(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


Baby Cod Liver Oil? Got Baby version one ah? I meant the usual Cod Liver Oil in capsule type. My Jeph has been taking it for 1 year and I find that it really helps. Don't know whether my baby can take or not, or if I should wait till older.

Jenn, the diaper rash sounds very painful. Take care! I used purple desitin for zz n it healed in 1-2 days.

Hopecg, I want to join the playdate too. Anymore vacancies?


Gave zz my big hokkido scallop n he likes it. I let him eat the scallop meat also leh. Y cannot eat huh? Irrc, scallops is rich in taurine which is good for brains. Btw, my maid asked me if it is chicken n i gave her the duh look. Haha...

Jenn, I laughed out loud at your "didi cannot crawl" sentence, I find the sentence so funny!

My hubby said confirmed yr didi will have a long and prosperous good life!! He said slower kids for e.g. Sx will have good life hahhaha! He also said some babies don't crawl, straight away progress to wobbling. His niece is like that.

How Is cod liver oil beneficiary?

Zoie, what brand is the baby capsule?

Amoroux was telling me abt DHA capsules, it it the same thing?

Jenn, do u know vicks rub got baby version as well?


yup do join!


jojo tried dakracot and fungicort.. he responds to the latter better.. these are have steroids content, meant to be applied thinly..

i also give jojo baby dha.. Nordic Naturals, Baby's DHA with Vitamin D3.. i add it to his night feed everyday, he doesn't reject the milk, perhaps can't taste the diff..


i plan to order soon le.. so fri is gd! lemme know k? hopefully can proceed to order over the weekend =)

7th June Playdate @1pm:

Confirmed attendees:












hmmm.. starting to think if my tiny place can accommodate all the mummies! haha!

Jenn, no advice, but hope Jake gets better soon.

Ty, I got 1 box bb cereal, for 4 mth stage. U want?

Hope, sorry, no time to browse piped today. I try by Fri, ok?

Hope & Zoie, where you buy the dha & cod liver oil from?

Jenn, have baby version. check out vitakids at united square. Its not in capsule form. just pure oil.. yucks.. super smelly.. hate the washing up..

Ty, cod liver oil helps to build immunity and aids in brain development


Usually most people will advise against feeding shellfish prior to 1 yo as it will trigger allergies. But ah, feed already then don't think so much lah. I remembered we fed Jeph crab at 10 months. He eat until shiok shiok. Only when we mentioned to my sis then she said we should have waited cos might have allergies. But he is still big and strong leh.

Baby version

Haha... I didn't know got baby versions one leh. After I stop pumping, I just break the capsule and fed Didi the residual DHA that I have. I think if can take when pregnant and breastfeeding, then should be ok to feed baby right??? Then when it comes to Cod Liver Oil, I am thinking of those capsule ones as well. Can't remember who and why but was told one to feed the Cod Liver Oil in capsule than those flavored ones. My Jeph can just chew and shallow these capsule Cod Liver Oil and Evening Primrose [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yah... my Didi still cannot crawl ah. We think his butt is too big and heavy. He cannot lift up leh.


Feeling very emo today. I gave away my baby cot today. The room looks so empty. Even though my kids didn't sleep long in it, but it was where they slept with they were so little. So felt a bit sentimental about it.

Then was flipping thru pictures of my boys when they were younger. Feels more emo. They are both growing so fast!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jenn, join our indoor playground outings next round?

It's ok lah. I think the longer time they develop moving skills the better leh, less chance of hyper activeness I believe.

I recall this real life interview on tv ch 8, a mum with a abnormally hyper active child who was uncontrollable and his mum had no choice but to send him to a corrective camp....something like that, a Singaporean. She said when her son started walking at 8 months, she was very happy thinking he's so clever, but end up hyperactive disorder.

Night Feeds

My Didi has finally dropped his dream feed at 11ish to midnight. Thus I am able to sleep earlier [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So I told my hb that after looking at the pictures, my Didi is not as chubby as before (say like 6-7 months). He LOL!!!! He thinks I am in denial that my baby is fat?!?!?!?!


I want to join but you know my timing quite restrictive one leh cos of my Jeph. I want to join Hope's playdate de but timing wise cannot fit in. Sigh.... I am really a slave to my kids where as my hb can go drinking and calls it work?!


