(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

TY - yr equation on the local system is so true..hiaz.

Ideally, I hope to find one sch that can allow my boy to attend from nursery all the way to K2. 10 yrs ago, during my gals' time..most kids start sch at Nursery..now we have pre-nursery liao..scary huh..

I actually wanted to let my boy attend marymount kindergarten..my friends had good review abt the school. I thought I am only due for registration next year for their nursery class..but when I looked up..they told me they are now starting to have waiting list for 2010 babies..cos priority are given to the sibling of existing siblings..so every year, they will have long waiting list ahead of the registration opening date.

Look like I have to stick to playgroup temporarily while looking around for avail classes...


carpe diem - my fren's gal attended the punggol branch..looks good..her gal enjoyed it and judging from the pics..seems to have a lot of outdoor activities.

Learning vision - my landlord put her kids at LV @nanyang poly...she claimed very good...clean n safe environment..and the fee is not ex..maybe I shd consider applying a job at nanyang poly hor...

carpe diem - actually only some branches are good.. but good ones are too far away from my place lor..

alamark.. i cant have lunch tml again! got dept lunch! sucks.. how abt today??

bebe, how much will u be paying for the playgroup?

walau Cath, u come in and promote evil again huh. this morning, i saw so many Prada bags floating around that i buay tahan oredi leh!!

Rabbit, you better be more kiasu bah. it pays to be ks! i have oredi submitted the forms to the principal, the playgrp near my hse, they say will call me at dec. im keeping my fingers crossed lor


u ordering from this coach outlet? keke...


hv u waitlisted NAFA as well? how's the kindy? i like the fact they incoporate all the Arts in the curriculum then dnt need to outsource.


For perth look out for SQ deals. normally they hv good 2 to fly deal. Perth my fav destination. been there for like 3 yrs consecutive. Am toying with the idea of going back again this year cos too lazy to do up the itinary if go for other states in AU.

Am tempted to do the pemberton forest stay keke..


the kindys u mentioned r nearer to my place, hv u visited them personally yet? I hv not done anything, just tell my hb this morning hv to start searching already else by the time our son reached the of 2 or 3, no places liao, damn scary. I hope the govt can do something abt it, the system is mad, and it pay to be ks, omg.


I heard Marymount kindergarten is good too! I called them earlier this yr but I can't rem what was the conclusion. Then again, kindergarten is not really a choice for me.

Infant care

My gal ganna bitten by another child on the hand yday!! It was quite swollen! And then another unaccounted scratch on te face. Haiz...


where's marymount kindy?

i also heard LV at nyp not bad.. aiyo.. need to start my kindy search again?!.. non-stop one eh! have the same fear as amy, should i not put him on some wait list nw, he wun haf sch to go to le! of cos, he always have a back up plan of continuing w eton.. but doesn't hurt to look around more.. those nearer and more convenient ones..


i'm not sure if by SQ.. but if by SQ then not bad deal huh? i act dun mind budget airlines.. dun mind paying a lot lesser for discomfort of a few hrs.. haha! tigerbb, u really got gd lobang eh! but cos i can only leave during the sch hol.. likely not have any gd lobangs anyway?? haha!

Marymount kindergarten seems good ar? my fren just send her gal there last mth after coming back fm Australia.. but her daughter is N2 le

am still torn between childcare and those 3hrs playgroup/nursery.

i just called living sanctuary kindergarten.. enrol for jan'13 oni starts in may'12 and likewise to marymount, priority for siblings n church members. no wait list open yet, maybe end of the yr, now oni can send in email for interest list but place nt guarantee.


i think my case is b'cos i oni intend to start at age of around the age of 3, thus worry no place as a lot of the bb start from playgroup then "upgrade" to N1 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mummies planning for tour/or hv bot bb for tour

Would u consider the flight time as one criteria to choose the place to go? Perth is abt 4hr and Brisbane is abt 8hr. 8hr seem scary, thus not sure whether shd stick to Perth, no planning needed as hb already familiar with the route, else we are thinking of exploring Bne & Adelaide.


