(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


can also.. anything lo.. perhaps can also order when some arrive alr, while the rest munch on ur pasta!

i emailed u.. advise pls!


Thanks Tersher! You didn't bring stroller? Wow, u cooked in the hotel? but when u go our the porridge how, need time to cook wor. wondering if i can bring FM on board the plane coz i scared bb wants to drink milk.

Bluberi, i brought stroller too. Bb usually wakes up at 10am, so i start the slowcooker by 7am. It will be just nice by the time we go out after 11am. I will only bring lunch out. So her dinner portion remains in the cooker, which i wil reheat when we go back to hotel room at ard 7pm. I'm still bf, so not sure about FM. But i brought her water bottle along and the airline people didn't say anything.

Tersher, thanks for your info. I just checked with Cathay Pacific, we can bring FM on board as long as still in powder form. *phew*


I was in United Sq on Sat for dinner so I went to CS and check the stock. It was all OOS so I asked 1 of the cashier if I can order and they took down my number and called me lor!


Kindermusik is at Elias Mall, 9am. The class is not full yet. This sat will be the last class for the current series. The commencement of the next series will depend on the number of sign-ups. JOIN US!!

Zinc, are u confirm signing up for the next series?

hope.. i meant he is wearing 18-24mths.. my mistake..mine also has big feet!

how how? which range to choose? Originals 18-24mths is like Grip and Go's EU20 alr

Zinc: Yup, i will continue.. now hoping that there is enough of us to start the next series. Its quite interesting that J loves the kindermusik story book most among all his other books..

wow! forum so happening and i had a hard time catching up on the posts.

aiyah! i miss out on trial lessons again!

ty! yes yes. i am coming for the swim trial!

my ger 2 bottom teeth cut through when she was about 10 months old but after one month, it doesnt seems to be growing much leh. how long does it takes for a cut thru tooth to fully develop? it doesnt even look like half the height of a normal tooth yet. dont know whats wrong.

Sparkle, my ger has the same "problem". She has 1 tooth that cut thru when she was 9 mths old and is still less than 1/2 of a tooth's height till now. Nothing to worry abt bah??


perhaps can try grip n go? to get J walking comfortably?


fwahz.. like that my receipt mus divide 3 portions?.. haha.. one for the bbq toy, one for the missing stamps and one for the extra stamp!


noted! wait till u guys come then we order lo? else food cold not nice liao



I was looking thru the Kindermusik website n trying to where hv other than tanglin mall, n saw mezzo asking abt it today! Haa..

so the session at elias mall is every sat frm 9-945am?

Wat r the charges like? Same as tanglin mall?

Mezzo: U wanna bring Daniel there?

Mezzo - go anchorpoint- next to ikea queensway : hv loads of stocks. I just went today. Got 10 packs free 2 packs of free wet tissue. Plus top up to $150 for free delivery.

I saw a huggies ultra receipt lying on the cashier desk - so tempted to "steal" it. Haha. But din in the end - cos I'll get the toy afterall.

The BBQ set is so interesting. I bet it's gonna be kor kor Jay's toy instead of gale.

Sianz didn't prepare gale's 1st yr party at all. And now can't order the items from Birthday Direct Liao. Anyone knows where I can get Disney Cars stuff - like plates, table cover, streamers etc?

Raleigh, same charges as tanglin but their trial lesson is $5 more exp.. if u decide to sign up, this additional $5 will be deducted.

Yup, every sat 9.45am...


Wow! So much movement!

Hope, can I go to your place on the 7th too? I think abt what I can bring for pot luck.


When are you ordering? I will only have chance to look tomorrow. Cannot keep eyes open liao.

Hope, I have FB u my order. Decided on grip and go becos the originals have such limited sizes and designs left.

Can I chip in for the pizza? Doubt I'll hv time to prepare any thing on that day.


Zoie: do I need to call to make appointment?

If I sign up, I hv to go continuously for the session weekly or up to our schedule?


yes thinking to bring Daniel for Kindermusik class prob for one term cos i remb jie jie went for one or two terms last time as well...haha to be fair.


The kindermusik class is at white sands pasir ris? 9-945am timing seems good. Can FB/Pm me the no to call?