U and I are in the same boat..many times I wanna join the outings here but cannot cos the older kids are attending school or having other lessons..then I wanna join the older kids' activities also cannot cos of bb..then my man can go drinking..quoted "networking"..while I can only drink at home..then at night when everyone is sleeping, I have to do housework, check my gals' work and letters from school..think of what to prepare for next day's meal..so boring//


people think SAHM v free.. i had meet the parents today, and it certainly is not so.. some look so stressed, more so than the kids.. not surprising any longer.. ha! pop by my plc if u can w e kids lo k


sure thing! drop me a PM k.. i'll update table accordingly and then once everything cfm, u all can proceed to tx over.. i buy my DHA loot from iHerb.. i compared and it's cheaper than vitakids.. takes about 10 days to ship over

jenn, the playpen cum bassinet at my home is passed down to my sil liao. i also feel quite emo although my ger dont like to be in it anymore. she only wants to be in the cot but not playpen. but now put her in bassinet also feel she has grown up too fast...

Hope, your iherb 10 days delivery is the normal no track postage? The $4 flat fee shipping? I was hesitant to use that ship method because I was afraid it will take a month to arrive.

Jenn / bebe, that's y I m hesitant or reluctant to have another child. I'm so afraid of being overwhelmed and not having enough time and money!

Tywong - few years back I was contemplating if I shd have another child cos my 2 gals are growing up too fast..I was working and did not get to spend much time with them..and when they started school, I realise that time spent with them was getting lesser and lesser..and so I told myself if I am blessed with another child, I will spend more time at home, at least be a SAHM for a year or so..

Now I am drinking erdinger beer while scanning my kids' exam scripts and waiting for my laundry..hiaz..


Time and money is never enough de. Dun think too much, sometimes if you do, you will never take the next leap.


First timer plus any promotion, can get better deals!

Jenn, the baby dha is not flavored. It's only flavored for those meant for age 1 and above. I buy mine from

Iherb spree but my first bottle was from vitakids to try out.

I also think that Jake has lost weight from the pic u posted in FB too.

2nd child

I wish to have another child but with no help and the nature of my job, I shudder to think of it man... Already my hubby is complaining I have no time for him.. But pregnancy and motherhood is such a joy!!!

Playdate next fri

Anyone wants to go to one of the indoor playground next fri?

Oh ya, tigerbaby, u were mentioning about excess vit A fr baby dha right? I have checked with vitakids and they verified with the chart, our babies won't take in more than the required amount with the dosage of baby dha

Zoie, if u dun mind, can you post the link of the baby dha u bought here? I'm looking on iherb as well, but only see the flavored ones by childlife or nordic. I prefer unflavoured.

when bb reaches One

is it when bb reaches one, can break free liaoz? means can eat anything? egg white, oranges, strawberries, milk, cheese, cod liver oil, seafood, etc?

Yaozi, sorry - was busy with work and planning bb's bdae party. As the other mummies replied, I got the dried scallops from hock hua. They hv both china and Japanese ones. Cos my porridge is cooked till quite nuah, the scallops kind of disintegrate into the porridge. U can use pork spareribs as an alternative to chicken n scallops?? My nanny uses fresh ikan billis sometimes but need to get from wet Mkt early in the morning. Im too lazy to do that.

Bb shoes -

just went Isetan private sale and bought Clarke shoes for bb to wear on her bdae. Their base is not very soft, but it's supposedly under their first shoes range. Very different from what Pediped suggest. I'm confused. Bb shoes are really not cheap. More expensive than my own shoes. Gosh....


Yup I tried e usual shipping method.. Twice! It's safe so far for me, no tracking needed. Just wait for parcel to arrive.. If ordering frm Iherb, first timers can use code too.. Mine is OPE352.. If u type in this promo code, u get direct 5 bucks off your purchases, n I don't know get what discount.. Not sure cos din get ppl to try using mine.. Like those referral stuff


My mum who reads up a lot on Bb food cos of grandchild said Bb can eat anything that's on our food table alr.. And I just let her feed him w everything! Ice cream, donuts etc


Playdate fri? Time? I wanna go bambini!! Hehe


Haha precisely! But in really small portions and not regularly.. So I close one eye

Fri I still got meeting lei till abt 1pm.. Can only join ard 2-3pm eh

ty, i remember that documentary frm channel 8 too.. the mum is so poor thing..

zoie u dont hv prof week???? anyway mine is a wk of supp classes... prof wk is wk4 -.-

cod liver oil:

no mummies give this scott emulsion to their bb/toddlers? i thought of introducing this to my bb once he reach 1yr. my #1 hates the smell. so abit headache lor.

nordic naturals really gd ah? their brand cod liver oil no fishy smell @ all??

saw this meant for children below 4:


btw, just happened to notice the baby dha is meant for bb under 1yrs. so that means after 1yr need to "upgrade"?


