(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


yah, i'm having the same thoughts now. Should I put him in full day ccc, or play group? but haven't had the time to really think it through yet, so....



i dont dare to put playgroup as i dont have anyone who can commit to help me look after my boy the rest of day. headache lor

now i noticed my baby always shout and scream at the top of her lungs whenever we don't give her something. shakes her butt when she watches MTV channel. does this action sounds similiar to your babies? even want to climb out from the car seat!

dot, if u put him at playgrp only a few hrs nia. but at childcare, its for whole day. it depends on whether u got the time to look after him or not. decided oredi?

forum so quiet over the weekend.

seems like a lot of mummies scouting for preschools already. i am thinking to only let my little one goes to school from N1 onwards which is for 3 yrs old,right? do we send them to N1 in Jan 2013?

elise... same. my ger will scream and hit us when she doesnt get what she wants.

wonder if its time to start teaching her not to hit people. but how to be effective in teaching them? their little hands can be quite painful to be hit by them.

Sparkle, i always grab hold of her tiny hands whenever she wants to beat me and shake my head and tell her cannot beat. must tell repeatedly many many times then she will get the msg across.

Elise, zz also leh. Must give in to him or he will whine n whine. If I really dun wan him to do something he wants, I'll

carry him away n use something else to distract him.

Sparkle, I have a suggestion but I dunno if it works. U teach her to use hand to sayang. Maybe she will stop using hand to hit ppl when she learns to sayang with hand.


I want to put Darius in Full Time Childcare when he is 18 mths, but my hubby don't want. As he will be going for 6 mths in camp training, thus he wanna wait till he finish his training first. So sian..

I gave him the reason is that at least I put him in a CC near my workplace will be easier for me. I can send him to CC b4 going work and fetch him back and go home together. As now, everyday I have to go to my MIL place to see him after work, then by the time i reach home everyday is like 10 plus at night liao. very tiring.. Plus I will have to go there alone..

THen he post me this qns on which Childcare to put in. What if im on leave leh if put near workplace? What if you cant fetch him in time? argh... so sian...

wat shld i do... I really wanna let darius go explore and learn from 18mths..

Yar lor.. Add me too!


Yr hubby is not wrong. If Yr working hrs r very predictable or flexible then I think a cc near Yr workplace is ideal. Or if u hv reliable Helpers like hubby or mil who can be activated as n when necessayz. Also be prepared to take leave in the initial mths when Darius is in cc cos for sure fall sick very easily. I plan to put my boy in fullday cc after he turns 2. Meanwhile may look for a Sat class like JG cos I want to give him undivided attention too - hard when u hv 2 to handle.

Got watsapp gp? Pls add me leh ! 90926895

I agree wif koaru on the cc bit.. U can still let ur bb learn something thru the enrichment class for now..

Adeline, rationalise with your hubby. Going to a cc has more pros than cons (falling sick) - Darius will be having fun with friends and learning independence (things that we are lazy to teach at home e.g. self feeding). By 18 mos (I suppose some mummies here with older kids may agree with me), the kids will be totally restless, screaming/running at home, and what are they going to do at home facing a grandparent or maid? They won't and don't know how to teach, end up the kid either learns very bad english or picks up bad habits and got no chance to be independent. You can ask your hubby why he wants to keep Darius at home? Based on what? Or ask him to give you/Darius a chance - go first, if really not suitable or you are always stuck at work and late to pick him, then take him out of cc. The later you send them to school, I think the kids will find it harder to adapt. Imagine if he goes to N1 and his classmates are already very independent and have their own cliques. And he's the only one struggling to adapt and cry. Unless you send him to places like half day kindergartens or Chiltern House which has programs from Nursery 1 onwards then all the kids are new in the class/school. You know my son goes to JG now, yesterday afternoon he surprised me by repeating the music/dance moves he learnt in school (shake butt, wave arms in the air, clap hands and turn around and fell down haha!) while watching tv. When Darius learns and comes home to show you, it's going to be delightful.

If your office is at Cantonment, Pinnacle has a very nice cc ;-)

Hi, anyone knows if Little Skool House is good for 1.5 - 2.5 yr olds? Is curriculum as impt as playtime? What to look out for in a CC?


I went to check out the cc at my workpplace, but the waitlist is soooo long! He will probably only get a spot in 2013, But by then I may want to put him in kindy already. Hopefully my mum will be able to continue to help out until then... In the meantime, just continue, and maybe send for enrichment classes. thinking of checking out baby jumper gym, JG, GUG and shichida. Anyon knows if shichida has trial sessions?


so your hubby wants to put Darius in CC only after his in camp so that he can help to pick Darius up if he is sick and so on? If so, I think he has a point and is being very nice and involved.

