(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


Can share yr itinery for yr Australia trip? Did u drive for the whole journey, is it easy to navigate? U rented a car seat for didi?

We are thinking of going Australis in Aug/Sep but no sure whether to explore new places we hv never been to or just go Perth where we are already quite familiar since we are bring our bb.

Friends, haha... U remind me of my first mother's day. My mil "force" us to celebrate with her, when my hb told her he wanna bring zz out to celebrate mother's day with me. Fair enuf, cos my hb is her son, so hb shd celebrate for her. I do feel a bit of disappointment but sigh... Wad to do. I shd count myself lucky that my pil r quite nice ppl afterall.

Mommies, I'm so worried.. Morning left R in cot n went to prepare his bath water.. Aft awhile heard a loud thud n fd him on the floor.. Duno how he climbed and fell out.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I was alone at home w him n as usual, put him in the cot to prepare his bath.. I duno whr he landed on.. If he fell from the highest point of the cot sides, it's very high lei, 1m maybe... Im so worried now.. Monitoring him n hoping he's ok.. But cox of his cough, he vomitted ytd.. Just fed him lunch also threw up one mouthful as I was feeding.. Like that how to differentiate if it's due to the fall or similar to his vomitting ytd.. I'm feeling so bad... So scared n worried got injury.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Enjoy ur off day!


sigh. my hubby din even celebrate this 1st mother's day. near the end of the day, i mentioned, he got angry, thought i wanted a gift, say why fall for commercialism. i just wanted some acknowledgement of the occassion. wish me 'happy mother's day' also dun have. sigh.

amy, oz generally easy to navigate. thinking of going to perth in sept too.my hubby may or may not be going. i dun care le. i'm going regardless.

jojo. oh, no! hope nothing serious.


3rd time? That's is v serious fr my personal view, no gd to keep knocking the head, my child also v active at times and knock himself here and there v heart pain [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hv u lower yr cot bed to the lowest level? Dun put too many things inside yr cot bed, they can step and climb now. Maybe u shd also put some mattress or big sofa cushions around the floor of the cot bed just in case, this is wat my sis do.

Monitor Ryan and hope he is ok, take care.

bday presents - think some of you saw my facebook of my new bag. i wish to clarify that i actually bought this bag myself and hub reimbursed me after he saw it. haha. so it wasnt a surprise present.

then again, he is quite nice to take leave and bring me out for a good meal.

mother's day..we didnt celebrate which i am ok.

jojo, have to be extra careful leh. have to think of all the possibilities that ryan might fall when you place him in any place.

like amy said, have you lower the cot to the lowest? i have already lowered mine to the lowest when my ger started to stand.

hope he is ok soon, both from the fall and recover from illness.

been so bz these days.. many change of events, uphill and downhill jeez!

thanks to mummies who encouraged and gave advices to the hb prob that i had =) appreciate it! the issue been resolved.. for now.. think it all boils down to hb's ego and pride.. true that i have not really gave thot to it.. so things are fine nw.. my dog is back!! yeah!! and actually aft i brought him back home last night, he still interacted with it.. so i feel abit better =)


recently my close aunt has shared w me that my mum may be on the binge of suicidal... yupz. abit scary but am afraid my mum is in depression.. dad has been a BIG MCP all these time.. but cos my mum feels that her kids have grown up aka me and bro.. it's time to let go and do her own thing


been having issues w her recently and nw she has indicated she wants to leave.. she's been w me only for 8 months, was hoping that she can stay for full 2 yr contract.. she's had issues w my mum and think she cannot take it le.. it's her pride thing i guess.. in any case, i've moved on and nw am thinking what my alternatives are for my childcare arrangement.. mum is old (n prob depressed!) so dun wanna burden her too much.. ty, i may send jojo to sch next jan after all haha..

these few days in course, keep thinking of all these.. fwahz.. damn tiring lo!!!

hb bday pressie

it has come to a pt where we dun really buy gifts.. we make them instead.. scrapbooking kinda stuff.. e recent father's day he made me super pissed, i din even bother! .. can't rem wad he get me for bday n v day n mother's day.. prob din!.. but like recently i told him i wanted an chanel item then he said will get it for me.. so it's more of a ad-hoc thingy, rather than an occasion gift. bebe, think u need to hint more to your man and tell him u wuld like a gift of appreciatin? hbs are quite dim one lei.. i have been speaking to a v v gd colleague of mine who's in the course w me (haha!) so we've been talking and she kinda shed light as to how to "humour" hbs, to make r/s more smooth sailing.. fact that she's married for 10+ years and can stil count the no of quarrels she had w hb w one hand is testimony to her powress! haha!

