(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


Thanks, my bb is ok now. Thee doc did not prescribe any medicine to my bb, just ask me to frequently clean with warm water. In fact, yesterday after the visit to the pd, his eye began to hv some discharge occasionally, was quite worry tat i may hv to make another visit dn to the clinic, luckily today the condition is better else he will hv one big eye and one small eye for his birthday.

The parking at mt.E was horrible, $23+ !!!! I think i was there almost 4 hrs, and worst thing is my cash card not enough value, cos I tot usu. it is abt $12 and my cash card got $17+ shd be enough. I m so shock at the parking fee, but I think i was lucky yesterday, before i was going to reverse to one side to topup the cash card the parking attendent come out and tell me i can pay by cash, he even tell me the parking fee is v ex and I just need to pay $20 since i m there for medical services, didn't know such strange and good thing can happen in Singapore, haha.


Koaru, bebe, doobom, thanks, will do as,you suggest.

Amy, hope ur bb gets better soon, and that parking attendant was nice.

Thanks, dot. He was like an angel [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] It will be v tedious n troublesome to reverse park from the exit gantry esp when there are cars queuing behind waiting for exit.


Surprised u actually let the boy kissed didi, tot u r the gungho one who dare to say NO. I dun think i will be proud if my bb love kissing other people by the lips, so yucky. My boy can oni kiss me, my hb and his future woman, hee hee.

Can I whine here? My bao bei has been tested and confirmed he is allergic to eggs! Urgh! I can't get over that fact! Why?! He can't eat alot of things! No cakes (birthday cake!), no biscuits, no haagen dazs, no hor fun, no char kway teow, no hokkien mee, no egg mayo...lots of stuff contain eggs!!! Now I know why my niece has been miserable about food for her past 14 yrs, she hates to eat.

Ty, ur niece allergic to eggs too?

Poor sx. Nevermind, got eggless cakes, and can eat sorbet(dunno how to spell) and sherbert. Horfun. an lah, just ask them dun add egg. But yellow noodles cannot. Was it his rash that made you suspect?


No choice cos the boy kissed my didi already then his parents told us! There were over 30 people at my house thus I was paying attention. It was only the uhhhh n ahhhh that caught my attention. Then the set of parents proudly to,d us their boy kissed my didi's lips. I was shocked!!! Bit my tongue to say "WTF!!!" cos to give my hb face cos is his colleague [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sick baby

Now my baby starts to have a cough Liao. Man!!! I'm really annoyed!!!


Your baby is not alone. My didi likely the same prob [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ty, will sx outgrow the allergy or is it for life? Poor thing leh.. Nd to b careful what he eats alr...

Jenn, what a bu zi dong parent! Is didi better?


poor sx. -hugs-


should get hubby to hint to his colleague that your jake is sick after the party.

hope he recover soon.


My hb still can tell me his colleague is also sick and didn't go to work for a couple of days!!! I told my hb nexxt time my kids both sick and we bring them to kiss their son. Of cos I say only lah. Children are innocent. It's the parents who are one-kind!.


If i were u i also will be pissed to the max. We also dnt like strangers/nt close people to go near our kids's face cos dunno if their hands are clean or nt leh...i very niao hor :p


will SX outgrow the allergy? My nephew has the same prob and the specialist ask him to go n prick again when he is 20mths. Gotta be careful about what he eats. Is SX on milk powder? cos my nephew cant take milk powder too and was on soya formula till doc clear him and switch him to milk powder a couple of months back.

ty, poor sx. did PD say will outgrow the allergy?

jenn, so so inconsiderate parents like this aiyo. is your hubby pissed at his colleague?

Jenn - I can feel you..esp when the other party also a mother of young kids..no common sense, even not sick, absolutely no lips to lips kisses!!

