(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


some people are simply like that. you already did inform them early, so obviously its their fault.

my HQ also about the same like your HR. i kept telling my admin to call until i heard finally got advertisement lor. only then i felt relieved though sian must teach new gal. =pp

but your HR should call for a new replacement soon, cuz you never know whether the new replacement is easy to teach anot.


Hi, all mummies, i m back from the hospital. My baby was emercy c section on 17 may eventhrough i select the c date on 19 may but my princess just cannt wait.Ya she sweet n healthy. The thing is my wound still painful. Cannot walk fast.Have to take painkiller.Baby look like her elder sister.The weight abt 3.2kg

HI Everyone,

I have just given birth today..

Here's what happened.

Felt contraction since Sat but I thought it was just some form of indigestion as I felt alot of air in my tummy. Even had bodyaches while sleeping.

Sunday, also got that airy feel.Yesterday whole night didnt sleep well keep having that kind of wana pass motion feel

So this morning when my hubby abt to go to work, I tell him that I have contraction almost btw 5-10min ea time about 4 times coz I counted only from 6am. The previous contractions from Sat, I didnt bother.

In the end call RH, I was told that I'm actually in labour already and I was asked to come down immediately. In my mind, I still thought that it is braxton hicks.

Anyway, I went down to RH, reached around 730a.m coz so afraid that 1 month cant bathe u know, so must cleanse myself totally. Nurse say that I was already 3cm dilated. Wa, I also duno. They ask if I wanted epi immediately or just wait longer. My hubby is the one who told them, ya he wants epi.... haha....

So there I am, gave birth without any pain at all at 12.26pm noon time on the 24/5/2010. In fact, I very very alert but vomitted thrice due to side effects of epi after givig birth. My gynae made me feel so calm, so jokey, we were even chitchatting in the midst of pushing...

Am I the 3rd mum to pop?



Yes! I drag my mom along with me and she was nagging at me cause so pai seh! Show wasn't looking at mr when he shake hands with me. But I think he saw my big tummy y his corner of his eye and he quickly turn back and look at me.. Haha! And he touch my son head like sayang him..

He is so tall and handsome lor! My sil said if I bring album and let him sign he will confirm remember is me cuz I'm the only preggie with a toddler lor.. Everyone was those youngster and aunties but no preggie..

My hb also bth me.. But he likes him alot too.. Just not those

obvious kind.. So I'm lucky that he likes him if not i think he will scold me.. But i didn't dare to tell my dad that I went for this 3 event. Confirm get scolding..

Blueberi, sometimes quite hard to find gynae. To

them is small thing and take sometime to

revert back.

Unless u call and say waterbag burst and he will call u

very soon..


HI Mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Firstly heartiest congratulations to Limbox & bibibaba... Am very happy for you.

I just came back from med appt. Baby est at 3.5kg and swab test results were negative. Feel relieved.. and now counting down to that special day!

Bliss, my fren who was with the same gynea last yr said must tell the operator dat it's urgent.. else can take 3 days to gynea to return call!!

congrats, bibibaba! i hope my labour will be like urs too - minus the epidural! =D yes, u're the 3rd! can ask how heavy is ur girl?

Congratulations bibibaba!

Very happy for you that you had a good birthing session. Wishing you a quick return to your optimum state and a wonderful time with your new little one!

I have good news to share as well! My maternity leave starting 14/6/10 just got approved! And I am quite relieved! Baby's due 15/6/10 so we'll see when baby decides to come.

Congrats Bibibaba! Tat was a fast labour.

Really dun understands wats e doctor in government hospital thinking. To think my boy is in a Private Ward. I pay 2k plus for his stay n yet tis is wat I get. Even if e fits last a few mins bt its definately goin to last in my mind for as long as possible. Lucky hubby nt ard at tat moment, if nt I'm sure hubby will wallop tat doc.

Wow, quite a few june mummies become May mummies... hahaha this time i dont think i will go for last min shopping anymore [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats bibibaba!

Now I'm also start to getting nervous..... Been experiencing pass motion feeling and braxton hicks on and off... but no pain leh... so I shd just continue to monitor right? Thks.

BTW, i just received Isetan Private sale newsletter...Private sale on 27 May thur...There is this Cut coupon specials on Baby Bjorn Baby carrier, Original Classic at $109, Usual $175. If u are interested, can contact me to get the admission coupon and Cut coupon...

37 weeks check up progress - baby gain 200G n is now weighin @ 2.4Kg..did CTG test + VE...the VE is quite painful =(..n was told tat my bottom is abit narrow..but still gynae suggest to induce me next week..

bibibaba - congrats!! Rest well!!

Evangelyn - better take good care of yr wound..dun strain yrself unnecessarily..now is the time for you to recoup yr health..take it easy.

Notice that all mummies are having short labour..hopefully I can have the same as well..


