(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Hi Happy.... saluate u only use 1hr to read everything very fast hehe..

Envious that u can move in next year.... where is your new place? I still got to wait for 1 or 2yrs+.....


morning all!


I stay near La Casa... the HDB there.. Block 58X.

Re: Stretchmark cream

Im using Clarins tonic oil. Applying faithfully at tis moment both day n night.

Re: Twins

Yup.. everything will be double in term of $$$$, taking care... etc. *headache*

Good morning everyone!

Wah. So fast moving, this thread. I blur again.

Anyway, I'm having slight spotting again. Made an appt to see another gynae tomorrow, so see how lah.

I'm working, but part-time. Funny thing is, I notice that my spotting happens mostly on my days off. Hmmm... maybe i should go to work more often. But very tiring. Always want to sleep.

cf chang,

parents have to do what kind of voluntary work ah?


not bad leh, you still could read & digest everything in just an hr!

seemed like your boss is hinting you leh. i've yet to announce to boss yet, scare i can't 'pass' this round. even if i 'pass' this round, im afraid what if i got replace during my maternity leave. anything can happen during the 4mths ma.

so where will your new place be? im not really excited or looking forward to my new place as eventually pils will move in with us. hubby is the only child. hais!!!!!

yes about clothes, i also have to worry what to wear everyday.


morning! have received the mini test, thanks!

do take care k?

i also always feel like sleeping immediately after son sleeps at night. now i sleeps as early as 9pm+. i used to sleep late, latest was 12am-1am. now can't even open eyes at 10pm.

missbluey, u not the only one. i also very tired and normally will doze off together with my girl at 8plus. duno why everyday also so tired...


ya lor, even though i sleep early almost every night, with nap somemore, haha. but that is exclusive for weekends lah.

missbluey, kate

now i can slp at 8 plus.. feeling like my body needs to lie down and slp immediately.. so so so tired.. aiyoyo..

Same here... sleeping rather early like 9pus and waking up in the middle of the night (3am-4am) go to toilet to pee (I don't drink much water before bed but still pee alot) after toilet session. I will feel hungry...... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Morning gals,

You all can never beat me... I sleep at 9pm, strangely every 3hrs will auto need to wake up pee.. 1 whole night 3 times.. and I am those extremely light sleeper,so back to sleep need to toss & turn duno how long thn can fall asleep again.. b4 I knew it, got to wake up pee again.. very irritating! so even though I slept for '10hrs' but always wake up feeling so tired [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

For voluntary work at sch, this applies only to better schs? normal neighbourhood sch dun need right? I tik can donate $$ also right? Likely I won't so hardworking do voluntary work but save up some $$ donate instead bah hahaha

morning everyone..

me 2 also sleep early almost every nite before 11 pm i will definitely doze off..lol

seem like every mummies' tummy grow but for me it seem like my tummy is stil the same even though my bb grow abt 3.1cm. is it norm? i have been asking my hb if there is any change in my tummy leh .. he say still look the same but somemore i lost 4kg somemore lei ....hmmm weird..


Dun worry, my frez who just gave birth, her tummy only shows when she in her 4-5th mth..are you tall? Losing weight if due to MS in 1st tri is common..u will start to gain after 1st tri so dun worry be happy ya

wow, i missed the thread only a while and it moves real fast!

Am down with flu - fever and running nose. Doc wants me to put my son with my parents for the weekends so as not to infect him. We have to quarantine too. My hubby also somewhat not feeling well. He said he got MS too. (what an excuse!) On MC today, so can check forum, if not cannot, cos my boss very strict on all these and i am sitting right outside his office.

Re: sleeping time

I am very tired, wanted to sleep but still wanna watch tv - the police show on Channel U, then i will collapse at 11pm. But woke up lest 3 times to pee. sigh , how to get rest?

Dot, take care. hope spotting will go off.

Kelly, i used Palmers too. Good but must cover everywhere, i missed covering my thighs last time and that area has ugly stretch marks!

Thanks gals for making me feel better that Jayden is not unusual for not telling me that he has poo poo. He is very slow in speech - does not say Mum or mummy until now. But can speak a little like ball, baba, daddy, monkey, etc.


dun worry so much, first tri it's not uncommon to lose a bit of weight (esp if your MS is bad). for my #1 i think pple can hardly see anything until 5th month. this time though i'm already showing..


i think de la salle should be, cos my hubby was de la salle then SJI, so old boy should be no problem to go SJI. just that right now we don't stay near any good pri schs so i will have to think about what to do!

