(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

ya ya Koaru, true lo... i have been very restless on the seat and i will only prefer to go to GV - Vivo or The Cathay ones where the leg space is plenty and seat is more cushy.

Sharky, i have been trying to persuade my hubby to bring me for dim sum at Turf city today... cos cos discount + the dim sum there is great. but hor, he is very bz trying to wrap up lots of his work in case baby comes anytime. sian.. so today is another da-bao (packed rice) day!

friends, if i remember correctly in a very early post, they say beat a raw egg into hot milo and drink, follow by a bottle of chicken essence.

as much as i wish to try, i scare wait cause stomach discomfort... so think i will just take the chicken essence.

just came back from my 37 weeks check. baby still small at 2.2-2.3kg only but since she is growing consistently, doctor say we can still target on natural birth. let nature takes its course. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sharky, your baby will make the grand appearance very very soon! try keep talking and psychoing. it might just work!

Good news!

Preparing to go into labour now! Req for enema, and epi cos already 4cm dilate! And VE is ouchiee!! But worth it cos finally can get him out today!! And yeah, both my kids gonna born on my fav nbr 7!

To update again


woohoo! yes2.. do update us pls.

im having those mensus cramps-like... ouch! doesnt mean anything right? yesterday i was cleaning up my room.. at night somemore.. then felt pain.. ouchie..


My 1st one is waterbag leak but this one is contractions first.. when gynae do VE, still no show but cos for me once contractions come regular, I give birth pretty fast, so he advise me to check in immed, so he can burst the waterbag later n everything will be fast. I hope to be out in time for dinner...

Bliss, your problem is over supply... mine is under...+ pressure by my mum and cl to give fm... super stress...anyway that is the past... hopefully this round is better..

now i keep telling my mum that family support is very important for this area... hopefully she understand..last time when i back home with bb, dont know who understress, she keep throw temper at me...and shout very loud... until the cl ask her why she must talk until so loud, will scared bb de...then she tone down,later on...she cant get alone with the cl... they take turn to come in and complaint to me about each other... wowlao.. to think that i already stress on my supply + a colic bb that admit to hospital twice.. and to handle two of them.. really pray hard that this round all will be fine for me

now my son is down with fever.... sianz... actually i hope bb can come out asap as i very tired and restless... now hope bb stay abit longer till kor kor recover first... if not no one takecare of kor kor

Congrats Koaru.. Finally... Jia You! Jia You!

Thanks Tigerbaby.... My hubby laughed when I told him about the milo and egg thingy... He said maybe it's becos of 'LS' that causes the baby to pop? Ha! Ha!

Hi mummies, sorry to interupt.

I'm selling away a brand new Maclaren Quest Sport Stroller in charcoal/silver. (I just purchased it yesterday, 6th June '10)

Reason for selling it away is because yesterday was the last day for DBS/POSB cardholder 25% discount in Mothercare.

So I decided to purchase the stroller at a bargain (usual price: $398).

However, today when I went to work, my colleagues told me they have ordered the Quinny Buzz for me.

So I decided to keep the Quinny Buzz and sell the Maclaren. ( I don't see the need of having two strollers)

So I'm selling it away at $278.

$5 off if it's a fast deal (payment within 12 hours after confirmation and meet up at Bedok MRT station).

You cannot get this color at this price elsewhere since the Mothercare DBS/POSB discount is over.

Purchase includes:

- Rain cover

- Instructions Manuel

- 6 months warranty from Mothercare (I will give you the receipt to prove that I bought it on 6th June '10)

If you need more information for this stroller, do check this website: http://global.maclarenbaby.com/toddler-buggies/quest-sport?lang=en

Do email me at x.21o2o4@hotmail if you have any queries.


dear all...

my baby decided to pop 2 weeks earlier and is born on 23may. motherhood had kicked in and it's a wonderful experience! jia you for those who are due soon! its definitely a unforgettable experience!


sorry.. want to ask.. right now im having menses like cramps and my lower back abit painful.. but for a second, i can still feel my bb moved abit.

what does that mean?

Friends, ur hub funny leh. Can think of such things one. Haha. Eh, i did dat for my first one lor cos my massage lady ask me to do dat in order to haf smooth delivery. Bb skin will b nicr etc but hor in the end mine end of e c-sect so for this #2 forget it lor

i can feel my bb inside me havin hiccups. Hehe. So cute!

