(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Hello Mommies!!!!

Anyone has a cheap and good hair rebonding place to recommend pls? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


missbluey, yup.. it's enfa stage 2, the name i nt sure, prob is enfalac ba..

yes, i tink she purposely make me sia sway!

Tiger baby, it's not taken yet.. if u want, can pass u on wed, if there's lunch on or we can meet somewhere. If bluey wants it too, prob ur split it ba, one take 1x400g, another 2x400g?


I'm bored! Can we have a mummies night out on Friday(s) after our LOs are asleep? We can do anything... like drinking, movies, mahjong or just chit chatting lazing around at someone's place.

Hmph... I'm getting bored with the predictable life routine leh. The feeling is getting stronger and stronger and I wanna break free(!).

Bluberi, let missbluey have it if she wants... Regardless, we can always meet for lunch this wed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


its ok, i will pass, thanks.

cuz now bb is 1yr old le, time to "upgrade" his milk. =p


i used to frequent this salon near my house. but now the boss had shifted her salon to 22 yck rd highland ctr #02-13. her hp 9873 7782.

my soft rebond was only $90 back then, cheap cheap & gd!

salon name - wendy & poh. lady boss's name is wendy.

Tigerbaby, bluey is making a pass on Enfa Stage 2, can pass all to u.

missbluey, noted. i haven upgrade my gal yet, but already bought mamil stage 3 to standby liao. :p prob doing the transition to stage 3 tis weekend.


You all always hear of babies rolling off the bed right? Last night I rolled off my bed instead!!!! I was sleeping on the edge n heard Jeph crying. In my anxiety I tried to leap off but I fell off my bed with a big thump!!! So loud that my hb woke up n attend to Jeph whilst I laid on the floor till I can bring myself to slowly get up into bed. Surprisingly no bruise on my ass yet. Think my bum too big Liao :p


U r so funny hope yr butt is ok n not bruised . :p

Ey I went to the Singapore art museum today with my ash n I think that your jephie may like tat plc. They are hving art garden now n hv a few stations fpr the kids to play on. Pretty fun. It's near yr hse so u can consider to bring jephie there on a weekday afternoon. Jephie is free but u hv to pay $10 but u get tO do a art n craft on a fruit. See if I can post pics on fb later.


Sorry, but I laughed. Glad you're ok.


I brought my boy to the PD today, and he kept saying that my boy was cute. My hubby so funny - he was sooo happy that the PD was so taken with our boy, but I told him that the PD probably says that to every kid he sees! lol

nn - alamak..funny lah you, but monitor a few days and see. I once slipped in the bathroom and thought it was okay..but apparently sometimes I can feel ache esp near the tailbone..

Amo - tell me abt it..I also long for a lady night (not mummies night lah..wanna to let loose and be a lady for a night) But I doubt I can cos my boy will wake up and look for me..

Agnes - ignore yr MIL, dun understand why these dowager empress always wanna act like "big card" on occasion like this. So long as yr little princess and u and yr hubby enjoy the day...just brush those remarks off..My MIL also likes to spout nonsense..I always roll my eyes at my dh..when she does that.

XX - read abt yr dad..good thing that you make it up for yr man..sometimes I wish the old folks can be sensitive to others' feeling. My FIL also the same kind..during the party, carried my son out of the function room and MIA..later he told us he brought him out to take a stroll in the garden. Please lah..that day is the special day for my son..not yr special bonding day with yr grandson leh..

XX - yr boy still taking fresh milk?? I tried for 3 days and my boy kept pooing (usu once a day, become 3-4 times a day)..not watery type..but soft and mustard type. I decided to stop milk for a while and observe. Today I even skip the FM and he seems better.


heh, my fil also disappeared with my boy at the party.

and another family member also sulked and refused to be part of the group picture. dunno why these older generation dun understand why bb's 1st birthday is about the bb, not about them. sigh.


i would love to go out, but no way yet lor. my boy still looks for me at nite. several times. sigh

Bebe, I also have an aunty who kept keeping zz to herself. Haha... The old folks r so funny.

I asked my helper to give zz fresh milk when i wasn't ard today. He took 50ml, supplemented with puffs n I latched him on once I reached home. Cld your boy be lactose intolerant? Does he take yorghurt? Cheese? Try soy formula?

