(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Isobellies, u r right... maybe is the weather... haiz..... hahaha thks for entertain me.

My MS never seem to getting better, im going to 3mths if im not wrong.


TGIF! We have the weekend ahead for us to rest and laze. @ least dun need to report to work! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

All of us can do it! Counting down to leaving on the dot... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


U must try to do it! Try your very best ok? Keep motivating and encouraging yourself. In no time, 1st tri will be over. You will be in the honeymoon tri (2nd tri). Then u can start your shopping on bb stuff. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi elaine,

ya...hang in there...try not to tink abt it....drink water with lemon slices or bananas, heard tat it helps...nt sure...stay positive...

Thks all dear mummies here.... i will endure... still got a long way to go...... hehe....

Elaine, nt tat we dun wan to get a house of our own coz they already made it vr clear, whereever we go they will sell their house n bunk in wif us even if its a 3 room flat so no point. They r horrible monster.

dombom, you are going to csect on 37 weeks ? don't you think is too early ? i thought is advisable to do it on the 38 weeks onwards.

Elaine, are you okay ? you are not having depression. is normal to feel upset when MS is ver bad and our hormones is changing. jsut like when you are having fever, mood tends to be blue too.

Do get someone to accompany you if u are a SAHM. i do get emotional roller coaster at times too.

Elaine, take care of yourself. You are not alone. MS is real terrible. But it is natural for you to feel terrible. I remembered when i have had my #1, i kept quarrelling with my hubby, complaining that becos of pregnancy, i can't do a lot of things, our honeymoon delayed and all. Cried a number of times.

This #2, i have not had this depression yet. And i have to say yet cos know that if it hits, it can hit without prior notice. Must keep yourself happy, cos Happy mummy = Happy baby.

Think of all positive things.Think of the fact that you are becoming mummy again is such a "wei Da" thing. Stay happy oki.


Sorry to intrude but wondering if any of mummies interested to buy a digital baby weighing scale. I found it very useful to know my bb weight without having to wait till going to PD to know. I have one in excellent condition, letting go at $60.

Self collect at Suntec City or AMK hub or Seletar hills.

pls email [email protected] if interested.

thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Irma, ya my boss is like that one. He don't believe in marriage and especially don't like kids/ babies. He will not carry any of my colleagues' babies. When my little Jayden is born with some birth defects, he will join in to say that that's the reason he don't want kids. And if he don't want kids, he will not need to get married.

So when i knew i was preggy, i quickly tell him, and he is like,"oh, ok lo." Like no choice like that.


Stay strong ok? I also feel horrible everyday some more my exam coming in 2-3 weeks time, don't know how to study with my condition like that, sigh. Really feel like quitting my job and rest at home but cannot, need the money...We all stay strong together! Don't feel happy come here complain to us lor, we are your listening ear :>

Yes yes will be over soon thanks to all dear mummies encouragement...... just went to my gynae. He never tell me when is my edd but he is really a nice and friendly gynae... I never went to Dr Clifton Chan and not Dr Adrian so sorry to all those mummies that i ask so much questions about them.. i went to a gynae recommend my a fren which is nearby boon lay area...

Hey Elaine,i've just finished watching "Confessions of a Shopholic." Really funny. Do you want to borrow the dvd? Bet will cheer your day up.


The planned date for the c-sect should be around wk 38 - wk 39. For #1, I did it @ wk 38.

CJ Junior,

My EDD is 01-Jul. Hope you dun mind though this is meant for Jun-10 MTB

Enjoy your weekends. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thks alot Cath.... glad that u enjoy yourself...

CJ, pls update my gynae is Dr Brian Chow... thks thks...

doobom, maybe one day earlier of your EDD then will be June MTB hahaha.....

aiyo... everytime login at nite.. read until i giddy hee...

sberry122, i also keen to order ya.. please wait for me to go thru the web... thank u

bliss, i have another CL contact that recommend by another friend, you want?

peck, no need to read hahaha later fainted your hubby come scold us *just kidding* the thread is moving real fast.....

gosh.. now feel like eating dessert.. this pregnancy i have sweet tooth.. how ah? dessert, ice cream, coke, durian.. all i crave for!!!

peck, i think craving is normal hahaha

yes yes my blues have been sweep away.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but peck if craving dont eat then cant get to sleep how...... hahahaha... eat first after give birth then exercise..:p

peck, my #1 9years old ger, #2 13months boy.... hahaha is ok i understand... so many mummies here how to rem all...

Elaine, you still around? i went down to buy dessert with hb ;P at the same time stock up chips, chocolate and softdrinks..

wow! your first and 2nd gap quite great hor..

peck, im here... Wow so many choices huh hehehe... im divorcee thats y they have big gap....

cath: tsk tsk.. its ok.. he must have his own reasons for behaving like that.. oh well..

i experience a tummy pain, well.. more to like the part in the middle slightly below your belly button kinda sharp pointing pains.. anyone have that?

talking abt craving...just now I felt like eating prawn noodle soup..hubby drove round the estate looking for 24 hours coffeeshop that sells prawn noodle and could not find it. I told him to give up..better go home and cook instant bowl noodle instead. He refused and we ended up at a hawker centre and I was so elated to see a prawn noodle stall, which was still operating at 11pm. I quickly ordered a bowl and slurped till the last drop of soup in the bowl. After eating, hubby asked me if I am satisfied..i said not shiok enough..it would be better if I can eat the one like Penang style..with lots of chillies powder and kangkong veg, plus slices of hard boiled eggs..