TY - I read that some kids do outgrow allergy when they r older. I am not sure if you are into TCM..my #1 was suffering from allergy from those artifical coloring addictives (based on what NSC told us)..so we stick to strict diet for 6 mth of her lifetime and things still does not improve. Then we went to Eu Yan Seng and took Chinese medicine..for another 6 mths..and she subsequently got better. I dunno if it is timing or the effectiveness of TCM..but the TCM doc told me that I shd not restrain my #1 from those listed food totally..a litte expose will do more good..his medication was to balance the yin-yang (or something like that) within the body...once the yin-yang is balance, the qi is smooth..the body shd not react severely against those allergenic foods. In fact, it is a good thing that u get SX diagnosed earlier..food allergies is more difficult to outgrow for older kids..like my #2..we only found out that she is allergic to nuts when she was in K1/K2...and now she cannot take too much nutty food..her ecezema will flare up.


can imagine yr anger, our bb at this stage does not hv the capability of clearing their nose, so if they got a cold or blocked nose, both bb n mother will definitely suffers. take care.


Don't worry. I've heard many frens say their children are allergic to certain things when young but so far, all have outgrown their allergies.


Glad to hear that Yide is recovering well.

Ty, hope SX outgrows his allergy soon. My friend's boy was also allergic to eggs. Outgrew it at 4 yrs old...

Jelly cakes are yummy too!

Mummies who give oats, is it better to give those oats that adults eat or should I continue with oatmeal cereal?

Any difference between those Quaker instant oats and Quaker oats that has to be cooked?

Hi Jenn,

My boy had a cold 2 wks ago with symptoms like running nose, a little bit of cough and very low grade fever. He couldnt sleep well cos of the blocked nose.

I googled that medication will not help much in colds so I decided to self treat.

I used the nose suction tube (Pigeon) to suction out his nose mucus at least 4 times a day despite him crying hysterically everytime. After that, he recovered within 1 and a 1/2 day without any medication. It really helped, please try it out. The mucus staying in the nose might cause more problems like infection if not cleared out promptly.

It is also good if you can use air humidifier since dry air can cause the mucus to harden and difficult to extract. Prop up his head while sleeping to allow the mucus to flow to easen blocked nose.

speedy recovery!

Bambini Playdate

Hope: I in for the playdate on tue. Let me know the timing ya!

Mummies: I will b on 2 weeks leave frm next tue onwards.. Let me know if u all hv any playdates or meet up ya!

Oh Jenn,

I also kept him warm by not bathing him and pile on clothes for him. If he sweat, you must quickly wipe away the sweat to prevent him from further catching a cold.

My boy has fever ranging from 38.4 to 38.8. Gave 2 doses paracetamol still like that. Refuse his porridge, but will drink water and nurse. Was cranky fir a while, but will still play. If morning still feverish, then will prob bring him to see Dr.

haiz, little R fell off the bed this morning again.. this time face up, so probably hit his head but i duno whr.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] there's a pink spot at the back of his head so probably hit there.. i've been trying to rub for him.. been ok today, eating and playing as usual.. but just now on the way hm from ntuc at 9+, suddenly felt he's quite warm.. came hm took his temp, 38 degrees.. quickly gave him a dose of fever med.. hit head need to take note if he's not playing n eating like usual, whether got vomit or not ya.. will cause fever? hoping the fever is not related to his fall...


Give bufen as well. Parmacatemol at 4hrly.

If no symptoms doc will ask to monitor. A few times E fever went up 39. Go PD also same. Ask to monitor. Unless got symptoms or fever over 3-5 days then got to get blood n urine test.

Zoie, i've giving Quaker rolled oats. Need to cook it over fire. Instant oats r processed hence not so nutritious? I've introduced cup for some time. But bcos I'm lazy n inconsistent, he's yet to learn how to drink properly. Instead, zz likes to put his hand into the cup n make a mess out of it.


When to give brufen if I SM giving paracetamol 4-6 hourly? His fever finally broke, but he is coughing occasionally.

How is I? Is he taking and keeping down fluids now? Hope he gets better soon.

Mummies, other than paracetamol and brufen, what other medication shd I keep at home for standby?


My boy also eating Quaker oats. Normally I give him the one that needs cooking, but bought a packet of instant oats for the Desaru trip, so still finishing that. As for cup, my boy prefers to drink from our mugs. Hr has no interest in holding the cup on his own or self feeding. How did you teach ur boy? I give my boy a spoon, he throws it on the floor. Sigh.

