(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


i dun eat in big portions also.

Even if its small portion i oso will get it.

Sometimes if im lucky heartburn wun follow mi like last night -.-

So hw's ur shopping?! *hahaa*


sheryl: oh.. actually, same la, big or small portion.. still heartburn. today im "attacked" by gas... keep burping since breakfast.. irritating! urgh!

hehe~ so cute, "follow you"

shopping...? hehe~ spent abt $80++ for abit of here and there.. went Marina's JL yesterday. went crazy over lil girl's clothings...!



Besides heartburn, I am also beginning to feel constipated, luckily prune juice still works. Enjoy yr shopping - it's gonna be a stay home wkend until my gal recovers!

Dun forget there is another bb fair fr 30 apr at expo - I hope I can get my bottles then, one of my last items to get.

Happy Easter holiday!

daphne, the 4D scan wasnt very successful for me coz baby was not looking forward, he was facing at my left side and hands kept touching face so cant take nice 4D videos.. but managed to take a few short clips of him yawning, sucking thumb, etc.. i tink worth a try for < $200.. the scan success depends on ur baby de.. but they'll let u wait and try again if baby position not right the 1st time.. my baby was kicking at the probe during the scan, so cute.. when scan the right side he kick there, scan left side he follow.. hehe..

jojo: ur bb so cute.. follow the scan.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tigerbaby>> Yes.. I just went to do the 3D scan in KKH on Monday early morning.

I asked the gynae abt the scan during my last visit 3 wks ago.. he arranged for me to do at ADC, at the same time do growth scan too.. Not sure if you can just call up and book the slot on your own…

Usually they do the 3D/4D scan on 26-28 wks.. if u do it too late like 30wks or so, there is not enough water in the belly and u would not get a good image of the bb..

But it was not successful, cos baby was too sound asleep, she kept hiding the face and slept facing inside, looking down.. Despite having a hearty breakfast, pacing up and down the hospital umpteen, still did not help.. after 3 tries, I got so tired, give up la….only managed to do the growth scan…decided to go back to do it on Wednesday morning.. This time bb more co-operative, face looking up. Abit grumpy looking cos we kept poking and disturb her sleep but we could see most of the faces.. placenta is abit blocking some parts of the face but fun to see how she snuggle nicely in my lil “water cave” .. She even yawned a few time, playing with the fingers..

Not cheap for this 3D scan, it cost me $250 (excl. GST), they take abt 5-6 images and will store the coloured images in a CD + the black and white printout.. but the sonographer was nice enough to help me take abt 14 images.. of cos 1-2 of them not so clear in terms of the features.. but my hubby was quite estatic abt the whole process.. having to see the bb before its born.. heeheee.. and I heard the 3D images is at least 80% accuracy to the bb features once they are born..

Re: TPS Fast Scheme

The $100 voucher they will only give after U give birth, for you to buy the bb items at the pharmacy.. I dun noe if u can use it at any of the retail shops in KKH..

Re: Weight Gain.

I put on abt 8kg so far and bb is abt 1.2kg.. considered a regular size bb.. guess I already put on weight before the pregnancy, that y throughout the months I did not gain so fast…but bb head has not turned yet.. and I’m very worried cos the doc say if the bb don’t turn down in the next 2-3 wks.. I would have to schedule for C-scan.. I very sad now.. my friends told me to talk to bb now and then.. ask her to move down..

Re: Gynae visit

I also ask Gynae when I should come for the 2 wks intervals.. He says so long u don’t have any complication or special conditions like gestation diabetes and also if ur bb is average size (not overweight/growing too big), I can still stick to a 3wks routine.. some pple will start the 2 wks interval at 30 wk.. then abt 35-6 wks everywk liao. My next visit is on my 31 wks.

Re: Lemongrass shower gel

Hi anyone bought the lemongrass shower gel & ginger cream? How was it? Very tempted to get now and use it to get rid of the wind and all.. I wonder if it get rids of water retention and leg cramps?

