(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


You need to request for a bath tub.. Not all rms have.. Play safe, might b wise to bring along in case.. It's either shower or tub.. Dum haf both


Mm... Can someone recommend a good straw bottle for our toddlers? I moved on to munchkin mighty grip

or somethig like this. But I dun like it cos I gotta suck

very very hard to get the water out. Thinking whether I can "loosen" the valve or not.

Hope, super tired from gymboree! Sx fell asleep the moment his ass was on his car seat! My house is so near, my hubby sat behind and tried to tickle him and play to keep him awake for the 5 min journey home but it didn't work, sx was flat out. Reached home, had to spend 15 mins to wake him for his shower and milk. Abbott advised me to mix stage 2 & 3 so I did that - first week 2 scoops old, 1 scoop new, then second week 2 scoops new, 1 scoop old, then by third week can be purely new milk. My scoops are based on 180ml feed.

Sx hasn't used bath tub for abt 3 months le, since he can stand holding onto a wooden stool or the walls or sit on the shower floor, and I use the shower head to bathe him. When I pat his bum, he will know to stand up so I can wash his bum.

Zoie, it was ok until I replace the straw. Then realize the original straw valve is broken (probably due to harsh washing) hence suckling is easy. But the new replacement straw is very hard to suck leh. I see if I can break the valve or not.

need help. i officially retired my pump. last pump was sat night for 4 mins. so last night i didnt pump but this morning the left side is quite stiff. am i suppose to pump 2 mins to make it less stiff or i can ignore it?? the left side yield about 40ml on the last pump.

how to 'teach' our darling to land safely huh? i tried to teach my ger by turning her bum to the edge but she will just crawl forward. i try to pull her legs to the edge down, she will struggle.

so the safest place for me to place her will be on the floor which is only for few secs cos my place has staircase and she knows how to crawl up only.

recently she is attempting to walk up the stairs instead of crawl up but she is not even attempting to walk unassisted on flat floor.

my girl also cannot put on high chair unmonitored cos she will stand on it.

hope, i agree to zoie. maybe try to increase the food and milk intake during the day for jojo to stretch his sleep at night. i read that it might help to bring him to bed slightly earlier than usual, can make him sleep better at night. which i believe is true cos those babies that sleeps thru the night tends to sleep early also?

sparkle, i tink need to pump left side abit if not will get stuck? just pump abit to relief but dont empty..

i taught little R by telling him "backside down first" every time he nears the edge of bed, then just hands to turn his body and guide him down.. after some time, when i say backside down first he'll turn his body and glide down the way i taught him.. but if never say those words, sometimes he still chiong head first wana get down from bed.. need to remind him then he'll turn and do it the right way.. but someitmes even if he's doing it the correct way, he too gan chiong and would have fallen if no one was there to support him.. so i still dun dare to let him come down alone..

bb landing from bed:

seems like my bb has upgrade to this stage. saw him tried to come down from bed.......head first. -_-"

Hi mummies

I got my white 64G wifi + 3G ipad2 today, yeah!! For those mummies who are interested to buy ipad2, ordered online is the best option I think (at least for now cos it is still v new) and in demand). I went to the pc fair, epi center, telco etc to look for ipad2, all OSS and cannot even place order with them !!! Order online abt one week ago and delivery is super fast. The best thing is, they hv not deducted the money fr our credit card yet, think Apple is damn rich, hahaha.

bb getting off bed

Sad to say, I think the only way for our babies to really learn to get off the bed safely is to fall off at least once. Everytimg my boy goes to the edge, I will tell him to be careful and to turn around. Sometimes he listened, sometimes he didn't. Usually someone is there to correct him if he did not do it himself. Until one day,can't remember why, but my mum was distracted, I think, and by the time she caught him, he 'kok' his head a little. Not serious, just a red patch, but enough to give him a scare. Now, he will always turn around when he gets to the edge.


sparkle, high-five! My boy also! The first time it happened, I was in the kitchen getting another spoon for his water while feeding him lunch. I heard him complain, so I turned around, and he was halfway across the table! Now I must remember to harness him in at all times, if I forget, halfway through the meal, he will stand up and want to crawl on the table. If ur highchair does not come with a harness, go buy a cheap one.

tks mummies for all e advices to make bb conk out longer! seems like all ur bbs can slp thru ar?!.. mine still can't =(


e teacher assigned to us at staccato nt v good.. like wad some say, not engaging.. and the toy piano that they had weren't enuff for 6 kids.. think they had only 5.. so all of us din continue w them after e trial lo.. how's kindermusik like? i haven't try it yet.. have signed up for mandeville tho.. waiting for entry age of 2.. =)


try to cajole ur hb to let sx continue gymboree la! u can tell the lil one had fun right? hahAaa!

june bash

err.. no replies for the date up till today eh.. the original date we set was 9th july, which is less than 2 wks away! hmm.. are we still gonna do it? it could jus b a mass gathering again la? perhaps jus a big cake to add to the event?