err, your so far so gd referring to my which questions ah?

paiseh, i blur. not enough slp, #1 suddenly tio fever yesterday. o_O


Haha.... I am a bit cos of my Jeph. I am embarrassed to say but he has been pushing and hitting A LOT in school. We had a complain from a parent just before our vacation. Everyday when I pick him up, the 1st thing I asked if whether he was GOOD i.e. no hitting/ pushing etc. I really don't care what he learns from school. I am really at wits end. I have cane, scold, revoke privileges, +ve reinforcements, used times-outs but all doesn't seem to work. Thus why I have to spend so much time with him. And in a way when he is home, Didi does get neglected a little [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


haha! i jus realised abit ambiguious! haha.. but wad i meant was the nordic naturals.. cos its the only one i've tried so far


No need apologise. thanks for replying. So jus wash d dried ones and put in with rice n other ingredients to cook rite? I also lazy to go wet market get those fresh goods.


Wah! u let bb eat ice cream, donuts liao? Thinking when we can let bb eat like wat we eat. Going to print out d feet measurement in the website n measure bb's feet before selecting his shoes. first time buying. Only know his feet quite big liao. Mayb shd buy one size bigger? Will let u knw my order tml. thanks again!

To cook tender chicken

Any mummy know how to cook chicken so that it's soft and tender? Normally when I cook, dun knw y it's abit tough n dry leh, when I stir fry. Is it I fry too long? or too short? Sometimes eat out and the chicken's texture so much different. So nice n yummy.


Agree with Amo, time and money is never enough one. Look at the rich, they have so much money liao but still want more. A good example is our PM - so much money already but still demand such a ridiculous salary!!! Sometimes really have to take that leap of faith.

A friend once told me this " The best gift you can give your child is a sibling". And I think it is true.


Sorry for being blunt here. But the decision to have more kids must be decided by both your hb and you. And if he agrees, then I think he has to "suck it up"! Children grow very fast. Just look at how much Josh has grown!!! The 1st 2 years are tough but once they go to pre-school and know how to play with each other, you and your hb can have more time to yourselves already. A marriage is a long journey, the growing years of our kids is really only a small piece to it. So don't let that deter you from having your 2nd child [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yah pretty much so. When my Jeph turned 1, I stopped sterilizing his bottles, I started to use our normal detergent to do his laundry, he started to eat cake (his own birthday cake was his 1st try), ice cream and outside food though we did let him eat outside congee when we were on vacation when he was 10 months old.


i like the quote "The best gift you can give your child is a sibling".

i got complaint from elson's teacher that he throws his toys in school. -.-" sometimes also running out of ideas how to guide him.

mummies who plan to have #2,

my dream was to have 2 kids cuz i was an only child. being an only child is realllyyyyyy boring. like talking to 4 walls @ home. nobody to snatch toys/fight/quarrel with. was abit emotionally unbalanced.

once, i saw my #1 playing with his toys @ the door alone, talking to himself. from there, i felt he is lonely & my heart ached to see that situation.

now giving my #1 another sibling is the best gift, i feel. though hse is noisier & me getting panda eyes, its really all worth it.

BbR rolled off the bed last nite.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hb was away then I usually slp on the single bed in the other rm when alone w bbR, coz can corner him between me n the bay window.. Bt last nite tot of sleeping in my ownrm w him.. Wrong decision, hard to corner him on my king size bed.. Put pillows on left, slept on his right, but he rolled off the bottom part at the leg side.. Feel so bad, I shld hv slept on the single bed.. He fell flat on his face, no red patches or baluku, so I duno whr he landed.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hopefully he's ok, he onli cried for awhile, like half a min, aft I carried him up.. Hoping nt too painful.. Poor bb, can't tell me whr pain pain also..


not sure if u tried asking jeph what exactly happened? it is common that kids snatch things from each other and fight. at home u can observe how he plays with jake and whether he bullies jake if they snatch things? if he does, u can correct him on the spot slowly and patiently. if he doesn't, then at times it could be that someone else started first and when jeph fought back, the other party started playing victim, e.g. cry, and teacher only saw jeph in the action by then? not trying to find whose fault it is, as it always take 2 hands to clap. slowly, dear. dun feel stressed or embarrassed abt it.



Thanks for your quote. I also feel same as Zoie currently. wonder how to handle if #2 really comes. But m very sure not stopping at one lah. Cos only child really very lonely, unless he has close cousins or neighbours same age as him? I've a friend who is only child but she's not lonely as she has close cousins and childhood friends.


I've added flour, some light soy sauce, sesame oil to the chicken. Is it I add too little flour then?