Cath/Jenn/Zinc - thanks for the huggies info. Will call CS later...is the barbecue toy still available?


i Saw the basketball toy you had for Josh in your FB. is it fun? where did you get it from? thinking of getting a 1st bdae toy for my boy

Zoie, the pediped what size u bought? I wanted to buy EU size 23 but only 1 design left.. if smaller size mostly OOS too..

Mezzo, i've that too.. my boy likes the basketball and the spinning thing on top.. it will 'cheer' for u when you press the hoop (like a slam dunk) otherwise if u put the ball just thru the hoop then no cheering

Hi mummies,

I am creating some flashcards in English and Chinese, on powerpoint using Glenn Doman and some of my own words. I just started, currently there are "wild animals" and "birds" for you to download.

I am sharing with fellow mummies for FREE. Help me share with your friends if you think these are useful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Visit the FB page below to view instructions on downloading the slides:



Check wif u... For baby's food, scallop, u buy from where? frozen ones? Haven't try to let bb eat it yet.


I saw you asking about the Glenn Doman method. I'm not using it yet but I just borrowed his book fm library and interested to use it. I've a friend who's using it now with her 5 months old baby though. Wonder whether to do the materials on my own or not. but like so time consuming.


Is there any deadline for the pediped spree? Wonder if can give you my orders by friday. =p

Diaper Rash

My baby has diaper rash. At least I think it is diaper rash. I remembered a couple of mommies here experienced it with their babies. Can let me know what cream you apply? I didn't see a doc since I have so much of those different creams at home. Intend to apply and then monitor for a day or 2. Any advice is appreciated.

Mezzo, u are Kathleen right? I FB u later..it's at Elias mall. The basketball toy is from fisher price. Not bad la.. Child learns to put the toy through the hoop. My hubby thinks I can just get those portable hoop and paste it on the wall.. Works the same way. Oh well... MAN!

Zinc, I have never activated the sound function of the basketball toy.

Yaozi, if buy from the distributor.. They provide the service of teaching u how to use the materials and they provide feedback frequently..


no deadline la.. friday is good.. will update w table ltr k!


got it! check out the table ltr!


do join us!

Jenn, it's a green & white tube...Daktacort something like that. I know it can be bought off counter at pharmacies. But I kena chop carrot and paid double since it was dispensed by the PD. The pharmacy at TMC should have that cream, otherwise go up to Ang's clinic's pharmacy and buy it.

Jenn, i need to go back and check my diaper rash cream.. but i not sure can buy from pharmacy or not.. meanwhile you get destine purple version one.. stronger and more effective.

Ty/ Rabbit

Thanks. Can I check if your babies diaper rash has broken skin n a bit wet???


Will check at pharmacy. Tks.

Jenn, mine is that area will become raw, red and spotty.. no broken skin..

my PD told me to put the fungi cream and then destine..

so for now no more baby wipes on your baby.. use water to wash.. air dry also..

Yaozi, yup. I just got it. Have not started yet.

Jenn, use antiseptic solution to clean the area before applying the creams. Dr Ong said fungicort also can be uses but I

used antibiotic creams and purple

Desitin when my boy had rashes

Zoie, oic. which kit you got? "The Glenn Doman Baby's Reading Kit"? I heard from my friend it's $1k+? Yours same also? I m thinking to try luck n see if Popular got sell the poster boards. Cos the important thing is just to make the words big initially n b enthusiastic.

jenn, my gal once had diaper rash until red and 破皮. i used desitin and it recovered in a few days.

yaozi, i have used dried scallop to cook porridge for my gal but i didn't let her eat the scallop.

tigerbb, oh. it's not for bb to eat is it? only to make the porridge tasty? Where u buy the dried scallop? I kept using chicken fillet. Thinking to change taste.


dried scallop is to make the porridge tasty. we also don't let bb eat de.

those tcm shop eg. hock hua (the name correct?) does sell if im not wrong.


I have Fungicort at hoe. Shall try it. Thanks!

Tiger Baby

Yah... Jake's rash is very rash and has broken skin thus a little wet. Cries a lot whenever we change diaper [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Oooh Jenn, it must be very painful.

Let him crawl around butt-naked or with a diaper cloth? 15 mins a day will help.



Ermmm..... My didi still cannot crawl!!! Wahaha!!!!!

Cod Liver Oil

Anyone giving their babies yet??? Can start already or not?