CJ - yeah i am quite tall. does it make any differences? i hope nt to gain too much weight coz i am overweight liao ....lol

Summerbel, dont worry, for #1 - tummy won't show that fast. like iso, my #1 showed only in 4th mth. yet, #2 now, my hubby commented that i looked like 5mths.


if i'm not wrong i think if you're tall you might have a higher chance of having more "space" (that's what i learnt from the ante natal class!), so maybe not showing so soon. although it does not necessarily mean that petite women have less "space", all depends on individual!


lol 5 months?? i think i maybe 4 months compared ot last time, even though now only 11weeks. wondering if this time it might be a girl since last time was boy and boys tend to be more "compact"? or maybe just fat hopes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning everyone, when i have my #1, i put on weight very fast for my 1 tri-mester, till i gave birth, i gain 26.4 kgs, already so many years,the extra 10kgs fat still with me, this time, i must control not to eating too much, lucky got ms, i was lose weight 2 kgs.But gynae very common first tri-master loose weight, came to 2nd tri-master, will start gain weight.

You bet Iso, seriously big man. I was like Evangelyn on my #1, but put on more. I put on 27kg in my first preg. And now 10kg is still with me wherever i go. I also dropped 2 kg in this 8weeks but i think after the MS go off, i must really really control my diet.


Hehhe...i gt extra tat i apply on arms an thighs....cos smtimes i too lazy to apply or forgot aso....kekeke.....


i am quite tall also...my 1st nt showing much bt the 2nd one, cant hide tummy already..maybe already gt expanded before already, i guess...

Anyway, last time i heard the old wives tale, they mention if tum tum is round then possibly a girl but if it is oval, then most likely a boy...mine was super oval...yes, was a boy...hehhe


yah i heard that too! that boys are v "sharp", and rounder is a girl. so far from what i can see it's pretty true.

recently i had one friend whom when i saw her i was a bit shocked that she became so round everywhere, and it was already her 5th month and she still didn't know the gender, so i was thinking, confirm girl lah! and it was really true. haha!!

Evangelyn, Cath,

wow, that's quite a bit of weight gain! Did your babies come out big as well?

Iso, baby s not huge - Jayden is born only 3.25kg. Bulk of it goes to me, to be honest. Haha, my boss (being so afraid and detest marriage and kids) commented that wow, don't understand why you like being pregnant, so big can meh? * Faint rite?

bliss it did not worked for me the last time, maybe I was too mega for the belt. hee hee. But am looking out for desitin bulk purchase.If you see any, pls let me know.

Kelly, Iso,

mine not true for sure, cos fr behind cant tell i am preggie even when i am 7 mths! All the mommies tell me sure boy, etc.. end up gal, i say tom boy likely.. ha.

I already regretted eating too much in my last tri, end up 18kg, so i am targetting 12kg this time! Its actually best not to put on too much weight leh.. imagine baby only 3.1kg, end up excess weight all on me.


din u do a scan? I gotta refer to the scan to know bb's weight, fr barely 1cm at 6wks to 3.5cm at 10 wks.


well there always exceptions ba..kekeke...my 1st i put on approx. 17-18kg also...but i am glad tat i lost everything...my son was nt big aso, only ~3kg at wk 38. I guess i lost it due to breastfeeding, doing household chores etc...hahaha...nt enuff sleep...

I aso hope tat i can control my diet tis time...cos gt frens said 2nd nt so easy to lose the weight....gota watch the diet...mus smtimes, jus gota eat aso hard to control leh....hmmm...

Cath: y your boss like that one? urgh! whats wrong with being pregnant? tsk tsk..

Bliss: BP? blood pressure?


thanks! i've been thinking about buying it. her prices are not bad, since at maternity exchange or on her website it's $55. i might get one!

Cath, it doesn't work for you ? i read some reviews that it might roll up when wearing.

Irma, BP is bulk purchase [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Isobellies, yes i'm thinking for some time too. now too early to fit into maternity pants and my pants is suffocating me.

re: weight gain during pregnancy

yea, i also heard about having #2 won't that be easy to lose weight. i gained about 15kg for #1, lost nearly all except for the stubborn 3-4kg which i think its the tummy bulge? had alot supper during #1 & too lazy to exercise.

anyway, i went to slimming centre for my trial session, they said i was 3kg away from my "perfect" weight according to my height. i hope this #2 i can control my diet, if i still failed to bf again, perhaps i shall control my diet & exercise regularly.

can't understand how some mummies look so slim & pretty despite having more than 2 kids! i really wonder how they did that.

i still remember my mil told me i should have eaten more so that son would be big @ birth. -_-" really no knowledge lor.

re: tummy myths

er, i don't know how to see round or sharp. i think mine was round but it turned out to be boy.

