(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

hi all,

i am new to this thread!!! edd is on 7 Jun 2010. First child and getting excited!!! Haaa... looking forward to hearing tips and all from you ladies!


soontobe I have been told by many people that let the dog smell the sent of the baby before it comes home from the hospital, what we did was have a blanket that we put around the baby in the hospital then my husband brang it home for the dog to smell before I brought baby home, it seamed to work we had more trouble with our three cats trying to check out the new baby,

babyemma you are right about confinment nannies been expensive i am lucky i dont have to do it no way my husband would fork out that much i would probably be stuck with my mil and if that was the case i would have stoped at one child.

having a baby is damm expensive

Hi all,

I am new here too first pregnancy...EDD 22 Jun 2010....Went to see gynae last sat was at 7w but did not detect any hb yet....

So going down this sat again hope to hear the bb hb.....hope bb is growing well....

Thanks Aven for the advise. Maybe I will do the same thing with my dog.

Hahaha, Kelly. Ya, my MIL is trying to convince us to give away the dog. But we rather caged her than to give her away........I'm praying that my dog will learn to understand as I'm constantly talking to her about the baby now...hehehe...

Dear Mummies..

finally i got my PM activated.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pls forgive tis newbie of the forum.. haha..


you go under Edit Profile, then Prefences, then untick Do not send me "Private Message" e-mails from other board users. should be able to use pm after that.

alamak, i was too slow in replying. hehe.


congrats~ i didn't did much or buy much during my #1 cuz i wasn't employed, so have to save on this and that. but i started buying bb clothes slowly after i know my son's gender. in fact, i still have that list what to buy & what i feel no need to buy. heh. i did buy 2nd hand breast pump however i find that it isn't useful to me as i only used it few times, bm supply was way too low. i actually only started buying bb's stuff during my 7th mth, cuz i saw other mummies are already preparing liao, gan jiong. haha. i took my own sweet time to wash all bb's clothes including hands-me-downs during my late 8th-early 9th mth. cuz i scared if i wash too early, bb's clothes will collect dust if i keep inside wardrobe for too long.

i feel that it is ok if the surrounding environment is slightly (little bit) dirty, can help to build up bb's immune system. too clean for bb isn't that good, cuz next time when bb grows up, he can't take a little bit of dust (very sensitive). just my opinion.

i only packed my hospital bag about 3 weeks before my edd. my labour was induced in fact.

re: eggs!

my fave!! i can have max. 3 eggs in a day in separate meals. hahaha. sometimes i forgotten i have eaten egg(s) during the day and simply eat it at night.

raycia and joan


soontobe - is she aggressive at home? i think it's q "natural" for them to be jealous if you pet other dogs while outside?

Missbluey, thanks thanks..You still have ur list that you can share? I'm also sourcing for hand-me-down, but aso thinking whether to buy new ones too...wanted to get 2nd hand car seat, but after considering that if the baby/kid needs to sit on it for 4-5 years, may as well invest in a good and new one. Now, aso sourcing for sponsors from family members and close relatives...hehe

Isobellies, yes, my gal is aggressive at home. Mainly our fault coz we overly pamper her and I am always playing tug and war with her....and not to mention, she's a Jack Russell. I think she can sense my low level of participation with her coz she seems to stick to me closer than before nowadays. She's already v sticky before that. Now, my MIL commented that she stick to me like super glue....

Isobellies, my doggie (don't wan to confuse the rest of MTB) is coming 3 years in Jan. She's really v aggressive. My relatives (except for those who come to my house v often as my MIL stays with us) are quite scared of her. Even my gf who owns 2 JR, aso finds her v fierce.

I got to lock her whenever kids come to our place. Her barking is enuff to scare most kids.

She's also the reason why we didn't have to install an alarm system as we are staying on the 1st floor in a condo. We feel that she's fierce enuff to scare away any strangers...So, u can imagine lor.

soon-to-be, please don't give your dogs away ya! if no choice you can always send her to training course.

