(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Kaoru, the extra bowl idea is good! Thanks! But I'm not used to dishes stacking up in the sink. sigh, ya I know gotta give n take.



This year I asked my mum wat she wants. So I'm getting pistachio nuts and the beehive cookies for her. Maybe you want to ask them what they want? Or observe what you think they need and get for them! Wat your mum give your grandparents? u might want to follow her?


Tell your hubby you want appreciation and some TLC then! He is your hubby, can just tell him to sayang you mah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Have you considered some form of IFC? Maybe just 2-3 days a week? So that you can rest and do some chores? There are IFC that only cater for a few days a week de. It may not ve cheap but don't you think your sanity is more priceless??? Think about it and ask around.

Also, I DO NOT suggest that you invite your MIL to stay with you. Cos if you want her to stop, very hard to say so. Maybe you can drop zz off at her place free her work? Then at least if she does things to zz that is not your pattern you don't see and get upset. Just my thoughts lah. Once invite them in, very hard to ask them to leave de.

Xiao Xiin

Have you considered getting a dishwasher? My ang mo friends can't live with it leh. They will use all there utensil, cutlery for the day, in the night load everything into dishwasher and set it on. They then leave it in there until they need to use them again. Very convenient. Can consider.


oh thanks for advising.... better go read up mmore stuff or not I become sotong mum


No mah.. no one will know scratches caused by u mah... "dont know" how the scratches got there loh.. .keke


actually I just give parents ang bao only... maybe cos my parents more ang moh type... we prefer to celebrate xmas over cny.. keke

genice, i can understand how u feel at work if colleagues are sianz or cannot click. i still remembered when i first day back to work after 3mths ML, i was sooo not used. my kakis had resigned and most of them are newcomers who i dont know well. during lunchtime, most talking abt clubbing, gf, bf and trival matters that i dont find myself fit into. really really sianz. if ask me to resign and stay at home, i cannot afford that and i dont think i can tahan to be a SAHM. so in meantime, tong first and see how things goes. like what other mummies, i cant wait to knock off and pick up my boy. when i see him, all the lousy feeling i hv at work just disappeared. give yourself some time to adapt =)


I m hvg the same feelings as you. Though my colleagues hv not changed but my role in the company has changed. So it's very much own time own target. Felt lost in the curr role. Thinking of switching jobs later in Q3 this year when baby is more settled.

Cherish *Hugz* sama sama..come here and chat w me more lah.. wonder can use company msn to chat or not??

Cath.. iam some one that cannnot be OTOT or rather i am trying to learn to be.My current job scope is one level higher than my previous and the gd thing is that the Co. is small so i can *shine* more..but need to have more initiative, learn more management skills, learn to *smoke* more.. got a lot to learn.. Jia you together!!

Qn: Anyone works near Jurong East.. ? Super bored..


me too! i hv few things in mind to do. initially think of looking for other jobs after cny, maybe study a 1 yr part time course but as my babysitter is not going to look after my boy, i will hv to push my plan aside. not possible to do this if i keep worrying who is going to tc, pick up bb right? but hor when i think i hv to stuck here, i feel low-moraled. been asking myself if i should lower my job expectation for the sake of bb? just do whatever i need to do lor? yes, i usually can knock off on the dot but not really happy. i find i'm not learning new things or given the opportunity. is it because i hv a kid now so ppl think i cant commit to work? it's a big constrast before and after ML. what to do? tha's reality for my case. mummies, pai seh for grumbling so much on wed morning. hee hee

genice, *hug hug*.. i'm not working near jurong east.

jenn, just saw ur description on Odyssey, Pat's and Learning Vision. I like it! LOL

Zz is seven months old today. So fast. Soon, he will be one yo n soon again, he will go cc while i go back to work. Is anyone planning for the next child already? If i were to have no2, I dun think I want to be sahm without help anymore. Send them all to half day infant care n child care. Hahaha...

Jenn, maybe if I need to cook for the family in the future I will consider getting a dishwasher. It sounds really good. But I only cook for bb currently. N my current house is too small. Can't wait to move to a bigger place.

Re work

I also same mentality as genice. Work is just to earn money n sustain my expenses. One person can't have too many commitments.

