(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

aven2009 & bebe75,

This sounds strange but I feel rather comforted hearing that you ladies are already showing. Sigh. My boy keeps saying that my tummy is so big. And it really shows. Still don't feel comfortable letting my colleagues/boss know at work since my next gynae visit is in another 3 weeks time. Somehow won't feel comforted till I see the ultrascan...

I've also been reading about the gender kit on this forum. Actually no need to buy la. My friend went to chinese sinseh and by feeling her pulse, he could tell the gender of her baby at 6 weeks! She didn't really believe until much later when gynae confirmed with scan.


Hi sourfish..I am also more assured when I heard that you mummies are already showing. Becos when my hubby saw my tummy, he said no difference as I was that big all along. The part that is growing is mainly right below the abdomen? I read that this could be due to uterus/womb expansion or water retention.

I will be going for my first gynae visit this saturday...My kids are looking forward to say hello to the little beannie and can't wait to share the news with their grandparents and classmates.


better to see a doc soon. i did & at least im more peaceful now w/o much worries.


yes i feel that way too! i realised im more shortage of breath these days. climbing the overhead bridge is indeed a task for me nowadays.

wah, i wonder whether i still can fit into my non-maternity dress after 3mths as i want to attend my cousin's wedding in next mth. somemore, i just bought this dress. zzz~

i can't remember whether i had did any hair treatment during my 1st pregnancy but im sure i didn't dye hair as salon don't allow for preggie women. for this #2, im dying to do hair treatment cuz my hair is prone to dryness. luckily i just did rebonding 2mths ago, so probably i will rebond again after my confinement.

btw, to those working mummies, when did you tell your boss about your pregnancies? i still haven't let my manager & HQ know about mine. im planning to let them know after my 1st tri.

oh no...I dye hair when i was 4 weeks pregnant without knowing leh...so now quite worried got effect on bb or not ....

I ask gynae n he just tell me dun do it again lor.


Aiyo you still help your gal carry school bag, my gynae say preg cant carry heavy thing.

My bump already start to show since I 6 or 7 week liao. my MIL even ask is it twin. haha... no la... I told hubby, maybe our bb is a big bb. Actually, that time I duno I preg then when to dye hair too... duno got anything happen now or not.

For me, I do feel a little short of breath but when I sleep, I feel very anxiously sleeping, like very worried.quite ironic. sleep but very gan cheong feeling. like as though baby heartbeat is affecting me. maybe its just me...

cottonball dont worry I dyed my hair with my other two pregancies within the first few months and thats with blonde heavy duty stuff my babies are quite ok.

sourfish that is really interesting about the pulse and sex of babies I have been told that you can feel two pulses when you do this and a girls heartbeat is faster, maybe an old wise tale but my girls was faster than my boys,

cj junior I am still debating about H1N1 vaccine did a google and got conflicting answers so I guess will ask gynae next visit im just scared its going to come back in full force.

hi ladies..

it seems like we have an interesting topic here on how to find out the gender of our bb we are carrying.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i have read up on the intelligender. there is an article on it tat someone commented it has something related to pH level. if u r having boy, ur pH level will be alkaline, girl then it will be acidic. anyone who has a pH level test strip can test it out for fun.. :p just collect the first urine of the day n tsk tsk.. see the results whether its alkaline or acidic. no harm trying.. hehee..

Hi mummies,

Good morning! The thread is so active the whole morning.. cnat catch up .. a bit blur after reading. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Juliana.. sorry to hear what happened to u.

It seems quite a few of the mummies here have gone thru a difficult time previously.. things will be better this time round! Dun Worry! Jia you k.

Re: travelling,

I will be going to ho chi ming 1st week of dec.. probaby abt 10 weeks preggie.. Seems like deja vu cause i went to HCM when i was abt 10 weeks preggie with my 1st one too.

Actually i thot can still travel but maybe after 1st trimester will be safer and travelling not advisable after 28 weeks.

i still thinking of going to BKK to do some baby clothes shopping next feb too.

bebe75/ sourfish, i dun think my tummy growing that fast. Or maybe i aslo not sure cause i still have a big tummy left from my previous pregnancy. :p

Sourfish, which sinseh is it? I am really quite keen to find out my baby's gender so i can start buying clothes.. *cross fingers* boy boy!!

qqq, welcome! will u be staying in US for long? which part of US are u at?I miss US.. was there for 3 months in the early part of this yr with my ger too.