Re: Leg Cramps

Thanks SueLynn for ur tips.. I also try not to stretch my legs pointing outwards cos it does trigger the cramps.. I also learn @ the pilate classes that we can

- do the “paddle” exercise, like 1 foot point out, 1 foot point towards you, and do it simultaneously like paddling for abt 20x.

- Squeeze the toes hard and release extending the toes exercise, abt 5-10x

- Toes pointing: Point the toes together and point out, abt 5-10x

I would also get a hot towel wrap my foot and calves for 5 mins or so, then massage some heat rub on the calves in case at night the cramps strikes u..

Try not to drink the coconut juice now if ur cramps are frequent.. I have started drink 1x a week since last 2 wks, and the cramps appear…. usually strike me like 4-5am at night and it would sore like 2 days or so..

missbluey - went twice. Each time, there’s a registration + medicine cost. If didn’t remember wrongly, each visit $5. Got female doctor there… I went to the one near Xinmin… At that time was so serious with cough and flu. Went to her twice and got better. Guess it helps for me.

Went for gynae appt yesterday at TMC. Gain around 8+kg. Bb weighs around 1.2kg. Dr Wong didn’t mentioned she’s gg holidays though. Maybe cos my due date is 23rd June. Hope he don't pop out too early. Current bb's position is head down. When seeing the scan, his face was flatten cos “smashed” to the side of my tummy. His position remains the same since the last appt at 24th week. Gynae mentioned at this period, he might turn. But if next appt his position still head down, most probably will stay that position throughout liaoz.

Realised during gynae visit the application for bb bonus package is auto during registration. Ha! tot have to specially apply it somewhere.

I also experience the same issues like some of you... aching down there, tiredness, smell... etc. keke... guess it's normal. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jojo.. thanks for the info on the 3d/4d scan. Yesterday i went for gynae checkup and asked him abt it. My gynae quite funny, i think he is really more "pro" helping couples save $$. He told me dun need to do lah.. all babies all look similar in the tummy, even when they are new born, they already look quite similar so imagine 10 wks before they are due and in the tummy look even more same.He told me its just a gimmick, most parents will misplace their baby's photoes after a while. :p I just thot he is quite honest lah.. i understand where he is coming from but i definitely think it will be quite interesting to see the baby in 3d/4d before they are borned.

Daphne.. so gd.. ur gynae got 3 d photos everytime..

Heartburn.. actually how does it feel like. I think my appetitie still ok. Yeterday after vising the gynae still went to tabao durian home to eat.

baby weighed close to 1.4 kg yesterday at 29 weeks.. i gained abt 10.5 kg..will be seeing doc in 3 weeks time and subsequently i think 2 weeks interval.

Being "kpo" abit here... What does TPS stand for eh? Paiseh if asking such a simple question but have been seeing it posted by those of you gg KKH and still have no idea wat it stands for. keke

Joelle - You also 28th week? If so, we and our babies gained the same weights siah. Don't worry. Still got time for bb to move. My next appt also 31st week.

Coconut Juice

I tot we can only drink once and only half of it now. And later take it on 30th week? Not so soon to start one every 2 weeks now.


Cannot buy too much. Hubby says dun nid to pamper her even before she's born =\


u wun like the feeling of heartburn.. *i swear*

soo uncomfortable until can get reali pek cek..

i dunno for other mummies but i will.


Kaoru, u r not alone. Me too. Feeling very constipated. Have to have at least 2 - 3 portions of different fruits per day. sigh... i dont remember i had this when i had #1.

Mothercare bodysuits:

I love mothercare bodysuits, very comfy and wont go out of shape. Though it seems ex, but actually for the kind of material and how it last well, it is worth it.

Bliss, thanks for sharing experience on c-sect. Maybe I'll opt to have GA, wake up everything is over! Purple baby??!! You mean your hubby can see all the blood in your tummy arh?! I choosing c-sect because my pelvic bone is distorted due to a bad car accident, and I also had slipped disc, so I don't dare to go for natural birth.


Yes i agree. Their material is worth every penny we spend!