So funny lor, some auntie from the coffeeshop wanna rent my bedroom when she heard we r a small family living alone. Keep insisting I shd rent out two bedrooms to earn rental income to lessen my hubby's burden. The way she insists n her endless repetition of her words really wanna make me laugh.

xiao_xiin, me gonna TTC for no.2 prob after CNY, hoping for dragon.. i want to close factory by 30yrs old. but dunno will get my wish anot coz i got PCOS, it's difficult for me to get preggie.. need to take clomid to ovulate..


initially planned to have #2 as xiao long nu. But now having second thoughts cos b4 delivery, thinking mil can help. But after seeing the change in her being very possessive, N also the change in me being a mother now, I more worried on the support that we have. So haven't plan yet. Mayb will start thinking about it only when bb's one year old.

Wow there are people here really planning for number 2 already?? Too scary for me!!! Anyway I old chicken liao and after this back surgery, my orthopedic said don't get pregnant. When I told hubby, he said "ya lah! I also dun want anymore kid leh!!" lol!

xx, i ttc-ing for #2 too....pray/hope will get before i reach my next decade!!! i don't have many months left, + hubby always away, timing must be very zunzun.....stress.

BluBeri, u still very young, even if after30, still can try #3..heehee

ty, try later when back is recovered. u got the support/resources/energy...and still young. try for a little didi/meimei for your boy.

Lilysnow, i got 1yr left before i turn 30. i will oni try for #3 if my #2 is a gal again.. lolx.. i like my kids to have 2yrs gap, or 4yrs gap at the max.

talking abt no. 2 my mom keep asking me to have a dragon one.. which must start in later half of the yr lor.. ppl say got tiger got dragon together is good.

my tots is want to xin ku, dont drag too long for #2 lah.. of coz that depends on #1 also lor.. and $$ also!

btw, can i ask mumies with babies that sleep thru the nite for advise.....

how much does your baby nap in the day?

my bb wakes up early and thru'out the day, naps a total of abt 5-6hrs. he needs his nap every 2-2.5hrs, otherwise will get very cranky. However, he does not sleep thru the nite. wondering if it is caused by too much napping in the day. should i cut down his day naps?

my baby today's schedule:

6am-8am - wakeup, drink, poo & play(2hrs)

8am-9.30am - NAP(1.5hrs)

9.30am-11.30am - wakeup, milk & play(2hrs)

11.30am-1pm - NAP(1.5hrs) sometimes 2hrs nap

1pm-3.30pm - wakeup, milk & bath & play(2.5hrs)

3.30pm-5.30pm - NAP(2hr)

5.30pm-7.30pm - wakeup, milk & play

7.30pm - sleep.....

10ish/11ish - dreamfeed

3-4am - dreamfeed

Rabbit, i was just telling my sis yesterday that if i got a tiger n dragon would be good.. hahaha.. but if my kids are tiger n dragon, my hubby also dragon.. my sis tink i be very cham.. coz my zodiac is dog.. i will end up a whining dog.. they all over my head liao!!

Lilysnow, my bb naps about 30mins in the morning after milk, in the noon prob 1-2hrs in the sarong.. evening also nap about 30mins. she goes to sleep oni 9-10pm+, she dun sleep any earlier.. maybe she knows daddy oni comes over to see her around that time.

bluberi, HAHA! we are same age! i also dog! my hubby also.. so got another whining dog staying together with me.. haha!

but if is dragon, i think we need to prebook delivery/maternity ward 6 mths in advance! haha!

Lilysnow, i let my bb on demand sleep.. sometimes sleep alot.. sometime cat nap 15-30 mins on and off. nite time she sleep at 10 plus. usually woke up at abt 4 plus - 5 plus.. sometimes earlier.. after milk feed will continue to sleep till 7-8am

Rabbit, with the low birth rate now, i tink we dun need to prebook the delivery/maternity ward so early la.. i doubt it will rise alot next yr. i will start TTC aft CNY since i got prob ovulate.. shall try on our own for 1 cycle, if dun have then must ask gynea for clomid liao. haiz.. normally takes me 2 cycle to conceive..

#2? one bb I tired like dunno what alr.. But i did read that tiger n dragon gd combi.. Together w my zodiac too..