Any SAHM here?

hi mummies sorry to interrupt,

I have an extra set of BN headband. RP: $4.90, now I'm selling at $4.50 (inclusive postage), $4 (self-collection at west). Let me know if you are interested. Email me at [email protected]

thank you!


bebe75... wow u went thru 2 deliveries w/o epidural?? Amazing! MUst learn from u! For my previous pregnancy , i was induced so went hospital earlier ( just 4 days from EDD) and i sacry cat.. decided to take epidural cause gynae kept telling me not to make myself suffer.. just enjoy the process and he warned me that the pain was goona be 95% more. .. what i felt after he burst my waterbag was only 5% of the pain. Scared the hell out of me.. haha.. but since it was my 1st tie so i took it but this time round i really want to try w/o epidural!! Hope i can... what other pain relief mthds did u take?

Re:Tiger baby

No diff fro me.. FIL tiger, MIL rat, my ger rat so i think another tiger also no differnce.. hehe

yaya, linda - thumbs up :p

missbluey - glad to hear that everything is alright. Do rest more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sourfish - Yes!!! My bump show liao.. hope can still hide till after 1st tri.. i did ask my hair stylist, he say he will not advise dying, rebonding to be done during pregnancy as he mention its chemical..

wow the sinseh is really expert... just feel the pulse will know the gender..

bebe75 - i feel restless and tired.. no mood to do my usual stuff..

genice - haha u v cute.. still cross finger for boy boy..

my part of usa is at idaho.. been here for 7 months le.. i'm SAHM.. now stressing whether to give birth in usa or go back sg..

haiz.. cos i will be coming back on july2010. so if i give birth on my edd, that means dun have time to complete my confinement then need to rush back.. wat will u do? get the green card? or come back a few months earlier to settle down n give birth?

we have a lot in common. My girl is a rat too.. hehe same same.. Just that nobody in my family is tiger. thats y i dun really know the characteristic of tiger..

qqq, is better for you to come back here. settle down and deliver here so you can do your confinement properly. eventually you will still have to come back for long stay right ?

qqq - you are at idaho cos your hubby is from the SAF?

Missbluey - I am also attending a friend's wedding next mth. It is a church wedding and so I will prob be wearing a sun dress if my current clothes are not able to accommodate the tummy,

Bibibaba - I thought it shd be alright to carry the sch bag since it is only abt 4kg. Told her that next year, she has to carry her school bag herself..cos I will be carrying another 5kg in my body.

Hair dye - I tend to avoid all chemical hair treatment during pregnancy - but my stylists said it is still okay to highlight.. Anyway, I have stopped dyeing my hair for many many months..(save $ and time)..so I think I will continue let my hair stay natural

Genice - I am SAHM, but work on freelance basis. For my previous pregnancies, I was a FTWM...and frankly speaking I did not enjoy pregnancy as much as I do now. I found it pressurising to announce my pregnancies to my bosses and co-workers. My workplace then was not very pro-family/ Some would show me faces that said "Not again!!!". At that time. After delivery, I dared not extend my maternity leave...quickly headed back to work. While at work, I was worried that if I had spent too much pumping milk, scared that pple would say I skived at work. Very stressful..

Now I am SAHM, I can sleep whenever I want..snack whenever I want. I have agreed to take on an assignment (before I knew abt my pregnancy) next week...prob I will still continue the assignment and complete it by Dec. One of my clients asked me if I can work perm part time for them in 2010...now I doubt I can proceed with the plan.


In my previous birth plans, my gynae said he would advise to administer epidural only when necessary. I asked when was the time to consider "necessary" - he replied I would know when the time comes.

The midwives said that my pain tolerence was very high...I did not know that I was having contractions until she told me. Thought it was one of those braxton kicks. For my first delivery, I was admitted as my water bag broke while for 2nd delivery, I was having blood discharge. The first one was 10 days overdue..and the 2nd one was 2 weeks earlier.

Maybe I was one of those lucky mummies...as my labour were very short (4-7 hours). I dilated too fast for the nurses to admit epidural.

The first delivery, the contraction and labour pain was very intense. Maybe I was induced. The midwives said that my water bag had leaked but my cervix was not dilated. Being first delivery, I dared not do anything but just lay on the bed and moaned the pain away. I was given the laughing gas - it was not working as apparently my hubby said I refused to let anyone touch me or offer me anything. For second delivery, I told the midwives I did not want to stay in the bed, with those belts and monitor machine around me. I walked around the labour ward, squated on the floor...and finally went back to bed to find a comforting position at the crowning stage. The labor came so fast, as if the baby just literally slipped off the from my body herself. My hubby said the gynae was just in time to grab hold of the baby.