bday bash

oops! i thnk i've been missing out on this.. so are we not going ahead w the yio chu kang venue? are we staying firm for 9th july? prob we decide by this sun ok? to facilitate the rest of planning

Finally got my hands on the comp, so shall do it more clearly now.. earlier was all iphone, difficult to type.. hee

Staccato @TurfCity 25th May (3pm)







Like i mentioned earlier, $40 payable for trial.. only deductible from $456 if continuing with the lessons after trial.. reg fee of $50 will be halved if more than 4 bbs continue after the triall.. fees to be paid direct to the music school

i spoke to the school earlier and they are able to open up another trial class at 4pm this sat too.. am opening up to mummies who are keen to make up the 6 slots.. same fee applies as above..

any one keen at 4pm? if there are, i can help to liaise.. but if there isn't.. it's okay too =)


so much problem piled up[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] must be a v difficult time for u now, cheer up and hope everything will turn out fine for u v soon. i always believe when God closed one window, he will open out another for u, he will not leave u with no way out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Friends: Taipei very easy to go. When u reach their airport, get they tourism map, they will tell u all their plc of interest. C where u wanna go, jus take their train. Their train is just like out mrt lines. Very easy.

If u wAnna shop, u must go wu fen pu.. But u mus check, they close one of the day for wholesale only. Taipei 101, Xiao Ren Guo, si tA oso got things to buy.. I find shi lin market so so only.. But can jus go there for the foods. Go check out their website oso can do up ur itinery! Tat time I went for a week..

oh ic, Amo, thanks for the safari settings.

bluberi, but your MIL looks quite young to me. she must have spend a lot of money on facials.

Bebe, my hubby say next time want to train bb to go to Sim Lim & IT fair, i say, please don't. i will drag her to go and see Hello Kitty & go shopping for clothes, wait she become tom boy huh

Jojo, poor baby R!! hit on the head is no joke, keep on monitoring him? how is he now?

Friends, i like to go to taipei lor. last year i went to Wu Fen Pu, 101, taichung for the Sun Moon Lake, kaoshiong, hot springs etc. taipei is very easy leh. u can stay at Wonstar, paradise or either rainbow. rainbow is the most accessible, becoz downstairs is XMD directly. but be warned, its really really noisy


must monitor him hor. see he active anot.

got babywalker? can put him there.


your mil really boliao lor. like young kid leh.

hubby bday pressie:

um, i don't buy anymore! hahahah!!

good morning mummies! TGIF!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

talking about birthday presents and celebrations huh... my hb and i have stopped intentionally planning for celebrations. so we sometimes just have a simple dinner... presents, depends. haha. like this year, my birthday... i had to work late, so he waited for me around my office and then we just went for a very simple zi char dinner. abit xian but i also din have much energy or mood for a nice dinner after a long day at work :p

presents... we also stopped gifting presents cuz simple have no time to shop for it. our work places are not near any shopping areas and after knocking off, we'll always rushing to bring the kids home. so there! hahahaha

jojo... hope your bb is alright? erm, i would bring my bb to the doc just to check and for peace of mind. what i usually do when i need to take/do something is to either leave my baby in the high chair or on the mattress laid on the floor (surrounded by pillows and with her fav toys so that she won't be in a hurry to crawl away to look for me). but dun worry, i'm always asking my PD bb knocking their head etc and my PD assures me that they are hardier than they look but if there's any bump, then it's a must to bring to the doc... take care! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

amy, ya 3rd time.. dam suay this month.. roll off the bed can be prevented and is my fault i wasnt careful enough.. but climb out of cot at this time??! i wouldnt have expected it nor would have done things any differently ytd.. so its not a slip up but an accident waiting to happen until we lower the cot (it has one more lower level to go). but we didnt know the cot is not low enough, as it is up to his shoulder level. mil and i always leave him in the cot when we're alone wiht him and need to cook porridge or prepare his bath.. who's to know he'd flip over the sides!!?? there's nothing in the cot for him to step on also.. super worried and heartache.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sparkle, hb lowered the cot to the last level ytd nite.. we didnt know it was not good enough else would have done it earlier.. now even with cot lowered im still scared.. was telling vanessa maybe i'll put him in the laundry basket and put him on the toilet floor next to me as i fill his tub!

