(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Oh zinc.. Is yr massage lady good? How does she charge? I'm looking for 1.. Tried 2 before le.. Dun reali like them


Hi mummies

I have 5 bottles of red rice wine available now if anyone would like to have it to cook your confinement food. It was previously reserved for some mummies but they have not picked it up.

Do PM me if you'd like to have them. It's $10 per bottle, 300ml in each bottle. Each bottle is sufficient to cook 3 whole chickens.


Think should be okay. My 18 days old baby drink 90ml(FM) every 3 hrs and 100ml(EBM) every 2.5-3 hrs ever since he is one week old. My EBM not enough for him for the whole day. Currently trying to pump exclusively to improve the milk supply. I had eat more milk plus, think it is more effective than the Fenugreek.

I still left with 1 week 5 days to my last confinement day. Counting down, had been trapped in the house for so long.

hi all,

any mummies whose bb didn't passed the hearing test? wad did hosp do? schedule appt or refused to let bb discharge? my bb didn't passed his hearing test, right ear failed & left ear borderline. shld i b worried? have yet to see pd. sigh. the nurse told us that mayb nd to schedule appt for his hearing test & nd to chk doc whether he still needs to stay in hosp anot. hope its nth serious.

just came back from my 39 weeks checkup. gynae said i am already 4cm dilated! she gave us the options to either choose a date to deliver or wait. if we choose to wait, high chance i will be delivered by another gynae cos she will be away this sat for a wk. so we chose tmr! will be admitting to kkh at 6am. hope everything goes smoothly. =D

Zinc, is growth spurt.. My 6 days old is having that too.. After 50ml of bottle he wants to latch after an hour..

This is a very good time to latch on cuz of the increase demand. After 2 days ur milk supply will increase..

Congrats to mummies who have popped! And those who is going to pop as well..

Am trying to catch up the thread but need to catch up

on my sleep first.. Never know life can be so busy with 2 kids!!

Even got CL I hardly can rest too... So busy feeding, pumping.. Tiring!!

Went to PD check up today.. Bb is doing fine!! Jaundice not very obvious now..

I tot growth spurt onli occurs during 3wks, 6wks, 3mth & 6mth?

My bb girl oso same.. at nite keep crying aft feeds and wanna latch on even aft that..

now in the morning oso.. ><"

Congrats to those mummies who have juz give birth!

I hv given birth to my girl on 6 Jun 10 at 6.51pm. Now waiting for discharging, both me n baby can go home but bb will need to b check for jaundice on Fri, cos PD says it will show usually after the 3rd days.

Will update my birth story later when I'm back home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tiger Baby, have a smooth delivery!!

my co. is giving the temp staff a boot coz she chu pattern MC these 2 days when she koes i'm starting my ML on thur. plus the temp staff until nw still cannot perform.. haiz..

btw, thanks for all the concern shown after my ranting last nite.. am feeling better nw though still not toking to my hubby.



not really easy to push bb out cuz he's pretty big. dun expect him to b more than 3.5kg! i almost wanted to give up, luckily i got a very gd gynae, he kept encouraging me, plus the midwife & nt forgetting Hubby were v encouraging.

classic package means all the funny unknown ppl will come & chk on you. trainee docs seem young to me. gynae came & chk on me in morning, during lunch time & the time when i was about to deliver. he could even predicted that i would give birth about 5-6pm!


all the best in your tbf!


jia you!! hv a gd slp tonight to charge your energy for tmr!


growth spurt starts from first few days at home..



*hugz* don't be upset okay!! Have a good talk with ur hb before deliver. When a new baby comes, it will be more difficult to sit down n talk and the topic both of u will talk will be mostly about baby.

So before both of u start a new phase of parenting in life, had a heart to heart talk ya!

Lastly please let ur hb know. Breastfeeding is nit something fun to do! Engorgement, sore nipple, growth spurt is no

joke!! U are just trying to give ur bb the best. Baby doesn't have strong immune system. They get their antibodies from breastmilk! FM don't have antibiotics lor.. Is not about money.. Is about benefits of BM. I used to tl my hb there is slot of chemcial in FM. Is a burden to their intestine and babies on BM can see is healthier.. My son only have fever twice in his first year.. My hb is convince too.. So I manage to buy freestyle this time round despite after this close shop,

since BM is so good why not right? If dun have milk the we can always give FM. But at least we try first..


don't feel upset anymore and give what u think is the best for bb..

missbluey, hearing test done when baby are just born sometimes may not be accurate. Don't panic. Speak to PD and see what he says. they usually test the brain waves if baby's ear drums reacts to pitches of sounds.