I got a set of 3 bodysuit and hubby is naggain away at the cost until he feels the material he went *zip*


my #1 also wore Mothercare sleep suit up till 1yo! and Fox sleep suit also not bad

yaozi>> TPS mean The Private Suite. In KKH, we can see the doc in the normal clinic or we can opt for TPS, pay a little more, but the waiting area is more comfortable.. and the gynae will also scan the bb during ur visit. If we see them at the clinic, we have to do all the tests separately (like the urine test, scan, etc.), quite troublesome..

Re: Dizzy Spell

Felt that too.. dun really like the feeling when I feel like fainting any moment.. but it go away after awhile

Re: Backache

Really feel the aching more freq after standing or walking for a while.. the ache make me feel like get a bed and lie on it immediately!! so going out is really turn off now.. start to feel tummy is a burden..

thanks tywong for the bra info.. better get 1-2 pcs wireless bra then.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Body smell

Not too sure about it.. but i noe i'm getting more and more easy to perspire.. always hate perspiring especially the sticky feeling.. so when outdoor feeling sticky, i will be in bad mood.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


OMG, I'm also naming my daughter as Seraphina!! so coincident!! but still worry the name is too long to write and pronoun when my girl is young..

Jojo, nope, i dun have 4D scan.. i'm just saying that the 3D and 4D are the same except the sound.. cos u asking the colour of the pic mah.. haha..

irma yalo.. i also found him so cute.. then he kick at it lo..

i just went to attend a pop concert.. was concerned it'll be too loud but checked with gynae and she said its ok to go... now came back le, abit worried coz it was loud lo.. baby shld b ok ba? coz in the womb + got water surrounding, the sound will be alot lesser to him rite? any mummies know?

wa joelle, KKH 3D scan exp lei.. $250 and only 14 images... TMC de the sonographer just click and click.. total took 60-70 photos and videos, she burn to CD for us... then i developed 4 photos into 4R pictures..

genice, ya i knw baby looks change very fast even after they're born.. but its special to have photos of him inside my womb.. the excitement of seeing his face at this stage is worth the $ too, since the scan is not tooo exp..

ic rainelle, 3D scan can see baby movements ma? i guess also can see movement ya.. then i dun wats the extra thing that 4D scan do le, coz like 4D scan no sound lei, at least when i did mine there was no sound..


Tot it's good to let him listen to loud music sometimes so he won't b scared of loud noise when come out? Not sure if it's true or not. Keke...

But a mom told me before sometimes it's good to get close to those construction sites with those "gong gong" sound. She said her son is a good sleeper when born and he's 17 now. Mayb tell bb "we're gg for a concert!" so he's prepared for it. But this could be jus a hear-say only. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

elise: sorry.. my fren took a glance at the email and deleted it off. but you can try going to the website. i saw something abt 20% off and also they have clearance sale *paisey*

sheryl: true la, cannot paper too much, hehe~

jojo: the loud music shdnt be a problem la, coz i read they will be hearing the sound quite muffled, not as loud as what we hear.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dizzyspell/ backache

same2... the backache sometimes cant tahan.. want to find a place to lie down flat..

hi Jojo (babyjojo)

You mistaken me for Jalgal le. I am Celestia lol.. U saw my pics on FB ah.. Infact this pregnancy is most depressing for me as I am sure I will break my previous record. Sigh...

I put on 6kg for Jayden(3.165kg) and 6.5kg(Chloez) and this time round I am sure I will put on more... Already 5kg with waist 33inch and princess is 1.3kg at wk 28. Lol.. I better pray hard I dun exceed 8kg..

I am feeling worse for this preggy. Full day nausea till 4mth then now 24hrs tired, backache, pelvic pain and I sure hope my stretchmark dun appear but think tough cos my tummy seems to be bigger at 33inch now..Sigh once again..

