(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


at least you're at #3, i'm 76, and only at #2! and i don't mind having more after #2 some more. maybe might need to reconsider to see if i have the energy!! lol.


bebe75, you didn't remove the cysts after your 2nd pregnancy ? if is not painful then i think should be okay right ?

i had a cyst when i'm 15. the pain caused me unable to walk properly. ended in and out of hospital for 2 months and finally remove it.


my son is 2yrs 1mth+. yours should be ard the same as mine?

er, what is LNT?

now im feeling sleepy.....again. -.-

morning ladies

I was just on the bus and someone gave up their seat for me, dont know weather to laugh or cry only nine weeks and really showing!

Isobellies I am also a 76 but on my third, but not planning for this to be my last, I was 29 when I had my first. my mil was 45 when she had my husband and that was 36 years ago when they did not have half the tests they do now, the only thing she regrets is her grandchildren are so young and she is going on 81,


someone once gave up their seat for me on the mrt, months before i got preggers :p

wow, you sound so certain about having more! i wouldn't mind having 4, especially if they are all as good natured as my #1. but i'm also scared of having one that's a terror :D hopefully #2 will be a good girl/boy and i can have my #3 2 years later..

Bliss - I was hoping the cysts will go away by themselves. But apparently they did not. The last time I measured, they were at 3cm - 4cm. It can be quite painful whenever I have my period. Lucky thing the pain usu last abt 2 days for me. My gynae said he will suggest surgery only if they grow more than 5cm or if I wish to get pregnant.

Aven2009 - Kudos to you for having to want more kids. Not easy for woman to have more than 3 kids in today's society. Few months back, MCYS asked me to do survey and asked me if those baby incentives are enticing for us to have more kids. I said no..hee hee. I cited demanding and costly education as one of the key barriers, also the lack of pro-family working culture in Singapore. It is hard to spend quality time with kids when both parents are working. And surviving on single income is very challenging in current economic situations.

I usu encourage my friends to have at least 2 kids..cos it is always good to have siblings with you. I do not want my child to feel alone if my hubby and I are no longer around.

missbluey, my son is 23 months now. about the same age.

LNT is little neuro tree.

bebe, yes during period it can be very painful. but mine was even without period and my dad insist the gynae to get that cyst out in case it cause more problem.

But after getting it out my period is still so painful. but as long it don't danger you or your baby is fine. even going through surgery it will be a very simple procedure.

I wish i will have 3 kids but my hb said 2 is enough. so 4 room flat will be just nice. no fighting for rooms in the future. haha


wao! salute to you that you plan for more! i will definitely stop @ 2. i just don't want my son to be lonely like me, i am an only child. mil always tells us to have 2 then stop, think she also wanted 2 kids then but she was already in her 30s when she had my hubby.


LNT is a playgroup? didn't hear it before. hmmmm...

Happy, Ya MS is real terrible. I 'm like you. Wanna puke but just gas came up and nothing else. Must take care and ENDURE.... argh.

RE : Cold drinks

Hmmm pantang and old folk will advise not to, say next time baby will have lotsa phelgm. But seriously i think everything in moderation. Don't keep drinking or eating cold stuff. A little bit in a long while is fine.

Re: Kate Spade - DON"T GO

My friend went early in morning and it is already SOLD OUT. Geez at 930am! Wonder how come they advertised that the sale is for 3 days. *shake head*

aven, you going to plan for more kids!!

i find that one child is very lonely... 2 will be nice... i definitely close at 2!!! too old to have more la..

Re: tots

koaru, cath and missy, bliss.. think our kids ae abt the same age.. mine coming to 21months in Nov.


Its weird but i also have insomia, woke up at 2 am, 4 am and 7am ( to puke out dunno bile or gastirch juice.. super bitter)

In the past i dun have insomia till when my tummy was really big.. now dunno why like that.

aven.. i am impressed with ur MIL... but i think in older days it was like that.. When my mother got married to my father.. my grandma was pregnant with the youngest son ( who is older than my bro by 2-3 yrs?) i thought that must have been a funny sight for my father.. imagine urmil pregnant.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Iso.. u are not old lah.. honestly speaking a lot of ladies ur age haven got married yet!! And u are into ur 2nd kid!! Wow.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Kate Spade

I like kate spade too..wonder what they are clearing at the warehouse sale...


tot i don noe wat underlying heart problem u have, but i do hope everything will turn out fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw, do u need to restrict any fluid/diet intake? do u feel breathless as u have heart problem?

Yes Yes Genice. Our kids are abt the same. Can organise to meet together. He is now a little terror but can be very sweet at times.

Genice, can forget abt that sale - my friend think it is scam. Where got pple just open already sold out. Faintz.

Hi mommies,

I am new to this thread and will be expecting my #2 , EDD on 26 June 2010...

Do the mommies still carry their their 1st child when they r in 1st trimester??

Just went to Gynae, he said better not....but GP said it is ok though...

So, wanna hear from the mommies here...