Sorry to hear abt yr boy..hope he is okay now. I have condemned KKH since the first time I admitted my #1 for UTI and high fever 8 yrs ago..she was only 6mths old but the whole procedures from admission to discharge was an unpleasant experience. So for subsequent hosp admissions, we would not consider KKH..rather pay a bit more to go pte hosp for ease of mind, esp when the PD are more emphatic towards the parents. At KKH, I did not even get to speak to the PD ..there were group of specialists but I had no ideas which was the one that is incharge..and no one knew the status - very frustrating for parents.

congrats bibibaba...

piglet, happy for u. ur bb growing well. me going for 37 wks checkup tml. Wonder if bb got gain weight ant. hehehe...anyway going to do VE as well.

hey mummies,

is doing CTG impt huh??

my gynea gave me a letter to go TMC do CTG, but he said its optional. So i didnt think it is impt and neveer got it done!!!

congrats bibibaba, rest well k

limbox, grats on smooth and fast delivery!! such an envy, ur edd was later than mine and i still yet to show sign of delivery.. think baby too comfy in my tummy..

yaozi, hougang ave 8 de market got sell.. the fruit store near bus stop with 72, 88 and 112 dere..

jolene, hope ur boy get well soon.. aiyo.. u are spending bomb yet getting such treatment!! complaint is a must!!

bibibaba, grats on ur painless delivery!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

congrats to you bibibaba! it sounded quite easy for u leh. hope that when my turn comes, it will be very easy too.

Bluberi & Ms bluey, yeah lor. dunno what the HR doing leh. everyday sit down there shake leg nia, anyway they told me final rounds of interview oredi. i'm only planning to take ML next mth, on the week of 21st. is that too late!? so now, i still got about 3 weeks left in office lor

Elise, u oni taking ML on week of 21st, seems abit late. u not worried abt popping earlier? just told my hubby dat instead of starting ML on 14jun, i might start ML on 07jun and he said ok since tis morning he already panic fm my braxton hicks.

just nw went NTUC n bought 2 pkts of mamy poko size S since on discount $19.95/pkt. currently i have a small pkt of mamy poko newborn (28pcs+2pcs) n one GOO.N newborn (shd be 50pcs+), prob will get one more pkt of mamy poko newborn ba.. hope tis is enough to last till bb switch to size S.

Wow! Things are coming on fast! One pop after another! hehehe.....COngrats Limbox and Bibibaba! So nice to hear all the wonderful stories. Very encouraging for mothers who are going for the natural thing!

FRIENDS, Dianajs and Peck, me and hubby dont like TMC too. Same issues with carpark, old facility, crapy administration and processes, everything seems to have gone backwards, like going back to 1980's, just from the point of parking the car to walking into the clinic. It's a far fetch compared to KKH!! Agree, the rooms are ok, I opted for the new floor on the 5th, since this is the last baby and we're only seeing him these last 2 weeks, so also didn't want to make too much of an issue, though hubby was complaining all the time of how crap it is.

Went to see Dr Tham today too and baby is now 3.5 KG. A week ago, he was 3KG and it seemed I suddenly put on 1.5KG in a week. This is the first time Dr Tham commented in surprised why I suddenly gained so much weight! He thinks baby is going to be about 3.7KG by the time he arrives! hmm.....maybe it's the ice creams and chocolates.....hahaha..

Anyway, he says baby has not engaged yet but it may just happen suddenly, though Im scheduled for 1 June, which is next Tue at 11am. So excited now and yet also quite anxious the last few days. Feeling a bit weepy as well, thinking about how life used to be just me, my 1st (not to forget hubby of course), but my time with No.1 is now going to have one more to share with. It's a good thing I already have 11.5 yrs with No.1, so she's mature enough to understand and is also very excited with her baby brother coming. Maybe the hormones are working overtime as well, being the last few days before I pop, feeling so emotional all the time, these few days.

Nevertheless, it's all good, everything will change but certainly will be for the better as this is God sent!

Congrats to Limbox n Bibibaba - so exciting!

Evangelyn, rest well n the pain shld go away soon.

Sharky, Bluberi,

I forgot to ask gynae today abt CTG, anyway I did ask when I shld be calling - his reply lagi better, if contractions start or waterbag bursts, go start to hospi - dun hv to call to verify. So juz gotta wait n wait like my #1


my swab test result was relayed to me 1 wk or rather my next gynae visit - so I suppose yrs will be the same too?


wat a traumatic experience.. But I think I would hv thot of kkh for emergency cases too, juz that their level of service is so inconsistent!

wow congratulations to bibibaba! I like the part tt you said your hubby said yes to epi. that's real funny. and its a short labour. I hope I'll be like you. rest well.

Can't sleep cos kept coughing. I hope I'll be well before I pop else how to eat those confinement food.

hihi... letting go one set of AVENT ISIS IQ DUO electric breast pump..selling cheap.. please PM me if interested...