Zoie my compo acc me day in day out for abt a wk still nt done.. Hw u manage to pick ur bb at 4? My sup class till 330 n still got to mark/cca/meetings... I nd a break!!!! N it's only wk 3.. Luckily got cny long wkend

All this talk abt cc I better call up pats to enroll my boy to dstory club soon..

My boy still can't crawl leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] he's alr 7.5 months

Lilysnow, maybe I LOOK young but certainly am not, in my late thirties liao! I may have the resources but definitely no energy! There are so many admin things in my personal life to sort out and I somehow never find the time or energy. Big project is moving house but really a damn sian project, everything in a mess and plus I'm slow motion now!

My baby wakes up at 7 plus, naps 1hr plus at abt 10am, wakes up for lunch then naps abt 2-4pm, and sleeps thru from 8+pm. Sometimes he does stir in the night and opens his eyes but if I keep quiet he will not make a sound either. Like I said before, he likes to daydream in his bed and tweedle the corners of his pillow or shake legs. Has yr baby started solids yet? If yes it should be automatic 1 less dream feed or none at all.

bluberi, but usually dragon yr will rise.. that time pig yr also rise.. i strike no. 1 without clomid.. was on clomid previous cycle. then decide to change gynae..

but now my colleague just got preggy.. so have to count properly lor... make sure wont crash..

zinc, my bb 7 mths also haven started crawling..

Rabbit, oh.. last time i got the clomid fm my previous gynea.. but i changed gynea when i was preggie.. so dunno how now.. prob will go to the current one for clomid ba..

Zinc, my boy also can't crawl yet, no worries la, there are babies who don't crawl one. I just visited pats at Meyer today, it's too early to register for dstory, the lady said I can call 2 months before I want my son to start. She said the best age to start is 24 months.

hi mummies, thanks for all your inputs.

looks like my bb nap quite alot in the day. it abit of a dilemma, coz his nap-time is my me-time....so with longer naps, i get to do housework, surf net, relax a bit...

mayb i should try to shorten his late afternoon nap, may help him sleep thru the nite. Bb is a early sleeper & early riser since birth.

ty, yes, bb started solid, so able to drop 1 feed. previously, have to feed at 11pm, 2am, 5am...super tiring.

ty, u certainly look young and trendy and very energetic. now that u are on MC, its a great time to sort out everything. after u recover, start ttc.

i'm in my late late 30sss

Pp targeting at #2.

Maybe in aug gov may announce news to boost birth rate again cos birth rate is worrying low now.


I suggest stay on now but submit ur resume to headhunters or recruit agency to keep an open mind. Well, u never know what's in store for u!! My friend quit her job cos it's OT everyday to join another company n she openly discuss if the company is pro family cos a happy family = happy employee = productivity. And the company even ask staff to go home once it hit the knock off time. She's very happy about the change. If offers are not great, then continue to work lo. At least we know how is the market like now.


I used to be ok with otot with the broad directions. But after my boss changed, the otot is hmmm totally no directions. And no comments about my work. He does this to everyone. So we are like lost sheeps now. So well, we form our own project teams n find our own directions.


my bb like yours at night! but sometimes can wake up more than that 3-4am dreamfeed!


so envious... I miss hualien.... been to taiwan twice and both times also go hualien... really lotsa stuff to see there! I miss the food too!!

Star Learner

any mummies heard of star learners? they got a few francaise around sgp? I was lured to look at their website when they have akido incorporated into their child care cum N2 curriculum...

Rabbit, my cycle very long one.. unless i on clomid then will be monthly.. so if i try on my own for 2-3 cycles, i can bid goodbye to a dragon bb liao.

Sheryl, 4 kids??!! for mi 2 is enough or max 3. my MIL straightaway told mi to have 3 kids.. so difficult for mi to be preggie, i am already very grateful that i have 1 now liao.. so if really have #2 and #3 are definately are bonuses liao.

Cath, i wish they can put the childcare leave to 6 days per child and not 6 days irregardless of how many kids u have below 7yrs old.. if have 2-3 kids all below 7yrs old, 6 days not enough one lor. maybe 7 days paternity leave also, now oni 2 days so short.