Peck I agree one child is lonley, when I look at the two I have fighting,playing together it is really nice, especially when I send one to the naughty corner and the other goes as well to keep them company, really heart warming. although I agree with what bebe75 has pointed out about the expense,

Isobellies believe me I do have one that is a terror, I cannot even walk down to the shop with her as she runs away from me hides in the shop and takes bites out of all the apples, throws herself on the ground, climbs everything when I tell her of she bites me, and shes only 18months really makes me tired, its hard when I dont want to pick her up to much, lucky my son is really well behaved,

cath.. sure.. when all the MS is gone.. hehe

I doubt i can make my way to the KS sale too..dun wanna end up squeezing with pp and suffocating myself.. but its weird why things are sold out.. how can that be?

Kelly.. i still caryy #1.. a lot.. ause when we got out now.. she only wants me to carry.. doesnt even want to walk.. and she still sleeps on my tummy every night.. i think shld be fine.. but she likes to bounce on my tummy whcih i have stopped her.

Aven.. ur girl biting on all the apples.. hehe thats quite a funny sight.. cant imagine that.. . She really does it??How old is ur son? U send ur ger to naught corner?? I haven try that though.. but i think she will ignore me..

Hi genice,

I thought shld be fine aso...i din wan my son to hv the impression tat once got new bb like dun wan him anymore....but will cut down on carrying him la...same here...ds dun like daddy to carry always wan me...so tiring...

if i jus hug hug sitting down...he will say mommy get up, mommy get up until no choice gt to get up...my ds is turning 2 this mth. Wat abt your #1??

Good afternoon ladies..

going for my gynea appt later at 3pm+, getting a little worried for the bb, though spotting stopped, my nipples is barely sore lor (normal??). i'm starting to get a lil nausea occasionally but no vomiting. wonder anything wrong with mi. hope will see bb's strong heartbeat later.

Hi everyone,

Back from doc this morning. Was feeling so sick already in the cab (trying not to puke in cab and was so tempted to puke into the plants when I got out of the cab), that much liquid came out with the puke once I reached the office. What a mess! Took me the whole morning to recover. I think my feeling bad's been aggravated by my prolonged shoulder and neck ache (which already makes me feel like puking when it gets too strained under normal non-preggers circumstances). I used to go for back massage at least once in 2 weeks but stopped since the centre won't take me in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Doc gave green light to go ahead with shoulder massage today - she says better than taking meds to feel better.

Anyways, saw the baby move (not that one will see much form), also the heartbeat. Supposed to be in week 9 now. Baby measures 2.3cm and according to measurement 8w6d. Very relieved.

Have to carry on with Duphaston till week 12 is over. And next visit is in 3 weeks to have blood test and to check for downs. Fingers crossed everything will be ok. Meaning many more prayers to go, I'm not a young MTB too.

Hope everyone else is hanging in there well. Can't wait for 1st trimester to be over.

Hi Bliss,

May i know how much is CL normally charge? and how much is auntie siew zhen charging you? my colleague recommend me her CL and she is charging $1900.

is it normal?


Yes, i have bloated stomach too.. And its feeling really uncomfortable.. i oso feel like puking. in the morn, afternn, and nite.. and i think it leads to some gastro-something.. which feels like having gastritis..either i throw up nothing or the yellow acidic stuff.. haiz.. the bloatedness makes me look like i'm already 4mths preggie when i'm only abt 7 wks preg!!

i oso hv alot of gas burping.. Yday wasnt feeling well, so took a MC to stay home & rest.. bt nv change for the better today. =(

and i dun feel hungry.. bt when i dun eat, the whole gastritis starts again.. feeling so down..

is there any thing we can do???

BTW, my gynae advised me against H1N1 jab.. but didnt talk abt the influenza jab.. is it safe? i'm travelling in another 2 wks time...


Yes, same here.. my stomach will make weird noises.. but i doubt is the little one is hungry.. guess its the whole homornes reaction.. yep, at my 7wks now.. juz visited the gynae on Mon and listened to the bb HB.. its quite fun. =)

Is this your first? When is your EDD? how come you on 3wks HL? Take care ya!

RE: Cold drinks. I don't know about you girls, but I cannot drink cold drinks - I get a tummy-ache whenever I do. lol

Kelly: I would listen to the gynae, since he specialises in this area. GP = General Practitioner.

Blueberi: How did the visit go?

Age: what I feel very old leh. 73, and this is #1.

I'm feeling very PMS-sy - mild cramps, and extremely grumpy. Is this normal? Dunno how I'm going to survive waiting 3 weeks before visiting my dr again. sigh.


Guess all you need to do now is to relax and stay happy..!!! everything shld be fine.. dun stress out too much.. its harmful to both u n bb... dun carry too heavy stuff and also rest more ya.. =)

Yep, same here... got cravings sometimes.. i love to take hot soup & water these days.. dislike rice.. still love maggi.. haa

Can I check with experience mummies, when will we know the gender ah? As I am planning a trip to BKK either in Jan or Feb, wanted to book the air tix 1st (earlier cheaper mah) but scare by then still duno gender yet go also no use. Any idea end Jan will I be able to know alrdy? Currently in my 8th week. Thanks

Hi dot,

Yes i agree that gynae said better not is good la...bt my ds is a koala bear and super sticky ...haiz...so smtimes i aso bor bian...hehe..