No hurry to wash or buy bb things. There is taka baby fair in march so i guess i will stock up during that time. I washed my baby clothes when i'm 7-8 months pregnant. keep in big ziplock bag after that. during that time everything i washed got to put in ziplock bag as i moved to my in laws place the day i discharge from hospital.


no problem but i need to search first. i remember the list was very messy, got lots of cancellation here & here. gotta scan (in office) first before forwarding it to you. heh.

yep, certain bb stuff can't use 2nd hand, gotta be durable & stable.

wah, your JR is indeed fierce....


oh dear, cross fingers and hope for all the best when bb does arrive. hopefully she will only be aggressive only when trying to protect the bb!! 3 years is also still q "young", hopefully she will start to slow down soon.. just curious, have you ever brought her to obedience classes?

for my SIL they had to "ship" the dog off to her parents place for quite a while, i think he only came home after my nephew was about 2 or 2.5 years.


that's q interesting! i only feel that my hands are much drier now since i'm always washing them with soap...

hi soon-to-be,

In addition to letting your dog smell the baby on blankets and clothes that you r hubby can bring back before you return home, you can also try this.

Since your dog is aggressive, dun introduce the two of them first. Let the dog get used to baby's presence by keeping them in separate rooms - close off baby's room with a child/pet gate. that way, dog can see and smell baby, and hopefully get used to baby. then, when dog has accepted baby's presence - no longer barks aggressively at baby, but still curious, then can think about introducing them. Maybe at first thru the gate. I hope it helps.

Ladies I want to ask a question. How many of you have helpers? What do they do? As in, how do you divide the chores up for her? I'm considering getting a helper, but I dunno what to get her to do. I do my housework once a week on Sat - dust, wipe, vacuum, mop, wash bathrooms and kitchen. I iron whenever I need to. I cannot think of how to make sure the maid is gainfully occupied *everyday*. I guess she can help to cook, and also wash up after meals. Iron more often than I am doing now. But that won't take up a lot of time what. Even if I add in the things I do only occasionally, like washing windows and curtains, also cannot expect her to do that everyday, right? So those of you who have maids, what kind of schedule do you give them. I do not intend to have her look after the baby very much as I want to be as hands on as possible.

Also, if I have her accompany the baby to my parents' or in-laws' place, what does she do? The reason I ask is because my BIL had a helper who followed the baby to my in-laws' place, but since she also does not look after the baby, she do housework at my in-law's on weekdays when the baby is there, and on the weekends when the baby is back home with his parents, the helper would clean the house there too. Then, the maid complained that she was overworked and cleaning two houses, and my BIL got in trouble with MOM.

soon-to-be, forgot to tell you i do have a aggressive dog at my parents place. i stayed there till my son is 7 months old. everytime i will put my son on a high chair rocker and dog couldn't get near him. my son only crawl when he is in the room where baby gate will block the way. i have 3 dogs there and i don't like my son to be on the living room floor.

after i move, my son start walking soon. everytime i went back my mom place, i will lock the dog in the kitchen. only until recently he is free to roam with my son around. we also taught my son to be wary about that dog. like not to poke or pull his fur to irritate him.

so far they both get along quite well and start playing together. i guess it takes awhile for the dog to get used to it.

at first the dog will get very kan chiong when he see my son crawling or walking around.

dot, you don't have to keep your helper occupied. when baby arrives you will have more things to do. that's when a helper is good even though she won't be taking care of your baby. but when your baby starts to crawl, you won't have the take to cook and clean your house.

i wish to get a helper when my baby arrives. but on second thought i might not get one as i'm afraid i got to take care of her as well when i am so busy with 2 kids.

if you don't have alot to housework and someone is around to help you with your baby in the future. you can get a part time helper who comes in 1-2 times a week to do major cleaning of toilet and kitchen etc.