I wish this 3rd delivery can be like the 2nd one..I remember I walked alot during my 2nd pregnancy even though I was experiencing pelvis pain at my 3rd trimester. And for this 3rd delivery, I hope my hubby gets to cut the umbilical cord this time..for the last 2 occassions he was too "kalang kabut" to do so.

Ph test strip

I doubt it really works cos our PH level are very much affected by our diet, isn't it?

After having 2 gals, I also hope we can have a boy this time. But since this is unplanned..we are really anxious to know the gender. Few years back, while we are still TTC, many have advised us to eat this and that, do this and that to get a boy. It was so hard to for me to ovulate and let alone get pregnant. And now, without much trying, we got it eventually. I told hubby I was afraid that I might sound greedy to ask for a boy. He said all fated one...cannot seek.

I am trying to look for symptoms that are different from my previous pregnancies..but hor both my previous pregnancies were also very much different from each other. Hard to tell.

its nice to hear that some of the ladies here are planning to travel during pregnancy. i actually thought of travelling but hubby is afraid and i later dismissed that thought as i feel i won't be as comfortable at there (overseas) as compared in sg now.


do give birth in usa lah, after all the weather there wouldn't be as hot as in sg right? what is idaho? i always wanted to go to any of europe areas. are you based there b'cuz your hubby is working there? i wish i got this chance too, but highly doubt so. haha.


i think i can understand you when you mentioned about stressful working environment while being preggie. for my #1, i just stepped into another new working place for about 4mths plus when i realised i was preggie. some time later, i informed my HR manager about it (i was still on probabtion then), thinking its fair to let company know about it. perhaps my work performance wasn't good in her expectations, she gave me a choice of either tender my resignation or gave me "The Goodbye Letter". i was devastated, thinking it was the end of the world until i knew about this forum. i was really relieved to know i wasn't the only one. back then, my mil kept pestering/nagging at me to find a job to help my hubby financially but who would want to hire a preggie?? i spent my 9mths mopping around at home most of the time. now this #2, im still hesitating to tell my manager & HQ cuz im somehow afraid that history will repeat itself again. sigh. i wonder if i can really enjoy the 4mths maternity leave w/o being replace. i really do worry alot sometimes.

indeed laughing gas isn't useful for me, i've tried it and i was still in alot of pain. you mentioned that you were walking alot as in exercising (or strolling)?

any mummies or MTBs still jog during your 1st tri? im considering that as jogging is my only exercise.

Hi ladies,

I am new here and I am also due in June 2010 - 22 June 2010. Currently 6 weeks going to 7 weeks now. My gynae is Dr KK Ho and I'll be delivering at Mt A.

Hmm.. i also find that my bump seems to be showing and oh yeah, do u find yourselves very forgetful and absentminded lately? I sure do!

Alrighty, hope to know u mummies more!! =)

bebe75, very nice birth story! mine was boring cause it was a planned csect.

anyone start sourcing a CL ? i called a few popular one but all book in june [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi bliss

i thought its too early for us to book the CL yet.. u were saying some oredi got booked for jun? actually when is the appropriate time to book the CL? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sberry normally start booking after 3rd month. but i called a popular CL and she is booked for june. she recommended me a few who is experience even for twins is also booked.

i am going to meet another CL and put a deposit in this 2 weeks. i don't want to end up getting any CL like my first confinement and everything is so horrible

Hi Ladies

May I know where I can good and cheap maternity pants? Realised that I cld no longer wear my working pants nowadays... $$$ sigh.

Hi all,

Yes I'm showing the bulge too at 8 weeks! For my 1st one, dun remember it was that BIG!

Hi Zoie Kau, you are seeing Dr KK Ho or HK Ho? How's the charges like? Am considering seeing him but have not make appointmnet yet. Is the waiting time long at Mt Alvernia? Anybody can advise?

CJ junior..thx for compiling the list... my doc is Dr KT Tan and hospital @ KK..thanks!

Been vomiting few times daily but not as bad as my first one where i gotto b admitted to hospital cos of dehydration...i hope dat history wun repeat itself.. *cross fingers*

Btw, Ive yet to tell my boss cos like my 1st one, my old boss wasn't took happy with me being preg cos i was very weak, took a lot of mcs, even admitted to hospital..he was more concern i get back to work asap. sigh, so for the current boss (cos the old boss transferred to another department), i just keep it hush hush until after the first trimester is over, then i will make it known..otherwise, go on as per normal, i guess..

My clothes are getting tighter alreadi so i went to buy sum stuffs from Spring Maternity (ex clothes btw), no choice.., new preg, new clothes...hehe....