But I also agree with your that it would be good for Darius to go for cc also. Lots to learn and can be more independent and good to interact with other kids.

Guess I'm not helping very much.

Whatsapp group - can add? 90298408

Adeline - the reasons for being darius in the child care??


- learn to be indep

- less travelling time

- a more formal environment for socialising


- Need to knock off on time

- expect Little D to fall sick more frequently

- if he is sick, u need a backup nanny, otherwise u have to apply leave

- more costly?

U have to weigh the above pros and cons together with yr hubby. I think yr major concern is more of travelling time..I know it can be very tiring to travel up and down and after work..I was once in this scenario..ideally, it will be good if yr MIL can come over to yr place..or u stay near MIL to shorten the travelling time.

While yr hubby is doing his incamp..I presume that he shd still be able to come out once or twice a week..so still not that bad right??

Lately not able to come here cos all 3 kiddos at home are down...so super tiring. Then, i have to deal with the housing issues..esp the tenancy part..my landlord is not going to extend the lease and I have yet to get the keys to my new place..so really desperate..getting quotes for storage and moving and my man suggested that we all bunk in with my PILs - I will do that as last retort bah..cos I am not working..how can I face my PILs all day long at home?? What if my man goes on long working trip overseas..really can die man...and PILs place is really no place for me to teach my gals..hiaz..been praying hard that I get the keys and finish my reno before the end of my lease...


No I dun recall shichida offering trial - think u might wanna ask Amy/tigerbaby/jojo whom I believe their kiddo Still wif them?


I do agree cc is a great place to learn independence! Toilet training ESP!


I am putting my son in LSH next July - to me curriculum at that age is not so impt as the main emphasis shld be more on self care n instilling right behavior.. actually i prefer if it's more sing a long, lotsa play time plus some story time. At least better than be exposed to TV wholeday!

I'm torn between Kinderland n Pcf premium!

My elder boy is in Kinderland. And recently my hse downstairs open a Pcf premium and is very big, clean n bright. Just by looking in the centre every morning makes me tempted to send E there. But then I hope they can go to the same Sch. For elder one to go Pcf is difficult cuz of the waiting list. And also their system for k1 onwards is like morning go to Pcf lesson a few blocks away then after lesson bring over this Pcf premium k+. like a extend cc type. I don't like the shifting around. but yet I'm happy with the playgrp.

TOtal saving for both to go Pcf is $370 but I guess curriculum can't beat Kinderland? I'm so torn when so many ppl tell me I should send to Pcf for k1 & k2 so they are adapt pri Sch system.

The only good thing is that is just right downstairs my place. Somemore I stay 2nd floor... Don't have to take Sch bus like Kinderland


ur boy is in cc for full day now?? how is he coping?


cc will toilet train the children? i asked the principal for 18mths old and she told me the teachers will let the kids to poop at their diapers. wont toilet train them till they are ready. is this normal? thanks!

Cherish, no my boy is still at home, he'll only go in January 2012. Now he's only attending JG twice a week for Playnest. Zoie and Tigerbaby's kids are in cc and I do notice there is a diff in dependency between their kids and my boy.

Koaru is right. No trial for shichida.

Cherish, my gal is with infant care since 3 months old. It is like a 2nd home to her. she will wave bye bye to us every morning we drop her there.

I brought my boy abt 2 months ago to cut his hair, it was a bad experience, he screamed and cried thru out the shave. Today I brought him back to the same salon, at the shop front before I even opened the door to enter, he started to wail!! Brought him in, the wailing became screams. Sigh. Ended up not cutting his hair. Good thing is now I know he can already remember things! Haha! So perhaps he does remember clearly what he learns at JG?!

ty, i think u shld bring him to another place to cut his hair.. same thing happened to my bro when he was younger and he wails before cutting his hair right up to K2!

whatsapp me too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ty, thanks. my boy is also going for full day cc in jan 2012 but i think i want to postpone to feb instead. jan is quarter end in my current company and i'll be very busy. doubt i can take leave to accompany the lil one. this mth happens to be quarter end too and i'm still working from home to check my stuff. super sianzz. and yes too, change another salon for ur boy.