congrats everyone we have moved on up not the newbies anymore, there is now july mtb


i do have a maid @ home since late apr this year. so far so good. generally, i agar agar do a schedule for her what she need to do everyday, every week. but the problem is that she is abit blur & not alert enough, often got my mil's scoldings (i won't scold her, i only tell her very nicely if she did something which i don't like). plus, im staying with my pils so its kind of difficult to ask maid to do everything since mil is fussy & likes to hands on her own stuff eg. mil's master bedroom toilet, altar's cabinet. she refused to let my maid to clean. everyday, she clean the living room, mop all the floors except my bedroom as hubby and son still sleeping during mornings. actually, nothing much for her to do now as i have 1 kid. perhaps she will be in full swing in next june, haha. ironing every now & then, clean my bedroom when everyone is awakes, looks after my son (bathe, feed milk/meals, pat him to sleep, play with him), she also helps to cook lunch for my son sometimes hubby or me (if at home) & cook dinner (but her cooking skills still not very yummy, so sian). she also cook breakfast for me if i request. & yes, cleaning up the kitchen.

sometimes during weekends, i would ask her to follow us (me & son) to my parents' place for lunch, she would do simple chores like help my parents to wash dishes & mop floor. other than that, she just nua @ my parents' place, my parents also paiseh to ask her do chores anyway.

but how come your bil is in trouble with mom? i know there is this rule that maid is not supposed to help out at any other place - is that why bil got into trouble? but how would MOM know about it? just curious.

oh btw, i forgot to mention about washing of clothes & bedsheets. m mil instructed maid to hand wash all clothes & machine wash bedsheets but mil wash her own clothes by herself, she occasionally gives maid to wash.

Hey, thanks for all the suggestions on my dog.

Bliss, no, I have no intention to give away the dog coz she brought us so much joy and bonded the family. My hubby and I never think this is an option from Day 1 when we bought her.

Isobellies, sigh, no, she didn't go for any obedience class as my hubby wanted to train her ourselves. Sigh, no use. We are indeed considering sending to 1 now, but she has this motion sickness and will vomit when she sits in e car. *headache* Ya. she's still so young and playful. My gf's JR actually protects the baby from the other 2 dogs when the latter tries to move near the baby.

Dot, ya, maybe let my dog sniff at the baby when the baby is in the baby cot. My dog is so used to dashing into my room the moment the door is opened. Have to start teaching her to sit and wait for instruction before she can run in.

Hi dot,

I used to be in the same situation as u...my sister already have a maid as since my sister is staying jus a few levels up my mom's place...basically the 2 maids will share the responsibility at my mom's place...cos 1 have 2 other nieces and plus my son..so alot of things to do ..washing cllothes, we only allow them to spin dry the clothes....clean fans, wip cabinets, wash bathrooms, prepare lunch/dinner etc...help to look after my son..pack things in cabinet...pack storeroom...actuallly there r alot of chores to be done...bt recently, my sister maid went back already so now left w only my maid to do all the stuff....hehehe....bor bian lor..now she helps me to bathe my son aso..cos smtimes, i reali too tired to do all these...havin a maid will hv both pros and cons...

Hi missybluey,

Ya, i knw abt the ruling tat maids nt suppose to help out in ay other place but i tink this is crap....imagine if we bring the maid to mom's place...then we do the things n maid sit down n watch tv uh....nonsense right...bt i tink as long as we do not illtreat the maid...that is being fair...moreover i tink time will fly faster whn they hv smthing to do ...


i'm considering getting a maid also, but because this one will be #2, so there will be more pple to look after! with #1 i always had someone around to help, either my mum or ILs. it's really not easy to look after a baby alone, some mornings no time to even wash face and brush teeth! maybe if when they're young they will sleep all the time, but as they grow older they will demand more attention, so hard to clean the house and prepare meals!

my new place is going to be so small i wish i dun need a maid, but i think it would be hard to handle 2 without any help..

isobellies, is excatly what i'm worrying too. i got no one around to help at all. both my parents and ILs is working.

what i am planning now is part time maid and tingkat dinner.

maybe after 2-3 months after delivery if really can't manage then will consider a maid.


yes i totally agree with maid has its pros & cons. now i have a maid to help me with #1, its definitely much easier plus somemore i always feel tired easily these days.

