(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Jojo, y dun u get the munchkin spoon for your mil to use? Thy have one type that has heat indicator.


hee... Thanks. Now I feel better le. Spending time with zz is priceless! Sometimes I dun feel like meeting up with single friends, cos when we talk abt parenting, they always like to say likel it's very easy, telling me how I shdnt allow zz to do certain things, or wad I shd do instead. Yucks... I just keep quiet n not defend.

Zinc, I totally understand what u mean. These 2 weeks of spending time with J almost 24/7 made me really realise they just grow so fast and absorb whatever that u teach them. And in these 2 weeks, he will finally look for mummy.... in the past he is always cool with others cos he is a sociable kid, won't look for me. SIGHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhh...now i feel like tearing.. wahhahaha so emo

XX - I hardly have my "off day"..so must fully utilised. Today I left my boy with my PILs..and they told me he poo big time..all in all, he poos 3 times today..really dunno what is the cause? Daddy said it could be due to teething..really can poo for much and so long? One thing is that the poo is not watery..just normal, semi solid. And my boy seemed okay leh..gotta monitor for a few more day and see..

I am also tempted to try the bottled pediasure drink..my sis said her PD asked her to feed her boy with pediasure when he was on milkstrike..dunno will my boy buys it or not..

Bebe, I think the poo poo is ok. Zhezhe also sometimes like this. Held his poo for 1-1.5 days then suddenly gave me mega poo. Now that I've stock up probiotics n he can take yogurt, I will give him these if I see that he din poo by dinner time. I like to give him yogurt, he opens his mouth for it so willingly. I heard nobody rejects pediasure choc. I hope zz wun be the first. Had no chance to try pediasure today cos I was engorged. Kekeke...

Zoie,'zinc, the next holiday is an even onger one. Cheers!


i highly suspect she wants to copy my hubby's actions. papa kiss (as in peck) son's lips still ok, but mil?! even if my mummy does that, i will still find it weird. peck cheeks still ok.

xiao xiin,

you give baby yogurt to zz right? only my elvan loves the baby yogurt, we don't like it @ all. so does elson! hahaha. too sourish.

Tiger Baby, i pass u 2 x 400g Enfa stage 2 first.. forgotten to bring the other 1 tin back fm my mum's place last nite. pass u next week?

where is lunch today?

hello hello.. long time no come in.. very busy with work..

today got lunch appt ah!! alamark.. i cant join leh.. i going out to have meeting with my sales in the afternoon. can postpone to tml?? :X

busy busy.. preparing for next week biz trip lor.. going to miss my little Jacey.

Bluberi, no prob and thanks!

Ty is on leave tmr so we just stick to today for lunch? Hans 12pm? No one responds on whatapps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hoax on the USS package deal

I just read that Police are investigating one of the SMH BP organisers for cheating fellow mothers on the the USS + IR getaway deals worth of $80k. I think the amount is still escalating as more cheated mummies are going to file police reports..


Really risky to take part in BP..For deals that are too good to be true..we must be careful

zinc - u are lucky..I was also tempted to get the package from her but she claimed that I can only use it after July/Aug which is not a good timing for us as I might be busy shifting house in Aug and my man will be out of SG in July *phew*..

now I hv to think twice to take part in BP..

Hope June 2010 mummies not a victim of the scam!! Surprisingly, the lady is indeed ignorant and daring to resale the package without permission and license from the resort. This is in breach! Tot I read somewhere before the BP was authorized, the SMH committee/moderators were doing a check on the organizer? We should be more prudent in future in such online purchase.

Re BP organiser running away.

I read that too. Sigh...thot this RWS was the safest bet as many mummies vouched for it. But this time round $$ involved is too great. SMH has quite a nos of this kind of cases leh... From Coach to fitflop and now RWS hotel stay... Don't even dare to read the thread in front of hubby... He is always skeptical about cheap and good lobang... If he knows about it, he will nag again...

RWS Scam

My SIL saw it on the papers and immediately called me to warn me esp since I am going on my RWS Satycation this coming Mon.

Actually I emailed this Cyan before. Personally didn't find her package all that cheap cos RWS was selling $778 nett for 2 nights stay with 2 USS tickets as compared to Cyan's $710 though hers had more USS tickets but I didn't need that many USS tickets anyway.

Hope none of the June 2010 Mommies are affected by the this scam. Sigh.... nothing is reliable now.


Have you all heard about this soup made from Chinese pear to ease coughing? I tried it on my Didi. Think it really helps!!! Cough and phlegm has reduced a lot just by drinking for over 2 days. Mommies with coughing babies can try it.






With 3-4 rice bowls of water n double boil for 2 hours.

The medical hall pack for me the 1st 4 ingredients to cook with 1 pear.

Try it!!!!

I let Didi drink it like water - half cup here and there through out the day. I feel he cough less after 1-2 days of drinking.


Cyan- I just caught up w the numerous posts missed. Omg!!! Luckily I've gotten my refund!!! At first I think I shared with some of u on whatsapp - cyan is rather shady person. Asked her for mobile - she said she won't reveal until u confirm booking. Asked her where she got the package - she said she don't want to deal with you. Not open lo. Gosh. Luckily the lady I worked with is pretty sincere.

Hope - every problem sure hv a solution. Don't say quit! Don't let others influence your relationship. From wat u hv previously mentioned, I think it's the guys ego that u r financially stronger. U don need to be seem like u r financially stronger than him. In fact, u must rely on him more. Say no to ur dad in his financial support. Build the family the way both of u can cope. In that way, things may b more balanced. I'm probably jumping to conclusions but money is a evil thing. Can cause lots of problems. Go revive and save your marriage, instead of waiting for him. It does not matter who makes the first move. the most impt thing is u must b happy n ur Jojo must b happy. Jia you jia you. Don put divorce as an option yet.