Counting down to my ML soon...This is the only time I hope time flies.. haha.. :p

thread is indeed moving fast!

re: sales

i sees alot of sales but i got no mood to walk. yesterday just strolled from orchard to somerset, i already buey tahan, & no shopping was done. back was aching quite painful when i reached home. =(

re: lemongrass shower gel

i just bought but i haven't use it yet. intend to use it after i pop.

re: #2 pregnancy

i can feel this time is different. i've already put on 10kgs liao! compared to #1, i gained 10kgs throughout though i had lots of supper almost every week. this time, i didn't had much supper but weight is increasing quite fast. T_T plus with all this "new" pain eg. pelvis pain. hais~ last night even had migraine for no reason, long time didn't had this. think its the weather bah. 1 thing didn't change is that i still have constipation. =(

cyberbabe, ur waist oni 33inch, so good!!!! i was already 32inch at pre-preg lor.. now already 41inch!!! i put on 5.3kg liao, last 4wks the weight increase was more than 3 times of the past few mths. super sad!!!

hi mummies

i am interested to get this for my bb, do pm me if anyone is interested.

Black, White & Red Infant Stim Flashcards - "Smart Art for Babies" by Genius Baby Toys. High quality laminated flashcards, with complimentary hanging clip. Front features expressive baby faces and the back side features high contrast, black white and red infant stimulation graphics. Inlcludes complimentary travel clip for on-the-go.

Researchers have discovered that infants not only prefer to look at high contrast graphics, but that such images can help:

increase concentration skills

stimulate the creation of synapses (brain cell connections)

increase an infant's attention span

calm and soothe a baby (when she is bored)

enhance natural curiosity.

one set is USD5.95 excluding shipping.


Jojo, I went for Sammi concert yesterday night & the loud blast was just too much for me.. baby kept kicking very hard..while going vack home, We regretted and worried now. Didn't have good sleep thru out the nite.. spent so much $ yet didn't enjoyed cos we took 1st row infront right side of stage at Singapore indoor stadium..haizz..

Hi all,

Enjoying your long weekend?

Went for a wedding lunch and had a bad tummy on the way back. Came home and had diarrhoea immediately. Hope bb isn't affected.

just want to ask abt maternity pads... is those night safe.. like laurier 34cm w safe guard enough for the lochia for the first few days also?

Lin i also went for sammi's concert, was a last min thing as had free tix so I went.. Was sitting near the sound console area, rink it was juz as loud as ur seat ba.. Was abit worried after the concert so I surfed the net to find out more, seems that it's ok to attend d occasional concert lei.. Gynae also said ok to go then I went de.. Saw another preg lady 2 rows behind me also.. Tink our babies shld b fine, we both dun worry too much kk..

I'm tinking of getting a baby monitor coz my cat sleeps wif us n baby will haf own rm, at nite I can't leave both doors open in case cat goes into baby's rm when we asleep. So gotta close 1 or both doors I scared can't hear baby cry.. Anyone knws if scent baby monitor is a gd choice?

Zinc, for myself, i bought those big packets of maternity pads leh. becos i have checked with my experience colleagues, they told me its very usual to change quite a no of pads per day, after u give birth....as for me, the other time i went to batam, i bought so much maternity pads, cos its so cheap. only 1 quarter of SG's prices

Re: Aussino comforter set $45 after 50% discount

Just went to suntec aussino today, they still have 4 to 5 sets of gal comforter set but no more for boy.

All stores ran out of the boy comforter set.

It is really a good bargain as it include, bumper set, comforter set, bedsheet and the material is very soft.

I only to manage to buy 1 yellow hook towel + 1handkerchief at $7.45 after 50% discount as the rest are all gals design.

Today also went to robinson at city hall.

Bought a organic swaddle wrap for baby, nuk glass bottle, evenflo sleeve for the glass bottle with 20% + 10% discount. Very worth it.

Avent, pigeon 20% discount

medela, 15% + 10% discount

Nuk, evenflo, other baby brand 20% + 10% discount

Saw Gynae this morning. Total weight gain is about 9kg and baby is 1095gram. Gained about 2.75kg within the last 4 weeks! Glad that I cleared my sugar urine test so no need to take blood test as at now.

hey friends,

me too saw gynea this morning... weight gain now is abt 11kg........... walking like a penguin liao/.... baby is est. 1.5kg....