yea, i don't ill-treat my maid, no verbal or physical abuse. i don't feel its right to do so, after all, maids are also humans. unlike my mil, she tends to call her siao char bor. though my maid do things which can be quite weird/funny at times, i feel its still rude to name her that lor.


ya lor, i used to look after my son for the first few mths by myself before i started my work. i can agree with you it isn't easy to look after a bb alone, once my son woke up, i will be busy attending to him, running here & there. started to panic when he started crying. hahaha. me too, my new place is small too despite its a 4room flat. >.< but no help also difficult leh.


maybe you get part-time maid since you are a SAHM. so you can look after your kids while no need to worry about unfinished chores. maybe can get your hubby to help out a little when he finish his work?


haha actually i wanted to ask u abt who's helping u just now. i haven't considered tingkat dinner but dun think my hubby will like. maybe i can get him to tapao dinner. am also keen to put #1 in part time CC.

if i don't have live in maid will definitely need a part timer, but i'm worried about some times when you need to do 5 different things at one time.. and look after 3 kids (including the hubby). haha


me too, 4 rm... will have to squeeze in 3 adults + 2 kids?? headache [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi bliss,

Honestly speaking, if u wan to employ a maid, u shld do it before the arrival of the bb cos u nd time to train the maid and maid nds time to get used to the family culture.Whn the bb comes, and w new maid...things will be tougher..cos u will hv to oversee the maid plus the bb.bt if u start to train the maid early, then she can help u whn the bb comes...

Hi missbluey,

Initially i aso hv my doubts to have a maid, bt honestly, i am quite glad to hv a maid nw, cos i can rest better, spend more quality time w my son and best of all, my house will be spick and span clean...kekekeke...

missbluey, yes i think if i get a maid also nothing much for her to do. cannot depend on my hb. he comes home past 10pm everyday. by the time my son is going to bed liao.

isobellies, no one is helping me leh .. my mom do pop by almost everyday with lunch for me cause we stay at the same area. however when i moved to toa payoh i think my mom will only come by over the weekend. my hb didn't like tingkat too. but i told him tingkat is better since i can't cook for my son anymore. eating outside i feel is not very healthy for my son. at least tingkat got no MSG. and i will boil soup for him myself. no need to whip up 1 dish and 1 soup plus cook his rice if we eat out. very troublesome.

i don't intend to put my son in CC even after i deliver. maybe i don't bear too and my hb thinks putting him CC is very troublesome cause need to walk quite a distance to fetch him. so will still keep him at home till N1.

i feel when baby grows older is much more difficult to handle toddler, housework and cooking. especially when toddler is at terrible 2 stage can really drive me mad. like my son insist coming in the kitchen when i'm cooking. i get so stress up and didn't dare to turn my back against him in case he pull down the pots or wok.

since we are moving, i told my hb i'm not cooking anymore. only cooking some simple porridge for my son.


me - 5 adults + 2 kids. -_______-" pils die die will have to move in with us as hubby is the only child. no horse run liao. sigh. there goes my privacy forever.


initally i had doubts too & fears. fear that new maid will abuse son after reading so many news on choosing not so good maids. but luckily, my maid pampers him too much that i nearly 'begged' her to scold son lest he will bully her. funny eh?


yes, T2 is terrible especially when i read those horror stories on T2. i so afraid my son will be like that, so far, he is ok lah. but when he really throws tantrum, he is machiam like a little terror. buey tahan him. he also insisted on coming to kitchen when maid/mil cooks, so no choice my maid had to carry him while cooking (simple cooking eg. no deep frying). i have no energy & patience to carry him & let him see throughout, haha.

missbluey, yea. now my son should be at the ending of T2. not so much tantrum throwing. there was once he was crying and screaming in the stroller cause he insist taking a book popular but so i tell him "NO!" and ignore him. (that time he was younger and love to tear the books) he continue to cry and one auntie came over and said "AIYO! he is crying until lian qing qing already you still don't want to carry him. why are you like that?!" then i was so embarrassed! But what can i do.. the best way to handle T2 is to ignore the crying and screaming.

after that incident i seldom bring him to places that i know he will scream over something.

