(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


I used to bought it from cold storage.. Dun tink all NTUC carries this yogurt cos I remember I went to NTUC dun hv den I went to cold storage wo.



haha oops.

30cm like low leh. i believe our babies are about 70-80cm range now?

that sunday i spent my whole day looking after bb (maid off day), & my body feel like spiltting. =p he kept trying to wriggle out from ergo which i refused to let him out as we were outside.

btw, strawberry & berry is under yoplait too?


i got yoplait from those big ntuc.

Hi mummies, I brot zhezhe to singkids at vivo today. Wow! This indoor playground is indeed special. Too bad zz can't walk yet. N he's kinda afraid of the moving equipment. A bit wasted.

Zz also loves the berry flavours yougurt. Any idea wad's the diff between normal yougurt n this expensive baby/todd yougurt?

amy, my gal oredi know how to climb up the activity table oredi. she always use it to stand up assisted. so i pushed the table near to the sofa, so that she will not fall.

amo, rgd this yoplait yoghurt, how much does it cost? 1 day 1 small tub for bb to eat? any certain timing preferred to give bb?


i cant remember how much yoplait yougurt costs. my bb can finish 1 small tub by himself. no certain timing to give.

xiao xiin,

singkids how much ah?

Finally GUG@ united Square called me up and there is vacancy (last one) for Tues/Thurs slot 1130am..Will be going for the trial next week..

For those mummies who are on waiting list, u may wanna call and ask for update? There are some slots avail for Mon/Wed/Fri 1pm - 230pm class. Tues/Thurs Morning class 930-11am slot no more liao..


The activity table looked taller than a 30cm ruler, look v deceiving and sometimes we may overlook n tot it is safe.


I oso put my activity table next to my sofa, one day we may see our lo on the sofa smiling at us while we rush to them screaming haha.

Training them to come down help but no 100%guarantee, my bb just fell fr bed n hit his head over the wkend through he know how to come down himself. Tis is after I changed his diapers n before I can keep everything he already turn n want to get down the bed. just before he can reach the floor he grabbed the changing mat n fell with the mat and cry big time vvv heart pain. My boy moved v fast throughbhe is still not v stable tis is the most scary part n of course v tiring to follow him around.


The singkids is the same as the one in airport T3? Bot bb to T3, the indoor playground looked v nice but v exp $18 for one hr. I liked the place v bright n colorful, and the activity seem fun. Dun like gogobambini cos it is dark n dull n look dirty.


my boy, coming 13 months taken care by my mother@my place also have big fall almost every other day...

fall from sofa, with head landed first on the floor, fall in bathtub (coz he tried to stand up), fall onto edge of bookshelf (results in cut on scalp)

yesterday was the extreme! was on walker & fell 3 step down to recess area! suffered 5 superficial cut on forehead!

our boys are so active.!

wonder if this is normal or they may need to seek doctors advise how to slow them down...

PS. i think my boy can down on bed very well...he can make his way down any height very carefully.. but accidents still happen..

if there's a playdate meet up, I've loved to join..

please advise

Bluey, it's $18 per session. duration is from 1hr or 2 hr or full day, depending on whether u go on weekday or weekend. Go to their website to see. I bot their package so it averages out to be $14 per session.

Amy, same as airport one I think. But smaller. I haven been to the airport one though.

Mezzo, it's opp starbucks on the first floor.


Wah, yr boy "injury history" seem very scary. Actually I saved my boy many times already, managed to "hope" his head before it touches the ground quite a few times, haha. But the recent one he fall down the bed cos I confidence he can come down himself didn't expect the changing mat to be a hindrance.


haaaa... the inquiry started when he was 4months,

fell off the bed abt 60cm high! many times after that in fact...

I'm so slow in saving him, always watching him fall before I could react... so guilty

Amy, no particular reason on why I'm not giving my gal the iPad. I just prefer her to get physical with the surrounding, toys, books, etc...


which activity table do you have? Is it the elc one? I was thinking of redeeming the elc one with my huggies pink stamps, but if it is easy to climd, then i might go for the scooter instead.


mummies who put their bbs on their waitlist should rec a letter of reconfirmation by now? cos i got it in the mailbox today to inform me of readjustment of fees.. its a freaking $1800/mth nw!!! gOodness!


been bz w work.. today missed the session and hb went instead.. heard the teacher not as good? izzit?

