(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Zoie/Hope/Jojo, OMG! u all really very bad, lure me to the pedipeds webby. now i very very 'Gian' feel like buying Giselle black, fuchsia, kaylee gold. all looks so nice...my hubby said that i've been spending too much money recently. boo

Jojo, actually i didn't to manage to buy any ralph lauren recently. the sales is over, so didn't get it. tell your hubby that its a once in a lifetime 1 year old party, so get the customised banner leh! hee hee.

ty, why are you so brave, wanting to bake, or you getting your maid to bake instead, lolx. i saw a lot of lovely books on baking cupcakes at popular store, you can try it


Elise, my hubby said NO to photographer at bb bday!!!! Angry leh!!! He said use his canon ixus 110i take can liao. But he said ok to balloon decors..

7th June Playdate:

Confirmed attendees

Zoie (after 1-2pm)


Tersher (?)



Raleigh (?)

Ty (?)


Did i miss out anyone?


Will be starting the spree soon.. Those keen, can PM me first? then later i'll tabulate into a table for your confirmation, likely tmr =))

Ehz.. nobody keen for trial lessons this holiday?? I'm likely to sign up for Staccato for jojo sat 230-315.. it's at Turf City.

bluberi, my hubby & your hubby is the same pattern one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

anyway, how much the photographer quoted u?

Tersher, if you stay at AMK, let's have a playdate! pls PM me your no. thanks

Mezzo. Welcome back!

Hopecg, u left me out leh.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

7th June Playdate:

Confirmed attendees

Zoie (after 1-2pm)


Tersher (after 1230pm)



Raleigh (?)

Ty (?)




Elise, Cinography quoted $300 for 2hrs but the main PG Cino is not free on the date i wanted ReKindle me having promo $100/hr. But my hubby said NO!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sianz.. tink i put my $ into bringing for photoshoot instead. on Kids Party Store, did u order balloons? tinking of getting the balloon package.


ah wii! i been wanting to try, hehe. hubby actually bought it but no time to install, so now its @ his buddy's hse. -.-"

im sure my #1 will love wii.

anyway, hmm, not sure if i can manage to bring a small cake to celebrate with you all. 7june is my bb's birthday. =pp

btw, i think we come @ 12pm after their early lunch.

Missbluey/Elise, I'll bake those cheesecakes that require no baking. It's the cold type. Haha! No decoration la, but just try lor since I can't think or decide which cake to get from outside.

Hope, I'm coming yr place!! I posted quite fast.

Pedipeds ah..... I think I will order later, he's got 3 pairs le.

Pump room 9pm is fine!

What is staccato?


oic! cheesecake yum yum~

if you want decoration, put m&m chocos? hehe.

but still, baking a cake requires skill! i don't even know how to bake @ all!

Ty, i think Staccato is a music school for kids. It was featured in the Sunday Times over the last weekend. Hope - correct me if i'm wrong.


u r right! i emailed that the night before, and next day it was out in papers! aiyoh! was afraid no slots left! lucky they replied my email!


kk! noted that Charlie will be with Snoopy.. =P


sure.. we can have a pot luck of sorts if wanna.


since there are mummies that can only make it later, shall we make it say ard 1230 instead of 11?

hopecg, how much is the staccota per month? u went for trial? i am interested! btw, i may be going to ur place on 7 jun too if it is ok.

Hope, how abt pot luck at your place on 7th? I can make cold chicken & crab pasta. I m interested to join staccato too, but pls make it Tuesday, Thursday or weekends?

I'm at bambini with jojo and pat lamb at 2pm today, anyone wants to join?


1. U going for the trial for Staccato for jojo this sat 230-315? How much is the trial? can I join u for the trial?

2. 1230 is fine for me for 7th June

3. for pediped yr jojo wear 6-12 mth size? is it the original series?

Tersher, u just brought ur bb to Hkg recently rite? Can i know what did u pack for your bb? I'm going Hkg in 2wks time with bb and still tinking how i shd pack.. bb prob needs her own luggage.


