(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

wa u all making me very gan chiong.. i've not been doing much to search for cc/kindy.. not sure if wana start ryan in jan 2012 or not, hb say 18 mths still very young.. i very blur, odyssey is cc/kindy too meh? there's a brighton montesorri at Frankel, been wanting to check it out since months ago but never did..!


Jojo, your hubby seems to have high expectations in terms of discipline, so perhaps when Ryan goes to school, he will learn. I believe there are lots of benefits to start young - as the saying goes : never too young nor old to learn.Brighton is known to be strong in academic learning so not sure if they will be good as a playhouse for 18mos. I know for sure they are very expensive,registration fee is $600+ already. My friend used to teach there, quit last year, she told me it's not a good organization at the fort road branch. But very good academically. So depends on your expectations also. Eton promised me that the nursery is purely play learning,only when they are in k1 level things switch to academic. I can accept that. I have this thinking that if I sink him into academics too early, it'll make him dull hahahha and affect his creative assessment.

Tiger, let's force hope to bring us on a tour of nyps! Haha! If the building didn't change much, I can bring you too lol!!

Hope, we have an appt with green pastures at 1pm, then I'll drop by ny kindy to register wait list, after that free but grace gotta go off at 245 to paragon and I will drop her off on the way home.

Friends, u r def not KS, today i went past My First School, a new branch near my place. Saw the environment was very nice and decided to check w the school how many on waitlist..I just submitted my application yesterday even though i c their banner way before K was borned. Gosh.. i am like 30 + and that is for next yr intake.. confirm no chance.. I think now i will just send him to 2 hr playgroup near my hse let him interact for a while and wait till he goes kindy.

ty, u placed ur name down? :D sorry din reply u coz bz w my boy. he was hospitalised 3 days because of broncholities. wah.. now u fast fast go be alumni already.. gd for u. I still have to go thru the long way.... to get into nyps.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Friends, I alr paid for CC, Dec 2011 intake.. cant wait to put him in cc so that i dont hv to shuffle him between both parents throughout the wk.. it's v tiring for us..

workload is nw crazy!

xx, how to get off sch at 2.30? adjunct? feel so guilty that im nt spending enough time w my boy.. esp w the current workload..

hope, when r u gg to perth? Im gg EOY!

Zinc, in my previous sch, there is a part time teacher who reports at 7.00 n gets off at 11.30am everyday. I suppose she's on half workload. So estimate full workload to be 10hrs,

including one hr lunch. Then 2/3 workload shd be from 7 to 2-2.30, include lunchtime.

but XX, that's provided u are not staying behind to mark etc?? then u gonna lug things home to do?

Anyway, i think the 1/2 and 2/3 load thing really depends on ur sch's arrangements.

going off at 3.30 to 4 is already a big challenge for me!

xx, my sch no such thing.. 1/2 or 2/3 also stay for remedial and stuff. just offload non-core.. so it's bo hua to do it.. i did consider it before but my colleagues advised me against it..

zoie, my sup classes ends at 3.30 minimum! nt including waiting for those who owes me hw.. 5pm is a big challenge.. haiz..

hello... morning mummies..

yesterday playdate was fun! i hope i got chance to join in more often!! keke..

wah wah.. i see alot of mummies already preparing their little ones for sch..

i am still searching around.. so far i only popby one CC across the street. Carpe diem.. they have space from next yr Feb 2012 onwards. i already gotten the reg form.. but still want to popby 1-2 more places and see..

i also enjoyed the playdate yesterday, am very sure that elson had lots of fun following his "gf" everywhere. =p *winks @ koaru*

haha rabbit/bluey, me also! if only more playdates on weekend then i will be able to join more.

yes bluey, your Elson enjoyed the 'pillow fight' a lot.

bluey, hahahaha! so fast want to matchmate liao huh? hahahah!

elise, ya lor.. and not too early also... keke... because my hubby working on weekends also... so i always alone taking care of my gal and preparing..

Rabbit, which Carpe Diem are you referring to? My friend who is a cc teacher and studying her childhood degree told me Carpe Diem is very good.


haha didn't noticed of the pillow fight scene, busy talking or rather distracted. =p


hahahaha!! elson probably still in his own world (& blur) if i want to matchmake him. =x

ty, bukit panjang branch.. actually i dont know what to look at lah.. 1st time visit.. so talk to the teachers, look at the place, look at the kids.

maybe is morning.. so kids more energetic? i see the K1, K2 batch happily singing.. they merge N1 and 18 mths to 30 mths toddler together.. i saw them singing some songs also.. then end up everyone go hug the teachers.. haha! very heartwarming.. there is this boy who is still no used to the CC, was told he has been there for almost 3 weeks. so the teachers took turns to carry the boy..

i feel they are pretty careful with kids. they told me they dont bring N1 kids and younger ones to the common playground. because they feel too high for them.. so the teachers bring them to walk around the field area.

actually the area itself is messy lah.. but i actually quite fine with it.. or with kids around difficult to be tidy? their toilets are dry and clean. i more concern abt toilets.. hahaha!