I just started the pink stamps craze yesterday so if any mummies has extra to sell off, let me know! Thanks! Aiming for the skate scooter!

Hope, yes I can tell sx was getting wild wilder wildest as he roamed gymboree but I agreed to my hubby that I'll listen to his opinion when it comes to classes, but I don't need to listen when buying things! Haha! Did you see sx swipe the teacher's face? I was so embarrassed. He's more bratty than jojo by a thousand times.

Staccato seems to be quiet without much students hor? I thought the teacher could have easily gone to the next room to fetch extra piano but perhaps she was lazy. At the start of the class the teacher seemed more enthusiastic but as she realized we were not going to restrict our kids and let them roam around freely, she kind of sian, I felt la. It was like no proper audience from the kids so she just anyhow whack. Kindermusik trial was alot better but to be fair, using my boy as example, during kindermusik trial he couldn't crawl yet so he had to sit on my lap obediently. Now if he goes kindermusik trial again, maybe he'll be all over the place like how he behaved at gymboree.

Hope, I think I will pester NY kindy again. The admin said I must find evidence of having been a student there but I said it's way back in 1979 leh! My parents can't remember if I even had a graduation ceremony from kindy!! And the kindy doesn't have the record themselves and they expect us to have. Admin lady said just produce a photo of yourself in the kindy uniform, I told her that is even more impossible. Looking for a needle in a haystack! Anyway they only take in 96 kids per year, and so far only children who already has siblings currently or in the near past in the kindy got a place. They are category 1 and 2. Cat 3 is parents who used to be students. Some of cat 2 and all of cat 3 are on wait list and if I join, I am 189. They told me to forget the trouble and save my $100. Can you check for me pls - to sign up for alumni, is the registration office inside the primary school? Thanks.

hope, what do they do at staccato?

i am pro-kindermusik so are u sure u wanna hear my biased views? they do music and movement, lotsa exploration with musical instruments and sensory objects, uses various stuff to create different sensory experiences, teaches literature thru music, rhythm and beats. I find that besides these, the kids also learn to observe the teacher, follow instructions, pack stuff, wait and share instruments. For J, i find that he appreciates music much more now. Once there is music playing, he will start clapping (which he never did prior to kindermusik), or if he is at home, reach for his rhythm sticks/shaker eggs and move to the beat. The last few times, he was able to hit the correct beat when asked by the teacher..(or maybe he heng??)

Interestingly, J's fav book (out of the mountain of books that the mummy has bought for him) is the one in kindermusik's home kit.

I personally find that cannot do one term and expect results. if you are really in for this sorta program, gotta do a few terms. The teacher also commented that for some, she saw the results when the child moved on to toddler class.


haha! i din see that!! aiyah!

i will check for u w the office tmr.. but i can only ans to your questions on pri k.. kindy think.. hmm.. no chance le la.. =P


she started with the welcome song, did some rhythmic stuff.. got the bb to bounce on a ball sitting to let them get hang of rhythm.. sang songs.. played parachute along with the beat of classical music and played toy piano (twinkle twinkle little star).. to me, abit advanced, cos i think all the bbs wanted was to play.. oh she incorporated flashcards too! a minor portion.. =) i'm keen to try out kindermusik.. but nowhere near my hse lei.. nearest is tanglin ar?


Oh my, what a lot of things happening at the same time. Glad the issue with your hubby has been resolved. Yah, men and their egos. Must factor that in.

How's Jojo and your dog getting along?

BTW, you're not alone. My boy is not sleeping thru the night either. But I still bf, and he co-sleep with us, so if he wake up, I just turn over, so I dun feel it so bad yet. I am hoping to get him to sleep thru b4 I wean him. Fingers crossed.


How's Ryan?

Gymboree Trial

Didn't realise that there was one organised. Did you all like it? Which one did you go to?

Baby Jumper Gym,

Anyone brought/bringing their bb there? How is it? Looks quite interesting. I'm thinking of going for a trial. Anyone interested in joining me?


I know a few mummies send their bbs there, right? How do you find it? Good? Also thinking about that.

haha ty, im also looking for pink stamps!! short of 10..! cant decide between the scooter and activity table.. but i called to ask and they said stock for scooter only coming in in Sep..

hope, ryan also not sleeping thru.. he wakes up 2-3 times but i just turn ard and latch him..

dot, ryan's ok i tink..! so far so good, after the sat lunch gag/cough/vomit mouthful episode, he's been ok up till now.. so i guess we're clear le? when are u intending to wean? shichida ar, cant see results so fast i guess... but after the 1st mth of class, i found ryan like abit "smarter".. duno is it shichida or just coincided with the phase they stop being so blur and start learning to pick up things and "reply"..


i think i may have to give up jojo's place this sat.. childcare arrangement can't work.. mum gonna play mj, hb working, leaving dad and me.. and he's not keen in these.. you know la.. old man!


shichida quite ok.. i like the activities.. and am glad that jojo is enjoying some of it.. most of the time he's restless.. hoping that things get into the head nonetheless! hahax!