Teacher mummies, I just realise when I go back to work next yr, ppl from my batch r all due for promotion n their connect plan. While I am still stuck in my bond. I feel so sour. Told my hb n he simply asks me to quit. Haiz... Maybe a kiss n a hug from zz will make me feel better.


heh, my fil also disappeared with my boy at the party.

and another family member also sulked and refused to be part of the group picture. dunno why these older generation dun understand why bb's 1st birthday is about the bb, not about them. sigh.


i would love to go out, but no way yet lor. my boy still looks for me at nite. several times. sigh

sorry for the double post. dunno what happened.


are you asking for yourself? Think carefully, ok? I read somewhere that 1st child really stresses a marriage. I must admit that it stressed mine a lot too. Now and then still crack here and there, and got to work really hard at it.



Hes really testing my patience. Just found out that he went to complain to my parents.. Oh well. Since they r in the know, just as well.. Usually I keep my parents outta it.. He knows, but he resorted to it..


You gotta rem wor.. u had one yr of fun with zz! That's smthg no amt of money can compensate


Hahaa thot u all suppose to come look for me last Friday at RWS? Aiyah!

dot/XX - I told my man that after this round of birthday party..no more liao..the next time it will just be a simple cake and that's it.

XX - I am thinking of keeping milk from his diet for another day and see..He did not poo since yesterday. If lactose intolerent, I can still feed him yogurt? I just a tub of natural yogurt..hiaz..

Hope - I dunno what happens between you and hb..but do calm down and think if there is other ways to resolve the conflict. Esp if yours is a young marriage..dun give up easily.

For yr questions on divorce..yes, court usu will award the custody of young kids to mummy, if not joint custody unless the court found that mummy is not suitable.

hope - no lah, I dun hv such lobang but one of mhy gal frens went thru the divorce proceeding with 3 young kids involved. Her case was stemmed from PIL and financial issues, but the the fuse started when her ex man admitted to having affairs with his colleague. As she was a housewife, her lawyers said likely to be joint custody unless her ex gave up the custody. In the end, her ex agreed to give up the custody so as to have a clean record (to leave the adultry story out from their case) and my gal fren has to find job to show that she has the financial means to support her 3 kids.

Bebe, sorry, if lactose intolerant, still can take yogurt but not other dairy products. Yogurt is like probiotics. Good bacteria for the tummy. Cld it be due to some other food he has taken? Cos I rem u said he took fm quite well before right.

Hope, hugz... Wld u guys consider counselling first?

I have no idea how much this one yr of fun cost me. Monthly salary+bonus+connect+increment+promotion. All I need is to see that zz is so fortunate n blessed n loved by many. I hope he will grow up to be good.

xx, bluey, ya... i am quite pleased with the design of the cake too. i emailed them to say i wanted something for ger's first bday and they sent me a few pics including this one i had.

i only asked them to change the fresh cream colour from white to light pink and the pic of the little ger to become a princess with long gown and wears tiara.

hope, can still sit down and have a good chat with ur hub lah. dont think of divorce so easily. remember you were still hoping you have a girl next? hee

Hope, take a deep breath and think of the wonderful times you had with hubby and Jojo. Don't give up so easily. This is the man you chose to spend the rest of yr life with. Think of the reasons you made that choice. That man should still be there, but temporarily overshadowed by other life pressures.

It's more like a v calm decision.. No fury from me.. Ok, mayb not absolutely zero, but minimal.. Tired to always have to fight fire.. I always think it's bullshit to divorce on grounds of different perspectives.. Nw I fully understand manz..

Went to my parents place earlier, wanna gauge the position there.. Both dad n mum din say much.. Expression also nothing unusual.. Tho I know my dad waited to talk to me at my Hse till abt 11pm yest while I was out.. I only learnt abt this earlier.. I still dunno wads their stance.. Apparently my dad din see good of this marriage for the longest time.. Prob expected it? Haha.. Just as well


I don't mean to be nosey. But does having a divorce really solve your prob? You have a child together, do you really want sole custody? That means Jojo will not have a father?! If joint custody, you still have to deal with your hb.

I know that some relationships are really better off going separate ways. But before you take the step, think it thoroughly thru 1st.

Getting divorce is easy. Too easy in fact. But carrying on life after is hard and having regrets is worst.

Marriage definitely have it's ups and downs. Thus the "for better and for worse" in the marriage vows. Take time to think things through my dear. It's unfortunate but it's really not just about you - there are 3 persons involved now and Jojo really deserves 100% for both of you to sort things through before taking on this final step of going separate ways.