Zinc, Zoie, my hb advise me to just quit asap. Haha! But I'll see how. If part time terms r no good, I'd rather extend my npl. But I really hope to achieve work-family balance. Esp during the initial growing up years (actually all the way until they dun need me). So other than main teaching load, remedial n meetings, wad else r there huh? This shd be all right?


Z Yann kept talking abt Elson gor gor on our way back. ;) Besides the pillow fight, I notice Elson hv been very accommodating to my bossy ger. Is his fav colour green too?

I will prob put my boy in the same cc as my ger in LSH next June - juz hope the fees dun raise so soon!

Xiaoxin, I find that the 'homework' we do after work plays a very impt part too. When I leave at 3plus, all my work are not done, things are not marked and they can only be done when the boy falls aslp.. And it's jus so sickening to know that u have this homework waiting for u everyday and the pile just gets higher and higher.. Where is the time for u to spend time with hubby or catch ur own breather? I am very sure for zinc, even if she can leave by 5pm, her work is not done too. I always think that work seems to begin only after working hours!!

And the best part is after spending so many hours, I am only doing the minimal for my pupils.. No time to do extra resources or prepare. It sucks to be neither her nor there both as a parent and a teacher!!


if quit assign on as adjunct, got more bargaining power, but then no promotions or connect plan.


my boy's turn to fallow bed. Bruised his nose. Look out for vomiting and lethargy, izzit?


hehe, didn't know my elson captured her attention. =p

yup, his fave colour is green. how you know ah?

actually, i notice he tend to follow kids around, we call him copycat, haha.


did u beo Nanyang kindy b4? i bo liao waitlisted when my boy was a mth old keke...let's see if gt chance to get in or nt.


cos both kiddos r fighting to get the "green ballons" cake decor n I spotted him wearing his green hooded jacket on the way home. My ger's used to like green too but recently added purple to her list..


yar, also monitor milk/food intake but otherwise they r more resilient than we think.

Vicious edu system in SIN = overworked and underpaid teachers + super high education standards (but teachers not super high quality because overworked, sorry but I think it's true!!) + kiasu parents like myself + stressed children + overpaid tuition centres + incessant craziness for kids to get straight A's. And parents feeling embarrassed among their own peers if their kids are not straight A students.

Xx i don't think there's a perfect situation, no such thing as work/life balance. Either work or don't work. I work part time, take 30% cut but still bring work home and still answer emails on my off days. I'm currently "training" my boss not to call me on my off days, by not answering his calls or sms! Haha! He saw my new iPhone today and asked me to contact our IT dept to have my work email installed!!! NO WAY! I told him it's my PERSONAL phone. He said I'm his PERSONAL assistant. Wah piang.

Don't mind me asking, just curious and kpo - how much would one have to pay to break the teaching bond? Maybe you can consider giving private tuition at home? When zhe zhe goes to cc, it'll get quite boring won't it? Unless you get preggy again and start the cycle all over again - bf, being in love with your new child blah blah... You are very young so you have to keep yourself relevant even though SAHM, because when zhe zhe is in secondary school, he won't need mama anymore and yet you must still be employable. By then you only how old? 40?

Rabbit, I'm going to see Carpe Diem at Alexandra Gillman Village on Thursday afternoon. I am taken in by their outdoor obstacle course, fruit/spice garden, animal farm, tree house etc, listed on this link:


Xx, you want to join? Quite near your place right? Tigerbaby is coming as well.

Mezzo, I'm going to beo NY kindy this Thursday as well with Tigerbaby. I was an ex student there wayyyyyyyyyyy back in 1979 haha! Some of you here weren't even born then!! Lol! I will waitlist him only for K2, just wanna send him there 1 year before he goes to NY primary. I think he's going to suffer from the effects of a VERY fickle minded mother. I am definitely a kiasu mother. See here see there see everywhere then cannot decide.

Who else is keen to enroll boi boi or ger ger in NY primary?

- me

- hopecg of course (better continue to teach there till jojo is 12!!!!)


sorry i gt big typo error...its NAFA kindy haha...big diff fm nanyang kindy...

im nt old gal if nt sure consider Nanyang pri


if u gng to beo carpe diem at alexndra village, drive abit in to beo Lorna Whinston pre-school. after you see lorna i think u will love it over carpe diem

ty, what you said is soo true!!

hey now choosing CC, is like choosing pri sch lor.. here choose there choose.

you visit liao let me know ok?