Ty, so sorry I may cant attend on sat too, my car breakdown n the swim trainer is in e car to the service center liao!


same same im also aiming the toy scooter from huggies.

Zoie i agree that kindermusik is very fun. my gal did 2 terms with them last time. But this time cos of logistical issue i cant schedule kindermusik class into my schedule with no 1's classes. Thats why after asking you about the class i didnt get around asking about the class timing.

tywong... can consult you? how did you discover that your bb is allergic to eggs? what are the symptoms and what did the doc say?

i worried my bb also allergic to eggs! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Baby Jumper Gym,

I asked for a trial lesson last month but it was a saturday, when I am occupied with the older kids' activities and so I did not go.

Duration of the trial is an hour, and fee is $43 which will be waived if I sign up on the spot after the trial.

I am not so keen on weekend classes, prefer weekday classes, esp morning when my older kids are in sch. I am now considering Leap Schoolhouse at city square mall. I went to look at their environment, quite spacious and clean cos it is a new office..the staff are more friendly than those I met at GUG. Currently they have M,W classes..will be opening up T, Th classes if there is demand. Trial fee is $50 for 1.5hr, and will be waived if I sign up after the trial. I am planning to take up a trial after my boy is done with his 3rd jab..supposed to take last week but his daddy wanna come along so gotta delay until next week when he is back in SG.


wad does leap sch hse do? i dun mind there also..


haha! tks for your offers of help! pls dun regret it! =P

Peck, borrow our swim trainers! The organizer also bringing a few for loan in case. If you got problem bringing kids with no car then just bring 1 kid.

Brambles, first time I fed my boy egg yolk, he vomitted alot. Almost the whole bowl of porridge. Second time I tried, his body got hundreds of small rashes. So I brought him to pd to test and the doctor confirmed the allergy. Maybe you can bring your boy to test to ease your mind - If he's allergic then u know not to feed him till he is older, if not allergic then it's good news ;)

Hope, it's ok la, my maid is quite fond of jojo. I asked her if she knew your maid left, she claimed she didn't know.

hope, yalo.. can de la.. hb coming with me, so i can also help with jojo!

peck, u different slot from me.. can lend u my swimtrainer..

Hi Jenn, previously I recall you posted a link for BP on Zojirushi / Tiger thermal lunchboxes .. do you still have the link? I would like to get one for storing bb food .. thanks in advance

Peck/Hope, i was looking forward to meeting u. sigh. try to come by if possible leh this sat, okie?

ty, the instructor will lend swimtrainers? so nice of him/her. not chargeable right? lolx


My nephew (18mth) is with Leap Schoolhouse and according to my sis, this is what they did

- gym play (there is a separate room for an indoor gym)

- singing/dancing

- story telling

- games including puzzle/stacking/sorting

- flashcards

And activities are based on weekly theme eg this week is transport, then all stories/songs/games will be associated with transport.

PArents need to sit in together with the child.

Hope & peck, come lah. Julie, I dun have swim trainer n will ne borrowing from instructor of a kind mummy. Hope, so mamy of us, can help out one.

Bebe, thanks.


Haha!! I feel so honored!! Hmm will try hard hard k! You should know my Hb can be quite anal at times! Heh! Want to know how to use the white elephant too! HahAx!


Seems like leap pretty much cover everything hor? But duration only 1.5 hrs? Wads the timing like? Any idea? Keen if have weekday aft.. Once a wk or twice a wk kinda? Sounds promising =))


ya, go to your iphone (the icon), then you see the Apps tabs, click that & sync.

JTS bouncingkids @ kovan:

went there yesterday with yaozi. we had the whole place by ourselves, fun!

Hope - this is what I see on the Leap brochure:

BEC Beanies (8-18 mths old)

2-3 times per week (M W F)

11 - 1230pm

$296 (2x) or $420 (3x)

BEC Explorer (18-24 mths old)

2-3 times per week (M W F)

9 - 1030am

$312 (2x) or $444 (3x)

BEC Chinese (18-36 mths old)

2 times per week (T Th)

9 - 1000am or 1400 -1500pm

$328 (2x)

recently my bb keep on fussing and fussing nonstop during the night. refused to slp. wake up also a few times in the night. u all having this problem or not huh?


ty... thanks! her face broke out in rashes after just a few mouthfuls of it. sounds like an allergy reaction, right?

i'll try to feed her again just once more to be sure. so sad for her if it's a confirmed allergy... boohoo! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] fortunately, i read on the internet that most kids outgrow this allergy by the time they're 5

