(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Sheryl, LOL me too... the promo seems real good. If we signed up together - can get free gift... bet ur hubby gonna ban u from visiting SMH forum. haha

Have you heard about babies bellies... somemore got steam bath / body scrub packaged into the deal and not so ex also. Babiesbellies.com.sg


hello mummies!

wah, i want to faint liao...from last night till now i nvr read got soooo many posts...i cannot catch up.. *pant pant* kekekekkee

Firstly congrats to more mummies who have popped..oh dear, my turn coming liao..pls play for my safe delivery...quite scared now... *biting fingernail*


wat tea is dat? where u get it from? me bght fenugreek pill but cannot try now onli after pop then can..i hope my milk supply goes up..saw the may 2010 thread and i was a bit scared cos quite a number of mummies having trouble with not much supply of breastmilk...


oh, is it..didnt realise u there at malacca too but my sis mentioned her fren was eating there oso..heeh...where got fast...hehe..the gap btwn both #1 and #2 is two years lor..juz nice...hehe..


didnt know got such lazy CL ard...they must follow us not we follow them..if we want to give breastmilk then its realli up to us!


hope ur boy will pass the hearing test! *hugs*


hope everything will get better for u.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i go check it out.. LOL..

hmmm.. not soo xi ying ren compare to the other 2..

$450 .. im onli afraid of the strong smell aft that..

and need to wrap up for a very long period..

LOL.. cos my bath is owaz at 4pm ~ 5pm.. wahahaha


realli thanks for sharing your comments with aunty siew ling...appreciate it...so i can take note...i aso tink tat she will hv a easy time whn she is here...so was tinking tat may leave my boy n maid in my mom's place....will take note of the diaper bag....hmmmm....

Wat??!! y cook porridge for 2meals?? thought u told her lunch porrdige and dinner rice??

understand tat not all are perfect...but hygiene ok rite??

how are u coping so far?? must rest well for tis mth...very impt...


u hv a horrible CL...glad tat u make her leave...so lazy!!! just curious u got her thru agent or forum reccomendations??

Hi mummies..

I m back home..had my baby on 6 June, 2.99kg, natural w/o epi..

A tormenteous long hour labor..admitted at 1pm on 5 Jun as I was having regular contraction..cervix was dilated until 3cm. Contraction pain was 15-20 min apart and I thought I can handle it so I reject epi.

From 1pm till 5pm..no progress..cervix still 3cm and contraction is abt 15 min apart. I walked around the ward level, in and out of the delivery suites..and nothing happened. In the end, we opt for induced labour and the pessary was inserted around 8pm after I had my dinner.

Around 11pm..the contraction was coming abt 3 -5 min apart..and quite intense..but I refused to get epi ..I was praying the baby will come out by 3-5am. I requested to get out of the ward to walk around but the midwives forbade..they said this was my #3 and since my contraction was 3-5 min apart..they did not want me to deliver my bb outside the delivery ward.

Around 4am, I had my cervix checked..and was devastated that I was still stuck at 3cm. The pain was quite intense and I merely relying on the laughing gas. I was so tempted to give in and take epi but the midwife told me my gynae had stand by a painkiller drug for me..that was my last defence line to epi.

After the jab was taken around 5am, I was able to sleep in between the contractions which were still coming around 3-4 min apart..

Around 8am..I realised that the contraction had slow down to 5min interval..and not so intense as before..I called the midwives..and they said it could be that the induced pessary effect was dying off..checked my cervix..and I was barely 4cm..I almost wanted to cry and give up..told my hubby to just cut me up and take out the baby..cos by the time i was fully dilated..I might be too worn out to push the baby out..

My gynae came in around 11am...and did the cervix checking..and decided to burst the waterbag...It was a hugh mess..cos I was like lying on a pool of warm water..my gynae suggested that I took a shower before he prepared the next dose of painkiller jab for me. He reminded me that if I had any strong contraction, I had to call the midwives. He barely stepped out..and I already felt the contraction while the water kept gushing out..the contraction was more intense than those I felt earlier..I requested for the painkiller jab but was told that I had to wait till 1pm..