Mezzo, see how KS I am? Ok I'll go see Lorna as well if time permits. They said their open house is on 24 Sept 9am - 1pm at Alexander branch.


yup, he is into green for quite some time. the green jacket was bought few years ago when he wasn't into this colour then. he even choose green colour for his sweets/jelly, wonder why he isn't very keen to eat his greens for his meals.

actually im hoping he will like blue more. =p


ya must monitor about 2-3days.


i heard NAFA kindy is not bad.. one of my colleague jus sent hers there.. it's the one at mountbatten?


haha.. i must dong until he hits p1, then consider quitting huh? i think if can't, i'll settle for nearby pei chun pri le.. too xiong.. not sure how much the bond is, but perhaps btw 5-15k? depending on duration of bond left.. lorna also has one branch at east coast park eh.. saw it on sat..

sigh i thot i signed jojo up for eton 717, then no need to bother abt his pre-sch le.. now stil need to worry abt his kindy~!


i so understand wad u mean.. i've been teaching e same syllabus for 3 yrs le.. some of the current students have elder siblings that i taught before and i was hoping that i can have "surprises" for the younger ones.. new ideas for classrm teaching etc.. but think only.. nv happen.. today on cc cos jojo fallen ill.. by right got some time avail to do some marking.. but aft taking care of him the whole day, i'm also sian liao! sian to do anything! the engine needs a break!!!


i thinking of gg perth in sept.. but airtic v ex nw.. so still considering.. haha! which reminds me i need to send jojo's photo for passport collection!


Haven't been there myself but I heard they focus on creative play.. Which kinda fits my criteria.. Not keen to swamp jojo w worksheets when I know he so gonna get tonnes of it in future

Do they have Nafa open house?

Zoie, ty, yalor. It sucks to do less work n get paid less less. But I will still give it a try first. For me, I just want to finish my work at 2.30 latest. They can count it as half load half pay. I dun mind. If it doesn't work out, at least I've tried. Rather than just continue to extend my npl. Cos when zz go cc, I also very bored at home. Unless I send away my helper lor. But if I work half load half pay, I still can cover part of zz's cc fees n maid's salary. Not so shiong for my hb.

Koaru and Misbluey,

Thanks. Will monitor. Luckily he's still quite active today.


I also put my boy on NAFA waitlist. Hopefully get a spot lor.


Tix for perth very ex now. must wait for offer. If I see, I'll let you know. But if you see must let me know also, ok?


u also gg in sept?

if on offer, roughly how much izzit for one adult huh? am thnking whether worth to use my travel programme thingy.. over there, it's abt $700 for a pair of adult tix

carpe diem.. i think the one at alexandra is good but the branch at tampines is not after a visit tehre... the outdoor environment at alexandra is a good bonus point.

ty, how much bond to pay varies from individual. i signed 8 years (4 yrs studying + 4 years teaching), total amt is 100k+10% compound interest. amt will be prorated according to duration in service.

oh ya, n i think for my situation, it's not that bad cos i will be going to a new environment next year. if i change to part time in my old sch, then they may "exploit" me, like wad u r facing now.


It depends on who you fly by. Sq offer OS abt $500 per pax, I think. $700 for 2 is a gd px if by sq. Tigerbaby, how was it experience with jetstar? That is a very good price!


It depends on who you fly by. Sq offer is abt $500 per pax, I think. $700 for 2 is a gd px if by sq.

Tigerbaby, how was it experience with jetstar? That is a very good price!

Dot, monitor for 72 hrs.. But if Evan fell face down, should b ok, if fall face up more worrying..

Hope, east coast lorna? At whr? It's from 18 mths to kindy type of school? I haven done anything except for the airport learning vision... Mindchamps good?

Jojo, Lorna is at the Raintree East Coast Park. Exact location I'm not sure, you need to refer to their website, search google. Yes it's from 18m to K2. I kind of like that they are not that big a group, only 2 locations, so perhaps the standard is not diluted, just a guess. My brother's kids are at Mindchamps at buona vista, according to him it's not great but his kids are not academically strong, perhaps cos they were born very premature, gestation 6 months plus. But the school is very strict on the kid's health, I know the twins were once rejected because the boy had mouth ulcer and the girl wasn't allowed to get into class also even though she had no ulcer. Everyday the kids are checked before they enter class.

hi mummies

been MIA for some time..

recently my boy been having frequent poo like 3-4 times a day. esp after Enfa milk feed for the past 1 month

the poo texture is paste-like

brought it up to the PD.. she say is still ok.. and definitely not diarrhea or lactose intolerent and also advised to change to NAN HA. but after changing to NAN HA, the poo stop for a while, then some days he can poo 3-4 times a day

does anyone have same experience?


Gitz - mine had the similar poo story last month..the only change in diet is the fresh milk..but my PD asked me to stick to breastmilk till he was better. She mentioned that it could be viral and his stomach was bloated, she ruled out lactose intolerence. He continued to have poo (3-4 times per day) for almost 2 weeks..but the stool get less watery and more firm..gradually his poo cut down to twice a day..and then back to normal.

Try to keep him hydrated..keep his meal light, avoid oily food. I only gave him plain porridge with soy sauce..sometimes add minced chicken, tofu. Avoid fruits, but I give boiled apples..supposed to be good for loose bowel.

