(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Hello mummies..

No time to log in till now.. Realise this thread got a LOT OF mummies.. i think i will take a long time to remember the nicks.. hehe.. After 1st pregnancy.. my grey matters died off quite a bit liao.. Now with e 2nd one.. lagi worse.. ZOIE gal.. u are not alone..Its medically proven that pregnant women are quite absent minded.

qqq.. i think i will probably come back earlier? Erm.. i also dunno.. its a catch 22 situation.. if u come back can ur hubby caome back too? If he can than its ok unless u dun mind if he is not ard when u deliver? I sure will want him to be ard.. Give birth in US also can.. but must check out hosp bills lor ( realistically thinking) and maybe if can extend ur stay by 1-2 weeks and get ur mum to come over and help out.. things will not be that bad... But u better start packing most ur stuffs b4 u give birth.. staying for 1 yr plus sure got lotsa stuffs to bring home!!

Re: stretchmark cream

Did u all gers try Elancyl?? U can get from guardian.. i personally like it and honestly speaking although i have big tummy.. haha.. i dun have stretch marks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bebe75.. wah.. ur 2nd delivery was SUPER SMOOTH!! I also want!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: 8 weeks checkup

CJ.. i went to see dr adrain to get MC last night.. bad MS..

Wow.. babies really grow very fast.. in 1 week, grew from 0.5 cm to 1.5 cm.. can see the hands and feet and even head forming now.. last week only saw 1 round thingy.. hehe


Hi Ladies

Need to check if there's anything u are taking now to strengthen your body? This is my first preg... and we usually eat outside most of the times. So thot of seeking expert advices from some of the mummies here. Any food I shd eat more? Thanks in advance.

Hi Bliss,

Dr Woo is suitable for me. i like his style cos he is detail and no rush. He will ask me do you have any question before he start another topic. Which is good for me. Tell you a joke. this morning while i am waiting at the clinic i saw an old man with a mask walk out from the room. At a glance i tot the dr look very old and i tel myself pls dun give me this dr. then for a while i suddenly saw the room is belong to the woman clinic then i start worry and tell my hubby oh Gosh our gynae will be a very old man and i scare he might not be able to handle my delivery hahaha. think too much. rite. and start to think should i change Gynae again haiz... but this is the 3rd one le i dun wanna change liao. so i start praying. then when my turn to go in i actually find Dr woo is not that old. Thank God and his is quite detail too. Anyway i intend to sign with him but my next appt is 1 month later. so will only sign the package when i am in weeks 12. Beside i did ask him abt medication bcos the 1st and 2nd gynae give me 2 diff medicine so i wonder who should i follow then he explain to me quite patiently so i am stick to the 1st gynae medicine which is folic acid plus dusphaston. He told me that Obimin(which the 2nd gynae from NUH give me) got iron and multi- V but is not so suitable for the first tri. the iron will make me vomite so in the end i might vomite out the folid acid too.


Do put me in:


EDD: 16 July 2010

Mt A

Gynae: Dr Douglas Ong


Friend, just take more fruits and balanced meal. not much of "Pu" food now, but avoid Dang Gui in the first tri.

Hi all

Anmum for Pregnant Mum - vanilla flavour for all

I have sample of 37.5g x 12 pack. If u are keen, I am willing to give the sample for free with the purchase of 650g x 1 box at $16.

Expiry date for sample: May 2010

Expiry date for box: Jun 2010

Collection at my place at Jurong East.

Pls PM me if u are interested.


Pls add me in the list


EDD: 30 Jun 2010

SGH, Dr Tan HK


I thought I was at my 7th week already but scan showed week 6. So happy to see the HB today. Somehow I feel more anxious and worried this time. Thought i should be more relaxed since I have been through it once. Must keep reminding myself happy mummy = happy baby!

Hi MTBs,

Sorry to intrude.. you may wish to get the BabyPlus Prenatal Education System for you baby?

The BabyPlus Prenatal Education System includes a washable comfort pouch and an instruction manual. Retail is S$ 288. Selling at $180. In good working condition like brand new.

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Hi MTBs,

I'm new here and glad to know so many thgs thru this forum. 2 days ago just listened to the baby's heartbeat and i'm really thrilled.

Hi CJ, can you update for me too?