Elise, my boy also behaves the same. if i dont give him what he wants, he screams too. will try to distract him so that he will forget.

tigerbaby, i'm starting to hv a lot of 'what if' questions when i think of my boy going to ccc. i hope he can adapt it well when the time comes.. btw, ur gal attending shichida? do u happen to know if need to go thru waiting list like ccc if i want to register my boy there? happened to pass by toa payoh hub just now and waited to go up and ask but was in different lobby so didnt see it in the directory.

ty, my ger also wail and scream like mad when i bring her for haircut.

she only start crying when the hairdresser about to put the towel on her to cover. today brought her there again and same thing happen. so poor thing.

dunno what i should do leh... today is a different auntie but she scream like mad the same.

cherish, cc does help in toilet training them but only when the kids are ready in the sense that they can express themselves well and also when they can signal when they want to pee or poo. CC will periodically bring them to the toilet but a lot of effort comes from home too. I remembered i asked the same qn for my older ger too when i left her in cc at 22 mths, She wasnt fully toilet trained yet but i started getting her to go toilets and pee since she can talk, started not to wear diapers at times and so on. And when she got better, i did tell the teacher what i am doing at home and asked them to follow up. I think being ready is impt, once they are ready,it can be a matter of 2 wks -1 mth to be fully trained for day time ( night time not so fast, my ger only trained for night at abt 3 yrs and 3 mths). Else the teachers in the ccc will have to cope with a lot of accidents.. keke

morning mummies..

i also want to whatsapp leh.. but i just lost all the contacts.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i think most kids are like that. my #1 refused to cut hair when he was younger, kept saying dirty dirty, don't want cut. & would keep crying as if kena torture. now much better le.

i guess have to give her time.


haha.. my elder ger was so short that her first proper haircut was not until 2 yrs old! But spent a bomb for that little haircut cos i did it at the Junior League or watever name that caters to only kiddo at Parkway. $22 I still rem! My ger eyes were glued on the Barney show tho i do hear other kids yelling machiam like going to be slaughtered.


I know yr dilemma, actually i initially also think if i should put my boy in another CC nearer to home so that he doesnt need to take schoolbus and its like half of the price.. but i really quite like my ger current school environment so decide to let them go to same school eventually.


i can tell u for sure they do remember wat they r being exposed to - bad ones even more!.. LOL


Aiyo! Tempted to put Jojo at your house pcf alr! So near! Can imagine the conflict you have manz! Just below vs school bus away! If only their curriculum is good and have suitably qualified teacher!


Haha I agree w koaru, m elder boy cut his when he turned one, waste $$ at the parkway place and haircut is not great, and jay was crying like nobody child.

So for Galen, I'll feed him with apple bits while cutting his hair then he will guai guai.

Talking abt haircut

I am going to bring my boy to cut his hair soon..pray hard that he will "behave"...last time, he was wailing throughout the whole process..hope we can survive the ordeal this time..

genice, thanks for sharing ur experience in e toilet training and ya, the principal did mentioned abt parents need to do their part at home too, cannot expect teachers to toilet train alone. ;p

seem like all mummies hv iphones. i'm the mountain tortoise here. hahah

Hope, when u are free u can pop by the Pcf. It really make my eyes open! Is really very different from normal Pcf.

Everyday I'll see what the kids is doing while waiting for Sch bus >.<

okok! i'll pop by when i have a chance when i walk my pup! thanks! long wait list nt? sigh.. u make me xin yang yang!

bliss, which PCF? you mean sparkletots???

i called up PCF sparkletots twice different occasion, no space and not allow to view to place lor.

I got the Pedipeds!! Updates later!

Amy, I'll bring yours to SM class tmr.. Tersher, u want me to put yours with Amy?


e pedipeds are really cheap, regret not buying! Jio us again next time k!, I just bought a pai for K over the weekends at mothercare cost 38.3 after disc.. sigh.. still ex but better than original px of 60+ in sin. My goodness, k's shoes r more ex than mine!! But have to say , the quality is really gd, even my mil also commented that i shld have gotten it earlier, seems to help him in walking... but when i told her abt the px.. her eyes was O-O this big.. keke.. but on hearing its made of pig's leather she commented that its very lasting provided K doesnt outgrow it so soon ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



sorry for the late reply. it seems that when u register with shichida, u will be able to join in the next term. there isn't really a waiting list.


thanks a lot for the pediped. i've just transferred the money to u. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


$38.30 is still considered a gd price! i bought a few pairs from amazon plus shipping still need $40+ each. my gal is going to outgrow her 12-18 months one soon!

