(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


cut back on ur salt intake, must reali monitor..i've gt a fren who got her high blood pressure fr her preg n nw takg long-term medication. try to relax n dn be stress. u gg tw for holiday?

suika, jus called them to complain mins ago. hope it works this time. but old habits like spitting are hard to change ah. oh well.

snowy55 -> its due to salt intake? then i better cut down on my potato chips le .. =p kip craving for it =p yeah going tw for holiday .. bringing my parents there too ... cuz they nv been to tw before .. (but i burned a big hole in my pocket even b4 bb is out .. =p)

my mum gonna help me take care of my ppl the next time ... so i figured out dat if i dun go nw .. my parents oso have to wait til my bb is like 3-4 yrs old before we can all go for a holi tog ... so better go nw .. nv noe wat will happened in the next few yrs .. im gettin very panaroid after my papa suddenly got admitted to hospital last yr becuz of a intestine blockage ..


high blood can due to other causes too, my fren cut down on salt as wat her mum advised her..ya, its a gd time for us to travel nw, haiz but my hb cannot afford a holiday nw..hv a great one!

My mum also have high blood pressure. She saw newspaper saying that celery and starfruit helps to reduce high blood pressure. She eat both almost everyday and it works!. Doctor also surprised that her blood pressure drop to normal liao. U might want to try.


i tot i couldn't make it but who knows i made it haha...the midwife keep asking if i want epi and i insist NO and keep telling myself it's gonna be over soon. hope #3 won't be as big as #2....i think 3.5kg would be just nice.

don't think i can join u mummies at swenswen next wk as boss is organising a crab bee hoon dinner on the same night. u guys enjoy and post some pics k?

i've bought this mat for my boy....not too bad i can let him b on his tummy n learn to crawl no nid to worry him knocking his head on the flr....best of all i can nap on it while he practising :p

i would highly recommend the bumper playmat too! it's practical and nice looking - you can pratically do everything on the mat - from eating to sleeping haha...

snowy55> yup will take note~ thanx =)

jascmy> i hate celery leh .. will see if can take starfruit or nt ... i rem ppl telling me dat its "liang" like watermelon .. but i supposed take it 1-2 time shd be ok lah .. thanx~


my #1 was 3.045kg that time.. couldnt imagine ur's 3.5kg above.. are u a small size person?

price is abit steep.. but i got that bumper mat too .. keke

jerlyn and jascmy--> hw many weeks are u both now at? i think u probably already feel baby's movements just that u didnt notice. try this.. when u sitting quietly, say in ur office or on ur bed and not making much movements, u try to listen for some sounds (some say its like 'fart'/gas/bubbling sound), and look out for small movements like a small nudge or throb feeling..it may occur only once or twice and may not be consecutively..sometimes it can be like a fluttering or butterfly-like kind of movement but very subtle..

Hi Ednique

i am now coming 20wks..i do feel movement like goldfish swimming across my stomach..very light only.But i dunno how the bb kicking feeling feel like.

Ednique, I will be 18 weeks tmr. I tried lay on bed quietly and try to listen or feel any movements. But nvr feel anything leh.

Most likely is bcos I'm too fat liao. Too much fats at tummy area so can't feel anything.

jerlyn--> yes that most likely ur baby moving inside. for now i think you may not yet feel baby 'kicking' yet but u will soon feel it maybe in 21 or 22 weeks onwards? it will be like a 'nudging' feeling. if ure lucking, u can even see ur tummy moving when ur baby kicks..i started feeling the nudging feeling abt 1 or 2 weeks ago.. im now 21 weeks. few days ago, i happen to witness my tummy moving, like pop out abit when my baby kick..

jascmy--> no lah u where got fat.. i more fatter than u..hehe probably not yet lah..coz ur baby still have alot of space for movement so u cant feel it yet..

Hi Ednique

i do feel this like something moving inside my stomach,abit uneasy then after that i touch my stomach,i can feel smtg hard n sometimes in different parts n position..n that usually happens in the middle of the night.I wonder is that bb moving n kicking

jerlyn--> ya i also can feel certain parts of the tummy esp the lower abdomen area, are hard so i thought probably that's baby's head or something.. what ure feeling could be baby kicking too if u feel them in different parts and position.. and yes, my baby also very active at night..the time i lie on my side to sleep thats when i can feel the most movements..


i am already in 18w and 2d.. i already started to feel my baby moving inside my lower abdomen. sometimes, i can feel that baby shift from one side to another side. it's quite funny. when i am surfing net quietly, my baby will tend to kick me although it is very light. normally my baby tend to kick me at nights but sometime in office early in morning, then i can feel my baby adjusting around my tummy.


yes, the nurse rang me up on mon to inform me that my DS is normal. i popped by to collect the report on tues evening.

din manage to see woody cos too many ppl & i din want to wait. anyhow, my appt with him is next wk so will see him then.

have posted up my results & pics on FB.


my results seem ok & silly me, i really got confused abt the femur & humerus length thingy.

kept thinking how come the humerus is longer than the femur. lol.

most of the measurements seemed to be abv the 50 centile except for this TCD which is below 50 centile.

i googled & found out that this is referring to the back of head. will chk with woody when i next see him to see any cause for concern.

