta slowly move up when bb get bigger. for my previous preg, the bb movement also always very high until i deliver. definitely above belly button for my cases.

QQ : Yeah i was consider underweight before my first pregnancy. But after i gain 51kg, i only lose 10kg. so from that onwards, i din lose weight at all. So became overweight. lol

Sunflow : Hmm i din eat alot. My gynae say even i don't eat, the weight still gain due to hormones. So asked me to eat as per normal.


i see i see. your hormones sound scary.

i also think must eat as per normal otherwise how to get nutrients for yourself and bb??

the weight thing can settle after that. ok?

i am going out liao. bye! and have a nice weekend.

I just hope SGH will give me as much data as your doc give you ... I don't have something like wat angel post on line yesterday ... a detail report . not for my 13 week scan so i am doubtful i will get any report at all for my 20 week scan tomorrow.

I gained 6kg from the time of my conception till now. I hope the bb is growing and not just me. But the 2nd trimester is really a time where my appetite comes back in full force. I eat like a man now.

I have cut my hair really short from two months ago cos i realise i have got pimples growing on my scalp and the whole of my back. it looks kind of grosteque with pus. Anyhow after i got my hair chopped off and change from my regular shmapoo to head and shoulders ... i have got less pimples but alas ...dandruff. what an irony... head and shoulders is suppose to give me less or eliminate dandruff problem leh. funny.

I read from a book that during pregnancy, we drop less hair. so all those hair that fall off post pregnancy are those that are suppose to drop off earlier in non-pregnancy circumstances anyway so nothing to be worried about.

I personally always thing that yunnam is load of crap, i still think so ...a over weight friend of mine went to expressions and london weight management ... spent like 50k there with no results...

went to see Dr Woody on sat morning. he only reach at 11am cos got emergency in the morning. according to the scan it shows I'm 19 weeks instead of 18 weeks as per previously calculated. so should I follow 19 weeks / 18 weeks?

unable to confirm gender but Dr Woody say looks boyish.

old navy/gap> last call for orders, please send me your orders by 31st March. Need to place my maternity clothes order soon else later suddenly grow, no clothes to wear hee hee.

16 more days to go for my DS. I'm getting more and more excited. I still don know bb's gender, only he/she knows his/her gender now. Nobody knows..

Think my temper is getting from bad to worse. A guy bump into me as i was getting out of the train and he 'tsk' me. i gave him a look and 'tsk' him back ... gosh ... is thid going to be permanent?

scooby2010 : nope. Even I not preg. I will give a fierce look at whoever is blocking me from exiting from train. So no worry.

when for my detailed scan on last sat... finally managed to know my bb gender... it's a GIRL.. hehehe..

at 1st the sonographer cant see... she say bb legs closed very tightly... after my hubby come in.... the sonographer say she is able to see someting... so cute.. bb wait until daddy come in the show us...

then we saw her smiling and sucking her thumb...

morning ladies!!!

i'm so excited....will b going for DS tml morning then to immigration to collect my boy's passport n mine too....hopefully my plans to go Genting nxt mth no changes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

most fathers i know would prefer boys cos they will have so many games in common to play, you are extraordinary!

I will be due for my ds scan in half an hour... i am very excited too. i have this anxious feeling before i went for my driving test ...


if can trade.. already do so la ! anyway boy is cute too.. but if got 2 or 3 boys will be terror.. hahaha!

I will tell you the cost of it when i come back from the scan. bye ... see you guys later

Got to spend quite a bit of time to finish reading the past posts, more than 200! I've done with my detailed scan, goes quite smoothly. I talk to bb the night before to ask bb to show face to mummy. BB did show face and can scan the lips very fast.

I got to wear blue for this fri gathering. It's a boy again... A bit disappointed... but glad that everything is ok. BB is 370gms, within the average weight and i've gain 4.5kg since then. Also acceptable weight.


I have a Avent Isis UNO electric breastpump to let go.


