(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

isobellies: yeah.. saw fr the prev threads that you ladies were discussing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Hi^5. My MS is as bad till I dun have mood to talk. No mood for anything, simply hoping to sleep the day away.

MIA the whole morning!

start vomiting again after stopping a few days. feeling so sick and yet so many things to do.

got to run errands for new house the whole day today. wish i can sleep at home. sigh!

KK already scheduled me to go for the Down Synd test on 23Nov (Counselling & Blood test) and 22 Dec for the scanning. Why must go counselling huh? So scary...

hi everyone

friends what week will you be in when you go for down synd test,

what week does the first trimister end is it week 14 or 12


re Oscar test..thanks for sharing. Dr Chan did mention ab the bloodtest but did not specifically say OSCAR, The reason why I am asking is because I was told that we can know the babygender from the OSCAR test..not sure how it is done. My cousin knew the gender when she was abt 12 weeks when she did the OSCAR test.


I think it shd be fine to watch 2012 bah...

In fact, nowadays I cried easily..had wanted to watch "My sister's keeper" but my sil warned me that I will cry one..so I did not go in the end. Can you imagine that day I accompanied my kids to watch the cartoon "UP" and when I came to the part where the old man character Carl lost his wife and after the funeral he went home alone back to their house..I needed to use kleenex...


I am also craving for Penang assam laksa a few days ago..then my mil said "Yeeek...where got nice to eat??" Behind her back, I told my hubby, she did not know pregnant lady got funny craving meh?? It is hard to find Penang assam laksa..u can try "Old Town White Coffee Cafe". I ended up cooking mee siam to satisfy my craving..hee..as long as it is spicy and sour..

Irma K

Yes..you shd notify yr boss and co-workers about your pregnancy..hopefully they can understand your situation. Good luck to you..


good question, maybe i will ask him tmm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i knew gender of #1 at about 3.5 months, but then it's a boy so maybe easier to tell? heh.

ever since i got married and became a mummy i cry so easily. watch romantic comedies also can cry. biang. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


first tri ends when week 12 starts. you can calculate using the pregnancy wheel, i have an iphone app that does it, so it tells me exactly how many weeks preggers i am today, plus when 1st and 2nd trimester end, when theoretical conception date is, etc. i'm sure you can google the calculator too.


1st tri over after week 13.

Anyway gals, I heard that eating cordyceps is good for baby too. All tonics to start after 1st tri. Best if can rotate 1 week bird nest 1 week cordyceps. cordyceps boil with red dates & black chicken.

Oscar test, is it a must for all pregnant women to go? See tonight gynae got mentioned abt this anot..


Maybe we can also update the working status of the mummies? Then we can know who are the more fortunate ones to be SAHM! As for me, im not!

Btw i also realised recently been having that kind of tummy ache early in the morning.. then i got to go poo.. WEIRD! Did not have anything that spicy, dunno what triger that!

My #1, i think the down syndrome test is together with the detailed scan, which is around 16weeks right.

FRIENDS, i am also going for the blood test at KKH for down syndrome on 23 Nov. however my scanning will be on 7 Dec. think i already gone through the counselling. nothing much. basically just tell you what down syndrome is, how accurate it is and some statistics.

whaaaaa.......yr mom's and aunts' gynae also...

So hw old is Dr YC Goh?? I like him...very fatherly...hehehe....

Oh...same hospital to deliver also...is yr 1st delivered by him also?


Sorry my answer might not be 100% correct, just did a google,realised that 1st tri can end after week 12, 13 & even 14 haha so many different answer! My week 13 is based on the book I reading de. Will ask my gynae tonight.But I do hope its week 12 like what Isobellies said so I can faster begin my 2nd tri [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I dunno how old leh, but his sons are capable! one is gynae one is dentist ah! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes i like his fatherly too.. Yupe my first one also delivered by him. My 2nd one will be c-sect so most likely will be end June delivered. We should be around same time!