Bliss - haha.. i will come back for a long long stay after that.. but will make a decision when it get closer.

for the popular CL which u mention being booked for june, is it possible to give me her contact? (can PM me) cos my edd is end june.. maybe still can make it?

missbluey - ya i also hope so.. the weather here is gd. somemore that time will be summer that means no need to sweat at all.. Can still rem how i sweat after drinking down a bowl of hot soup during my 1st confinement.. thats y i was hoping to give birth here.. maybe can also video my birthing process.. cos in east shore, they prohibited..

N.. how can I find those great CL contact? as i heard too many stuff abt CL that drive the mummies crazy during confinement..

hi all,

the thread is getting busy.. that's nice...

for the mummies who are experiencing MS, i hope as days goes by, you all wld feel better.. I'm also experiencing a bit but usually is jus the loss of appetite and the fatigue... btu still coping fine...

I'll be going for my 2nd checkup, which should show that i am abt 8wks... looking forward to it.. but then again, i think i am having urinary tract infection.. need to confirm it at the doc this wk..I realised that i'm quite prone to UTI, cos even in my uni days, i always get it... and the worst case was when i even urine blood... this time round, a lsight pain is felt... so wld see the gynae and see what she says.. hee hee


My sickness, or rather nausea is getting better. Appetite is very good...sometimes I wonder if I am eating excessively...cos I get hungry all the time. Last night I was craving for economical fried bee hoon, the famous one at Yishun coffeeshop. Told hubby and he asked me to make do with dry instant sambal noodles. I cooked myself a packet before going to bed.

And when I am not hungry, I am so sleepy. Luckily my gal has finished her exam..phew, I can relax and sleep.

Maternity wear

I am looking for comfy bottoms to wear at home. Prob will look around for those Yoga capris..they shd accommodate the tummy till 2nd trimester, and I can still wear them post delivery. These few days, I am too weary to do any shopping. Prob will do so when I no longer feel so tired.

UTI - If you are prone to UTI, try to take in more yoghurt or eat cranberries. They works very well for my kids. Read that it has something to do with the PH level of our body that is susceptible to UTI bacteria. Drinking plenty of water will also help.

Hi CJ jounior,

Pls update for me. Went for my 1st apptm ytd. Everything was fine. Saw bb heartbeat as well.

Nickname: Mickymouse

EDD: 12 Jun 2010

Hosp: TMC

Gynae: Dr Adelina Wong

Expecting: #2

Good morning ladies!

qqq - If I had the opportunity you have, I would give birth in the US. But that's just me lah. I think better to have options. But I can understand that it would be difficult without the support system you have here in Singapore.

Bigfish - Oh no. I do hope your UTI can be under control. I also heard that cranberries are good.

Update: Went for another checkup yesterday. Dr says everything is going well, and will only see me in three week's time. Had my last hormone jab yesterday too. Fingers crossed that baby develops well in the next three weeks!


stepping into my 6weeks. fingers crossed - no bad/severe MS pls.


at least when you are doing your confinement next year, you won't feel as hot as in sg but of cuz like what dot mentioned about the support system in sg. i remembered complaining of being sweaty/sticky 24/7 during the entire mth. felt so irritated then. can't imagine how im going to survive during next june.

as for maternity clothes, i still have some old ones. perhaps have to buy more new working clothes. anyone try buying maternity clothes online before? i see some are really nice & sweet but don't know i can fit anot.


take care & rest well. hope you are ok.

qqq, the CL i mention is full till july. meaning they are doing for june MTB.

she is called auntie lian. she just sms me today referring me to another CL. you may call and ask but i am not sure if she is good.

Lilan 64516402 (she is still available for june)

anyway those who is 7/8 weeks pregnant. may i know roughly your EDD ?

Lola83, sorry to hear that. i hope you are fine right now *hug*~

Hi happyfeet,

I am seeing Dr. KK Ho. He was highly recommended by my friends who had a few kids delivered by him respectively and one of them is a nurse. His clinic is at Mt E and delivers at Mt A or Mt E. The waiting time was short on the day that I went.

I find his charges reasonable. 1st consultation - $60 for consult, $80 for scan (or vice versa), subsequent consultation will be 40, 40 each. His antenatal package starts in the 20th week at $600.

Hope this is helpful.


P/S: by the way ladies, have anyone of u done dvd recording of your whole pregnancy? which i presume shd be the ultrasound scans..

