(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

hi mummies, my lil boy is having diahorrea for a week already.. He did not eat anything new leh... Now his diaper rash very very bad that he cries whenever he poos or bath... cos very painful when touches water.. Is its due to teething? But he does not had diahorrea before when he was teething leh.. Advise pls..


zoie, he seen doctor for 2 times already[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Tried cream that doctor gave, purple & blue desitin and drapolene cream all doesn't seems to works.

Last sat, wanna bring him for kindermusik class but dun dare to bring him lo.. Hope he can recover fast lo if not got to give a miss for the kindermusik & swim trial.. haiz[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sigh... Just came back from KK A&E. Received call from my inlaws that baby was fully covered with rashes and running high fever around 5pm. Scared the shit out of me and rush back home... Doc said cld be hive and need to monitor for a few days... So tired...


My Pd prescribed fungicide for Jojo that time when he had problems similar to your bbs.. Tried to get it off shelves in pharmacies but they dun sell.. U may need to get it from PD

hope, i have fungicort. applied before.. works for awhile, then it comes back again. cos its steriod, i dont wanna keep applying it on the testicles!!!

Hope - ya..classes are usu morning..noon is for 24 mths and above. So now, I am trying to monitor his sleeping pattern, and see if he can skip his morning nap and behave in "cilivised" manner during meal time.

zoie - I also think u shd bring him to see doc again..meanwhile try to see if you can find reasons for the rashes esp if it is recurring and for so long. Could it be diapers? diet?

Irene - my boy had diarrhea for almost a week..lasted for abt 2 weeks or so (less watery stool towards the end)..I stopped all milk intake (except breastmilk) and gave very light diet. Dun think it is due to teething. But I use water to wash his bum after each clean up (try not to use the wipe too often)..keep the area dry before applying the cream..I actually let his butt naked for a while, let him roll/play on the mattress before wearing the diapers. Meanwhile, u wann try giving him yogurt, which supposed to help in diarrhea.

Friend78 - take care..

Hi mummies.. it been such a long time since I logged into forum and chat with u ladies.

tywong, just added you inside FB. I was the one whom u sent your courier to my school.

teacher mummies, Happy Youth Day.. Schools giving u all a day off in lieu on next monday?


I just burned the inner pot of my 2.4l slow cooker this morning !!! Usu I will cook the ingredient with the inner pot over the strove for at least 15min after i put in the meat etc and while waiting i itch hand go download stuff from the Apps store with my ipad and there goes my inner pot. I just called the company, they sell the replacement pot at $24++, very heartache, with this $$ i can buy lots of things from itunes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I already told myself not touching of ipad or computer during cooking, it is actually v dangerous.

Can ask mummies whether the inner pot can still be salvage after the bad burn? I tried scrubbing it but cannot get the black layer off [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Thks ladies! Baby's fever is like yoyo... Up and down... Super cranky until I almost wanted to just sit down and cry with him. Finally sleeping... Hope he will feel better later.

Amy, yes iPad 2 is very distracting. I missed my bus a few times cos I was too engrossed in playing it. I bought it for baby but he is still more interested in iPhone leh...


Hope your little ones get well soon!


try boiling with baking soda - enough water to cover burnt parts, sprinkle some baking soda, boil. should help somewhat.

WTS Lamaze Space Gym(full set), with battery included. Condition 9.8/10 used for 2 months.

Technical Details

- Lamaze toys grow with babies and are enjoyed in new ways as the months go by

- Stimulating colourful rattle with plenty of activities for your baby

- Bright contrasting colours and pattens stimulate vision

- Rattles, squeaks and crinkles develop auditory senses

- Different textures to grip and grab refine motor skills

Original price: $87.90

My price: $35

Self collect at Bukit Panjang. Please PM me for more details.



Thanks for the advice, i will buy a new one Tom while trying out yr mtd n keep it as a spare ;). This is one equipment tat I cannot do without, v helpful for me.

Bb milestone

today is the first day tat my bb finally sleep through the nite till morning since birth, hope he will continue the good habit. But the price of him sleeping through is engorgement to mummy, a v painful one. The most amazing thing is when I was with him in the play yard and started talking to him when the pain become more intense, he pat on my breast and when I latched him on he cleared the blocked ducts for me oso the first time he manage to do it. It is as he know mummy is suffering, I luv u son [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thinking of getting a Manduca... Any mommies recently bought one within the past 6 months? Can borrow ur warranty card for a 10% discount?

Hep B Booster

Does your baby needs to take the booster? Brought Olaf to polyclinic for his pneumococa and the doc advised that no booster is required as the Hep B jab given was of new type. May I check if you have also been advised the same. Cos I know that in normal procedure, blood test needs to be taken for the LO if they have sufficient anti-bodies towards Hep B before they'll be given a booster. In this case, conclusion is no booster is necessary before any blood test is taken.

I want to bring my 13month to swimming for the first time.. Can advise me what to bring & where is good location foe baby? Need to wear float?

Hep B Booster

I recalled my boy only took the Hep B jab twice but

based on the immunisation record, we had 3 Hep B jab - taken at birth, one month old and 6mth old. The 3rd jab was taken together with the 5 in 1 jab. A bit confusing leh..

Today brought him to take the final Pneumococcal jab..I asked for fever med but my PD said usu the 3rd jab will not cause fever like the first 2 jab..

The next Jab will be MMR and Chix pox combo..she suggested that I take the combo instead of separate jabs..and that might cause fever to some babies..

