(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Peck, no. We have a unspoken agreement. When I play he cannot disturb. Vice versa. I hug my son sleep better. I so aunty le. But we know if either of us plays till whatever time, next day we still have to be awake for activities with the bao bei.

xx, 9th june, thursday? 2yo? y jump 1 yr? but the chinese calendar day they were born is somewhr in May right?

mommies, whats the diff between ergo and manduca ar? manduca is more exp rite? wondering wats the diff..

ty, post in WTS thread for ur car seat..

peck, u were fb-chatting me ytd ar.. paisei i not very pro in using fb.. so always duno when ppl chat with me there.. coz no sound and no flashing stuff at the task bar.. by the time i realised, i tink u log off le..

Ty, ya if hb play manjong to whatever time, he still need to spend time with his kids! Not snoring away [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jojo, ya I wanna share with u the foto I take la.. Since we chat on that before, can't post on fb yetbut need to login their website.. I msg u ba

peck, oki.. u msg me..

mommies, which caterers are u using for ur bb 1yo party? I used mum's kitchen for his 1st mth and was thinking of using them again but now cant liao.. duno which to choose..

zinc.. e promo lks gd.. i also tempted to get huggies now..

Mezzo.. wah.. "sell" prada har.. keke.. u back already??

Irene and bebe.. no prob! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hope, so 7th june hor.. oki.. btw ur hse near where?

hi ladies..

ty, tink i am too food deprived these few days due to stomach upset that i nearly mis-read you asking Mezzo for link to order pizza instead of prada!!!

bb's 1st birthday:

is stamford catering good? initial tot of using back Mum's Kitchen since we had them for bb's full mth.. but aft this big food poisoning episode, it's crossed out.


no queue today at M1 when i walked past ard 4pm, all 16GB, 32GB and 64GB were still indicated as available. was really tempted to walk in and purchase the 64GB ipad2 but held back coz going Hkg for holiday in 2wks time, need to save $ for shopping there.. hinted the hubby but he act blur!!

amo, if u still organising carter spree, let me know. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yupyup.. 7th jun then! more ppl can make it.. it's a Tues!!


haha! danger zone ahead! i'm gg marina sq ltr, should reach by 3 w/o hb.. thinking of leaving the place ard 530pm tho.. want to be at toa payoh hub to listen to some shichida talk


u all received the info pamplet telling us about the talks that they have? there's one today at hub.. thinking of dropping by to listen what there is.. anyone gg too? if can't make it today, tmr at springleaf also have

Jojo, their Chinese birthday is on 5月初8, which falls on 9 June this year. Two yrs old bcos counted the chinese way. The Chinese count the gestation period as one yr, so they r one yr old already when they're born. Hehe... Confusing?


I stay Toa Payoh.. Convenient for you? U r at Hougang right?take 153 direct?


Haha! Wondering why they still sales talk for us since we alr carrots! But nvm la, just go see see also shuang.. Since nearby it's fine lo.. That's y gotta go today else Tmr at springleaf

zinc, thanks for ur info on the huggies promo at cold storage.. went cold storage at compasspoint and oni 1 pkt of huggie ultra left on the shelf!! i bought the korea version since i always use it when i bring my gal out.. i had called the redemption office prior to purchasing and was told the little tikes toy is full "redeemed" (collection starts 01jun!), was told to leave my mobile number and they will call me ard 15jun aft the 2nd batch shpt arrive.

Amoroux, which website u go to for buying carters n osh kosh ar? Tinking of ordering some n ask my cousin to bring back fr us..

oh bluberi, there's no more left on the shelf when i went yesterday.. i ordered 10 packs. they will call then there's stock.. haha.. thanks for ur info.. i left my name alr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jojo, i think the new huggies ultra not bad.. 2 packs for 21.90 so abt 32 cents a piece if using L size.. i bought the pull ups before but dont like the smell of the drying agent.. like perpeptually got pee smell..


Completely forgotten abt the pc of paper!! Anyway.not free today and tomorrow.

Ordered a Spanish suckling pig for tomorrow celebration of Mother's Day, kind of missed the dish [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jojo, this is the site for Carters and Osh Kosh, v cheap!


The promo code for additional 25% off which you enter when checking out is SUNSHINE.

There's a flat us$6 shipping fee for delivery to a US address.

However its still very much cheaper than SG.

I buy size 3G for my boy. Kiasu.


I've bought 4T!!! WhahAha! How was ur botanics trip???

Shichida mummies

I went for the session.. Definitely better than the ones we've been so far! I wun say die die must go but good to go? Dun listen also ok? They teach practical tips to do w Bb


The promo must b Huggies ultra? Can b pull ups?

Hope, what shichida pamphlet? Sent by mail? I din receive lei..

Xx, oh their lunar bday wu yue chu ba.. Oki will note down somewhere else sure forget..

Zinc, today I went to parkway, novena, bugis n Eastwood cold storage.. All either no more huggies ultra or got, but no L.. Left my name n asked them to call me when stock cm in..