Bluberi, actually that day wanted to comment on your MIL, she has that 'dun mess with me look' on her face and "Tai Hou" look lor. she dun seen to be easy to get along with also. better dun let her move into your house, or u would regret big time!

Amo, that spree organizer sounds very irresponsible. maybe can try to sms/call her?

hope, jiayou jiayou! hope that you are feeling fine now, and put the unhappy episode with your hubby behind you. everytime my hubby make me angry, i try to recall the day we got married, wedding ceremony, ROM, wedding dinner, to recap the happy days. so try to think of happier times, take a deep breath and think of jojo. anything can rant here okie?!

bluberi, Gap got sales! oh arrhh, u tempting me again huh

SMH Problems,

dunno why i cannot log into SMH recently. keep on having problems. all i see are empty rows of boxes and no June thread, 2010.

BB Bash,

is it still on for next month?

Elise, bth my mil!!! Even my hb cousins call her 皇太后 lor. She really is e kind of ppl cannot mess with de, once she condemn u, its forever de.. Dats wat happened to my future sil.. Next mth customary she said she nt attending.. 不承认这个媳妇. Anyway tis sil sama pattern as mil de..

do u expect yr hubbies to get you a bday gift on yr bday??

Mine dun..only bought a cake..and I have to admit that I am disappointed in him. I mean, I am happy with the cake..but the cake is more for the kids to have a chance to blow candles (finally they get put so many candles on a cake)..

Can't rem when was the last time my man give me a birthday present..but to be fair I hv never asked for one...but when I thought y he can splurge on birthday gift for his parents but not on his wife..I get upset..with him (and also myself for being so petty for getting jealous over his parents)..but pardon me..his parents are not the sweetest PILs in the world either.

If u ask me, y I can;t ask him directly for a gift..I find that lost the meaning of gift, right?

Okay lah, enough of ranting..let me enjoy my OFF day today

Dot, I give zz petit maim (or something like this). He doesn't like every flavour. Think so far, he's ok with the berries flavour. Vanilla pear n vanilla peach, he pui out.

Bebe, we dun buy each other gifts for the longest time le. When we were students, yes. Now that we dun lack anything (at least we dun feel), it's very hard to buy presents leh. I dun get a cake every year too. Most of the times, it's just one slice of cake, with one candle to sing birthday song n blow candle. Never mind la, birthdays r for the kids n the olds. They can put many more candles on the eldery's cakes. For us, everyday is a happy day! Enjoy your off day!!

Bluberi, your mil sounds so extreme.

Elise, I bookmark this thread. It can load even when the forum is siao siao.


think all women are the same keke we dont say that we want birthday presents from our hubby but yet we still expect that they will "auto-mode" at least get something right. Understand how you feel.Cheer up at least he got you a cake [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bebe, enjoy your OFF Day yeah. so hard to get 1 day off for you. just enjoy movie watching, shopping or whatever.

Present giving:

we still make an effort to give each other small presents for birthdays, anniversary etc etc. it need not be an ex one, but it still shows that your other half still bother lor. keke.

Bebe, why dun u try opening golden mouth to hint to him? men are very dense, they dunno one. i asked my man, why u always make me angry and u didn't know? he know what he said, he said i didn't even knew you are angry in the 1st place. penz

bluberi, then u better dun step on Wang Tai Hou's toes or else you jialeh. or rather your poor hubby's ears will get it from his mum. your hub is not reading this forum hor?! hahahha

Mezzo, women are from venus while men are from mars. that's why the books are such a best-selling for so long. my hubby even said that women are very xiaoqi. duh


Cheer up! Men!!! They are made to be so insensitive... Don't let that ruin your day. Enjoy!


I keep the Safari on my Iphone open all the time and refresh each time I wanna read new post on the forum. If I'm on my laptop, I'll google search Singaporemotherhood june 2010 and it'll lead you to the page. This way you still can get to read the post on forum in the case you described above. Or, you can change your setting to notify you whenever there is a post here.

thanks mummies..I am just ranting out loud..the lacking of couple time also plays a part...nonetheless..I shall enjoy the ME time, which officially starts NOW...just came back from PILs..house feel kinda empty without the kids...oh well..gonna do some housekeeping before I head off to see my dentist..IMAGINE I can get so thrilled to see my own DENTIST!!! That says how much ME time I do have!!

Morning mummies!


Once again, thanks so much for the add! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bebe, you r not alone. Didn't receive any birthday presents quite long too... When i complained of not getting anything ....His usual reply is:" i will deposit the $$ to your account and u buy something u like hor..." and for my first mother's day celebration, my meal was mixed vegetable rice in a kopi tiam... Cos I said no need to waste money on such occasion... I also don't whether to laugh or cry since he really took my words seriously... Sigh....

friend78 - my man also say, go and buy if you wanna lah..but come on..we just wanna a little surprise right?? Hiaz..how come before marriage..he can spare so much effort to prepare a gift, and after marriage become like that??? Man..oh geeze...

bebe and FRIENDS,

Men really take our words seriously (that's why they are commonly nick as wood-block). Mine isn't any better. When asked 'Where is my present?', he asked me to go and buy, claim from him later. If not, he will offer to give ang pow and I can get whatever I like. If I dun ask, then he kept quiet and dun even remember about the occasion.

So now, I try to stress him. Tell him what occasion is near and he is supposed to plan. Haaa...


I asked him where is my present? He asked me back where is his. I gotten a present for him, yet he forgotten. Really want to smack him on the head. Reminded him that I bought what for him, then he 'hehehe' and asked me what I want. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


how come men can remember when the next IT gadget/computer game is coming out and yet not remember their wives' bday??

Now I know why some women refuse to celebrate birthday liao..