Hi CJ Junior,

My nick had been changed to zhuoen (formerly joan cheong), i am seeing dr yvonne chan at tmc and gender, unknown, although many thinks its a boy but I am fine with either gender actually... hahaha... please can you update the chart? thank you!!!!

for those mummies who had more than 1 babies, which breast pump and strollers are you using? my friend recommended ameda breast pump, the name is not as well-known as medela but they said it works almost the same and the price is a big difference!!! i m going for a duo pump and I really dont want to spend like 715 for a breast pump which i wont know if I would have enough milk or would stop after a few months... had read the reviews abt ameda and they are not too bad...

for strollers, i m looking at peg perego and aprica, anyone used these brands before? let me know of other tips and as a first time mummy, loads to learn... =)

i m extremely excited as I have 4 other preggies in the family and so fun to have company... my sis in laws and cousins and the edd are month after months... =p

hi zhuoen,

Congrats to u!! I have only used medela brand and nt too sure for ameda...

for strollers, i knw peg perego is heavy...initially wanted to get tat bt price is quite steep tat time n so gt a capella instead....bt actually quite glad tat i din get peg cos my son doesnt like to sit in stroller...so ended up in storerm for me...

Wow....i tink it is fun with so many preggies mommies ard in the family..more common topics to tok abt also...hehehe...


i tried medela dual, not bad but abit noisy. luckily my son slept throughout the noise. i was using lucky baby stroller, it was a gift from friend. so far so gd. perhaps gonna recycle it for my #2 if it is in working condition.


thanks for the link! will check it out.


Peg and Aprica can be bulky, as i seldom go out solo with my gal, so hubby prefer a more sturdy one that has more padding so more comfy for gal to sleep in. We pay only $200+ for a Capella, like Kelly, not heavily used cos gal prefers to walk. If not, combi shld be fine too..


bugaboo is ex!!

If u watch the recent news, if u are getting Maclaren, make sure they hv this thing (some protective cover thingy) that prevents the kids fingers fr being caught.


there are 2 types for Medela, so i presume the noisy one is the normal dual, but if u get the PIS range which is more ex, its very silent. I had used the PIS, very good to stimulate milk flow, cos bb cant latch on properly, but i also heard very good feedback fr mommies using Avent dual. I can't rem, but some parts of Ameda is easily broken, when i was comparing the few.. but i suppose replacement parts shldnt get too ex.


bugaboo is nice! my sis just got one. i can never remember which one though. bee? chameleon?

how come you were sick of your maternity clothes?


i think the new medelas (swing, Pump in style, freestyle) and the ameda lactina are quite on par - can adjust the speed and suction strength. the only medelas (dual electric, etc) are noisy and can't adjust much. medela by far are nicer designed though, ameda looks like it was designed in the 80s and never changed. lol.

i've tried Medela dual, swing, ameda lactina, and avent manual. Manual ones of course less wires and stuff, and can be v convenient when you're out, but if you're going to pump extensively, can be q tiring!!

everyone has their preference, and it also depends on your needs. maybe when the time comes you can also consider renting to try it out. i think moms in mind (or something) rents amedas, toy rental club rents out medelas.


i could only get medela dual cuz of money constraint. heard about ameda easily broken.


wah! how u managed to try so many bp??

I feel quite true, tummy round shape is girl, oval is boy, last time my tummy also round then i hv girl, tat time my girl weight 3.4 kg, i cannt natural birth hv to emergency go c-section. Is not easy for me natural birth.

koaru, yes bugaboo is ex. so i'm considering if i should get it. if is really good then it will be a good investment better then changing so many types of strollers.

isobellies, bugaboo is very cute right ? how ur sis find the stroller ? good ? i didn't dare to go n touch the stroller when we saw it in retail store. wait till i'm ready to buy then i will start to enquire. haha

i'm sick of my maternity clothes cause the previous pregnancy i only have a few. then everyday seems like wearing the same thing. grew so sick of them. after i deliver i threw them away leaving 1 pants and top which is still in very good condition. hahaha!


haha.. rented the medela dual from toy rental club, friend lent me ameda, i have medela swing and avent manual. my SIL also lent me a super old (like 9 yrs!!) medela PIS which was a torture device. but judging by the swing's technology i can guess that freestyle and PIS are similar.

The thread is really moving so fast.... weather is cool cool today fri the 13 hahaha keep raining.... I give birth to my 2nd son is 3.5kg by natural birth almost kick the nurses [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Dear Mummies,

i m tinking to get GAP/Old Navy fm USA.

They r having 30% off fm 12-15 Nov (USA time).

Anyone interested to join in? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Pls PM me if u r interested. thanks..