EDD: 23 Jun 2010

Hosp: Mt E

Gynae: Dr Ben Neo

Expecting: #1

hi lola,

sorry to hear abt you. take care ok.. cry if you need to. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ms vain: wow.. 2week hospitalisation leave?sian right? are you spotting?

anyway ladies, personally i think when got pregnant, tend to fall sick easily. anyone else same?


try to avoid oily/deep fried food, no nutrients at all. also avoid certain seafood eg. stingray, heard got high level of something which i can't remember what the word. salmon is good (omega 3)! but of cuz no raw pls. for me, its no no for me despite im fan of sashimi. im so gonna eat that after delivery! hehe.

ms vain,

pls take gd care of yourself ok.

irma k,

as for me, i've yet to fall sick (choy choy touchwood). i just try not to fall sick cuz i don't want to take med during pregnancy, just call me kiasi. =p

welcome new mummies~

summer I have dogs and cats never any problem with them while pregant.


I am also craving so much for raw salmon... hubby is trying to control me... sigh... that is the first thing I am going to eat after I deliver!

missybluey. good2.. *choi* its hard to handle with the MC & when you're sick. trust me! i hated it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

summer: if dun mind, how far along are you? i was having cramps & spotting to when i ws in 3-4wk. very scary lor. but now no more alr! i was like Thank you God!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sourfish: tell me abt it. i was craving for sushi & tempura.. hubby dun let me eat.. but until now still tinking abt it.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

jalgal, seems like is a good experience. i did bring my medication from GP to show him and he went through one by one and think is better if i don't take antibiotic and let my sorethroat heal by itself.

1 more week to see him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] maybe one day we will meet each other in the clinic!

Re stretchmark cream: actually if your mom does have stretchmark, most likely you will get it. i did not apply much cream during my first pregnancy and i have no stretchmark. those who can't really effort clarin one can use normal vit E moisturizer which does the same too. must make sure the cream is fully absorb. i find applying is very troublesome thing. especially in 2nd trimester will feel arms will ache easily so i stop after that. those who is applying must remember to apply not only tummy, but waist, thigh and buttock [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

summer i have 3 dogs and 2 of them slept on my bed during my pregnancy. after my son is born, they slept with him. no problem.

but my gynae did ask me not to touch cats.

anyway ladies, talking abt stretch marks cream/ oil.. i have a contact selling the Clarins Stretch mark oil at $56.. anyone want to buy together so that we can save on the delivery rate of $4?

Sourfish, Irma,

isn't good that u hv cravings? I just dread mealtimes, cos wondering if i will puke out after that.. sigh.. think i hv lose a bit of weight due to all those MS and no appetite.

summer: i was paranoid too when i was spotting.due to my prev m/c. during the spotting period,it was brownish, pinkish discharge. your appt next is 2nd appt isit? now i 7wk liao. thank god no more..

looks like there are a couple of us who are japanese food fans. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ok.. enough talk about sashimi... drooling already 'cos cannot eat at all... haiz...

actually, i never had cravings for my past 2 pregnancies... this time round, i can tell hubby what kind of food i want.

this has since stopped though... nowadays, don't feel as hungry as usual although i will force myself to eat 3 main meals a day... however, when i'm hungry, i'm really really hungry kind. cannot wait. must eat NOW. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 2 more weeks to seeing my gyane. hopefully everything will be alright...

summer, i don't think will affect the baby. since my son is born, my flat yet come and we slept on the floor so my dog will sleep at my baby feet and he grow up to love dogs too. even when he is a newborn, barking doesn't startle him or wake him up. maybe he is used to the barking when he is in my tummy. i hug my dogs to sleep when i'm pregnant too. they will jump around me but very cute thing is they will avoid my tummy.

now my son is 2 year old. but we have moved out. but everytime we went back he will start kissing and talking to them about mickey mouse etc.

Just make sure floor is clean and keep your dog fur short to prevent flying fur around. Don't stop your dog from getting near your baby, this will cause your dog to be very fierce to baby like my friend she gave away her 8 year old dog cause he tends to get near her baby and she keep screaming at him. ended up the doggie wants to bite her baby.

sourfish: i do have cravings.. but when food infront of me, at times i simply cannot take it..ate too much nonsense till i had diarrhoea.. then cannot throw wind. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sigh...