My boy is alr wearing 12-18mths. Shd I buy grip and go instead?


Tersher, I love the rainbow! especially the part about cleaning the mattress.. always feel so shiok when i see the dust accumulated in the water.

Any mummies here using Glenn Doman's method?

7th June Playdate @1pm:

Confirmed attendees:










Potluck then? Haha... Hmmm.. Thinking what I can contribute! Pizza has only been my easy way out! =P


why dun u try 18-24 mths.. haha.. actually all pretty ok if u ask me.. it's good quality shoes =)


jojo wearing 18-24 mths! haha! big feet! fits nicely, perhaps 1 cm away from the tip


the staccato is weekend lei.. sat. i just checked with the in-charge, the class this sat is full alr, cos there are 3 regular attendees, and 3 gg for trial..


12 lesson per term 12 weeks = $456

i've booked a slot on 25th June at 3pm.. Possible for you mummies? max 6 babies.. this can be a trial class, payable of $40. If you decide to continue w the lesson, lesson fee is just deductible from the $456

Any mummies keen?

1. hopecg


the shoe that jojo wear to class is 18-24mth? Oh no, my son also another big feet, so the next size is EU19/US4-4.5 ?

u going for the popular sales this thu? i probably go in the morning before our class.


If we are using the receipt to redeem the free toy for the Cold Storage promotion, how to use the same receipt for the bonus stamps? Cos only 1 copy of the receipt right???

zinc, u sure know a lot of lobangs! btw, the promotional period says 23 May to 23 Jun 2011. I wonder if they will take in receipt that is dated before 23 May but still within May.

jenn, u're finally back! was still wondering how come nv see ur posts liao. :p


but then my huggies ultra already din come w the pink stamps eh.. how ar?


yup.. that's 18-24 mths le.. jojo has size 23 alr! haha.. ooh, can't go in the morning.. tell me how it is when i see u in class then! =)

Tiger Baby

Haha... you miss me ah??? Was busy last week. My hb went on biz trip right after our vacation. Both boys very sticky to me. So hardly have time to read Forum.

Cold Storage Huggies

The stock came in today at United Sq CS. They called me and I picked up my order already. Free delivery for purchases over $150.

Bluberi, i packed the usual - diapers, clothes, snacks, bathing stuff, towels, handkerchiefs, hat, baby carrier, toys, books, pacifier, socks, thermos. I cooked there - so brought mini slowcooker, rice, wolfberries, scallops. Brought two luggages - one for baby and one for us.

Trial on 25th June 3pm at Staccato! (Turf City)

Mummies who are keen:

1. hopecg

2. amy

3. tigerbb

4. Tersher



Hope, i'm terrible at potluck and i usually am the one to order pizzas. Let me know if you are ordering it for the 7 june playdate and we share the cost, k.

Zoie, hubby claimed that the floor looks cleaner after using Rainbow (as compared to our original vacuum). Anyway, i saw the dirty water after zapping our mattress and i couldn't take it. It's really yucky!!

That's fast!

Err.. ok! all slots taken up for Staccato!

Like i mentioned earlier, $40 payable for trial.. only deductible from $456 if continuing with the lessons after trial.. fees to be paid direct to the music school


I also not good at potluck, also will not hv time to prepare anything, probably too busy preparing bb meal and getting him ready for the playdate. I wanna share the pizza too, maybe we get more variety like the drumlets, garlic bread etc and we share costs.

haha... i dunno y i always get those weird adv in my email.. hmm ya ah.. my reciept also before 23rd may.. dunno whether can or not..

mezzo, i placed order w cold storage at compass point.. our kindermusik is at elias mall 9 to 9.45am on saturdays.. i dont think it's full.. for me i only attended 2 sessions so far..


Grace, thanks! And thanks to Hope for arranging class.

I'll bring some pasta, so don't over order the pizzas. How abt Kentucky fried chicken ah? Kekeke! Pasta is carbo already.