I know got one test (forgot the name)need to test for mummy ages 35 yrs n above when give birth. Can deduct from medisave, it cost $700 per test.Will double chk from gynae caming week chk up. Still wondering it it compulsary cos got risk to the baby. Anybody know the test?

thanks cj junior and isobellies I thought it was end of week 12 but saw a couple od sites that said week 14 and I am getting damm impatient hate the first trimester,


I can totally understand cos I everyday also counting down to end of 1st tri.. Even memorise the date I offically start my 2nd tri & planning to celebrate by having a nice dinner with hubby haha

But you having #3 liao, shld be quite 'used' to this pregnancy stage right? haha But for mummies with bad MS will definitely look forward to end of 1st tri!

Envy those EDD beginning of June cos their 1st tri ending soon or alrdy ended.


mine haven end leh.. now only 11th week.. still got 3 more weeks lor!! where got ending soon?? i really hope time will pass faster.. i wanna get past my 1st trimester!!

Hi mummies,

Can I join the club too? 1st trim is such a torture, have been generally feeling sick and the sick feeling doesn't go away (nausea, gas, puking, achy shoulders, bloat, tiredness, bad taste in the mouth, tastebuds gone haywire such that nothing much tastes good) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I really can't wait for all these to pass as well.

Anyway, next week (week 12) will also be going for the blood test and scan to check for downs. Fingers crossed all will be alright.

Evangelyn: not sure if you're talking about amnio?


not to worry so much. its just normal procedure. i remembered taking blood test for DS but that was hubby wanted me to do. now i can't remember which week i was when i did the blood test.

me too! i shed tears very easily when i see movies/dramas these days. i guess tears glands activate easily now?

i think im in week 9 tmr, counting back from my edd, hahaha.


I have the same edd as you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] If i'm not wrong, from my scan on sat, it says 8wk4days. So bb should be 9 weeks tmr and we are moving into the 10th week already, yeah! I believe 4 more weeks to the end of 1st tri.


oh ya, i also noticed that we have the same edd too. just that i forgot to indicate here, hehe.

yesssss, another 1 more mth to 2nd tri!


just as i thot MS more mangeable, started to feel pukey every morning, cos went straight to brush my teeth, now gotta eat then brush again!!

My MIL have since made birds' nest for me twice, wonder why so onz this time, for #1, it was like 2nd tri then she made.. anyway i drink it like a dessert lor.

RE : OSCAR test

Mine will be scheduled on 1 Dec, which will be in my 12 wks+. I din get to know the gender during my #1, maybe cos its gal, anyway dun mind to keep in suspense for a while longer.. hee


i watched my sister's keeper leh, prefer to watch teary stuffs than horror movies


The nurse told my mum.. haha

My 1st is c-sect coz umbilical cord around my boy neck during my last gynae visit. So since 1st is c-sect, 2nd one i will opt the same loh! You natural?

bebe75 & koaru,

i think my sister's keeper is a nice show even though i watched half nia, no time to finish all. so far, haven't tear yet, hee.

jpey, can i ask for C-sect, is the wound opening long? cozs my 1st is natural.... tis time tink i will have to go through C-sect.

kate, the wound is around 10-12cm long only. Isn't that amazing, how bb can come out from there! Now is abit silver whitish in color already. But if your 1st one is natural, most likely gynae will recommend natural as well right?

Oh yah.. with regards to mummies looking for Penang food... there is this place you can try out. It's called Penang Kitchen on Coronation Road, next to Coronation Plaza, it's a corner shop at a row of little shops.

Have not tried the laksa yet cos I was feeling acidic and didn't want to take the chance but apparently it is very good, I will try that next. Smelled good though.

Had lor bak (which is quite good, juicy), Penang fried kuay teow (my taste buds are off though, so it tasted like sterilized kway teow to me - no cockles and pork lard, but I was happy enough to have hot food). Husband had Kari Kapitan which he was quite happy with. Sneaked 2-3 spoons of his curry gravy with the rice, not too bad.

Apparently the cooks are from Penang.

Dear June Mummies,

I have a sad news to announce...i guess i do not have the fortune n fate to be a June MTB.....i had lost my baby on 14/Nov, on my birthday...

it was the saddest birthday of my life.....Heaven played a prank on me & my hsb, he gave us hopes on 16/Oct but took it away on my bday & wants me to remb forever....he was too cruel!.......it was too grieving and painful...both physical and emotional... .my heart brokes..hurts..sorrow..words can never expressed how i feel ...even till now..my tears drop endlessly............