Hi CJ jnr,

For my 1st, i can see ard 3-4mths....cos he is so proud to open his legs and i saw smthing in between and i ask the gynae...wats tat?? he said oh...this is a boy....bt for some ppl, maybe ard 5 mths or aso...

re: carrying tots

initially i carried my son but nowadays i cut down on carrying him, mil also try not to let me carry him that much. one of my friend told me don't carry your kids too much as you may over-exert, she was one of the example and delivered her son 2 mths early.

re: spotting

i think perhaps have to do with carrying heavy things, so just try not to do that. i don't carry heavy things anymore except my bag when i go to work, even some office equipments which are a little heavy, i don't even bother to help keep! hahaha.

re: bloated stomach

sometimes i have, sometimes i don't. sometimes so bloated that its pretty obvious, even after i pee, it is still bloated. i can't even burp properly these days, when i got the feeling to burp, i feel like vomit but in fact, there is nothing, no liquid or whatsoever. -.- then i got to suck my sweets lor. im not really a sweet fan but this pregnancy made me eat quite alot of sweets. sigh.


you must stay happy. HAPPY mummy = HAPPY bb. =)


for my #1, i only knew the gender about late 4mth to early 5th mth.


my gal is turning 2 in a few days time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


which LNT branch r u at? Me currently @ TPY, but shld be stopping after this term, cos wanna put her in CC next yr. I also ask my hubby to sit in at times when my MS act up.


I also carry my gal ocassionally but i managed to get her getting used to hving my hubby carry, saying mommy is tired [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] - i think she can sense my fatigue at times too.

I happen to hv a cyst removed (think 3 or 5cm nia) by my gynae and miraculously conceived within 2 mths after the ops..

Looking fwd to my gynae appt next Thur too! Hope all mommies' experience are positive.

my cousin is pregnant one month ahead of us. her gynae already told her high chance her bb is a gal. i suppose by dec she can confirm on the gender liao. so for us, end jan we should already know.

Hi koaru,

I wan to let my hubby carry bt my son dun wan leh...the momemt he see him..he goes mommy bao bao...then i jus squat down n hug him..he will ask me to get up....jia lat..he is my soft spot la...hehhe....

Congrats to u too, eh...

Hi tigerbaby,

I hv a chart and for me, it says a ger which is gd cos i wanted it to be...accurate for my 1st pregnancy also...bt of course not 100% accuarte for all...jus a guide..

Let me try and see if i can upload here or not..

Btw, the age refers to yr current age...and the mth refers to the mth that u "load"....

Like i mentioned earlier, not 100% accurate uh...dun come chasing me if yours not accurate...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/wink.gif]


where did u get this chart from? my #1 is correct, as for #2........hmmm....i shall wait & see. hehe.

Got it from a book ....i jus photostated this page onli...

So yr 1st one aso correct?? hehehe.....we shall await if our #2 is correct or not...

emm.... my gal friends told me she try on this chart b4 cos she had 2 gals and always wanted a boy then she ttc on that month she will have a boy but ended up she still get a ger. haha but is quite fun checking it. my mom also have this chart b4 she told me is accurate for her but when i count back me and my sibling DOB i think only 50/50. why not we check first if anyone got it correct please let others know ok? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi bliss...

i been trying to find some more info on this CL, but she is only known as mdm Tan. so far,i can find one recommendation in tis forum.. not sure whether to get or not..

kelly.. quite accurate leh.. haha.. atleast for my 1st one.. Yeh!! i got chnace.. my 2nd one boy!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wah so many of you said accurate, haha I also hope so, hoping for a boy too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks for sharing this chart

hi summer82,

The mth that u do with yr hubby...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_wink.gif]

Have a nice weekend, mommies...

Tok to all on Mon...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_byebye.gif]

missbluey, LNT is a class like shicida for brain development.

Kelly, i still carry my son like before pregnancy. Still go shopping and out alone. but try not to carry when hb or my mom is around.

jalgal, my CL charge $2000. called a few is $2000.

koaru, my son is in bugis outlet. am moving to TPY next month. Not sure if i will change him there cause he is used to the teachers here. And i don't know if i am going to continue after this term cause i feel really tired during that 1 hour when my son still doesn't like to sit quietly there.

sberry, you got her full name instead ? i think will be easier to find.

Today at LNT, one mummy asked me if i'm pregnant. and when i say yes, all the teachers surrounded me and got so excited cause they wanted to ask me last week but didn't dare too. currently i'm only 8 weeks pregnant and my tummy is showing. my #1 only show when i'm near 5 months pregnant.

Anyway anyone deliver at Mount E before ? What is the bill size ? i'm thinking of changing gynae again. sigh ..

hi missbluey/bliss/zoie/kaoru/dot/Irma, wishing you gals happy pregnancy.

Am coping fine, still giddy esp in the mornings. Yeah, am doing a mini confinememt - TCM / Livers / Bird's nest etc...

Good weekend!


Hi Linda

Thanks. I will try not to think too much and enjoy the process of being preg[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