Goin out

nowadays when i go out i go out just buy things and go back cos i dun like it when ppl see me and make comments like,"wah stomach so big can pop anytime..." or "are u sure theres only one inside?" or "last time sexy now no more liao". Ppls mouth are like dat one. When i was working ppl will say such things even ask me to quickly go maternity leave cos looks like im goin to pop anytime. Such remarks are hurtful lor.

Eh one more thing egg cannot put inside hot water. The egg must raw so the milo shld b warm not hot

sharky, all the best hor!! Update us. Hehe

irma, u are fast!! Hehehe. U noe after buyin the madela i went kiddy palace check out the babysafe mattress and i gasp at the price. So ex! Actually i already haf 2 normal cot mattrews i bght for #1 but my mum insists tt the material is hot. So when i went bk hm told my mum i no $ liao to get. She said she will get for me then. Hehe. Duno whether true lah.


i wish u all the best oso!! Hehhehe


oh dear. Quite stressful hor. Mine last time dun haf maid for the first mth. Imagine ppl keep comin to my place to visit bb then i haf to tok to them. My mum busy with guests oso. Want to attend to bb fully oso difficult. I remembered those days when i actually sat and iron clothes during the first week when i came bk. I was very stressed cos milk supply oso low. Haiz. But now better got maid to help do chores and take care of my gal so dat i can concentrate on my boy

I hv my epi starting to feel the numbness. Both gynae n hubby went for lunch meanwhile.


if the pain is regular, meaning every 10min or so, then u might be my case cos I start to hv backache today.. better start to monitor yr contraction pain n might hv to go down to gynae or hospi - mine was like menses cramp too

thanks for all yr warm wishes!

Irma, u time ur contractions. If quite frequent then its labor pain. If not its bh. Also if the pain is unbearable like buay tahan kind ah then u better admit urself. Take care hor

wow Koaru,

it is like walking through your baby's birth story with you. I like the part that you say you should be out by dinner time... that's so chop chop. Baby must have sensed that you are too tired already so decided to come out...

Jia You and all the best.

Zhuoen, Congrats!!!! Take good care during confinement. You should be in the period where you can start bathing already...

Irma, if the menses like pain persist and is regular like what Koaru says, then it is the real contractions. It will intensify and when it is 10mins apart, you ought to prepare to go hosp.

haha Mummy2nia, looks like you will PM jasmingoh for the stroller ya...


i found 1 onli. lucky still usable.. =x

tested it on bb.. and heng no fever cos her body was soo warm ><"


u nid kiddy palace card? kiddy palace nw haf sale.. or u wan buy frm the selling thread.. =P

Dun get angry over such guy, not worth ur anger..

My checkups and all mostly all footed by hubby..

onli when it comes to those dun nid to do "special scan" den i'll pay cos cheaper =\

as for cash bonus, its entered to my acct and will draw out to use for bb shower or split half btw mi and bb herself.

Those mummy whu had given birth le..

I juz did my baby bonus thing. But the dollar to dollar match account is muz go down to bank and open ourself de rite?

As for cash bonus is opt thru either own or spouse account?

Congrats Zhuoen!

Koaru, have a smooth delivery!!

Sheryl, yup.. i got the kiddy palace card.. but nw on tight budget so cannot buy the breastpump, unless i ask my sis to pay for mi 1st.. will they give discount for breastpump? fm wat i koe the discount is for regular price items oni, i scared breastpump are nett price items.

Sheryl> if im not wrong(short term memory hehe) they will post u babybonus letter relates to account opening then u go down to open account... u gng to OCBC? Perhaps u 1 2 call them & make enquire.

Yup the cash bonus will go to your or your hubby account [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BM / FM:

my bb got jaundice and gynae suggested mix w FM.. so got to bottle feed. then now when i latch him on he's quite impatient coz my milk flow not so fast.. and he will start to fuss and cry..

i think he drinks quite a bit too.. if i dont latch him, and i pump every 2hr, i only manage abt 70ml.. sigh..


hehe..i think better dun..already bght stroller for my gal..quest mod the pink one....now the boy dun haf stroller yet cos wat i intend to do is, change the comfort seat to boy's color..of cos would b nice if i have 2 stroller...aiyah....cannot lah just bght breast pump..


for kk they have one guy sitting at the registration area waiting for ppl to sign up for ocbc..so the other time i did there lor, quite easy to open up..not sure abt ur hospital...


all the more u shld tell ur hub not to be stingy and let u have the amt in ur acc....

u wanna give KP a call before goin down?

mummy2nia, i dun want to tok too much abt the bb bonus with him, wait end up arguing then i confirm will cry lor.. tink i will just drop by kiddy palace when i go to compasspoint.. might still have some things i want to get.