elise, hb was analyzing last nite, based on the position i fd Ryan on the floor.. and he thinks ryan didnt land head-first(im so hoping he's right) if he flipped over like playing monkey bar type and fell head first, he'll probably be face down, lying flat, legs nearer to cot. or face up, head nearer to cot. but i found him with legs bent, but face down.. macham doing sit and reach, with head and toes nearer, backside further from cot.. so hb tinks he probably scaled over, hung over the side, then fell legs or backside first then after hitting the floor, bent forward and head turn sideways with ear touching floor.. aiyo i so heartache la, dun dare to tink how he fell... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] he's ok so far.. will monitor another 1-2 days..

bluey, he's active.. crawling ard, playing as usual.. but eating lesser than before.. probably coz he's unwell, coz wed whole day also he ate lesser, then vomited out his lunch on wed also.. he'll climb out from walker, step on the part to sit on then climb out... really super active..

brambles, i asked last sat when i brought bb to see doc coz he was having a fever.. doc says monitor for unusual behaviour, see if go vomit, etc.. so far so good.. doc says if visit clinic with no symptoms, they also cant do anything much except check visually for injured places, test the mobility of his limbs. unless do scan, but scan got radiation, so unless there're symptoms, we may not wan to subject bb to x-ray. there's no bump.. and no pinkish or red spot also.. initially i was puzzled coz fall on head sure have bump or red spot ma? but if hb ir right, then maybe we really got lucky and ryan didnt land on his head.. dun dare to think now, just praying hard he's ok..

jojo... if ur hb is right, then lucky that bb ryan didn't land on his head. if the doc says nothing much they can do, then u continue to monitor. or u can also check to see if there are any bruises on other parts of his body (which confirms your hb's theory). dun worry, he'll be ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wah! your ryan very clever! mine still stuck inside the babywalker & will stretch out his hands when he sees anyone walk pass. =p

anyway, better monitor him hor.

if anything, pia to the pd.

Elise, my MIL is 60 tis yr.. she goes for regular facial, mani & pedi.. aft she sold her woodlands flat (formerly under my hb+MIL name then transferred to BIL+MIL).. she moved to BIL place and be tai-tai liao.. every day go gai gai.. but i tell u, she damn regretted selling her place and not buying over fm BIL coz nw she condemn future SIL. dat time i took family pics during wedding photoshoot, she colour her hair and put make up.. i tell u, my colleagues saw the pic and tot she is my hubby's sister lor..

missbluey, ya lor.. 60 liao still behave like kid. everything also want to win. i hack care her.


Here is my Oz itinerary:

1 29-Apr Fri SIN/ BNE Check in Hotel

2 30-Apr Sat BNE Southbank (lunch), Queen St Mall

3 1-May Sun BNE Eagle St Pier (lunch), CityCat Cruise

4 2-May Mon BNE/ GC Pick up Car/ Drive to Gold Coast/ Sea World

5 3-May Tue GC Sea World

6 4-May Wed GC Movie World

7 5-May Thu GC Sea World

8 6-May Fri GC Paradise County/ Movie World

9 7-May Sat GC Hot Air Balloon + Shopping

10 8-May Sun GC/ SYD Cockle Bay

11 9-May Mon SYD Wildlife Park/ Manly OceanWorld

12 10-May Tue SYD Aquarium/Sydney Tower

13 11-May Wed SYD/ SIN


Oh dear! Hope Ryan is ok. Don't blame yourself. Children will surely fall down one. There's a long way to go. Don't feel guilty.


Glad things are looking up for you. Marriage should have ups and downs. That's what makes it precious and memorable when you look back in your 60s [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Don't be too hung-up about the Birthday gifts. No point having a hb who surprises you with lovely gifts but f**k around outside (i know of hb like that). Just go buy yourself something nice and get your man to pay for it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Tomorrow my baby turns 1. What a journey!!!


did u fly intersate from BNE to SYD? ur itinary looks gd leh....very tempted to use yrs. does jephie enjoys all the rides at movie world etc? do you have it more detailed of your itinary in terms of wat hotel u book etc? sorry ar so many qn but i see yr itinary v interesting keke...i so want a holiday end of the yr hope it materialize..

Jojo how is Ryan now? For me I rather let him walk or crawl ard cos it's safer.. When he hear that I'm filling his tub he'll auto come to the bathrm to wait

mommies, Ryan so far so good.. mil say he's playing like normal, no vomitting.. anxiously waiting for time to pass and to get over the "monitoring period"!