But now he can communicate with us better and tantrum gets much lesser than before. phew!

I can't let him in the kitchen cause my existing place the stove was very low. from his height he can actually touch the stove without effort. so can imagine how dangerous is it.

missbluey, yea. now my son should be at the ending of T2. not so much tantrum throwing. there was once he was crying and screaming in the stroller cause he insist taking a book popular but so i tell him "NO!" and ignore him. (that time he was younger and love to tear the books) he continue to cry and one auntie came over and said "AIYO! he is crying until lian qing qing already you still don't want to carry him. why are you like that?!" then i was so embarrassed! But what can i do.. the best way to handle T2 is to ignore the crying and screaming.

after that incident i seldom bring him to places that i know he will scream over something.

But now he can communicate with us better and tantrum gets much lesser than before. phew!

I can't let him in the kitchen cause my existing place the stove was very low. from his height he can actually touch the stove without effort. so can imagine how dangerous is it.


I used to stay at PR 5 years ago...but moved to TPY since then..

Yes..he is quite an assuring gynae, never ask me to do things that are unnecessarily. I remember 9 ys ago when I was trying so hard to conceive #1..I was with a female gynae and she got me on hormone treatments straightaway..and said if I did not do this or that, I will not be able to conceive...quite traumatising for me. After I swtiched to him, he told me to go home, take 3 mth breaks to relax and TTC (no medication except folic acids). And shortly after that, I was pregnant. So I have been sticking with him since then.

Currently I am only able to see him at Clementi as he goes there on Saturday. It is hard for me to see gynae on weekdays as my gals are schooling.

I notice that now he has quite a number of mainland Chinese patients..I wonder how does he communicate with them in Chinese..ha ha ha...


ooh i din know they got no MSG! have you tried already? maybe i shld consider also. your idea to tingkat plus supplement meals with home made soups when you can is a good idea. my worry is still that we might have a lot to get used to, new house, new baby, with less sleep i might have no energy to entertain #1.

my friend recently was in supermarket, and her daughter abt 1 yr old started crying. she just ignored, then this aunty came up to her (the mother, not daugther) and said "good for you, don't let them have their way!" lol.


wah! on the bright side, i find it so touching that my son is close to my ILs too. and it's also v convenient for us when we want to go out, heh.

Talking abt helper..I was discussing with hubby the other day. Though I have 2 older kids but they were take care by my mil when they were younger. I only became a SAHM 2 years ago...so now I am also wondering if I have the capability to take care of a newborne.

Actually my intention was to go back to work partime next year, since my gals will be in school most of the time. But now with #3, I think working part time is no longer possible, unless mil is willing to help babysitting #3. But then that will also trigger other issues eg logistics. $$. If I do not work, I will prob outsource the house cleaning to a part time cleaner. I used to engage part time cleaner to do housework for me, it really helps to relieve lots of time and stress, but must find those trustworthy ones.

Talking abt tingkat..I am also considering whether to have it...cos my elder gal is quite picky about food...now with #3...I am so tired all day long..hardly can cook a proper meal. These few days we have been eating out..until I am so sick of packed food.


wah, you go all the way to see him! I haven't really noticed the mainland chinese, but i notice he really has patients from all walks of life - very mix ethnic group! i've even seen a japanese couple once. usually i go weekdays around noon, then hardly any patients and he's not so rushed.

i think he looks like a typical ACS boy right?? maybe i should ask him one of these days, haha.

isobellies you are moving too ? i ever tried once tingkat at my inlaws place. was not bad. my hb was not a fussy eater so anything also okay.

wanted to order this month but my hb thinks is very troublesome to order and change address when some catering doesn't send to certain areas.

yes most of the tingkat now is no MSG. i try to convince myself is much better than outside food since my son is only 2. although i don't mind him eating out but i'm concern if it is everyday thing. soup is easier to prepare. just put everything in slow cooker and ready to eat during lunch and dinner time.


ya, supposed to move around jan/feb, but now will continue to stay with ILs until after confinement. when are you moving?