Jascmy: bb is moving is just that u dun feel.. my gyane say most pro u will feel the bb kick during 21 wks onwards...

Ednique, i can feel like tapping feeling, very light nia.. currently am already 21 weeks.. i can't see my tummy moving..

i can feel my tummy out of shape...

winnie--> ya ure right, like tapping feeling also..but very light for now maybe coz baby still has alot of space inside. tummy moving is quite rare actually..but those very few times i saw were when i'm sitting on bed and kept watching my tummy hah.. if free then see lah.. if not smtimes wait very long leh hehe..

ahNah--> i dont think u can hear it yet..we can feel it but not hear it.. my hubby also listen to my tummy but he say got bubble sound, which i guess is our stomach juices rather than the amniotic fluid or baby movement

hmm i dont know what we can hear actually heh..because to hear heartbeat, we need to use doppler or the stethoscope. i dont think the bubbling sound we hear in tummy is baby moving because my hubby also got same bubble sound hehee

Hi all,

long time no see. how is everyone!!

I was/am busy at work, and finally my exam is next tuesday and i have to work hard this weekend. after that an relac a bit. oni busy at work and at home.

baby movement:

i felt it earlier during 1st preg, this time i tis kind of late for me. however my gynae say usually after 20 wks then can feel. some can be early, or later, plus minus a bit. by 24 wks should be ok to feel it. and then need to monitor daily, at least got movement on daily basis.

i also starting to take calcium supplement now.

angel, not too worry about the report bah. my gynae told me that as long sa the indicators fall in the range, it is ok. from detail scan, my baby now everything above 80% except femur length. so what? meaning will get a short boy? oh my god. i hope not.

haha!!! anyway as long as healthy can liao. i try to drink more milk now to make him grow taller (self consolation bah).

hope everyone is well and happy! enjoy your honeymoon period 2nd tri and 3rd tri will be tiring for some of us.



i'm tall - 170cm at 58kg and i put on 23kg for #1 & 18kg for #2 - see how much i put on during my pregnancy haha....for this pregnancy i already put on 15kg and i still have 4 mths to go...must start to control my diet but hor yesterday Goodwood park promo at office and bought durian mousse and durian crepe somemore.....haiz how to control like tat?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


guess given to ur height , u will have bigger baby la... i am like 1 head shorter than u! so if i have such big baby , i tink i have to go thru c-sect. Doc told me for easier delivery bb weight not heavier than 3 kg is gd. Eat when u can !! only now u got the rights to eat more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] also u have make it for ur #2 @ 4kg+ . so shldnt be a problem for u!


bb weighed 563gm at 22wks. i asked gynae if bb is big and he said ok for this age wor. Dr woody seems to be very relax about my weight & bb's weigh. My previous gynae used to be very concerned and keep telling me to watch my diet and bb is too big. very diff loh....


Glad to hear that everything is ok with your bb. So, no more worries and stay happy ok? office server block fb thus, cannot see your result. Some of the reading at gestational age 21wks + 2 days as below:

BPD: 50.2mm

HC: 175mm

AC: 152.9mm

FL: 33.2mm

Humerus Length: 33.8mm

Weight: 354gm

My FL is also slightly longer than humerus length but woody never said anything wrong with this reading.


i saw ur report, looks ok leh..dont worry too much k.. if u too stress, no gd for ur baby... sometimes maybe the position not correct, so the measurements may not be that accurate too..thats what my sonographer told me..so, as long as all measurements are around the correct range, everything is ok.

Hi mummies, my amnio test result came out. Baby is normal and healthy. And gender is a XX = girl. =)

thanks suika, qq, shay & sunflower! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

actually, i'm not stressed over the results, in fact, i'm thankful all is well & normal.

just curious abt the TCD thingy & a tad concerned that its referring to the back of the head (sounds like impt).

just pray this will not affect bb's brain in any way lor.

right now, i'm more concerned abt this issue. recently, i watched this yun nan's program abt post-natal hair loss.

they said it could affect 50% of mums. reason being during ur preganancy, ur hormones increased by leaps & bounds &

hence u may experience hair growth (i did, on my belly). once u have delivered, ur hormones go back to the normal level &

hairfalls may doubled up w/o new hair replacement leh. they made it sound like so scary...

i have thin hair liao, dun have much excess hair to lose leh... >_<"

can i found out fr those mums who had childbirth before, did u experience any apparent form of hair loss after u delivered ur child??

thanks for sharing.

Angel : For my past 2 pregnancy, after birth, sure will lose alot alot of hair. Its very common

Shay : i'm slightly shorter than you. Ard 165-167cm. I also gain 15kg and now i'm only 19weeks.


huh really ahh?! dun scare me leh... i see u still have nice thick hair now.

how long it takes to go back to normal huh?

the lady i saw fr the program, her front part like almost bald leh, can see the scalp liao. T_T

maybe, i shd start saving $$$ for yun nan liao.


high 5! how much did u gain for first 2 pregnancies? were ur bb big?


for me, my hair is thick during pregnancy and drop a lot from bb ard 5-6th mth till about 12 mths. i'm not very concern on this issue cos i have growth during pregnancy and it's normal to loose back after that....haha