Jetstar was ok. Only no mealtime to look forward to/kill time. Ha ha. For the price, cannot complain.


last yr I went during the start of the yr end sch holiday. Till now I'm still thinking they made a mistake on the fare that's why so cheap. :p

I'm like Ty, always looking out for "greener" schools. :p

Marymount is ard thomson area if I am not wrong.

mommies, i'm quite blur abt this school thingy.. can someone help me? haha...

so earliest to start school is 18mths.. 18m to 3yo is pre-nursery, 3yo=N1, 4yo=N2, 5yo=K1, 6yo=K2.. kindergarten is a must? then before that, can either stay at home, go 2-3 hrs playgroups or go childcares.. then eton, mindchamps etc are childcares..?

tiger baby, oh my how come?

bluberi, actually playgrp might be a better choice.. because i do feel is kinda cruel to just throw little kids at CC for the whole day.. very taxing for them and their little mind.

too bad my area dont have play grps.. and my mil wont be willing to travel also.

just called east coast lorna.. 18 mths can start the playgroup, half day is 980, full day is 1490.. made appt to view the premises and classes next thurs..


Carpe Diem @ Punggol can get very hot in the afternoon.. and I find the place a bit run down. Peck's elder son was there previously too.

I also lazy to switch schools, so plan to let me ger continue her kindy with the current CC tho the fees aint cheap but at least not as Ex as Odyssey!

tiger baby,

better be careful as sometimes if the bite is too deep can get infected!

oh dear tiger! your poor Sab. did you complain or make a fuss? brought her to see doc?

rabbit, then u r considered lucky. as u r considered confirmed oredi. how much u paying?

Amy, i think 4 hr flight still bearable for bb but 8 hrs is too long oredi

Elise, i must send in the form and paid for reg then considered confirm.. haha. but ya quite lucky as they told me feb onwards got space liao. after subsidies is $450. actually i thinking if i should also take a look again at PCF. that time i popby without appt, i talk to the person in charge, i not sure if is the principle. she say no space. didnt really share much of the curriculum, even for K1, K2 also nope. she was telling me when decide liao come down again.

but i think $450 should be the best rate i can pay le.. and somemore i am a lazy person to travel.. carpe diem just across the street.

but my concern is, is it normal to combine N1 and toddler grp together?


my ger previous CC even combine N1 + N2 in 1 class which I really din like. Even tho the teachers claim that they conduct class separately but sure will get distracted in the same classroom wat.. better ask if they do everything all together or they do have separate sessions for at least the core curriculum.

Hi Rabbit.. which carpe diem u put ur gal with? So affordable. I also thinking putting my gal @ carpe diem in the east side but will still cost me at least $700 for half day after subsidy.

wow.. Jojo, i supposed Lorna east coast branch half day @ $980 is after subsidy..??

kaoru, ohh okok.. i better call up and ask..

Joelle, mine is at bukit panjang petir road. but maybe because is at neighborhood area.. thats why cheaper?

Elise - I have not signed up for any playgroup yet..still scouting around Bishan area. Intend to let my boy attend 2 hrs playgroup in the morning..then send him to my PILs' place after the playgroup for him to nap and take his meals. At least he will not be watching tv whole day at PILs' place...and also ah gong and ah ma will not have to watch over him the whole day

18mth old daily playgroup is usu without parental presence..so I do not know how he will behave in class or not..so I am also looking at those weekly playgroup to get him adapt to "classroom" environment before going to the daily playgroup..otherwise really bu fan xin to go and work..also must consider the traveling distance..I dunwan to trouble the old folks to spend too much on the road fetching my boy..preferably walking distance..

Tigerbaby - For marymount, the con is the transport...have to take their sch bus, but I dun think I am ready to let my boy take sch bus at such young age..we have kids attending the kindy at marymount in my area..but they are usu K1 and K2..

Hopecg - Marymount kindy is at Marymount Rd..(haha)..it is near Toa Payoh Rise..quite an old building, but then established kindy..

Bluberi - u can consider those half day cc, or 2-3 hrs playgroup..then the other half of the day, can ask yr mum/sis to help you to take care?? At least yr gal can have some "academic" hours in sch and some R&R time at home.