Isobellies - ya..but hubby will be around to send me there, and the 2 gals can get to see the u/scan and hear the heartbeat..hee.

That day I was asking him if I shd see him in PR or Clementi..he said Clementi loh..cos the office is bigger and my kids can run around.

Ya..ya..he does look like from ACS or SJI..those english speaking boy school.

Hi ladies,

i'm in a dilemma now.. my God-pa is in hospital having been diagnosed with cancer. the cancer has been for 2yrs and his condition has taken a worse last nite. Per my God-sis sms just 5mins ago, we may lose him anything.

i wan to go down n see him after work, but my MIL n hubby is strongly against this as they are afraid it will "cong" with my baby. My mum n sis on the other hand allows me to go as long as i bring along my amulet. i really hope to be able to see him at least one last time.

Hi Summer March,

Ya must rest more hor!

This sat is my 10th week checkup. Must tell doc if i want OSCAR or not. Still can't make up my mind leh, sigh! Strange my gynae nv let me to hear bb's heart beat leh. This sat must request!

Had urine tact infection, it's horrible! Started to feel pain from tummy. Hope bb is ok...


usually i would just ignore my son's tantrums if he is like that outside if all failed to pacify him. i don't care what & how ppl judge/comment, he is my son ma, why should you bother that kind.


got pros & cons staying with in-laws. my son is also quite close with my pils especially fil.

wah, moving house with kids & somemore preggie isn't an easy task.


if i were you, i'd go c him for the last time & will not attend ,er, his funeral (sorry no offence, that is IF only). after all, he is your god-pa. at least when you look back, you won't regret.

ISo and bebe.. where is PR? I kept thinking but super got no clue.

Iso.. where will u be shifting to?

My current hse also small 4 room and i am suffocating..even though i cant fiish the HH chores.. i gave up liao since i only go back on weekdays.. let my hubby clean the floor and wash the clothes.. :p

I want to upgrade to a Bigger house!! I want to have a home theatre!!Jia lat.. cannot..i must have a hse with 6 rooms..

1) our room

2) PIL room

3) gers room

4) boys room

5) study room

6) Theatre room??

How is it possible....

bebe75, u noe where to find confinement tingkat? i am thinking of ordering that. No more confinement nanny for me.. save $$ . I think shld be fine bah.. just the washing part to handle.. i am staying with PIL (sianz..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif])

My gynae ask me to drink alot of milk but everytimes when i drink it will puke out. Has anyone got e same experience

hi bluberi, probably i will do what missy bluey says but bring along the amulet lor.. to be safe.. I am also a pantang person but i think i will go leh..

Happy.. can hear bb heartbeat ? use ear phones.. i only see the baby's heart beating... never hear hertbeat.

missybluey & genice, i decided i shd go, i dun to regret not seeing my god-pa one last time. hope at least he can hold on until i go over tis evening.


sian hor, staying with pils. no privacy. sometimes not to let mil know what me & hubby are talking, i use english, hahaha. but these days mil's english is improving due to grandson, she can agar agar understand. haha. sometimes i wish i can stay at my parent's hse except no aircon (which im so used to aircon), my mummy's cooking is so much better tasting & less oily than mil's. plus, mil is a pantang old woman which i don't really see eye to eye with her views.

btw, im quite pantang when it comes to pregnancy eg. can't let anyone know about my pregnancy for the 1st 3mth. im so contradicting, haha.


just explain to your hubby. as for mil, just ignore her lah. so long your hubby understands, he can handle his mother. =)


nissybluey.. YES... i am dying here.. spending 1 weekends at my own hse makes me more sane!! U have been staying with ur in laws since? Ur hse or their hse??

Haha.. its quite funny actually.. ur MIL learns fast har.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Now me and my hubby not ime to quarrel.. he works late, too tired.. and i am too lazy to argue.. haha..