I looked at the clock and told my hubby..I doubt I can hold on that long..cos the pain was very unbearable for me to breathe, even with the laughing gas. When the 3rd contraction came..I told my hubby to call the midwives..cos I did not feel good..and the midwife came and check..said I was 50% effaced but 5cm dilated..they immediately called my gynae to rush down...

The next moment, I told them I could feel something pushing down and I could not hold it..someone kept telling me not to push..and instructed my hubby to let me inhale the laughing gas..

The rest of my memory was in a daze..except that I remember my gynae asking me to push and stop, pant...and then get ready...push..hold yr breathe..and I felt an instant relief after 3rd pushes..and I heard bb wailing..I was so dazed..that I thought I was dreaming..could heard many commotion around me..but all I did was to hold on to the laughing gas mask and stared blankly..until my gynae asked me to open my eyes and see my bb...

That was the most terrible labour I had..


for Jamumassage:

You can now purchase a 7-session package or 10-session package at promotional price of $530 (instead of $598) and $730 (instead of $788).

the above more worth comapre to the 5 Day package $448.

Originsmassage is the On-gng promo and the buddy sign up thingy that is attractive..

how to choose sia?!

Hubby wun mind mi using the money i think, but i'll have to pay back to the acct lo.. which is ok for mi.. muz discuss with him 1st


you are one brave mummy! That indeed is like putting through the longest fight. Am i rite to say that the labour process took almost 24 hours!!!! Oh my! But you are one wonder - you did it without Epi. 24hours! I think i will definitely gave in to Epi. You can even fall asleep and then woke up to bath. *admire*


argh... same here... very tempted to get origins since genice used their service before. hmmmm.... i am waiting for Babiesbellies to call back to finally decide.

How's ur baby doing? Do you have a CL?

Re: Massage lady

My massage lady is mdm ainon.. 97549310

u can call her and tell her i recommended if she ask (i stay in fernvale)

her massage is the mild relaxing type.. not the hard and painful type so it suits me better.. and she is also v encouraging on breastfeeding matters and help me relief my engorgement.. she's quite accomodating also.. but i think she charge a bit more if she have to travel further (e.g. to the west) coz she stays in bishan.. she told me her usual cilents are ard sengkang, hougang, yishun, sembawang, amk, more of north/northeast side..

kelly, yes, hygiene passed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] don't worry.. i m not so obedient, been siting more often than lying down.. still feel abit sore down there leh.. tmrw going for gynae follow-up, hope everything is ok..

any mummies who has popped experience a small lump at armpit there? i having one n it hurts when i rub it.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bebe!! Wow.. u can tahan for so long?? i think like cath i would have given in to epi which i did in e end although it din help me at all.super impressed w u.must be damn shacked.. #3 still take so long? why din gynae burst ur water bag earlier.. that will help to speed the process.

sheryl u ordering from which caterer?

any recommendations of caterer? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i m looking for one too..

used to order fm NEO Garden but seems like their food not always fantastic leh.

Cath, u decide le let mi knw..

if its Origins we can get tgt.. =D


i use to order frm fu kwee catering (for my wedding buffet) food wise good! my fren was a regular with them..

As for bb full mth, my MIL deciding. Mite order frm her client though which i heard not bad oso.


Same same.. almost 1 whole day of labour =P

Gald u got thru it..


the small lump should be milk duct clog there. Try to use hot towel to massage it away. Had a few small lumps when i was bfeeding my no 1.


I called up Mdm Zaliah that Mdm Ida recommended and she is ok with my schedule. I will most likely use her service. She sounded very nice and accomodating.

Sorry .. may not be getting Origins.


Yes agreed with Mezzo - that is the milk duct clog. And will hurt slightly. Mezzo's method is great for removing.