Hi mummies,

The thread's moved quite a bit these last days, was trying to read through all the posts.

Congratulations first to Zhuoen and MummyOw on your new arrivals, enjoy your time with your little babes.

And have a good birth Kaoru, Sharky and Missbluey! Tell us more when you get the chance to.

Peck: about the egg and milo, someone mentioned something as well about it being smooth for smooth delivery hahah... but not too sure if I can stomach it as well, so just have 2 bottles of chicken essence in the hospital bag.


Think my turn will be coming up as well. Over the weekend, lower back felt unusually tired, was wondering how come since I didn't do any strenous exercises. Tummy been feeling funny too - don't know how to explain it, strained? Did have the crampy menses feeling and 'tension' when getting up from sitting-on-floor position. Couple of loose stool sessions. And at times there were strong pulls but just figured it was part and parcel of upcoming birth. This morning before waking up, I farted (sorry for being so graphic) and fluid squirted out - my first thought was shite! don't tell me I leaked so jumped out of bed and checked to see, not too much on bed, didn't smell like pee too, then went to wipe and it was fluid with specks of blood. That was 645am. So just told hubby about it and started staying upright (in case waterbag was bursting - apparently you leak less when upright as baby's head is plugging the hole) to pack etc, must have been a bit cuckoo at that time cos I was smiling when I told hubby and the 'show' increased and became more like the start of a period, mucousy and dripping out up till when I went to shower 730am (after feeding bunnies their hay and medicating one of my bunnies). Before that finished packing hospital bag, hubby packed camera, packed laptop and documents, towels, incontinence pads, relaxation cds and loaded everything into car hahhahaha.... Told hubby it will probably take a while for baby to come out since this is number 1 so not to join me to hospital (he will only get 2 days leave, so wanted him to save it for the actual birth). Got into the cab (rainy morning) for my scheduled appointment this morning with maxi pad (though the show stopped dripping out). Was hooked onto CTG (need to pay for the 3rd one onwards at NUH $32.10, some mummies were asking what the price is) and CTG picked up regular contractions. Doc did a VE and baby's engaged. Told her the 'bleeding' seems to have stopped, but she said she could see that there is still 'bleeding' when she checked and cervix is likely to have already started to open up. Basically only 1cm dilated at that time. So back to the office to run last minute stuff and tonight will clean my bunnies' bins to make sure they have clean bunny bins.

Oh yes, forgot to add that doc said it could take up to a week for the actual birth after the show. So she mentioned that she will see me next on my due date or if before that, in the hospital.


ooh.. bit of drama there.. hee~ dun worry abt teh gross-ness la.

if labour nearing will have loose stools one ah? been having that for 2 days liao lei..

anyway, koaru, mummy2nia, cath... thx for your advice.. guessed this one false alarm la.. tsk!

but i swear i had menses-like cramps and lower back pains.. was more regular than previous times that i had the BH..

mummy2nia, thanks for sharing... i tink if pay $400 for 2nd hand freestyle, if top up abit more can get brand new freestyle from Tan Leng Leng rite?

Suelynn, have a smooth delivery!

Hi mummies

jus back from my 38 weeks plus checkup. bb head down but nt engaged also. Doc did VE and she say bb not due yet ask me to wait.haiz..this no 2 is making me wait for so long hehe. my no 1 pop at 37 weeks.

thanks for the encouragement mummy2nia.. just had my 1st massage session and got the lady to help relieve some of the engorgement.. so hopefully more supply will come soon!

congrats to all the mummies who have delivered.. for those who havent, take all the rest you can now!!!

Gd noon mummies!

Congrats to mummies who have popped and enjoying the new bundle of joy w/ your loved ones. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am still in midst of counting down to my scheduled c-sect date (23Jun), hoping can tahan till then.

BH are getting more intense nowadays, the pain from the kicks, the ever-growing bb bump, etc. Kinda making me more stressed up.

Like to check... Anyone bought tonics to take during confinement? I went to buy herbs for shower during confinement and ended up buying some tonics (advised by the sinseh) to have it after 12 days of delivery. Each pack a day to brew for 3 hours and to have it for 14days. The cost of these tonics really burnt a BIG hole in the pockets. Anyone have taken tonics during confinement, and how's the effect? The last time round, I only take the norm cordyceps soup and chic essence during confinement. Wondering if I can accept the taste of the tonic soup...