Right now I am still craving for Penang prawn noodle soup...hiaz...

irma, i didnt experience that pain before.. maybe you like to check with your gynae tml?

bebe75, compare to yours, mine is easier to get.. tml go and get one penang prawn noodle soup

Wahahahaha bebe75 if my hubby sure say go bk cook instant noodle.... Penang style? Fly to penang? :p

Irma k, i never experience that... r u ok?

bebe: you really make me hungry this middle of the night.. haha..better sleep better sleep.later hubby scold.. i gotta work tmrw. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

peck & elaine: tx for the reply. not too sure.. maybe becoz i drink coke? but i rarely drink those soft drinks.just now also never drink whole can...only sip2 abit then pass to hubby.

hehe~ peck..my next appt only next 2 weeks..on 25.. long hor..

u see..becoz of the prev m/c..at times i cant differentiate the difference between norm tummy pain & cramp-like pain.. as long as i have pain in tummy..i very nervous..scared..

Irma, maybe you like to call and check? beta be safe..

me too... going to sleep... nitez seeya tml [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi all,

1st preg had no Hb. 2nd was a jun08 boy now having another holiday baby again, hoping for a gal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

this time round, have more MS, more cravings & growing fatter sooner hehe, doudou still pops out like the las round. good signs & symptoms cos it means hcg level is high.

did my 2nd check yesterday & was so relief to see/hear the Hb. had a scare wen Dr said too small but actually bladder wasn't full so cldn't scan properly. not keen on VS cos have phobia after all the probing from fr 1st preg.


Ha...hard to get authetic penang prawn noodle soup...maybe the rainy weather made me crave for hot. soup stuff..

I am going to Penang next weekend..told my hubby I make sure I will satisfy my crave over there...ha ha

If really cannot tahan.... I will go and buy the Prima Deli mix and cook myself over the weekend...

wow you all very champion leh.... sleep so late, yet woke up so early. *admire*

Penang prawn noodle- haha... that's very very tough lo. I told my hubby i want steamboat, he already pretended not to hear. Aiya, #2 don't get that much of privileges liao.

CJ, Doodom, Peck n other ladies who are interested

in the spree, pls send me ur list latest by tonite9pm.

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks..

doombom, why you don't want to try natural ? i'm going csect also but will see when hit 38 weeks whether baby engaged or not.

Peck, i found a CL already. i get the one my cousin is using. too lazy to call and call again.

Cath, i'm craving for steamboat too! really feel like eating almost everyday but my hb say is not good to eat steamboat now. if the food is not fresh or if we never cook it properly i might get food poisoning as i got really sensitive stomach.

still remember i was 8 months pregnant and i went to eat ma la steamboat and had stomach upset for days!

Bliss: oh my..same la..i also got sensitive stomach. its awful wasnt it with the pain in the tummy.last week i had diarrhoea..my goodness...

ladies just to ask, not too early to look for CL now? or is it becoz (sorry if lang is harsh) for chinese not many CL? Actually for us malays also,hehe~ i dunno how early shd we go book the CL?

& sberry: i still owe you the lady i was telling you abt. get back to you soon...

Irma, yes! this morning i woke up at 6am with tummy ache and cramp at lower tummy. my hb was so worried cause i hardly stand up. try to recall what i eat yesterday but nothing that will cause me tummy upset. till now still having abit of discomfort. sigh. my stomach sensitive can be up to the extend i can't milo and eat laska during a short period of time. so i have to think of what i ate just now before i decide what to eat now. very troublesome but so scared of tummy ache.

for CL, quite abit of CL was booked for june by May MTBs. so those who wants to get a CL is better to search earlier.

Irma pls tk good care of yourself ok... pregnant women tummy can be really sensitive...

Cath, i help u kick your hubby very bad of him never bring u to eat what u want.... but very funny right we really can crave for all sorts of food :p

Bliss, u still can take ma la steamboat *saluate*

i think cannot really eat too spicy, for me too if eat too spicy tummy seem like going explode [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bliss:eek:h no...pls take care..seems familiar too.i had that kinda pain.. terrible hor?

abt the CL, ok now i understand..

Elaine: tx..ya..eat alot cannot, eat too little cannot. never eat also cannot.

talking abt steamboat, theres this Fresh Bulgoggi at Downtown east..i think something like korean food-like..(Seoul garden).anyone tried? i tried once..i think tis fine..

Elaine that was my first pregnancy. this time round don't dare liao. even have the craving must stop myself too. even laska i must think twice now.

Irma, yes very terrible. next time must be careful what i eat ler. can't stand this type of pain. i thought i might die this morning. haha

I'm helping my friend to ask those experience mummy who has c-sect, she just had c-sect and her lower tummy still feel pain after 11/2 month and her wound still feel numb, is it normal?

oh ya..talking abt laksa..they got coconut...

my doc got say don eat coconut.but i not sure whether the fruit coconut.or anything that has coconut.. anyone know abt it?


bliss, aiyo that is terrible experience... you really must look out on what u eat...

Irma, most of the popular CL is book liao.. so have to be kiasu abit..

Elaine, i that day crave for tomyam soup, then i have tomyam banmian and at the end all throw out in hb's car on the way home... he like... going to faint on the spot!!!