Wow! Suddenly this thread is down again. Must search via google then can find

cath, am giving birth this fri. *heart beating fast fast*

bebe, ur labor sounded very intense. Oh dear, i know tt feeling. The feeling like u realli cannot take it. Used up all ur energy and want to faint. My first labor was 19hours and eve with epi, it was a terrible one. End up in c sect. Dats why this time i juz go for c sect, no hesitation. If not for c sect, i think i dun want to haf anymore bb liao.


lie down more la...i knw la..smtimes, lie down too long aso veri boring...bt then still hv to lie down la...gd for u...kekekke..dun wori la..yr chk-up will be fine tmr...tink the armpit lump is called "3rd breast"....u can chk w yr gynae tmr...

mummy2nia, it not tea. it a pill. I bought at thomson medical centre pharmacy.

my CL is good. She will do thing automatically and even tidy out my whole house, including cupboards and my master bedroom toilet. Last time my CL for my #1 only clean my common toilet. She also take care of baby well day and night, and let me rest whenever I can. She volunteer to let baby wear nappy cloth instead of diaper. I told her I anything and will not insist her to wear nappy cloth. For food wise, she cook quite well, and lot of different variety as well. I told her i feel heaty, and she no insist me to eat those heaty confinement food, so will mix with those normal food for me to eat. She is friendly too and even bring a lot of biscuit for us to eat when she came.

12 more days, and i will have to handle without her help. I will have to make use of this time to learn from her. She really can handle household and baby well. Heehee.

wow limbox, ur CL sounds like a godsend. Even cupboards and even volunteer to let baby wear nappy!!! wow to the power of infinity. You are very lucky. must rest more o!

Mummy2nia, where are you delivering? I may most likely go Mt A this Fri or Thurs... if you are also at Mt A, I could pop by to say hi...

cath, me delivering at KK....if not we can meet each other hor..


maybe i try my kk pharmacy see whether haf. U are very lucky to have a gd CL..

Congrats bebe75! Very nice birth story!! U deserve a good rest now!


same same! Went out leaving bb with CL last night. Luckily she is not those naggy type. Just remind me to wear jacket so I just entertain her by wearing out and coming back.. Ydae weather way too hot!! Requested to bath 2nd time in the evening n she also ok.. Manage to have my evening bath at 7pm..


I've been through confinement with lousy CL. But no courage to sack her cuz I really need extra pair of hands during that time. I hardly can walk properly so no energy to

complain.. I took over baby once I'm feeling better..

Glad u are doing well now! Sometimes I better off without a CL if she is not good..


ur CL is consider ok liao.. Since siew zhen is coming soon right? I think SZ will be better cuz I really wanted to engage her that time as I find her very attentive.

Now Reading about CL makes me think my CL is perfect liao.

Although I didn't like that she love to do things her way n not mine but everything she do comes with a reason and good intention.

I'm surprise that she is very hardworking.. She did more than what she suppose to do..

First day when she came, she start cooking for us. Clean bb room and wipe everything bb will use. Is EVERYTHING! Including packs of diapers! She make sure there is no dust at all! Help me go through my hospital bag and remind me what to bring etc. Washed my pump and pack them nicely in Tupperware n put in my bag without me saying.

Second day is the day I go for my csect. She wakes up way earlier than me.. Prepared red date drink for me to bring to hospital and start doing housework. In fact she can be watching tv all day cuz no bb around!

Third day she start bringing red bean soup(everyday dessert) to relieve water retention, herbal soup and red date drink. She prepare this 3 things everyday! Bring to hospital for me n go back shortly to cook for my hb and son anddo their laundry.

4th day i asked her to stay at home and my mom told mr that day she wiped all my windows, washed all my fans, even climb up to wipe the top of my wardrobe.

When I come back home, my house is so clean! And not forgetting she wash my toliet everyday!