can check to make bb's passport.. can do online? or must be there at the building?.. haha.. forgot wad e building called

hope, 1800??!!! madness...... i bz at work too, today hb went.. ya man, he said the teacher not good, never really project voice well, sing song mumble mumble, do flash cards say wrong.. haiz, will go see for ourselves next week..

make passport can do online.. need to take photo of him agst white background.. check website for photo file requirements.. ICA building at lavender mrt..

ahhhz!..tks mummies!! but how long is the application process huh?

i'm due to collect my own passport cos sent for renewal recently.. so thot of dropping by the ICA to do his too!

these days workload is crazy! hardly "see" my voice here anymore! hahaz! soon.. i'll be back!!

thinkin of travelling a bit to destress.. first stop looking at Perth.. checked the air tix.. 2A 1C is $1.4k!!! so ex!! i thot budget is cheaper eh!!!

all the fees/prices all rising!!.. but my pay nv!! how can?!?!

yah.. jojo, think we can see for ourselves next week le.. amy was v nice to check if she was able to give us a lift.. thot i was the only mummy not gg.. but haha! din know u weren't free too! sad that teacher za abandoned us! but also gd in a way that we know wad's a bad/gd teacher like.. so our benchmark can shift a lil


oh my! that odyssey 1800 is like more than my pay leh! =p

if walk-in to ica to do bb's passport, hv to wait right? usually they entertain appointments first.

or maybe im wrong?

bb passport,

We applied online, and it was ready within the week (submitted on Monday, got email that it was ready on thursday, I think). Make an appointment to collect. We got in and out of there in less than 5 minutes, (including parking - we were very lucky with parking).

Hope, submit on-line, then collect yours and bb's together, then need to only make one trip down.


When you planning to go to Perth? Sept? Me too. guess I have to start looking at tix already.

Your 2A1C - are you getting a seat for jojo, or is he travelling infant in arms?

BB passport

i also submitted mine online...but my pic v ugly..abit regretted shuld hv brot my boy to ICA for his pic to be taken instead of shelf shot pic.


Apply online v easy, and u can make appt online to collect both yr pp together. It is quite fast too like Dot mentioned.


U going Perth in Sept? We are going Australia in Sept too, still undecide to go Perth or Sydney/GC. We will be booking our tix before end of Jul.


I not using the ELC activity table, my is a pass me down by fisher price. Think you can check the height of ELC activity in their website, if it is abt 30++cm think baby can easily climb up.


The teacher is no good as she want to rush through all her activities so she do not wait for yr child to respond, once yr kid touch on one card she will take that as the answer. She is oso quite particular in getting back all her materials immediately after the activity so this is bad for Ryan, hahahha.. I think she is oni doing her job without love and passion. Anyway, I dun hv v high regard for the previous one as well as I feel she is quite lazy and fake. This new teacher, one gd pt is her material and activity is better than the previous one. I guess it is a trade off, more activities mean less time for each one of them. Btw, her flashcard is ok, the topic she performed badly is "tongue twister" whahahahah.. The song she sing wrongly is a Japanese song (if i rem correctly) and she is a Malay. One thing i dun like is the new classroom, v clam and no window [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Come down next week, then we hv a mini gossip after class [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Forget to mention one v impt pt : because the activity is fast moving, our bb will hv less time to wonder abt the class room. This is v impt to Hope right, hahaha. But i must admit it is quite frustrating that before we finish the activity on our own, she is already taking back the material.


i dunno eh!.. haha.. hb nv tell me how jojo responded to the new class.. hmm.. i kinda like the old one lo.. cos will take time (perhaps cos lazy?).. haha.. but i see her in a positive light la? wanna let the bb enjoy the lesson at their suitable pace =)

amy, i tink i know which new classroom it is.. the one next to the previous classroom with no windows de rite? haiz, about the teacher, duno can "feedback" to her or not, then mayb will have some improvements.. take back materials on time? oh noo.... like not very flexible lei..

mommies giving yoplait yoghurt, what flavour ur bbs like ar? i duno which to buy to try out.. they can finish the whole small tub per feed?

OMG, hope. 1.8k!!! that's like so ex...zzzzz

amy, mine is also FP activity table. pple are telling me that leapfrog ones are better. how come?

BB Passport,

i submitted for my gal 2 months ago. and got a reply very quicky. submitted online and made E-Appt. very good service, thumbs up for them!

Jojo, I got Yoplait Petit Miam (for 1+yr onwards) for Sx, 6 mini pots (strawberry + vanilla). I heart pain bought him the big strawberries ($11 from cold storage) for his first taste of strawberries, he loves it.