Lola 83: Sorry to hear that. Please take good care of yourself *hugs*

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dot - ya.. thats wat i think so too.. tempted!!

missbluey - haha.. ya I was complaining n kp changing a new sets of clothes. Btw do u turn on the aircon during yr confinement? I intend to do it best for this one.. cos maybe this will be the last..

bliss - oh ok.. lilan.. I'm also not too sure.. so scared.. later she will drives me crazy..

hi bliss,

i m in my 8wks. My edd base on my menses should be 14 June but ytd aft gyane scanned she said base on measure is 12 June. So i guess should be plus and minus.

Hi CJ,

Pls update for me. I went for my appointment at Thomson woman's clinic at Tiong Bahru this morning. Everything was fine. Saw bb heartbeat and baby abt 1.67cm long liao. now i am 8 weeks and 3 days. According to baby's size My edd have changed to 12th Jun 10.

EDD: 12 Jun 2010

Hosp: Mt Alvenia

Gynae: Dr Woo Bit Hwa

Expecting: #1


i can't switch on aircon during confinement but i can use the fan 24/7 as long as its rotating, that's what my mil impose rules on me. yet isn't it the same when i was staying in hospital back then? i already "kena" aircon le. anyway, just listen to mil lor so long they are not unreasonable. that time she kept nagging at me that i should be lying down to rest my back & not sitting on my bed, i refused to listen & now i got backache (at spine there). haiya...should have listened to her. what i loved about confinement was her confinement food, the rest were all yuck yuck yuck. =p

**feeling sleepy**


i always thot fan and wind are worse than aircon - so long u dun wear sleevless or shorts, I think aircon is better (dun blast directly at u). That's why my utilities bill for my confinement month went up to $400+! But the resting on the back is true, i did rest more, always get some chiding if i sit on sofa for too long a period.


my CL was not too bad, except she can be quite loud when she talks. But other than that, she did all the other expected tasks and even cook for hubby at no extra charge. She only naps like an hr or so, but she handles all the night feeding. So I think i will prob engage her again in case a different CL got other styles/patterns that we are not used to.


sorry to hear abt that. Do a mini confinement so u can nurse yr health back. Take care.

Getting more forgetful too.. btw Metro 20% is coming! 6 - 8 Nov, preview begins on 5 Nov for members. I am going to grab my Clarins tonic oil!

thanks milkymouse [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] now i roughly know my edd falls on mid-end june.

jalgal, so how do you find Dr Woo ? i'm seeing him next week also going to sign up the package. will you be signing too ?

missbluey, i thought air con allowed but not fan ? i on aircon 24.7 during my first confinement but totally avoid fan.

koaru & bliss,

precisely! but well, if i don't listen to her, later hell break loose how? since mil said can means can lor, just follow.

metro sales @ metro itself or @ expo?

hi ladies

is the clarins tonic oil too oily? does it leave a greasy feeling after applying? i have allergic skin, wonder if i m able to take tis product..


Metro outlets that have Clarins counter. 20% discount applies to other products, with some Ts & Cs as usual.


i hate the greasy feeling, but no, it doesnt, cos u dun hv to put a lot, and its best to apply after a shower when there's still some moisture on yr skin (so dun hv to dab completely dry) - at least that was wat the counter lady taught me previously. Maybe u want to try the pdt on yr skin first before u purhcase cos i dun hv allergic skin..

hi ladies,

Been lazy all these while...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm now 8wks + like most of you here. i realised the MS has reduced quite a lot... and thank god, my spotting has subsided... i dun have to take the duphaston anymore! right now taking folic, calcium and iron pills...

However, my gyn gave me another 2 weeks of hospitalisation leave and asked me to rest at home. sigh... i have already taken 2 weeks of mc... now another 2 weeks... i think my job is at risk liao. LOL.

about the tonic oil.. i tried that coz the SA gave me samples when i bogt the stretch mark cream. i bogt at 10% less only. after using both, i realise i prefer the stretch mark cream as it is not as greasy as the oil and also the fragrance...

at first i thot i like the fragrance of the oil, but after using a few times, i started to dislike it... i duno why, maybe due to MS ba... so eventually i stick to the cream and if the sales is coming this weekend, then i will stock up 4-5tubes liao... my sis also want same qty... kiasu...

hi mummy to be,

i am new in the forum too. CJ please help to update.

EDD: 7 Jun 2010

Hosp: TMC

Gynae: Dr Adrian Tan

Expecting: #1


thanks ladies for ur comments on the cream n oil.. :p will try it out at the counter... previously i m using the one tat is sold only at my gynae clinic. but i still got alot of stretch marks loh, not sure if my preg tummy too big or.. anw, will check out the clarins.. thanks..