Koaru - did not know that Carpe Diem @ Punggol will get noon sun..I only see my fren's FB pics of her gal in school and seemed that they have many outdoor activities...haha..

for childcare, normally suburban areas are cheaper rite? example,cherie kids at kovan compare with tanjong pagar, cheaper by $60/mth

the carpe diem near my place is about $400 after subsidy but I didnt choose it cos i find it too run-down..

Gonna switch CC for my my boy when he turns 18mths.. switch to Elfa.. they follow kinderland curriculum.. will be paying $500 odd after subsidy.

bebe75, ya.. after discussion with my hubby on the ph just nw.. we decided to put her in 2hrs playgroup next jan.. CC idea will temp put off till jan'13 or just put in 3hrs N1 class.. hopefully can get in Living Sanctuary Kindergarten then i will skip the whole CC idea..


so fast u wanna change ah.. where is Elfa? I visited Kinderland Tampines Safra few yrs back cos i heard the curriculum also not bad, but the place quite small..


According to teachers, they were playing together and suddenly my gal cried. Didn't really make a big fuss as the kids are still too young to know what's right and wrong. I told my hb we also can't guarantee my gal won't bite others.


Thanks for reminding! Will lookout though now it seems to have got better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kaoru, i dont like My First Skool leh.. not impressed with the curriculum and each time i pick J up, i hear the teachers screaming at the kiddos.. the kiddos also dont look very happy.. it speaks volumes right? For IfC, i am just closing one eye for now...

Elfa is at Tamp CC and Simei CC. I like the layout of Tamp CC.. they ahve an indoor playground for gym lessons but I am no. 99 on the waiting list!!!! So I am going to park him at Simei's ELFA first..

Mezzo - hmmm was tempted but held back cos honestly ... wonder if it really is authentic. will just browse thru the designs and tell my colleague to buy for me. Cos he is going US for a run.

Elise, ya lo. Missed the bash ma ... Sian. No one whatsapp / msg me. Sob sob big time.

Tigerbaby, they dun have CCTV to play back ar? When I brot zz out with a fren, zz also kena bitten by him. Zz go n put his finger into ppl's mouth (he likes to do this to me, play with my mouth, teeth), then kena bitten hard hard on the index finger. Sometimes when they r playing, they will pull each other's hair etc. Cannot blame the babies, they dunno. So adults must watch closely lor. In IFC, it's not 1-1 attention, so sigh, as long as the teachers try their best ba.


Oh no! Glad to know that Sabrina's hand is better though. I must say that you are very calm and reasonable. I know of many parents who would have completely over-reacted.


Do we have a group watsapp going on? Can add pls? :p


Yah lor, was hoping to meet up with you leh.

Gitz - u r also looking for playgroup in Bishan area? which part of Bishan r u referring to? I know there r some established one at the central or Bishan east like Hampton, Bright start Montessori, Cherie house etc. I m looking at Bishan north..totsville is my shortlisted one but yet to go n check the actual place.. There are some located at the underground defence shelter..

joelle, $980 is before subsidy.. most places not much diff between half and full day, but lorna big diff lei..

got playdate recently meh?


cos my cousin's son once got bitten on the cheek and luckily the mom brought him to see PD cos it was really deep and would hv otherwise been infected. to think we initially think she muz hv over-reacted so best to monitor closely.. esp our todd cant speak yet.


i know of fren who puts their kiddo at Moriah, a church based CC @ Simei. Seems not bad tho I hvnt been there personally. It's so hard to find a "perfect" school for our kiddo.. muz meet min standard n price!


looking at central area.. around the bishan cc

i think the only one should be bright start

Jojo.. $980 before subsidy still on high side for half day. ($830).. I think have to think twice..

Rabbit.. the carpe diem i enquire is at PICO building (near Kallang), they quote me $630 after subsidy for half day and full day only $80 more.. zzz.. but i think they are doing promotion soon to attract more kids.. cos the centre is relatively new.. will visit next few days to check out the facilities

I called the GUG @ mountbatten Centre.. they told me is slightly cheaper than USq cos the centre is less than 1 yr old.. they want to attract more kids..