Hope, so Odyssey has given a space to Jojo? I didn't get any letter nor call. Anyway it's too expensive. I am actively joining waitlists in popular kindergartens for Sx after first 2 years at Eton 717. Have you figured out what you will do after 717? Hey I'm finding a date to go NYPS to submit my alumni docs, let me know when you have time for lunch and a personal tour of the school? LOL! Now P1 registration mad house huh?

BB passport photo.

If you took studio shots recently, can use those if directly facing the camera. That's what we did. My hubby photoshop the background from black to white and cut to the required size.

Odyssey 1.8k? confirm out for me liao.

Is everyone busy laughing / mocking abt the NDP FUN PACK song?

Teacher mummies, are your students being forced to sing it at your school's NDP party? LOL!

Dot, if you go on youtube, you will literally cringe, your face will scrunge up, it's that embarrassing. If my son sings it in future, I will smack him.

haha.. the stupid song freaking funny la!! just heard it today.. crappy!


wad kindy u shortlisted.. hw come kindy lei? not childcare ar? i'm hoping to look around the school area to facilitate sending/picking.. st james is a gd choice.. but not too keen abt kindy due to timings.. i don't know if odyssey given a space, but not gg anyway la..

u come nyps next wed la? cos i got no last few periods then

BluBeri, yes, how did you know huh? Bloody number 99. I was writing the cheque and the admin lady told me "you know, your chance is very slim leh" !!!!!!! I guess she was trying to help me save $? Or hope she has lesser work? Anyway I still went ahead to pay to have a name on the waitlist.

Hope, I only off on Tues & Thurs leh. Is it correct that I submit alumni papers in NYPS? Don't want to make a wasted trip there and look stupid. I drove all the way to St James, upon arrival I realised STUPID me forgot to bring the documents so my poor husband had to drive back home to get it while I wait with Sx in the school and begged for a place - no go. I am considering kindy for morning session then enrichment classes e.g. Gym, Speech & Drama afternoons. Have you seen the price difference between CC and kindys?

ty, yesterday u mentioned in watsapp mah.. no.99 on the waitlist??!! OMG, chances seems slim.

i've already completed my search for cc (Little Tree House) and the principle have verbally confirmed the place for Cherisse, oni pending for registration and deposit later tis month or early aug, but u make want to go look around for playgroup instead. tink will discuss with my hubby tonite on whether we shd go for childcare in Jan'2012 or playgroup/nursery in Jan'2013 and let me mum continue looking after Cherisse.

Look like I'm the only KS mummy who already registered my baby in childcare for next feb 2012. We decided to put him in the childcare which is located at my block void deck. Cannot go for branded ones as it's very hard to cut the current allowance for my mother in law who resigned to take care of baby now. Sure another world war 2 if talk about $$$ yet my mil got no strength to carry him nowadays.. My boy very active and I realized that mil tends to encourage him to watch tv throughout the day. Might as well send him to CC to interact and play around.

Friends, u r not the only (definitely not most) kiasu mummy ard. I know of mummies in this thread who already registered their LO for Jan 2013 few months back. Hee hee!

Did I hear gossip going on in wadsapp? Can I join in? Lol!!

Friends, kiasu meh? I already registered zz for cc quite some time ago. I thot that's the norm. =p

I'm considering working part time until 2.30pm, bring zz out of cc after his nap, so that I can spend time with him till his bedtime. We can buy grocery, go library, attend enrichment lessons, swimming etc. Can't bear to reduce our bonding time to just a few hrs a day after staying at home for so long.

friends - no lah u are not KS..by then yr boy will be 18mth old liao..I intend to let my boy attend 2hr daily playgroup next year if I manage to find a job. At least, he will not spend the whole day at PILs' house watching TV..Now, I am on a look out for good nursery and kindergarten as well near my place too..usu those popular one muz register earlier to chop a place..


No lei I dunno wads the price diff.. Never check out kindy at all so far.. Keep thinking of gg for cc.. Yup should go NYPS.. Thurs den? Thurs also ok


Haha u talking abt u ar?!?! Where u place Sab for IFC huh? I'm considering putting Jojo in kids empire next time.. Or that area of cc cos near my workplace


Hope, Cherie hearts @ harbourfront. I've visited kids empire a few months back and didn't really like it. btw, Ty is going to accompany me to view green pastures cc @ king's road (Lutheran church) next thu. Whatsapp us if u wanna come along k?