Hey sharky n friends me also went gynae visit today. Bb is at close to 1.5 kg at 29 weeks plus n think I gain the most here ard 13.5kg. Already exceeded wat I gain for no 1. Think hv to limit my carbo intake. Took sugar blood test n luckily all clear. Doc starting me on 2 weeks check liAo

thanks yaozi and irma.. im trying nt to tink too much abt the concert.. read online that many mummies attended concerts when pregnant and babies are all ok.. their gynaes also said it's ok to go..

cyberbabe, u already very slim le... and weight gain very controled liao.. tink u're the type can easily slim down after giving birth de.. so envy.. i already put on 8kg, waist 38inch, baby 1.1kg at 28 wks... comparatively ur weight gain distribution between u and baby is much much better lo.. so far every 4 wks i put on 2kg.. 12 wks more to go.. hopefully can keep weight gain below 15kg.. very scared i'll just BALLOON at the last trim.. >.<

FRIENDS i also gain 2.7kg in the last 4 wks lo.. so scary... 1kg was gained overnite.. haiz..

in my previous post i meant Avent baby monitor.. typo haha..

haha sharky i feel im also starting to walk like a penguin liao..

today went on mega shopping spree.. started from lido isetan, to ck tang, to paragon metro, to john little, robinsons then finally OG... lol so tired out.. mainly bought baby clothings and nappy covers.. got some cheap buys at each place.. tinking of buying baby monitor too.. but duno if i really need it or not..

zinconut: my sis was telling me Kotex has wings.. i meant, for the maternity pad. for me, i have yet to look out for these things.. hehe~

jojo: [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] shd be ok la. wah! really spree u today.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i felt much better aft massage today morning.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the lady was saying too that bb was in an awkward position, thats y i felt the pain.. also bb is in pain, just that they cant tell us.. hee..

hihi... posting on behalf of a friend, she did not breastfeed for some reasons, so she have a brand new set of AVENT ISIS UNO electric single pump to let go at $199.. she bought at $300...

Please PM me if you interested..thanks

Wow ladies... so many of us seeing gynae today[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Actually I was hoping for baby to weigh at least 1.2kg given my sudden increase of kg... Hope baby will be bigger during my next visit. Dr never put me on two weeks check leh... next checkup is 4 week later. Kind of long hor? Me also walk like a penguin nowadays... Movement when getting off car and bed also very slow due to pelvic pain...

zinc, i rmb one mummy was saying mothercare sell maternity pad with wings recently.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have the following to give away as I am nearing the end of my current pregnancy and I cannot take the taste of powdered milk.

- Similac Mum sample pack (50g) x 2

Expiry: 14/04/2011(both)

- Anmum sample pack (37.5g) - Original x 2

Expiry: 17/10/2010 & 30/01/2011

- Anmum sample pack (37.5g) - Chocolate x 3

Expiry: 18/10/2010 (x2) & 14/02/2011

Please PM me if you are interested..

Thank you!

Morning mummies...

Jojo - wow..you very powerful..still can go on shopping spree from Orchard road to Somerset..*envy*

wish I have energy like yours...

I was so tired that I spent the last 2 days trying to catch up on my sleep..but no matter how I sleep..I will still wake up feeling tired. Hubby said it could be my sleeping posture..I told him I cannot sleep on my right side..cos baby will kick..sleep on my back..I feel so uncomfortable..sleep on my left..I get the numb..

My hubby mentioned that the the past few night, the baby was kicking very hard around 1-2am when I was sleeping..(how come I did not notice it??) He said he can see the kicks/nudges poking from within my tummmy...wanted to get the videocam..but scared to wake me up..ha ha

Like most mummies here..I waddle more than I walk now..pelvis pain is still manageable..at least I still can stand on my leg and wear my panty. (haha)..I remember when I had #2, the pain was so bad that I had to sit down on my bed to wear my panty as lifting up one leg was a real challenge then.

Baby names

We have more or less decided on the chinese name. For English names..we are having divided views on the choices...maybe when the baby is born..ask him to choose himself..ie place the names on each side of the baby and see which side he prefers..hee hee..

bebe, i also having difficulties in slp at night too. always feeling like having to pee at night. then after that cannot sleep. turn left, turn right, turn everysides also uncomfortable