Jenn, i kept looking at the height of the cot rails and my mind ran wild abt how ryan fell from there.. then i started blaming myself.. its the my-poor-baby-its-all-mommy's-fault thought.. though it was all usual routine and i couldnt have done things differently.. time passes so fast, doesnt feel like a yr has gone by but our babies are 1 already..

zinc, i leave him to crawl only when i can monitor him.. coz scared he fall or knock corners or pull drawers and slam his fingers when im not looking.. we use slippers in the toilet so the floor not clean, i normally dont let him crawl in the toilet, tats y din put him on the floor usually.. he very inquisitive de.. if i let him into the toilet he'll start peeping in the toilet bowl for sure.. your ryan very cute, i saw your video of him crawling to his tub... cute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jojo - Hope yr boy is okay now..lately I hardly leave my boy alone in the cot..dunno what mischief he will be up to..so everywhere I go, I just place him near my sight..even bath together with him..playpen is now more of storage pen too..I hv to close all the doors to the bedroom, bathroom, laundry yard before I can let him roam freely...

Bday gifts

No worries mummies..I have got over it liao..but at times I think it is not good to get over such things easily cos sooner or later we will take each other for granted..This year will be our 15th marriage anniversary..though I think it is unlikely he will rem, but I am thinking of getting him a new wallet or a watch (with my own personal saving)..

Mezzo/ Amy

We fly from GC to SYD lah. A good 12 hours drive leh. How to with 2 active boys?!


Brisbane - Hilton

Gold Coast - Sea World Resort

Sydney - Swissotel


Actually hor, when crawling right, even when they slip n fall it's not as bad as from the cot. U should think of somewhere else to place Ryan. Anyway, my didi outgrow his cot Liao. He sleeps on a queen mattress placed on the floor. So if he rows off will not b that bad.


Both my boys enjoyed the rides at Sea World n Movie World very much. I was surprised my didi enjoyed the rides too!! Kept smiling n hold the steering wheel or handle very tight, refusing to let go n leave.

Jojo, last time i will put zhezhe outside the toilet n hand him something to keep him entertain while i prepare his bath water within minutes. i give him things that he dun normally get to play with like remote control, hair band etc. this way, he is within my sight too. hope ryan is better now.

bebe, jenn, xx, if i had known the cot is not safe, i'll die die put him on the floor or carry him with me.. but all along i tot the cot is safe de, so long as the railings are up.. haiz, who'd have known ryan can scale over the railings??!! i very scared of him now.. will try to keep him in sight liao.. i tink laundry basket idea not bad.. can bring him ard with me, put on floor, yet can confine him.. portable temp play-pen! hahahaaa...

now he sleeps with hb and me at night.. worried he'll roll off the bed in the middle of the nite lei.. mommies co-sleeping with babies but not on mattreses on the floor, how u all handle ar? tinking of buying those yoga mats and put on the floor..

almost 48 hrs le.... darling ryan jiayou~~

jojo - not blaming you, and you shd not blame yrself too..u know how active toddler can be. My boy is really like a tiger..he knows how to climb my bed, my sofa, my dining chairs, my tv console..when I told others,,they said how come I did not teach him not to..I said I did..I scolded, beat him..but he still do it..dun tell me I have to remove all these furniture out from the house??? So I think the only way to prevent him from falling, is to teach him how to climb safely and how to descend safely. AT night, he co-sleep with me, he know how to "slide down" from the side of the bed by landing his feet first on the ground. He had done so several time...

TAble manners

now I dread bringing my boy out to dine in restaurant cos he refuses to sit in highchair. At home, I do not use the highchair liao cos he knows how stand up in the hair chair and attempted to climb out..outside in the restaurant, the moment I tried to put him down..he will scream...and I hvto use things to distract him..occasionally it works, but not for long, he will start throwing things on the floor..few weeks ago, I gave him rice for him to learn finger picking..he actually threw the bowl on the floors..until the waitress shook her head in disbelief. Yesterday, I gave him strand of noodles to play in his bowl..he actually cupped the bowl on his head!!! Until the waitress offered to carry him and entertain him while I quickly finished my food and settled the bills..

Hiaz...I think I have to stop stepping into restaurant until he learns his table manners..

Bebe, ryan knows how to slide down from beds n sofas n land on floor with his feet.. But he doesnt do it everytime so we've never left him to do it on his own.. N I think he's not aware that he needs to come down the bed properly if not he'll fall n hurt himself.. Gg to teach him the word pain pain next so can slowly let him know he cant just fly off furniture like that..

Now still in the 72hr time frame window.. When feeding him his porridge at lunch just now, he gagged, coughed and threw up a big mouthful of porridge... Worried.. But hb an mum says it's coz he coughed then threw up the porridge one... Haiz its so hard to keep track since he's also sick now..Will continue to monitor him..