Since I come back home she sleep at 2am after washing my pump. Wake up in between to feed bb and wash my pump for my next use. Cook red date drink since the night before and keep waking up to boil the drink for 15 mins every 1-2 hr.

Wake up at 6.30am to prepare herbal soup for lunch..

She took care of everything.. Even my #1 lunch n dinner. She cook different stuff for him. Like pan fried chicken, sweet n sour fish, 麦片虾!she is a very good cook!

Till today she never use a single piece of wet wipes. She said once bb skin touch wet wipes, nappy rash will come easily. She use cotton wool and all things that is going to touch my bb is sterilise! So including the cotton wool balls! She used hot water to soak it and let it absorb so she use it like wipes. Tap dry with tissue paper.. Massage my bb everyday. She is super patient in feeding. One 50ml my boy take awhile to drink.. She will burp, soothe him, massage him and feed again.. Making sure he poo and eat to reduce the jaundice..

I'm very blessed to have her as a CL. So intend to give her a 200-400 red packet when she leave..

I enjoyed my confinement this time round.. Just that having an eye over me makes me abit uneasy.. But overall everything is good!

And tonight my hb dinner is curry chicken!! How blessed!!

Im so angry & flare up but what can i do? My house still got to wait for 2years haiz... I really hate to stay at my in laws place with rude sis in law...

Is she blind? Y must she insist squeeze in while im walking out from the kitchen baby gate... she is skinny but im pregnant. She have no brain at all.

I did not expect mine to have long labour this time..cos my previous experiences were rather short labour. So when I called my gynae that I was having 15-20 min contractions but no contraction pain, except dull backache..the nurses said not to delay further cos #3 usu very fast. During the strong contraction, the midwives kept asking if I am okay..cos they can see that the contraction were peaking from the CTG graph..when I heard babies wailing from the other delivery wards..it could be very depressing..my hubby said I was the FILO (first in last out)..

Anyway..I am glad that bb comes out fine..in fact I was more worried that bb will get distress inside..but apparently..his heartbeat was rather stable (based on the CTG monitor)..it was me, the mummy that was feeling stressed up.

Milk supply

Now I am concerned abt the milk supply..I think my bb is a good sucker..but not getting enough milk right now..as he did not pee as much as he shd. I had no alternative but to feed him water and formula so that he can start pee-ing. I am having sore nipples at the moment, unable to do direct feeding. Trying my best to pump as much as possible.


I envy those with reliable CL..not that I am complaining abt my mil..but she was so disorganised. Today I discharge, she did not prepare red date tea..so I just take plain warm water..and she said cannot. Then she expects me to go dehydrated?? For lunch, she thought I would makan at hosp before discharge..and so did not prepare for me. I just had a simple mee sua soup for lunch..I was so hungry after milk pumping that I had to eat bread/biscuit with plain water..and now she is preparing dinner and I can hear so much commotion in the kitchen..I really dread hearing those commotin ...I really do not understand..already given her ample notice when I would discharging and yet she still made everyone so jumpy.

Hiaz..so here I am hiding inside the studyroom..typing away the frustration..keep reminding myself to keep cool..MIL has her good intentions..today is the first day (OMG!!!)..things will get better..blab blah blah..

Mt A

For mummies delivering at Mt..try to go for the new ward..it is much bigger than the old one. The midwives are superb and supportive..loves them to bits..and so encouraging..

The LC nurses are also very encouraging and patient..helping me to latch on my sleepy baby...and the nursery nurses are also very understanding (except 1 or 2 which are not so patient). When they know I would be showering before going home..they prepared hair dryer and towel for me (without me having to ask them)

Overall..it was a pleasant stay at Mt A for me (wish I can stay there through out my whole confinement..)


which breastpump is the least noisest & most reliable? Hubby might get it for me tmr if i reali keen in bf. need some opinions fast! =p


Bebe.. Milk supply is low for the first days n will kick in onli aft the 3rd or 4th day. For mi e flow establish onli aft 4th day of bf.. Nw try to latch as much as possible for bb to get e colostrum.. Genice: Ida called mi, she oso intro her cousion but nx thurs they all gng up kl to attend wedding..