For me, even though I was dead tired from all the organizing etc, I totally enjoyed my mini-celebrations for my boys. I told hb that we should do it again next year [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I love to see the delight on my kids' faces. Priceless!!!


I would have open my place for a small cozy gathering n Fri night but Sat morning is my Didi's party leh thus I need to bake, bake, bake!!!! Maybe next Fri can come my place??? My poolside in the night is very nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope, sad to say I also resorted to telling his parents . That was when I was at my wits end. I did it because. I needed to vent, and knew they wouldn't judge him.

Anyway, ur hubby can't be worse than mine, my hubby actually quarrelled with my mum and attempted to throw her out of our place. We managed to work through that.

Remember that marriage is give and take. Have a gd talk with him. Figure out what he needs and try ur best to give it to him. My guess is that he feels frustrated because he feels left out of the decision-making process. But of course, my guess only.

All the best.

Tiger Baby, where is lunch tml? Ask if rabbit wants to join too.

dot, which PD u went? Anthony's Baby & Child clinic? last week my bb have viral fever, recovered in time for her bday bash but who knows the following day she started coughing with phelgm. PD said he heard wheezing sound. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bebe75, i can say my MIL is a total bitch! everything also wants to win even when she is wrong, expects everyone to give in to her!!! she's been hinting my hubby she wants to move to our place coz nw she condemn my BIL+SIL (hb bro+wife) due to doggy incident + other minor probs. my hb act blur coz he scared wait mi n MIL got prob too. initially i was telling my hb to ask MIL move in if she BTH staying with BIL+SIL, but nw, my answer is a big NO!


Take a deep breath and cool things down. Try to talk things thru though admit many a times these talks just dun make permanent solution, still require compromise and tolerance to bring things thru. In Singapore, the woman's charter protects the woman esp with young children. Divorce proceedings is easy like what Jenn said. But explaining to Jojo later, and leading a life after is definitely not something we would wanna venture if we had a choice. Divorce is time, money and mentally draining...

Let's go drinking!!!


Let's arrange offline on Whatsapp!!


Yup, went to abc as it is so near. Luckily my boy's king clear, but cough and stuffy nose, and this morning very sticky.

Ur hubby very gd, act blur. If my hubby, sure he say yes one. Really better to live apart.

Xiaoxin: nothing beats the time u have with ZZ. I wish I can afford to break my bond. dread the coming week.. enjoyed the last two weeks with my boy and hubby alot. even my hubby is dreading sch reopening cos i will have no time for him.

Hope: may not fully understand what your situation is or what led to ur decision but really think thru it very carefully. There must be something between the both of u that sparked off the relationship, leading to marriage and having a family. Let divorce be the last last resort. Try counselling? maybe having a 3rd party to come in with another perspective may help matters. A complete family, no matter how difficult or different the parents may be, will still be the best environment for Jojo. I am sure you also know this truth when we look at our pupils who come from families whose parents have separated.. the spillover effect that it has on them

Take care. See u later


Agree with the rest. Just to add on that the best gift we can give to our children is a complete family. But of coz, we do not know what exactly are happening. So think it through k?

Bluberi, amo, Ty, rabbit

How abt lunch at fusion bistro (opp m hotel) tmr at 12? I still got the 10% discount card.

dot, i went ABC too.. Dr. Anothony always say bb very cute.. hahaha.. then he will carry bb to play toys before starting to check.

Tiger Baby, seems far fm my office.. lolx.. i lazy to walk.. Springleaf have Hans rite?


I'm thinking of New Habor... Got craving for the roast pork leh.. But TY sure says too far to walk!!! Asked her take cab...


I'm freaking frustrated with the spree organizer Bgmma!!! I really feel like swearing here... Being cheapskate, I joined her spree cos her CB calendula cream was $2 cheaper than others. But waiting time was almost 2 months. Okie fine... I can't complain cos she stated the waiting time from date of placing order.