blueberi, aiyo ur temp really CMI ... i think she is probably hvg cold feet knowing that you are on ML soon. You have to relax and not be too bothered cos honestly you have done ur best.

e: Post Natal Massage

Sheryl, you tried 2... have you tried Ida / Mas? SMH got threads saying that they are great. And the jamumassage.com... Think Tywong is using. Did you try?

hi ladies,

my life has finally improved after 2 weeks! breastfeeding is taking the toil on me so now i'm doing direct feed in the day and my helper helps on bottle feed (breastmilk) at night.

i've sacked my confinement nanny after 1 week - my baby developed bad nappy rashes cos she refuses to wipe him after he pees. when i gently mention to her why his butt & legs have dried up poo, she says it's all my fault - cos i breastfeed that's why the poo is sticky, unlike FM the poo nice nice. wa lao. and she complains every hour and keep asking me to switch to FM so baby can sleep through the night. ( i told her nicely at the start that it's not my choice to make her life difficult, bb is prone to allergy on dairy, that's why i'm on total BF for 6 mths). anyway in the day she dump the bb on me, and she sits on my massage chair, on the aircon and watch tv in the room all day long. finally the last straw came when i realise she has been using scalding hot water to bathe bb.

hubby says i'm not fair to her by sending her back, i told him he is not fair to both bb and myself if he don't send her back. so bye bye to this nanny who never washes her hands - i purposely bought germ protection hand wash and place at every toilet, and put towels and kitchen wipes - but she never uses them. this is my 1st and last time i'll ever hire a nanny!!!

so i went to cater confinement food - a real pity natal essentials don't deliver to my house area [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] heard it's great. so desperately took on chilli padi for $30/meal and it's so not worth it. the soups sucks except the fish & papaya. the rest of dishes are normal food. but my life has improved tremendously after the nanny is gone, now i'm stress-free and happy to spend quality time playing with bb! he can kick rattling balls now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi Thenun,

yes Mt e suites are on reno but you should not be affected since the rooms are largely vacant so they'll put you on the side where you won't even hear anything.

also, if you keen to BF, go for the free classes and watch the programmes on TV. the nurses there taught me to carry bb, bf bb, bathe bb etc. very very helpful!! i made sure i learnt everything b4 i discharge [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

on massage,

i wanted to book ida, but she don't serve the east areas - she refered to her sis Mariam. i signed up for 10 sessions but she did only 4. $50 per session. she says my tummy will shrink back to normal within 2 weeks so no need waste money. if i want faster, just buy a corset to wear. gave me some freebies like scrubs and intimate wash. but i doubt i will use them...cos my skin quite sensitive now after the hormonal PUPPP syndrome.

her massage is okay, but her advice is priceless. i was going into a depression becos of BF and my nanny, and she helped me overcome the darkest days. thank God for her and the frens ard me who BF, otherwise i may give up by end of wk 1.


thks, trying to console myself. Hubby also worried. my #1 also had this prob when he went for checkup @ polyclinic though he passed his hearing test @ kkh. sigh, just wonder y my 2 boys hv to had so many probs. >.< anyway, bb can discharge together with me but hv to come back for another hearing test on 25th June. hopefully he will pass then else hv to see ear specialist.

re: postnatal massage

im gg for origins massage, hv yet to call them yet. for natural, can call them do massage after 5days? any idea?

genice had massage with this origins, she said it was not bad.

Dear Mummies, getting very happy & excited to read the posts on deliveries and mummies who HAVE DILATED.

I am in a confused state and need HELP!! I went for my 39 weeks checkup at TMC and doctor shocked me by saying baby is appr 4kg!!!.. Didnt check if i am dilated and only did a CTG!!! Asked me to wait till next mon to make a decision which i think it will be too late..Hubby & 1 have decided to go for induce birth on 10th June... any mummies can share their induce birth story??


my 2 deliveries were induced. #1 was my decision, was 2cm dilated then. #2 was gynae's suggestion as he thought bb will be bigger if i still gg to wait, cervix wasn't even dilated lor when i was about 39weeks+. he scared i might hv prob pushing him out. his estimated weight was 3.5kg whereby his actual weight was 3.695kg lor. nearly wanted to give up pushing. but 1 thing induced take longer time as compared to waiting naturally cuz hv to wait for cervix to soften & dilate ma. gynae & midwife said they ever delivered a 4.3kg & 5kg bb!

hope u can make ur decision soon. gd luck.


sorry to hear that you have been through so so much. You are the one mummy whom i remembered that you will express while driving to work - SUPER! Smile ya...

Your CL is HORRID! Don't wash hands, stil want to comment on BM poo is sticky... please la! If she does not want to take care of bb, you have made the right move to send her back. She don't deserve to be at your home. Baby to sleep throughout? So that she can laze and not take care of the baby at night. That's her job what.