Also, is it norm to have on & off tingling feel on the breast area? I have yet delivered, but having these kinda feel. Can be slight pain from the feel. Anyone experience this? Is this norm?

joelle, how u tested ur US freestyle set ar? what accessories u intending to get? the breastpad is in case we leak milk.. i tink starting part sure will leak some so should be need ba... i bought 1 box of pigeon breastpad..

ic sberry... ya i also decided to pay to get back all the pics.. 6 too little le..

oh ya can i check with u gals when u all started taking coconut? and wats the frequency? once a wk? im in my 38th wk now, took 4 (once a wk since wk 34) so far already.. ytd my parents in law asked and when i told them both of them macham so agitated say i take too much liao.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] later baby easy asthma, blah blah.. hear liao heart heavy heavy.. but many others tell me once a wk from 30++ wks is ok lei..


We bought the usual tonics like Dang shen, dry longan, red date, dang gui. The shop recommended us to buy 1 tale of cordyceps and ginseng plus two more herbs which I can't remember the names to make it into pills to take during confinement. Hubby paid about $500 for all these as he also believe that confinement tonics are very important to women who have given birth.... Come to think about it, now a bit of heartpain..$500 can get me a new bag [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ha! Ha!


I also have boxes of pigeon breastpads standby. The change of breast pads can be quite frequent when milk supply stablise.

I am not a coconut luver, so far only took one during week 34. Yes, I did hear about coconut is cooling. I still take barley water on and off. I guess everything in moderation is ok. Perhaps if you dun have any cravings, then can stop taking coconut drink from now.

I was even told that by one of the elder that not to take coconut drink during last stage coz later no strength to PUSH. I was like 'HUH?', coz of such a different saying. Anyway, I guess it depends on individual's intake. So long it's not too much.


The individually packed herbs to brew as soup looks kinda boring to me. I even ask the sinseh if it's bitter. Coz I am afraid after one dose of it, I will just give up on it. Yes, there is cordyceps and ginseng powder pounded and packed separately, supposed to add to the brewed soup. I was like... Sound very troublesome and challenging. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Already limited to the number of shower I can take during confinement, have to be faithful with the red date & longan drinking, wearing binder & socks every hour, hot weather, etc.

Dun noe can survive or not... I dreads about the confinement period...

Doobom, yah loh... weather nowadays so hot and I don't think I can survive without aircon. Somemore we are not supposed to have fan blowing directly at us.. I luv the smell of chinese herbs so still okie for me... Do u have a slow cooker? Just put everything in it with boiling water and let it brew for 3hrs and add the powder only when u are about to drink.

hi mummies, i'm bak ut baby haf to stay bcos of jaundice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]...

wow..i saw the chart n the detail is up..except the weight n cm rite ^^..here they go 2.65kg/48cm..


I have engaged CL this time round. Wanna live like queen, so giving myself 3 mths to go back pre-preggie form. Will get the CL help me with the brewing of the soup.

Last nite, hb was still questioning me. 'Do you think you are going to be that scary to go back to your norm self in less than 1mth's time like last time round?' I replied, I dun think so. I wun be that crazy this time. I wanna to relax and go slow.

The smell of chinese herbs/tonics make me wanna run so far away. I even need to get sweets ready after swallowing down the 'watever' soup.

I am trying to see if bb can dun sleep in air-con, since it's not encourage to sleep in air-con during confinement. (Though i ignored this last time round when i had #1). As I have concerns about young children sleeping in air-con room. My #1 recently diagnosed with Allergic Rhinitis (nasal allergy) which may be inherited from me, so I tot of minimising his exposure to air-con during sleep.

Congrats on your bb's arrival, piglet koh! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hang in there, I'm sure bb will be deal and cope well. In no time, he will be back home with you.

Rest well and have a good confinement.

kelly, ya, auntie siew ling here at my place now.. she is ok, so far so good, no complaints.. :p she took initiatives to do the hsehold cores too, like sweeping n mopping.. and if u have special requests, can let her know, she will do it.. chin cai type.. no worries.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jojo, ya loh.. 6pcs too little.. u can do the editing on the other soft copies yrself, pretty simple.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


btw, my bb chloe has admitted to hospital for phototherapy.. hope she will recover fast fm the jaundice soon.. expected to fetch her back on Wed...

mummies who are going to pop, JIAYOU!

Congrats to all mummies who have popped.. enjoy yr bonding with yr newborns.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