BTW, I afraid we'll be give Joshie's party a miss. Don't want to spread my boy's germs.

Zoie, thanks for asking. Zhezhe is fine. Dunno y he was very moody during the initial part of the party. I thot he felt warm, probably got low grade fever. Luckily he cheered up during cake cutting. He loves to see the crowd clapping n cheering for him. His face literally lit up. I'm so glad the party's over.

Regarding the cup, I bot a melamine Thomas cup for him. Also the combi's my first cup (open top, a real cup) with two handles for him. I like combi feeding ware. They have very thoughtful design. I give him one sip at a time.

Dot, sure no prob. Hope ur boy recovers soon. I have not taught my boy how to drink from a cup yet but spoon yes. Quite successful with teaching him to self feed with spoon. Maybe my boy is greedy, can't wait to eat. Haha

Xx, glad ur party went well in the end. My turn tomorrow!! Combi's sippy cups etc not cheap eh!! I bought the small

$8.50 combi cup with handles

today super bz and eventful man.. R's fever came back in the morning.. i heard him awake at 7am.. he was feeling ard the bed, looking for me.. once i carried him i was shocked coz he felt so hot! jumped out of bed to get the thermometer, woke hb up and told him to go get the fever med.. temp was 38.8deg, the highest he's ever been so far.. panicked coz duno if it's linked to his fall ytd morning.. then the usual pd we bring him to is on leave.. so decided to bring him to kkh.. party was today, supposed to collect cake at 9.30am, balloons at 10.30am.. bt we were stuck at kkh till 11am! fortunately doc said fever very unlikely to be linked to the fall.. and he didnt seem to be injured in any way by the fall.. tested negative for uti also.. so doc said probably just viral fever, gave some med.. everything was a mad rush after that.. but so long as R is fine, nothing else matters.. thru the day his fever subsided but on and off and feel him getting warmer.. doc said viral fevers normally last 5-7 days.. hope R recovers quickly.. still gg staycation tml.. realli quite qiao, my hb side got 2 kids also fell sick very suddenly the nite before their bday celebration.. he was grouchy thru-out the party.. probably coz unwell and not even enuff asleep, woke up at 7am, slept for 30min at 11am.. haiz, cried easily, dun wan ppl carry... sometimes even dun wan me.. lucky during cake cutting he was ok for awhile, but never smile also.. once cut finish cake, took the plastic knife swing ard, then hit my head, forehead kena cream.. =.=

jenn, i can fully ustd how u feel..! a few times some stranger toddler walk past and cough in R's direction, very close to him.. cant help it but i'll shoot his parents a dagger stare..! tat time in nov, R kena cough and was sick whole month, wkly visits to pd, and $1k gone.. cant bear seeing him sick, very heartache when he's lethargic and looks moody..

ty, start sourcing for eggless cakes, snacks etc for sx? so u r prepared with stuff that can last him the next year, then can test for it again..


Give parmacetomol 4-6hrly bufen 6-8hrly. Meaning 12pm parmacetomol, 3 hrs later if temp above 38.5 give bufen. If not wait for the 4th hr and give parmacetomol.

Have to rotate.

I is abit better. Fever still hits 39.5 this afternoon. Now watching his fluid. Only can pray hard that he won't have to be admitted on Monday. Sigh!

May all the sick babies get well soon!

Gosh, I'm overstimulated. I can't sleep! Still got one big mess to clear tmr. How to bring home those barang barang, presents n balloons?

Friends, thank you for your catering contact. I ordered 80pax for 120 guests, the food portions r so huge that there is more than 50% left over. But so sayang la...

Jojo, Ryan sounds exactly like Zhezhe! how come like that huh? So qiao. I had no choice but to pass him to others so that i can run my errands.

That partystore gave me quite a big stack of brochures, saying I can give to my guests. I dump the whole stack into the dustbin. =p luckily their goods r of decent quality. The children love the Mickey pet balloon. Nobody cares abt the helium balloons.