My bb has gone...i had a miscarriage....

last Friday i felt so tired, so i applied for half day leave, that morning kk nurse called me to tell me to go buy another insulin medicine because current one not strong to bring sugar level down..when i reach home at noon, suddenly i felt a drop like menes, when i took a look, it was blood...i called my hsb who quickly rush me to kk. Dr Tham saw me and ask me not to worry, when he do ultra sound scan he say sac is still there, i felt relieved. He then go on to do V-scan...he didnt say anything, i ask "how's is my bb?", he keep quiet, my hsb ask him, he say wait for me to dress up...then he says "i am sorry, dear, your bb has no more heart beat.."....

My heart sank, i burst into tears, he tried to console me, saying maybe the machine not accurate and send me to AMC for 2nd scanning...in AMC, i saw my bb clearly, but no more heartbeat..It was so grieving and pain...

It's my first pregn, i knew it on 16/Oct, 5nov bb still well and at 1.03cm...it was 1.3cm on 13/Nov. Dr Tham asked when i wanted to do the evacuation. If do on 13/Nov, i gotta stay a day and I dun want that, so i had to made a painful decision to remove my bb on my birthday...it was so pain...i was in sorrow...

my hsb and me cried over the nite, my bb stayed with us to spend my bday but is no longer alive in my body...on 14/nov i admitted at 8.30am...had to wait for Dr Tham to finish his patients at AMK, so surgery arranged at 3pm..time was slow...i cried the whole day...they gave me a pill at 3pm, i started to feel the effect of the pill...i had labour pains..and i started to bleed...blood roll down my tighs and my bed...but i had to wait, because i was told the pill need 2 hr to take effect...and Dr Tham was on his way...finally i was pushed into operating threater at 6.30pm, it seems blur to me...then someone asked me to breathed in n out slowly, i was knocked out..

then i heard someone calling my name...i came round...my bb has left me, left my body.....

The lesson i learnt, never treat spotting as something normal in early pregnancy, yes, somethimes is normal but is better to ask gynae to check to acertain it..Dr Tham told me it was common to have miscarraige...which is abt 20%...he say is the gene is not developing well, it will terminate by itself..and another doc told me 60% of pregn woman doesnt even noe that are pregant and pass out as memes..then again, it was too grieving for me and my hsb...i hope i can be strong but i cant...i missed my bb...everything happend like a roller coaster...it was alrigght on 5/Nov,i guess i had not build up a strong body..and had taken everything too lightly, i walk too much, didnt have enough rest, when spotting didnt go see doc immediately and wait till bleed...which was too late..doc say my bb die few days back, so i guess is when i go ODAC that day, maybe i was too stresful over my GD...it was the day after ODAC that i experience spotting...

I am so sad...my bb is gone.. Mummies, please take good care of your baby and yourself..is you notice any abnormal, just go to see doc... time matters....

i do not know if i still have the courage to try again, it was such painful experience, both emotional and physical...i am currently on hospitalisation leave for 15 days...

i missed my bb....

CJ, would you kindly help to remove my name from the namelist of June MTB..its too sad to see my name on the list.thanks a lot...


I am sorry to hear abt yr loss. Like the doc says, genes play an impt part, so even tho we could hv rested and do all the right things, if it is destined to happen, it will happen. By all means, cry it all out, u need a venue to express yr grieve and all - take this chance to rest and recuperate, it will take a lot of courage and strength to try again. But dun give up ok?

faithe I am crying my eyes out just reading this and I am sorry that this has happened to you be strong and please dont give up.

faithe, pls tk good care of yourself..... i will bless for u.. i almost cry after reading what u type...

Hi faithe, my heart goes out to you when I read that. I'm sorry you have to go through the pain and all the experience. I can only pray that the peace of God be with you. It is hard to accept something like that especially on your birthday. I hope you find strength in God and the comfort of those dear ones around you. Take care and rest well.

Hi Faithe,

Real sorry to hear that. Almost burst out crying when I read your post. I'm sure its doubly hard for you since it was your birthday.

Do take care of yourself and recuperate well.. I believe when you do, you'll conceive again when your body is ready.