Genice, cath, wad is otot?

Last time my aim was to have no1 at 26 n no2 at 28, now after no1, really dare not think abt no2. Hubby says wait till zz grow up then decide. My mum says if I have a dragon baby, I will be left with 20kg! Hahaha...

Zinc, my compo has also been with me day in and day out for a week but not completed. Next week supposed to write another one. Die..

My supp n CCA on same day till 5 plus. So far, meetings are able to end by 330. then again this is only week 3.. In the later weeks will be more busy. And the marking will pile like mountain..

While I can for now, I try to pick him by 4 lor. I m gg to be self disciplined n not go makan with colleagues so that I can mark n not waste time

Lilysnow: my boy is on the same schedule as yours. He sleeps fr 7pm to 6am. Nowadays, I cut his late afternoon nap if he wakes up ard 230 - 3pm cos he will sleep better at night

Wah.... talking about #2 already??? Hahaha.... yah lah... have #2 lah. So that they will not be so lonely [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Help needed

Mommies, I want to sell my very gently-used LV Neverfull MM in Damier (checked model). Anyone interested? Can help to direct any of your friends who might be interested to me please??? 100% Authentic. Bought from France. Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Can afford lah. If you want, I sell you cheap. Pm me if you're interested. Just wanna make room since not using. Problem is there is no zip and my things keep falling out whenever I bend down to Jeph's level. LOL! Great for work cos can fit laptop, folders etc.

sheryl; u tok gong huh. how to afford time, energy and $$ for 4 kids!!!! the gov should ask u to help to promote birth rate in singapore as an ambassordor!

xiaoxin: i laughed at your remarks of the auntie. y is the auntie so kaypoh? u wana rent out or not is your choice meh.

ty: u mid 30s meh? u dun look like leh. u look younger than me. i lao liao leh.

have 2 kids!!! i dun dare to even think of it. since hubby is a robot. making me very pissed again just now. come straight home and only sit there play his stupid computer and watch tv, never help to do hsework at all. initially i thou he's doing, so i dun care, put all on hold and watched tv. after i finished watching tv, so bloody pissed. nobody do! then i do all! walau...

Zoie, only need to stay back officially for two days? I think your sch is not bad leh, esp when they r able to keep contact time chop chop. My ex sch huh, 3 days remedial, 1 day contact time n 1 day cca, still got all the unofficial level meetings, project meetings. All fully booked, really very very hard to mark. Can make use of cny half day n holiday to clear marking. Sad hor... I used to make my family help me mark the MCQ sections. Hahaha...

Elise, dun be angry. Must get used to him not helping? Hahaha... My hubby still not home yet lor. Every morning he tell me he will aim to leave office by 6pm, but every evening he will SMS me that he needs to work late. just now he even told me he may come home only after 1am. Supposedly his busy period will be over by next week. I thot he will fetch me home from my parents' place, but still I need to take cab with zz n Fifi n diaper bag by myself. That's more than 12kg of load. Even the taxi uncle asked me how come no one helping me. 习惯就好lor.

Ya lor, that auntie so funny. Next time I dun dare to go there dabao anymore! How's britt's fungi? Ok already? Zz's ezcema flare up again. His smooth n beautiful skin only lasted for 2 days.


after my hubby finished watching his tv and played his computer, i scolded him leh. he kept quiet and let me scold. anyway i finished doing the hsework just now oredi. damn tired lor. u also very kelian. nobody help u. seriously u can consider your parents or MIL to help u sometimes or not?

thanks for asking. my britt fungi sometimes will come bk, and sometimes will not. i just have to constantly apply the cream on her neck lor. how come zz's azcema come back again leh?



Haha...mine also working late these few days. Tonight 12+, nearly 1am then came back. Best is he forgot to let me know early, somemore tonight dinner he was supposed to settle, so I did not prepare (only one soup I prepared earlier in the morning). Luckily I had a bite to eat when I was at Nex earlier.


I also want to try for #2, but if you ask me now, I got no energy (lao liao). I'm not aiming for a 2011/2012 baby, but by 2013 must! Otherwise too old liao.


Sorry, can you share the company you rented your jumperoo from again? Thanks

Oldies Club

Another member here!