Heard that pine garden is vvvv busy today. No wonder they din pick up my calls. I feel that joash's cake tasted better than zhezhe's. I ordered the same flavours leh. Why like this...

Hi mummies,

long time no see! many of us bb are already 1 yr old woo hoo how time flies.... hope everyone is fine! I dont think I can ever catch up in the forum already!

wanna check if anyone here gives S26 stage 3 to their bb..... cos I just started on giving formula and bb doesnt like it.. so I got a pack of it.. I bought the 700g box pack and only used a few scoops... anyone needs or if you know any one needs can PM me and I can pass to the person foc [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummies, I have a BP now

http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/5612594.html?1308388742. Prices are low.

I have Organix, Happybaby, Annie's Homegrown, Earth's Best, Sambucol etc..A wide range of organic food, cereals, kids supplement like Sambucol, Animal Parade, Nordic Natural etc.. If you want to boost BM, can try the Organic Milk tea or Gaia Herbs Fenugreek..

There is June Promotion..2 Sambucols for $43. Any 2 Animal Parade or Nordic Natural range for $90

xx, i ordered pinegarden for my ger's bday celebration too. had strawberry cream which supposedly is one of the premiums but the strawberry like very little and taste jam-like. a little sad with that.

what did u had?

i think i should have ordered hazlenut crunch or lychee martini.

Sparkle, I ordered both lychee martini n hazelnut choc. Your ger cake looks so cute. Did u design it yourself?

I saw on fb, most of u only had daddy, mummy n own children at the cake cutting table. But during my zhezhe's cake cutting, my pils n my own parents n our grannies all squeezed in. My own father was the best, held my boy's hand with me to cut the cake. My poor hb was squeezed to the side. My hb did feel left out n it makes me feel guilty. Afterall, this is his first son's first birthday. Haiz... My mil also tried to carry zz at the table. Luckily zz refused. 真是的... We bot a small cake to cut at home by ourselves yesterday. Hope it sorta compensates my hb.

bambini playdate:

sian, think i can't make it tmr le. having flu virus, don't want to spread. i think my elvan kena my virus. sibei sian. everytime can't make it to playdates.


your bb's cake like very nice! so sweet pink.

xiao xiin,

all gan jiong & excited about zz & forgot about your hubby, poor him. =p

sick babies:

may all recover soon!! shoo the viruses away!

Is anyone interested to take up a slot given up by my friend at a trial at kindermusik tanglin mall this Sunday at 11am? I'm bringing my boy.

hi ladies.. although our bb are nw 1yr old, anyone still interested in Enfa stage 2? i have 3 x 400g to give away.

btw, wanna rant on my MIL.. last sat celebrated my gal's birthday.. told my MIL starts at 5pm and we are cutting the cake at 6.30pm.. we waited till 7pm and she still MIA!! i hacked care n went ahead to cut the cake.. as our relatives where all playing with my gal, i just went to chat with my frens in my gal's room as i was passing one of them some bb clothing.. who knows my MIL suddenly turns up ard 7.30pm.. she carried my gal and went to my gal's room, in front of my frens n keep telling my gal "Cherisse, u see ur mama dun want you already!", then she carried my gal n walk away. WTF!!! just bcoz i wasn't carrying my gal and chatting in the room she said tis. really fed-up!! all my frens just ask "tis is ur MIL". i complaint to my other frens and family and they said my MIL crazy. i complaint to my hubby and he said MIL joking. hello! where got joking, she said so seriously lor.. NBNBNB.. she tinks she is empress dowager meh.. come and go as she likes.. everyone was asking when we were abt to cut cake where she is lor. @#%!&

XX - poor hubby, everyone else so excited. Good idea to have a small cake for ZZ's actual day.

Bluey, you take care too.

Bluberi, *patpat* your MIL really too much. At least she didn't complain about your not waiting for her to cut the cake. Nevermind, your friends and family, all got eyes to see.

My boy kena virus. 4 different medicines to take. $$ fly out of pocket. Hope he recovers soon.