You have made the right move, gal! Enjoy motherhood and rant it out to us if you need to complain anything ya. We are all ears!

Re: Massage lady

Sounds good to hire Mdm Miriam. could you give me her number?

Kelly, I don't have a maid.. So it is quite good

tat she will take initiative to sweep n mop the house.

She will also help to tidy up our beds.. But she

don't take care of my elder one.. Last weekend, ask her

to help to cook porridge for her lunch, n rice for dinner,

she cooked only one meal lasts for both lunch n dinner.

So I shld say she has her pros n cons. U will have

to let her know wat u want n she will follow..

E.g. If I m in the room, time for lunch, she won't

call me until I said I want lunch.. She don't really

enforce the rules strictly rather she just follow instructions

I tink.. So it depends on individuals expectations..

But with yr maid ard n she don't take care of the toddler,

I shld say it's quite easy for her.. ESP for

my side, I don't eat alot, so far only take 3meals daily..

N oso, u might want to reconfirm when she packed baby

bag.. Coz last time, she only took 2pcs of diapers out..

I didn't check thought she is experienced to know must bring

more.. In the end, bb poo poo 2 times, luckily mikojade

is there too, she pass one piece to me to standby..

N I pass her a baby blanket - thicker one, but she said

too thick, in the end she use the one by mount A

which is thinner.. N my bb is so cold tat her little feet turn purplish.. Haiz.. I shld have insist.. Haha, sorry for babbling so much but

u can take it for reference.. No one is perfect laa..:p

Jojo, u can use picasa.. The software is free n u can

download it fm Internet.. It's the same one studioloft

is using.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my massage lady not bad.. Each session abt 1hr at 40$.. She just use oil.. Quite acceptable.. If I'm not wrong it's lemongrass w something else.. V nice lady.. She will do e bind after e massage but she don't charge for e cloth..


Don't panic. Those tests are not very accurate one. My #1 has some issues with hearing so he is always at KKH ENT. But we are glad that his condition has stablised already.

Hope my bm supply comes in for my boy.. I also need to supplement w fm at night.. My cl do e feeding while I pump at 2 to 3 hrs interval.. Just latched him on but it doesn't really seem enough to last him..

I think all cl got pros n cons.. Like mine she like to talk on her mobile when bb is sleeping.. Nt that I mind but sometimes she use e speaker function n I think it might disturb my bb.. Then My boy regurgitates quite easily.. So we told her to give less for each feed n feed more frequent at night.. This morning I check w her she says 60 not enough for him then she made another 45ml.. Meaning she gave him 105ml at a ho when recommended Is only 90ml.. Sometimes at night beenafter giving my boy fm, if he still refuse to sleep she will pop e pacifier in which I don't want him to pick up as a habit...

hi summer, agrees with u, i oso turn here & there to find a good position. But I try to sleep on the left side cos heard better blood circulation. How many week are u in now?

Dun know is its baby run out of space tat y it keep moving, mayb to find a better position.

These few day, I keep feeling pelvis pain at night when i sleep. Is its a sign of labour soon?

Zinc, you have the right to tell her you don't want to give pacifier. My CL last time wanted to use sarong - yaolan, i insisted no.

joelle, u did outdoor shoot with Studio Loft ya? how much did it cost? ya i bought all the pics back then go home slowly choose.. oh, u put the pump to breast ar.. i onli press on to check if it moves.. haha.. haven even tested if the softfit shield fits my size or not.. u take coconut once every 2 days? mayb cut down to at most 2 a wk ba.. for me i tink i better dun take anymore for now else later my parents in-law say me.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] coz they already told me nt to take anymore liao..

vanilla, i also drinking cold drinks everyday... cannt tahan room temp water lei..

bluberi mayb u shld consider using back the joint acct way again.. easier to spilt the common exps without conflict.. u can vary the contribution amts (eg 60/40, 50/50) to the joint account.. dun get moody later baby can feel it.. mayb u try to sa jiao to ur hubby try to make him give in? sometimes when i dun wana hard clash with my hubby i sulk and look sad.. haha.. then i get my way.. :p

sberry, picasa onli allows us to change colour, like to black-and-white or sephia rite? or it has more functions?


ic. what probs ur #1 hv? can say?


goodness! it was a gd decision to send her back. no pt making urself unhappy over this person.


noticed my mistake for #2. was induced @ 38weeks. nv regretted having induced labour, seriously dun wan end up c-sec.


pls update my bb's height- 52cm. thks!

Hi mummies, bz w e babe so can't log in.