Brand new.. never used before...model is SCF304/2

US set.. BPA free...

or email me at [email protected]


morning ladies..

i slept well last nite coz the braxton hicks nv came back.. *fingers crossed* but i sms my GM who is away in Japan to apply urgent leave to rest home today.

bluberi, yes, actually i am worried leh. but i also dun feel like taking my ML too early leh, in case i just mop around at home nothing to do, also boring leh. whew, luckily i am same as u huh, had a very good nite sleep yest. no braxton hicks, as for now...

Good morning ladies !!

Today officially marks my 36 th week : )

As the day draws near me getting panicky and got weird dreams at night ..

me also looking forward to my delivery.. actually hoping for bb to come out tmr as it's my hubby's bday.. hahah.. but still no signs or symptoms.. so i guess he doesnt want to share the same bday as his dad haha..

my gynae told me during the last checkup that he delivered a bb 4.2kg by natural birth!! sounds so scary haha


me too! Hving 3 different dreams in 1 nite on some nites even.. Luckily not much left to be done except setting up the cotbed.. so zombified once more.

I am telling mine can come out anytime fr tmr.. since PIL n gynae r back.

elise: same la. i also dun want to take ML too early becoz scared if bb come out later..

cant sleep yesterday night till abt 3am.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] terrible insomnia and also BH.. but its not regular period as i "somewhat" counted them. very scared, skali i give birth.

consultation at gynae yesterday was quite fast. he only told me to monitor baby's movement while he continue to monitor my amniotic fluid. had the 2nd jab to stregnthen baby's lungs.

next visit will be on wed which is what jasmini's gynae is doing too, visit on alternate days. given 4 days MC this week to eat and rest.

at the moment, i am desperately eating as much as possible eventhough the eating is making me so bloated.

eunice - let's 'jia you' together to fatten up our babies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i have been drinking milk everyday too since 1st trimester and now trying to eat durians every few days and hope it helps.

suelynn - how many weeker was your sis's baby when she was induced? happy to know baby is now healthy and good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i was trying to think of it positively also. as long as the vital organs are developed and doing well, fattening up after she is out should be relatively easy, right?

limbox - congrats to you on your smooth delivery!

do post pic of your cute boy.

Hi Mummies,Good Morning [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am having sleepless nights too and dreams varies in terms of delivery.. Guess we are all tensed.

I also wish that i am not at work now but at the same time do not wish start my ML early.. SIGH counting down... Thank god Friday is a PH.

Elise, i also scared will be bored at home, but nowadays i go to work already no mood.. lolx.. ML mood liao. ML tentatively will still start on 14jun.

good morning too everyone...

I am glad that i am staying at home, infact working from home, since i am still suffering from the cough. Our office is rather strict about coughing and working at office. Scare of the virus spread. Woke up at 930am... and leisurely reading papers.

Jolene, my heart goes out to you and your son. The doc is rather terrible. How is ur son now? you must take care of yourself too. Must relax more ok?

Take care to all mummies hvg BH. Just hang in there... I think when i deliver, i will miss the times when baby kicks or stretches in the tummy. I will be closing "shop" after this delivery.

TigerBaby, pls help me to update name of my baby: Galen / Hao4ze2. thanks.

Evang, do lie down more often, try not to walk too much.

Morning mummies,

Good to know all are doing well and getting excited.


My sister was coming up to 38 weeks when baby was delivered, doc says 37 weeks is good enough for baby to come out if need be. At that time I was 33 weeks and scan showed amniotic fluid was borderline low and baby not growing as fast as well. So was disheartened and stopped going to gym and started eating and drinking a lot as doc said to take it easy. Follow up scan showed improvement. So do think positive, rest well, eat wisely (proteins, veg, milk products, durian if you can stomach it) and drink lots. All should turn out well. Read from the thread taht Bibibaba also delivered a feisty little baby at 2.38kg.

Friends, any special price for Baby Bjorn carrier, the airy version, usual price $199? Or they only have special for the Original classic one?

dianajs, i also have weird dreams... i tink tat day i dreamt i read ur post that u gave birth already, twins!! haha....

oops bluberi, i was just telling u no Braxton hicks at all. after i finished typing it, my stomach very pain. went to the toilet to squat there for a few times, but nothing happened.

Later going to see gynae, see what happens

Congrats to Limbox and bibibaba!! didnt log in for a few days and a few mummies had popped!!

Im counting down.. 2 more days to D-Day... Feeling so shiok to be on leave and staying hm to rest last weeks till 2 days ago, im down with flu and block nose again.. haiz.. cant slp at night.. really hope i can recover tmr.

Tmr will be my 38 wks n last checkup before i c-sec on thurs. will also need to draw out blood for standby in case of any complication during ops.


Congrats to Limbox and bibibaba.

Koaru thks for telling me abt the swab test result. My next appt is next monday. When are you due to see Dr Paul tseng again?