The prices:

For 8-18mths (baby class)

- $592 (2x per wk- wkday)

- $840 (3x per wk- wkday)

- $352 (1x per wk-wkend)

Prices are for 8 wks term, each session 1.5hr

@19mths onwards Toddler class, its abt $32 extra for 2x/wk and $48 (3x/wk)..

Trial lesson is $50 (to join the regular class)..

Anyone want to join me for the trial lesson. either Sat(9.30am, 11.30am, 2pm) or Sun (2pm)?

Joelle, i see.. i think difficult place different pricing lor.. newer places relatively more expensive ba..

GUG you manage to get trial slot? that time my friend tried calling up an arrange a grp trial. waiting list very very long.. i think one of the mummies here also mention the same thing right?

GUG trial class - I finally got a trial slot yesterday..waited since my boy was 10mth old..so average abt 3 mths of waiting

Overall, the pace is quite fast, I mean, u have to cos u gotta capture all these active toddlers' attention. The 2 teachers were very lively and bubbly but my boy seemed to be unfazed of the new faces..he was more eager to explore the classroom, and not too keen to participate in their activities..The only thing he enjoyed are the snack time and the art/craft time..

I am still undecided if I wanna sign him up..the teachers told me it is normal for my boy to get distracted..it will take him a few more lessons before he settles down cos by then he will be bored with the classroom exploration and more interested to join in the singing/dancing activities. I hope this is true..cos it is very hard for my boy to sit still for long..

There is still trial vacancies for GUG Mountbatten.. I spoke to them today at noon.. But I have to call back again cos I did not confirm my trial this wkend..

BluBeri, the bilingual class is on wkends only if I'm not wrong, i think the lady told me same price as wkend price $352.

If trial ok, I think I plan to switch bb to this in their next term..in mid aug.

Joelle, meaning the GUG bilingual class for sat is the timings stated above? But my boy cannt sit still type leh.. Scared waste time.. My nephew went to GUG n cos he keeps walking about my sil pulled him out..

mi tinking to send to GUG oni jan'12 at e earliest leh. Joelle, aug u planning is for bilingual class? $352 is per term or mth?

Hope> the timing i mentioned on Sat are the class schedule. there is no 3pm class. Last class is 2pm on Sat. Sun only 1 class @ 2pm. Mayb u can take the earlier classes on Sat or u try wkdays?

Zinc> There is only Bilingual class on Sat and Sun. Both @ 2pm. I plan to trial on Sun.. ur boy n my gal same lor. @ Kindermusik they cannot sit still already.. but i heard its normal for them to explore on the 1st 2-3 class.. after that they sian liao then they will sit down and follow the kids..

BluBeri> initially i'm also thinking of sending my gal next yr Jan'12.. but since the next term starts in Aug.. i just want her to try out.. But if the trial class she dun like, then i will delay in signing up.

The Bilingual class is only Sat and Sun 2pm. Other timeslots in wk day and wkend has also Mandarin exposure but only 15 mins. The bilingual class has 30 mins. And Yes, it is the same price for Bilingual class or wkend class.. Its $352 per term (8 wks)

Double Confirmed! There is 3 trial vancanies for Sun 2pm bilingual class. Sat 2pm has only 2 vancanies. Normally they will only accept 2 trials if the class is not full. Btw, the class ratio is 2 teachers to 10 students. they do not exceed this ratio. That includes for trials.

Anyone interested in the sun trial?


hello mummies, been MIA for very very very long time..too busy in my new shxxxx job.

really cant follow all the threads u all discussing now..can read abt going ccc so far..

may i ask if anyone is going to put ur kid to ccc full day when they hit 18mths old? i'm starting to worry if my boy can cope it, whether is he too young to go (though i know some mummies hv their children put in infant care already =) ), dont know if teachers will hv patience for him as he's quite active, how to settle dinner for kid after fetching him from work etc.. another new worry for me.. thx thx.