Congrats to mummies who have popped.


jasmini, ur cl is really jia lat, good that u have made ur stand n sent her back.guys are usually more insensitive n they feel bad towrds e aunties but she really cannot make it. She a bit like my previous cl, dun want to use nappy say difficult to wash, insist that I give formula at night so bb can sleep well. I really dunlike this kind of cl who wants things their way for convenience. This time round, I also do w/o cl. But of coz there are many gd cl ard too.

Joelle, ur playpen us a gd buy, wow din expect order such big thing from us can be cheap also.

Re: confinement

i have been going out bringing baby to pd and that day when bb was 10 days old,brought him to giant for dome shopping. HENG, my in laws never say much, they went w us. Feel so much relax for this confinement although more things to do cause have to feed n bathe bb plus got #1 but at least no mental stress. I think being relaxed n drinking more longan drink help w e milk ss.will be going out to ikea later. Jia lat I think I am not doing my confinement properly :p but I am happier leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cath, u can try origins massage, i like it, will be ending the session tmr. But to be honest I din lose much, more tone only. I think I really got a lot fats n not water retention. I very ks n want to pamper myself since no cl, booked mdm ida also starting next mon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ear test

my boy also failed on his left ear. need to go back for a re-test on Jul. nurse told me that maybe still got water left behind in his ear thus hearing failed

Natal Essentials

i ordered from them. but then not really not good also. they repeat menu after 1 wk. thank god i ordered for 2 wks.

missbluey, many thanks 4 sharing ur story....really helps alot. i m now waiting 4 my gynae to give me a call.

According to the midwife, they have to insert the pill tom if i m planning 4 june 10th baby

missybluey, u can give rebecca a call already cause they have to arrange the massue, can ask for mdm zul, she stays at hougang too! So timing may be more flexible, she starting to do 2 hougang mummies since today, they doing afternoon sessions.

Bluberi, chil k, dun think too much abt it not gd for the bb. Like what Friends said, maybe ur hubby also quite stress wondering why u suddenly so calculative. Give him a bit of time. Maybe to be fair, the baby bonus acct can go to urs/his acct and later trf all money to baby's cda acct? Thats what i did for #1 but that time she doesnt qualify for cda acct but we started an acct for her so whatever hongbaos from her 1st month/ 1st yr, baby bonus we all put inside there. If there are big ticket items like sending her for lessons sometimes we do take from there also. But for daily necessities like diapers, fm we take it into HH expenditure lor, maybe it will be gd to have a common acct and contribute based on income, whoever earns more contribute more lor plus tell ur hubby to give u $100 allowance / every month lah.. show that he "teng" lao por . I always tell hubby give me $50-$100 a month, at least make me happier.. haha..plus cover cost for all the online stuffs that i buy for bb... I bought so much all never claim from him... but luckily he is not that calculative kind, whatever necessary will pay lah like kids stuffs but he doesnt splurge also, will never allow me to buy quinny buzz or maclaren xt or combi miracle turn cause he feels waste of $ .

Let ur hubby cool down first then talk abt it. BTW, u will give ur mum $$ to buy ingredients for ur confinement right, it can be quite a bit, maybe u shld highlight to ur hubby that.

Re: full month

Anyone started planning? I have booked the venue, will be booking caterer soon and cupcakes then do some simple full month gifts to distribut.. cant wait for confinement to end so i can bathe w normal water!! Limbox.. only 12 days to go.. jia you!!


Yup, planning liaox.

I even rush a order frm spree to buy my girl's 1st mth clothes..

Will be ordering some cookies, catering .. those full mth cakes for family onli..

Now onli waiting for my 2wks of hell to end faster..

Last nite i sneak a can of coke to drink.. the feeling is sooooo SHIOK!

Limbox, u're nearly there le!! ENDURE ...


i called Mdm Ida (really last min), she is very caring. She asked me if i have delivered and is a last min booking. I told her yes and she is concerned cos she will be going KL next week for 5 days together with Mdm Mariam. She gave me 2 numbers to her cousins and ask me to call them.

Mdm Suria 97954574 and Mdm Zaliah 93672244.

I may be trying Origins Massage as Genice mentioned.


My #1 has cleft lip and palate. So his hearing is also affected. He has to put in tubes into his ears for draining out the fluids. But even then KKH ENT honestly told me that the hearing tests sometimes not very accurate. They have to go through some tedious steps to get the most accurate readings, where most children (esp young babies) don't go through that.

Don't panic first... speak to your PD. They will have a good recommendation of what to do.

jamumassage like abit steep the price ><"

Im oso on tight budget.. not reali on for package type..


Oh.. cos i sms her in the morning she mention hp low batt will get back.. so still waiting =\

Origins Massage? any link to it?

