(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Irma, yup.. my next appt is in 4wks.. maybe it depends on individual gynea ba..

missbluey, mi already overweight in the first place leh.. so it's best not to gain to much weight. now i already worrying abt how to lose the extra weight gained.



oic. so far your weight gain is ok right since your gynae didn't say anything. im hoping i won't have to wear XXL clothes after that. =p

missbluey, i tink my weight gain shd be ok ba.. gynea nv say anything. the last time we asked him was 4wks ago coz we find my weight gain was abit slow. gynea just said our weight gain is not impt, as long as bb is growing well can liao.

jalgal, my bb gals's name is Cherisse.

Hi Cath,

Aiyoh...work until 11plus.....gosh...tats bad...same lor...me aso nothing and then nd to cover my collegues work...hahaha...bt i told them i can obli cover their email for today nia cos i gt no internet access at hm......kekekeke...

try to go hm early n rest ya...


paiseh leh i think i only put this coming one ok? :p if not might not enough space oh. let me know when u decided ur #2's name ok? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


juz go to the counter n request for the baby bonus package.

Re : bb position

I asked my gynae the same an if bb will keep on turning, but he says most likely will stay this way till delivery. I guess nothing is definite so sometimes gynae also dun want us to worry too much..


besides saying no jumping on bed or sofa, I will tell her u may do so on the floor so now she will mimic me saying jump on the floor. Hope my boy will be as guai as my gal.

I am getting heartburn symptoms - so juz nice can't binge as much as in 2nd tri also aim to cut down my carbo. Luckily I hvnt had any leg cramp yet but been feeling more tired lately too.


ok, no problem! =) i decide liao then tell you k.


me too, heartburn on & off. sometimes having difficulty breathing even when sitting down. -.-" is it normal?


my girl's name is Ashlyn. thanx a million!


i guess its normal ba...during Mrs Wong's class, she did mention tat when in 3rd tri, mummies will get more breatheless since the uterus is getting too big and cause limitation to our lung (diaphram) to expand...unless it gets real bad..then need to see the gynae..


anyone feel that ur sweat smell stronger before pregnancy?

I'm very petite and did not put alot of weight but today I realise I smell after bringing my boy back from sch! I never have such problem leh.. Or my nose became super sensitive?sigh....


sad to say, me too... its norm la missbluey.. thats what i read in the net and book too... we have to start eating in small portion like in 1st tri liao...

bb's name:

my bb's name is Naurah Nayli. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thx jalgal

bliss: at times, yeah.. the sweat smell.. turns me off! i will spray on Victoria Secret's bodymist aft shower, it helps u noe.. hehe~ somemore we sweat more often than not right...

bb's position:

not sure if mummies who have gone for your pre-natal massage, the lady got "position" your bb...? as in like, "turn the position" of the bb...?


I'm frm the Feb thread.

I hv a brand new 64 pcs jumbo pack Drypers to let go @ $10. My bb hv outgrown S size. Anyone interested kindly PM me.

jalgal: hehe~ thank you.. nice meaning too.. it actually mean "flower of achievement".. hehe~ (ppl never ask, i go tell).. *shy*

Hi, sorry to intrude,

I am letting go a bottle of brand new klorane dry shampoo at $8 only

Great for confinement use.

Collection Raffles Place/Depot Road/Sengkang

Pls pm me if interested.

hee... hee... dun worry irma, nice thing must share share. good wor nice name plus nice meaning. u choose the name or ur hubby?

jalgal: we both choose.. i chose the Nayli.. he chose the Naurah.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

quiet afternoon.. mummies napping huh..? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Irma, glad i'm not the only one. I don't even put perfume before pregnancy.

abit upset to find my sweat smells after going out under the hot sun ...

bliss: yeah, agree..with the weather so unpredictable nowadays, doesnt help. sometimes i lazy to go out becoz of these.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

re: smell???

is it somewhere from armpit smell or from body? i just noticed yesterday my armpits got some weird smell. not sure whether its my top or is it me.

me don't have the habit of spraying perfume...

ladies, just now i went shopping, and saw Mothercare having 30% to 50% on certain selected items. i saw it at Causeway point


Thanks for the info. May wanna go down later =)


Ya ya ya... Me too.. Its not sweat smell thou. I put deodorant to cover it cos dun wanna smell bad, esp when i'm working and i think its working.


You BB's name is so nice. =)


Thank for the list. My BB boy name Dalzier.

I'm having a very dizzy day. Is this 1 of 3 tri symptom? Haiz... Cant stand it!!


i tried deodorant (elva hsiao advertised) but my skin is quite sensitive to it, found myself scratching my armpits after using for a few days.

no leh, so far, i don't feel dizzy. just plain back pain.

missbluey: i think its our body...?

elise: ya, my fren told me to, spring maternity got sale too..

icey: thank you.. u bb's name too, unique.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dizzy spell: yes2.. what we have (although not all) symptom fr 1st tri comes haunting again.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

some ppl wont have though..

Bliss, when you had your epi c-sect, did the gynae show you the baby immediately? Now I'm really afraid....

Went to see Dr Tham today - gotta start cutting down on eating... baby 1.4kg at 29weeks, oops..I wanted a big fat baby, but Dr said the bigger the baby, the bigger the surgery cut, the bigger the wound/scar...sianz. Also told me the black line down the stomach will not fade, gotta go for laser treatment or plastic surgery!!!

Missbluey, my massage lady is the owner of jamumassage.com - her name is Mdm Rokiah and her mobile number is 92716091. She is very nice and will give alot of tips, so you can call her to chat. She even offers to come to your house to look at your breasts - no obligation leh, me & my friend didn't pay her anything when she came and she was still very nice. However she doesn't personally do the massages already, she only do breast engorgement service, massages are done by her staff. She said stop wearing wired bras as it will cause the milk to clot where the wire sits, so it becomes very painful and it restricts milk flow - hmm, my bras are all wired!! My bra size from 70A now go up to 80B....walked past a bra fair yesterday and bought one wireless bra.