Cath: Tried Mdm Zaliah pre-natal massage. Her massage technique nt bad n shes friendly n gib advice.

Bliss: U muz b vr fortunate to get such a good CL.

Re: Catering

Can try www.meihao99.com.sg

Their food serving quite alot n tasty. Tried a few times n everytime my guest juz finishes everything.

Do u gals really think tokin to my #2 tellin him to come out aft Fri really works? I'm vr scared now since hubby wun b in from wed to fri nite for overseas trip. Really hope tat he can witness e birth. Tml havin my gynae checkup psp fearful gynae will gib mi some bad news. Feeling so lousy now.

Joey - I stayed in double ward..

Missbluey - I recommend the avent pump..My first 2 - I used the manual version..and they allowed me to breastfeed my bb until 6mths. But they are very tiring for my hands. Now, I tried their UNO electric one (but can be converted to manual) and I have no regrets..

Currently, I am pumping 10ml (both breasts) every 3hrs interval..hopefully can catch up my boy's demand. Every drip of expressed BM is so precious...

my mil just commented how come my milk so thin..how to feed my baby..hiaz..I told my hubby..today only 3rd day..I am trying my very best leh..


This time round I had heavy lochia..dunno why, can feel the cramp and pain..today I even passed out a palm size liver-like clot..my gynae prescribed tablets (to break down the clot) and extra pain killer for me..he advised me to massage my womb regularly and breastfeeding helps to contract the womb and pass out the clot..

Currently, I am only relying on the tummy binder to tighten the womb..not sure if I shd arrange post-natal massage or not.

sberry, I also have one lump at my armpit. It should be the milk duct. cos after pumping these few days, it become smaller and smaller. heehee.

Yap, I am very contented with my CL. So initative,my first CL was not good, i and my mother keep complaining abt her that time. But for this, it just full of praises.

Bebe: dun stress over ur milk flow!! The transparent liquid that flows out nw is colostrum n the most benifitial for bb.. Sry for poor spelling.. BlUEY: get avent manual pump.. Or UNO.. Medela mini electric is damn noisy but lucky my bb can slp thru e noise

By the way, any idea who do we distribute the full month gifts to? For those who did not turn up for the celebration or all your guests or? I'm pretty clueless here :p


thks. will try to message her later. my tummy now looks like 5mths lor, faints.

re: breastpump

avent manual pump sounds cheaper! hehe.

re: breastmilk supply

mine still haben kick in. just nw hv to supplement with fm, abit sad now but this time i dun wan to gif myself so much stress like #1, was so upset then.

bebe75, you can drink milo instead of plain water. hot hot ones. Or you can ask ur hubby to go herbal shops to buy the logan red dates drink in bottle first to "tong" for the period.

Don't drink plain water ah.


wow i see that you have updated ur delivery dates too... must be exciting ...


hang in there and keep talking to baby. I am also doing the same. Trying to tell my baby to come on fri only. Do less strenuous chores, walk lesser or if you need, walk slowly and really slowly. Cos if you are active, baby will be excited to be out too.


y can't drink plain water? my mil's theory is

drink plain water will give me flabby tummy. this time, im nit gg to listen to this theory. i though when bf must drink lots of water right? plus how to survive w/o water for a mth? drink those red dates tea can make me very thirsty.

Bluey : tat is something I wanna knw too.. Y cannot? Not juz plain water,any other water oso cannot..Tat's y I owaz sneak a drink frm kitchen when I wake up for a pump.. So thristy


Missbluey & Sheryl:

plain water will make tummy flabby! That's wat my CL told me that time. So I really gd girl only drink milo/milk & red dates drink!

No worries, u can survive! Juz so deprive of plain water! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