-delete all sashimi/salmon wordings-

just have to stop myself from thinking *trying very hard*


ya, im similar like you. when im really hungry, i must eat. but like last night, i was quite hungry but when i saw what the dinner was, i was abit sian. ate abit, told hubby i wanted hor fun but he kept dily dally in the end i went to slp w/o hor fun. dreamt of hor fun last night. -.-" until now im still thinking hor fun, hahahaha.


yea, i was down with flu when during my 1st pregnancy. hated it, hated taking the med. fortunately, i wasn't working then. now situation is diff, have to really look after myself.


any normal vit e moisturizer will do? what about nivea? or you mean those products stated with vit e in it? i think my mum had stretch marks that's why i had them too. i actually don't really mind stretch marks, im more concerned about my fats. >.<

Irma K,

Yesterday I ate nothing but 2 bags of potato chips.. in the end, felt very uncomfortable in my throat. Like have something stuck. Feel nauseous also. But can't eat anything else 'cos feel so full in the tummy.

At night, everything came out. But because I had nothing but potato chips, it was very dry and was stuck in my throat. Took ages to come out. So much so that now I have a sore throat... and when I spit, there is a bit of blood. Hai...

So now I will make an effort not to eat junk.

sourfish: aiyo..thats bad... thats the consequences of taking junk.. same here lor.. sigh.

my mom keep telling me, if you crave, must get, if not baby will salivate.. hehe~ now only i already have extra2 saliva in my mouth..

missbluey (keep typing your name wrong. hehe~ sorry): i also hate the medicine. lucky safe for preggy ladies..

missbluey, yes any moisturizer will do. find those which more vit E. if you buy a better moisturizer will cost you probably $20-$30 but clarins is over $70. but if you can afford it will be good. but if wanna save more money get normal ones will do.

mainly vit E will make your skin more elastic so when it stretch and after giving birth it can be more elastic so not much stretchmarks. but i heard stretchmark is genetic. i do not have but i do have abit at my thigh which my mom has abit too but not tummy even 3 pregnancy so i guess it does affect abit.

for fats, after delivery you got to be hardworking enough massage everyday so won't have loose tummy. after 3 months start to sit-up. will get flat tummy again. losing fats isn't easy thing. got to exercise and exercise.

i find breastfeeding is the best way to lose fats. i put on 20kg during pregnancy. in 2 months i lose everything and now i'm still back to pre pregnancy weight.

summer I totally agree with bliss about children with dogs, our dog used to go and sit by my sons cot when he was crying and would not move untill I got there,just reamber your dog is part of your family, your baby will prob find the barking a confort sound when it is a newborn as it is familer,

another good moisturizer is bodyshop cocoa butter I used it and dont have strechmarks on tummy,

bliss facebook acc [email protected]


Can update my details for me also

Gynae: Dr Eunice CHua

Hospital : TMC

Yest went for my checkup can hear the BB heartbeat sound so nice but sianz blood clot still leave abit hence need to be on the yucky utrogestron and backside given a jab also..charmz hv put on ard 1.5kg quite alot rite...


go and eat your hor fun. for me, a couple of weeks ago, i was dreaming of ban mien. just thinking and thinking and i could feel the taste of the soup in my mouth.

in the end, managed to eat my ban mien... few hours later, went back to the same stall again to eat another bowl! hubby was shaking his head in disbelief... he still asked me if i want to ta pao.

actually, since that time, i have not eaten any more ban mien. hahaha.

hi mummies!

can i join this thread? my edd 2 june. actually not sure if i should join this thread or May 2010!! guess we'll see when bb decides to come [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hey gals,

my facebook acc is [email protected]

i went for my checkup yesterday too... bb 22mm, doc pointed out the head, body, hands & legs, can roughly see it.... i saw the limbs moving on the monitor...

I didnt know that can actually hear the heartbeat .... i must request to hear it next time....

Can i check with u gers if you are seeing yr gynea every 2 weeks now??

I have been seeing my gynea ev 2 weeks & will be seeing him again on 24th before my OSCARS. is this normal??


i think its ok to eat junk food once in a while but 2 @ a go? o.o no wonder your throat was very uncomfortable lah. better drink more water. i also do eat tibits occasionally but i always feel guiilty if i finish all in a day.


what your mother said quite made sense. hehe. i kept salivating these days. also seems to have the weird taste in my mouth. hmmm.


im aware that bf-ing is the most effective way to lose weight. i wanted to bf then, but mil sort of interfere with my bf-ing session, got irritated then stopped liao. was abit blue then. till now, i still feel a little guilty when i hear mummies can bf very easily.


how much is the bodyshop cocoa butter? may want to try that. clarins very xiong leh.

btw, my fb account: [email protected]

im an active fb user. haha.