I'm addicted to crispy tom yam seaweed...jialat....can't stop eating.


thanks! might give her a call. =DD

im not bothered about the black line on my tummy, more concerned is my saggy fats after that. =( luckily, im not a fan of bikini or any tops that reveal my tummy except i love hipsters! but when i wear hipsters, my saggy fats will be seen.


ohhh....but i don't care whether i smell anot, as long son don't say i smell can le, hehehe.

but hor, i think my face seems to get red easily.

dear mummies, who have tried pre-natal massage? was it good? btw, do u lie down when doing the massage? how to do it wif our big tummies? :p

regards to the 'smell', mummies, u can try to put some baby powder on it and u will not smell anymore.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

no way to lessen the heart burn feeling?

mine got soooo bad that i can puke -.-||

Cannot slp, not even @ 45degrees.

i have to be "seated" to fall asleep otherwise there is no way i can get to LA LA Land..


same here I also have heartburn esp when I eat carbs or too much at a time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] as for breathlessness I get it too... I think its my sitting posture sometimes... once I sit up straight breathing becomes easier.. not sure if its the same for you gals

maternity bra

not sure anyone here wear those tube bra instead of normal bra.. cos I started to wear those since no wire but I heard from colleagues that it might be too restrictive.. and might also hinder breastmilk after delivery ...anyone heard of this?


my bb gal name is Seraphina [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks for updating [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


lucky u! i cant even if i sit upright..

i juz hw to puke it out to feel better..


I totally cannot take DURIAN even if i crave for it..

re: heartburn

mine still not so bad, just that i have "extra" gas in my chest. but whenever i eat, i always forget i got this problem. i just try to avoid eating so much chilli.

Missbluey, not sure also.. I am thinking if is my top or me .. Haiz..

Tywong, I saw gynae pull bb out and was purple in colour hen they bring himto the warmer and do jab cleaning and checking. Hubby actually walk past me to go n see bb and he can see my tummy expose lor. After they check bb and wrap him up they put on top of my chest for awhile before doing another check.

Why are u going for csect?

The dark line will go away after pregnancy.

Re maternity bra is good to wear non wired from 7-8 mths onwards. In order to let milk duct develope properly. That's what the sale lady at spring maternity told me last time.

Hi jalgal

My baby boy name is Asher..

Re: Bra

Can we wear sport bra??

Re: Sales

Isetan having discount from 1Apr to 4Apr. 25% discount for the first $100 with HSBC credit card. Subseq $100 on 10% discount. Discount in the form of vouchers.

Robinson having sale from 1Apr to 4Apr too.

OG 20% storewide from 1apr to 4apr too.

Re sale

Just to add on that Metro is also having Infant sale[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hey guys,

wat u guys experience at thomson? is it worth the money to deliver there?? currently im under dr benjamin tham at kkh but he is soon moving to thomson. i want to follow him but nt sure abt charges and service ther???any comments anyone???

i'm still wearing underwired bra.. coz too used to it oredi. if wore non-wired will feel so weird.

anyhow, can get bra strap extension from any bra brands.. if your bra is kinda tight but don't wish to spend money on buying new bra


think to hv good/bad experience with TMC is really depends on yr luck.

when i had my #1 delivery.. i hv no major complaints.. everything went on smoothly and nurses were very pro in bf-ing. all different nurses came in and kept encouraging and teach me how to nurse my boy directly.

and when they saw me looking very stressed up as i got short nipple thus my boy refused to suckle. they insist that i rest for the 1st night (as i just delivered at 8pm) n they will cup feed my boy in case he gets nipple confusion.

but then some ppl may hv got -ve experience.. guess most major grouse wld be their valet parking.

elise: i check 4 u ok.. coz that one my fren told me abt it.. she told if not wrong till this sun. i'll confirm for you and how much they giving discount.

missbluey: hehe~ true2.. paisey ah smell..



same like in 1st tri.. better to eat in smaller portion.


just had it yesterday.. hehe~ oops...

sitting posture:

yeah, depends on how we sit too..i walk abit also now i like panting2.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

jus'us: nice bb name.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] seraphina.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kelly, ya real frustrating esp they go on free tour +package and we hv to slog. so I claim all 3days of lunch and dinners fr them even though I brought my hubby and son along for dinner.

wa rainelle, u also get 4D scans with sound ar.. so envy..

babyrain, dun worry too much abt baby position now, i tink still have time for baby to turn, mayb ard 32-34 wks thereabt..

genice if i nvr rmb wrgly the FBI got 10% disc for 4D scan.. nw if u apply FBI and pay with standard chartered credit card, can get 15% discount on FBI charge, quite a good deal lei.. the 4D scan not very exp, < $200.. and since only can do it this once, i tot just go for it lo.. $ can earn back ma.. i really enjoyed the 45 mins when sonographer, hubby and me poking at tummy asking baby to turn, then basically saw his movements for the full length of that time, rub nose, suck thumb, touch eyes, fingers clutching toes.. so cute.. =) dun regret going..

bluberi i put on almost 9kg liao lei.. ur weight gain is good... and this past 1 mth i put on 2.5kg lo!! but baby onli 1068g lei..

oo jalgal u r celeste faith? u slim slim wor... nice.. i haven decide on baby name yet... which MTB thread u saw them listing names? i go peep for ideas.. haha..

thanks for the info, bliss.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tywong, those seaweed very addictive de.. once start hard to stop... but better dun eat too much, high salt content i tink.. may cause water retention..