But... she failed to contact me when she has received the item. I have paid her courier fee together with my order. Fine! So I contacted her and she told me she'll arrange with TarQbin. On 3 occasions, she told me she'll arrange but she failed claiming she's too busy and her time does not meet with the TarQbin courier man. Then, on her 3rd attempt, she claimed that she has passed my order to TarQbin and it'll be delivered last evening but nobody showed up! I find her irresponsible and she claimed she is not a seller when I said her service sucks. Oh come on... if your work schedule is really that busy, then don't organise spree. If you organise spree, then please be responsible and do not inconvenient others! Does that mean that if you are not earning a profit you are no seller and thus no service to be rendered? She organised more than 5 sprees! What busy schedule does she has!! Dat's the last time I'm gonna deal with her!

hope, hugz... i duno what happened but realli try to work it out first.. even if get custody, it's not ez to bring up jojo on ur own, esp the emotional part of it.. take care oki.. recent months have been trying on me and hb also.. quite some quarrels and many times i go to bed angry.. realli feel the love draining away..

xx, the bonding and time u spent with zz this past yr cant be bought with $$.. since hb is supportive of u quiting, y not consider that? i'm so hoping i can be a sahm but at the moment, cannt.. hoping to be able to do so in a couple of years time.. but mayb by that R dun wan me ard anymore..

jenn, must rub the part u fell on lei.. esp if near the tail bone there..

amo, Roast pork!!!! i onz!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] that spree organiser really bad!!

Jenn - I think I will organise parties only if my kids are of 4-5 yrs old..at 1,2 yrs old...they are more interested in chasing after the balloons or playing with the candles on the cake..ha ha.

Bluberi - Rem the Golden Rule : Never invite or agree to let PILs stay with you, unless u are prepared to close both eyes and ears. Tell yr hubby if he wanna peace at home..better dun give in to his mum's request

Hope - hope you have straightened out yr thoughts carefully..actually dun mind for saying this..I would not wanna my parent to make remarks like that in my marriage..it somehow will leave a stain. Actually my early marriage life also kinda rocky cos still young and we have different expectation towards each other esp when extended family are involved. But I think as one aged, I realised that there is no perfect man, or perfect marriage..just hv to learn to discuss, compromise and b understanding.

This Thursday, I am off - Yeah...gonna put my kids with my PILs. Will be going for my dental appointment, have lunch with my mum..do my banking stuff..then meeting my ex colleague for dinner in the evening before I go and pick up the kids. I am so looking forward to my off day!!


where is the roast pork? take cab wastes time and money leh... ;p

sad to say, we take our own risk when buying from all these online sellers. i told u abt the clothes i bought from a forum seller right? $42 and it nv arrived. nothing the seller was willing to make up for and even when i offered to pay her again to get the same clothes, she didn't reply my emails le.

Wow bebe, u really make full use of your "off" day. Everything is already nicely planned. I bot the bottled pediasure for zz to try. Will try n review later.

Jojo, in two years' time u will have number two mah. Also when Ryan starts sch, u will be busy coaching him. There'll be much more to accomplish other than bonding. It's more worth to sah then. I hope I can do part time or adjunct teaching in the future. I dun wanna do nothing when zz is in sch. Haha... I'm really on mummy track le.

xx, yap, i'm hoping by the time have #2, can be sahm.. but may not materialize also la.. need to plan for financials part..

zinc, i told my hb abt what u said abt celebrating bb's 1st bday with an elder.. on sunday, we bought a cake for mil.. then when wan to cut cake that time, she carried R over and wanted to carry him and sing song and cut cake with him.. at that time hb forgot what i told him abt the dont-celebrate-together part. =.= was quite unhappy in my heart but didnt say anything.. after we left i say hb, then he told me he really forgot.. haiz wat to do, anyway its over already.. now R is sick, coz fil and mil sick and mil always like to "taste" R's food before feeding him. i dont like this. told hb pls find a chance to tell her dun lick R's spoon to test the food temp. even if not sick also dun like this practice liao, if sick, even more shldnt rite??? pissed la.

Hope, do consider carefully k.. Hugs..

Zoie, i feel like taking npl too.. Haiz.. Feel that im missing out so much on hao'en's dev.. Yesterday I pried him away frm the kiddy ride and he refuse to hold my hand while walking and went to hug my hubby's leg to get him to carry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jojo, hope ur Ryan is better.. My mil use her thumb to prod the porridge to check temp before feeding my boy! Worse right! told her off so Many times le...

Xx money can't buy the time u get to spend w zz la..


my mil fave habit!

but then again, sometimes i do that. but i close my lips then test temperature. i hate it when mil hold the boys' pacifiers using her mouth then like "kissing" the boys on their lips when passing it to them. -_-"

gross right?


eeuuuww.. bluey, that's gross.. wat for they do that? at least licking spoon, stirring porridge got purpose.. but the pacifier act, serve no purpose wat..