HI to Isobellies!



i think maybe your gynae is more careful type? perhaps he just want to be sure that everything goes well. don't worry~

your 1st bb?

miss bluey I think the body shop one is around $28.00 its really good though,

Sharkey I am seeing gynae once a month now, how come you seeing every two weeks I wish I was once a month not enough get very impatient waiting for next appoinment,

Sourfish you sound like me, eating so much crap! carls junior burgers for lunch today and want pizza everynight, my husband has just got back from overseas and banned me from eating junk at dinner, so im packing it all in during the day while he is at work.


yesyes my 1st bb.. got previous ectopic pregnancy in dec 07.... maybe that why im seeing him so often...

i sign package already, so consultation & scanning are inclusive... just feel weird how come im seeing him so often..........

jalgal & missbluey, added u on fb...

aven: no results found when i search for yr email address on fb...


thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] this bb is your #2? mine is #2, i also had trouble bfing last time, so this time am more determined! lucky #1 is v v healthy and strong despite being mostly on forumla.

bfing to lose weight is not true for all mummies though, i have some friends who bf a lot but still had hard time to shed the kilos.

Hi Sharky,

Thanks, will add u to9 cos cant use fb in the office sianz....

Huh how i wish i also can see the gynae in 2 weeks time just to make sure everything is alrite. but dunno y he oni wanna see me 1 month later. i also have m/c this yr may. so kind of gan chiong. i will monitor if anything go wrong i will quickly go n see him. dun care.

Hi Bliss,

What's ur fb acc number may be i can add you to9 then if i bump in to you in the clinic atleast i know mah haha.


if you already sign package then wu hua to see the doc every 2 weeks leh hehe...

for me its every 3 weeks cos the blood clot still left little bit there leh.

oh ya yest my doc on the heart beat monitor as she did the scan for me....nice to see the white flickering thing (the heartbeat) on the monitor also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The bodyshop cocoa butter heard its not bad also but for my #1 pregnancy i bot it and couldnt stand the smell and didnt use it at all. Now still stting smwhere in the bathroom.


i think i'm really like u! can be no appetite at all.. stomach bloated.. alot of wind.. then when i'm hungry, i really need to eat IMMEDIATELY.. cant wait =( ....

do we really need to apply stretch cream so early? btw, do you gals start to have baby bumps already? think i have.. or could it be the stomach bloat? coz they said 1st preg will take sometime to show the tummy... =( alot of pants couldnt fit in... haiz...


oic. though i don't really know what ectopic pregnancy is but i think it isn't a good thing during pregnancy. your gynae is anxious about you, that's good ma.

okok, i go approve in fb.


this is my #2. i don't want to put too much hope on bf later i disappointed again, so just take things easy bah.


i totally understand your feelings. that time i spotting, i so anxious & kept asking doc what if i got spotting again? should i come and see you (doc)? doc said no need lah, he will be seeing me in about 2 weeks' time & assured me everything will be ok. did that virginal scan to let me hear bb's heartbeat, said heartbeat is strong. for now, money is a minor issue compared to my bb's health.


as for me, my #1 started showing in late 3rd/early 4th mth, yet my friends said tummy was still small leh. now my #2, im in 6 weeks but i feel tummy is already showing (cum fats) liao. asked hubby double confirm, he said no lah. its i think too much. -___________-

jalgal: same la..i also once a mth meet gynae. meeting him coming this end nov.. i also scared2.i think we just cant get rid of the memory of the prev m/s right?

Sharky thats strange but I have added you anyway, as well as miss bluey and jalgirl,

stretch marks

actually the ante natal class at Mt. A said that stretch mark cream doesn't work cos if you going to have it you will.. but i think if you going to have stretch marks it won't help if your skin is not moisturised well? i used the clarins one last time, smells v nice! will be buying again soon.


me at 10weeks only and already can't fit into my normal clothes, but i heard it's normal for #2. for #1 i can fit into normal clothes until 3-4 months!

Hi Aven ,

Thanks for the add.

Hi Irma,

Oh u also seeing gynae once a month ar. i think it +vely that mean baby is heathy and safe that y doc dun need to see us so often. when is the last time you see you gynae? i just went yest and my next appt is 1 dec.


missbluey & isobellies,

then its confirmed! its my stomach bloat.. haa! but when i have appetite, i can eat alot.. i'm a sashimi fan too.. dare not eat much.. ate 2 slices only.. then still can eat wonton noodles at 12+am.. haa.. muz be the excess fats residual.. =P

hey, i've heard abt the clarins stretch mark cream too.. said to be quite good.. maybe i shld buy tat soon.. =P