Ty n hope, 3T n 4T alot difference? I hope they ship within a wk or 2 coz my cousin coming bk in june..

Hope, thurs tell me what they told u during the shichida class ok! During our eat-snake session!! Haha..

Friends, I sent u a pm..

ty and hope, u all onli shop at the Toddlers Boy section? Some of the designs at the Baby section have sizes up to 24M.. 24M = 2T? then 3T and 4T is for 3yo and 4yo? aiyo im so confused.. so many designs i shortlisted, many from the Baby section

Hope, 4T??? You have to vacuum the clothes in air tight bags to preserve it for use one year later! Lol! Did not make it to botanics becos hubby claimed illness when he played mahjong till 8am this morning, but he promised to go tomorrow.

Jojo, I think delivery within USA is usually within a week.

There is a size chart on the website. Usually you just add one inch to the next size. So size 3 & 4 T difference is 1 inch.

Jojo, for the denim overalls like what I gave to Ryan, the biggest is 24m under baby section. The rest I buy from toddler. Go view the size chart.

hmm i fd the ans..

24M for 83-86cm/12.5-13.6kg

2T 88-94cm/10.9-13.1kg

3T 94-100cm/13.1-15.0kg

4T 100-107cm/15.0-16.3kg

hope, u buy 4T!! then when can jojo wear them..! haha..

ty i just saw ur post.. yalo some of the baby section clothes nicer.. i'll go there and look for nice 24M ones too.. then probably go toddler section to get 3Ts.. hmm duno if hb will nag or not.. haha.. with the promo code, still got additional 25% off the discounted prices?

spent 1 hr at osh kosh section..! ok, carters next.. :p

Ty/ Jojo

HahAx! Cos I bot many 3T alr! So next step to move up is 4T lo! Dun be too surprised!! HahAx Jojo's wardrobe is more extensive than hub's!

My hubs cant take leave this Thurs! Jojo, quickly tell ur hubs to cancel his leave! Though of cos I can ask helper to go in place of me, but feel weird lei.. Think will kena scolding if my parents found out abt it! Btw have u decided on the timing? Can u make it? Was there yest, almost wanted to pay up cos no queue.. Then decided against it cos u all not cfm.. The pamphlet they gave in class, u have la but prob put it aside


Past two nights have been out for hen's nights, sudden yearning to club is coming!!! Any mummies keen?? Ty?? HahAx


How's iPad 2? Ur fren so nice!! I'm still waiting for mine!

Hope, I'm going to pump room next Friday. Join me!

Ice cold beer at emerald hill on tuesday.

Btw I m not tagging on vpost. My cousin will bring back for me end June.

Jojo, yes the promo code gives extra 25%, cheap right?!

The overalls which sx passed to Ryan was bought for $80 at the osh kosh vivo shop, and it's only us$10 on the website! Shitttt!

Ty, u will go crazy in the US outlets lo. Some oshkosh Tees sell for only US$2!! BabyGap too! Polo Ralph kids polo Ts only us$10+... I'm psycho-ing hubby to plan a shopping trip within the next yr....hee

Jojo/SM mummies

i read the pamhlet, the timing for today at springleaf is 545pm to 630pm, am very surprised at the timing, tot it is conducted in the afternoon as it is a weekend. So i may be going as my Motherday lunch today is at vivo. c u guys there if u could make it.

jojo, can just place order and pay so that u get the reciept.. that's what i did at compass point.. but after my turn, the manager came out and told the cashier dont take pre orders any more as they scared no stock.. so i think u call up to check first ba..

Hi Mummies!

Finally, 小D's Birthday Party is over! Thanks u mummies who had take your time to join in the celebration!

It was a tiring event, but very please tat my guest n 小D enjoyed himself.

One of a suggestion to mummies still planning for the party. If u can, engage a professional photographer to help u snap all the wonderful moment of the event! Cos I seriously think u will hv no time snap any shots lo.

I hv engage the photographer frm Sean Lau's Photographer. Mummies who had brgt ur bb for photoshoot with then they had gave a birthday voucher of $200 to use. I think is reasonable lah for 2 hrs n unlimited shot. They will burn into a cd for u!

Playdate: saw hopecg posted that playmate in June? Let me know when, I try to take leave. Long time nvr meet up with all of u Liao.


Ty: sorry for the late reply. Guess I'm the last to respone. I'm going!!

hope, ipad2 errrr ok lor.. i am using it to read my latest jodi picoult novel now. what time will 7 june's playdate be? I just remembered that my basic theory test is that morning!!

and yeah, for the sake of my boy, I have finally decided to take the plunge and take up driving. God bless those will cross my path when I am on the road.


What's abt the ziman effect? I tried to catch up on the posts but failed. Missed too many days. ESP now that I've stopped expressing, no me-time anymore.


Thanks for reserving the slot for me. Yes 2nd July is good.

Hi Zoie

Did u sign up any plan for yr ipad2 ? Can share how much u bot for the 64gb with wifi and 3g? My hb is buying for our LO for his birhtday.