Julia - I have heard abt crawling pads, but have not seen them before..

zoie, the 5% discount card valid till when? hb say mayb will have sale when the new model comes out.. the person at the shop say new model coming out soon.. so i duno if wan wait or not..

julia, u need swim diapers and better to get a float.. and those bath/swim toys..

mommies, ntuc having huggies promo.. $17.20 per pack.. bigger pack than cold storage so it's cheaper then the recent 2 for 21.95 promo.. i went to get 5 packs coz i needed 10 stamps.. my storeroom full of diapers now - pampers, drypers, huggies!! hahaha...

Jojo, yup there is a new model coming out...called the manduca newstyle.. basically the same except for colours. our hood is a different colour from the main body.. but the new design will have the whole carrier in the same colour.

Our kids alr 1 year old.. hahahaha u wait any longer.. may not use it for long already unless u plan to have a second one. If you are having a second one, i suggest u wait for the new model cos it has some improved design which is apparently even better for infants in the infant insert. for our toddlers, i think the old design works equally well.

my 5% is till october i think.

dang... i think baby slings and carriers shd employ me...7 of my friends got the manduca and sleepywrap!

yalo u macham the walking promoter! im intending to have #2, just that duno when.. haha.. so i'll just use it with Ryan for as long as possible, then when #2 comes along i can put #2 in manduca, then hands free to hold ryan and barang barang.. thats y tot of buying now though our babies are already 1yo.. but new model may b more exp.. if current model is good enuff for infants, mayb dun need to buy new model..

The new model is the same price cos it's supposed to replace the current model. I think they have ready stock for navy and black, the other colours have to pre order and arrive by mid July ( according to my FB newsfeed)

The current model is okay for infants. J used it since he was 2 months and some of my friend's started their newborn with it too. Seems fine so far.

Julia, when u buy the swim float, get something that allows them to submerge at least to waist level. I bot a car float that only allows legs to go in, exposing the rest of the body from thighs onwards, no good. N also, check that your todd can balance well n wun tip over, which may frighten them. Kiddy palace, giant, carrefour all sell floats. Rem to slap on sunblock too.


i didnt take the combo MMR and chix jab cos tat combo call MMRV needs to take 2 MMR jabs which im scared cos last time there's always report on MMR jabs causing autism in boys...of cos not proven and my PD also say nt proven but she mentioned if im scared then take the old one which is MMR and chix pox seperately.

gd thing abt the MMRV combo is that u skip the MMR jab at pri one.


I oso dun know how my bb did it cos he failed to clear my blocked ducts in the morning when I got the engorgement after he managed to sleep through the night. I tried to hand express after he failed to do it in the morning but it is still v painful, it is in the afternoon when we are playing in the playyard that he managed to help me clear after i latched him on, that is why i think it is as through he know mummy is in pain.

Activity table

Hi mummies with activity table, do beware that our bb can climb up the table now so it is v dangerous to leave it with the bb unattended. My bb managed to climb up the activity table as he want to come to my sofa, i am shocked to this stunt as looking at his legs it does'nt look long enough to be able to climb up the activity table.

mummies feeding bb with cheese

may i know what kind of cheese do you feed yr bb and where do you buy them?


I rem u mentioned yr gal love yoghurt, how often do you give it to yr gal? Can it be on a daily basis?


is the activity table low? my bb has already learned how to climb our dining chairs. already climbing sofa by himself & intended to climb ON TOP of the sofa. -_-"

i gave my bb yoplait baby yogurt. feed him every 2-3days if still available @ home. only he likes that super sour yogurt.

Amy, I give my gal yoplait baby yogurt and laughing cow cheese cube and bread dip. I dun give daily. Maybe 2-3 days once. Btw, sorry din reply ur SMS the other day. I didn't really download any apps cos I don't encourage my gal to be on iPhone/iPad yet.

Amo, I checked there isn't any hep b booster scheduled on the immunization chart. I believe our babies dun have to take now.

I'm being kiasu here - is there anybody's child at St James Kindy? Or anyone who had been on their waitlist before, what's the experience? Successful waitlist or not?

Thanks mummies, will check out lauging cow cheese cube. My bb love yoplait bb yogurt, i am now trying the one for 1 yr old (strawberry n berry). I oso think it is sour, oni hb n bb luv it, so if bb can't finish hb will take the remaining.


Is there any reason why u r not using the ipad for yr gal?


I didn't receive leh. Anyway, I sms you already.


I think Genice's daughter is there.


your pot how?


u make me go measure my activity table, haha.. think it is abt 30cm, consider low? but it is still abt 40% of their body height. i do not allow my bb to go near the dining chair and table (unless i am around) cos it is v dangerous as they can easily hit into the corner of the dining table as they are taller now. I think we seriously need to go for a massage session


My bb will tear off the corner cushion i pasted to protect him, i already use 3m double sided tape as reinforcement but still no use (even use liquid nail glue on some furniture). Any suggestion for a better quality corner guard or side guard or any thing that i can use to prevent it from ocming out.

Saw this bp for safety edge and cushion, not sure it is good.




Can get yoplait baby yogurt in NTUC or cold storage. Usu i got it in Cold storage, seem they got more choice. Maybe u can check with their staff ?


I hv not tried it on the pot as i do not hv baking soda, but i m getting it fr my sil to try, she will be passing it to me this weekend. I will definitely try it on my pot and post the result here, hopefully it work then i will hv a spare pot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