It will include the following:

- Single Electronic Breast Pump x1

- Avent airflex bottle (125ml/4oz) x1

- Battery pack x1

- Main power leads x1

- Manual pump parts for use when there is no power available x 1

Interested buyer, pls PM me.

Thank you

Welcome all to join for the Aug 2010 MTB Gathering!

Date: 1 April 2010 (Thurs)

Time: 7pm to 9.30pm

Venue: Swenson Cafe - Plaza Sing, Level 3

Name (Confirmed)













I'm not too sure if i miss any updates. Pls info me if u r coming...

For the colour dress code. Maybe dun need wear full blue or red top/ dress if dun've. Wear something with a little or tint of the right colour to indicate... Hee...


gal can be a terrorist too..


hi-five... both of us will have two terrorist..

become yelling women..


ur water retention is seriously scary... that make u gain soo much weight... hopefully u not getting soo much time round...


im very hot temper recently too..today is another hot temper day..

i met a few ugly singaporeans in mrt!

i was standing in front of the priority seat, this bangala man did not give up his seat to me,..its ok for me, i just continue to stand and read newspaper..

after that , the guy sitting next to him decided to give up his seat for me.. a fat indian lady standing near the door saw him standing up, quickly rush over for the seat. she just squeeze from my front! my tummy was squashed by her, imagzine i have to 'pull' back my tummy which was pushed by her to the left ! i was so angry and i 'tsk' her loudly.. i regretted not telling her off that she was so rude to squeeze me just bcos she wants the seat. later on, i felt so sorry for my baby, and keep rubbing my tummy.. she looked at my tummy, and ignored.. nevermind , after a few stops, the bangala alighted, so another lady standing beside me ask me to sit..then before i could sit, another lady behind me grab the seat...WTH are these singaporean..! its ok..i continue to stand, and after 1 stop, she realised im preg, and gave the seat to me..OH MY GOD! singaporeans are so disgraceful!!


i think angel paid for the oscar test thus she had a detail report from the 12-13 wk scan.

no worry, you will have a detail report for your detail scan soon.


aiyo the mrt incident.

i also initialy tot i wont get a seat if i take mrt. to my surprise, someone gave me seat (prob my tummy is huge now). i feel so touch le.

maybe your tummy not showing very big now? or the lady is not very good lah. nobody gives u seat is still ok, but they fight the seat with u, it is too much.



cool down.. i tink probably u mus be v slim & ur bump is not big enough for pple to realise it at one glare [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] probably u get more offer later on...

though i drive most of the time. i guess it's really fustrating to see this kind of pple.... last time when i have #1 i also met alot of these pple... alot of them act blurzzz.. i went to taiwan .. their train priority seat was always empty even the train was crowded.. that is then call PRIORITY!! only pple with priority can sit on it!!


i am one too experiencing it from the start til now... recently slight better.. but still have it... this morning my maid already got it from me... it's a bad monday morning for me ...

my tummy is showing already..else wont have 2 persons giving me seats just now..actually i dont mind pple take the seat, but i just dont like pple to squeeze my tummy ! its so heartpain to see my baby being squashed or push..


Hey, sometime they are not Singaporeans leh. I realised those foreign workers are the one loh. Sometimes I see the whole row of foreign workers (China, India, Bangala, etc etc....) in the train. I knew I won't have a seat liao. Then for Singaporean and if there is space for me to walk in, I will stand infront of those with friendly face. They will give up seat.

That time I even push an old lady away cos her elbow is hitting my tummy. She is very weak and walked very slowly. I have no choice cos I need to protect my bb. Imagine what will happen if ppl push on her and her elbow............

Sunflower, next time use your hand to protect your tummy. I will push the person away if they try to suqeeze thru my tummy cos my hand is there to protect and push. I really don't care liao, jus push them away!

Today I met 2 kind Bangalas. I tot they will grad the seat once the person alighted but they actually asked me to sit down instead. Hehee....