Any mummies got huggies pink stamps to sell me? I'm 10 stamps short of redeeming the toy... Didn't know I'll need 30, else I'd have bought $150 worth of diapers instead of only $100 when buying for the little tikes toy promo..

Can check those who give FM.. Now our Bb can go on stage 3, must we slowly intro him? Do we need to mix Stage 2 and 3 tog then give or can give solely stage 3 in a bottle?

My helper has left le.. Any mummies got lobang for one?

How to also make the Bb slp longer at night? Jojo is still like newborn! Wakes up v punctually every 3 hrs at night! Killed me last night =(

Can mix cereal with his last feed and give him in the bottle?

Hope, of course can. i straight away gave stage 3 to my gal. never mixed any stage 2. maybe u want to give a little portion of the Stage 3 to see if jojo likes it or not. yes, cereals can be mixed and given in the bottle. but the teat must be big enough for the cereals to flow thru, or else bb would get very frustrated, cos unable to drink.

Hope, is he waking up from hunger or habit? If it's hunger, u increase his intake in the day or give a dreamfeed.

If it's out of habit, u can either give water or slowly reduce the amt of milk he drinks.


How come suddenly send your maid home liao??? And you didn't check with her re Jojo's sleeping habits before she went off???

Anyway, now is a good time to train him. Be prepared for him to cry a bit. Hang in there!!!

hope, ur helper so fast leave ar.. she haven finish her contract then go home, will owe the agent alot of $ right.. or she requested for transfer?

i tink some mommies mentioned dont give cereal in bottle in case bb choke.. i'm not sure coz never try before.. ryan also wakes up 2-3 times every nite.. i just turn over, latch him then continue to sleep.. cant imagine what it'd be like after i stop bfing and have to wake up to make milk =.= i also duno how to make him sleep longer.. he wakes up partially for comfort sucking also i guess, coz sometimes latch awhile he slp back le.. jojo finishes the milk every 3 hrly?

hope, if u dont give him milk and pat him does he go back to sleep? nd to take some time to train.. jiayou [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw i just give stage 3 straight away..

Hope, that's so fast! She's found herself a new employer? Wish her all the best huh. Hope u will find a good new helper soon. I'm also worried mine will ask to go home after her loan finishes even though she seems to be rather serious abt making big bucks here for her family.

Bebe, can u strap kiefer in the stroller if he doesn't want the highchair? I'm also finding it hard to keep my cool with zz nowadays. dread bringing him out by myself alone.

Hope - thought u are still discussing with yr maid..so fast she has gone liao. She seems rather a good helper - indep and initiative. Hope u have better luck with yr next maid, or do you intend to send Jojo to CC sooner?

XX - my boy does not like stroller..usu I use the stroller when my man is with me..I scare to end up carrying him and pushing the stroller..can faint le..when I have to bring him out myself, I usu sling him.

Yesterday bought him out to NTUC and they were playing Chris Medina's "What are words", my boy started to "ahhhahhhh" non-stop. Took me a while that he is actually "singing"..haha. I think he is influenced by his 2 older sis n dad who play this song non-stop in the car..how come I play nursery rhyme to him, he has no reaction??


She requested for transfer.. Apparently over the prospective employer she has less work and more pay.. All adults.. Bb abit harder mah.. I'm act quite ok w her except for the occasional attitudal.. But since she decided to leave, no pt keeping her hence got her to leave before contract up.. Jenn I kinda know Jojo slping habits alr.. Cos before she left, I bunked w him for a while due to argument w Hb rem? Haha.. So I know lo.. Xx, watch out for ur helper.. But I think u r less reliant on her than me so should b fine =)


Take care. Look for another helper. I agree that if she wanna go and her heart not in it then no point keeping her. But you're very kind let her transfer.

All the best!

Thanks ladies, for sharing on the taiwan thingy... Been grounded for two years...so machiam like first time going overseas..a bit blur and excited... Used to travel yearly.. but oh well...

BTW, recently noticed that when my baby is getting too excited or angry.. He will 'straighten' his body till very straight and stiff and whole face turn red for 2-5 secs. Normal? Sigh...seems like my baby a lot of patterns....


Festive Hotel Family Room

Mommies who have been there, can advise if there is a bathtub in the room? If so, is there also a separate shower area or is the shower in the bathtub itself? Many thanks. Am deciding if I need to bring my Didi's bathtub along or not ;)

