(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


I looked up Wikipedia. They ARE worms. Caterpillars. But they are very good. I read that chinese atheletes take them daily 6 weeks before competition to increase endurance, stamina and overall wellbeing. They are not just good for lungs but for liver and kidney as well as been told.

Yep. Bought my ELC table before Christmas. Price increased from $140 to $160 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Not open yet but going to open soon.

bliss, i think what jenn is talking about is the chinese 'Tong Chong Cao'. actually i heard from my mother that those cordyceps is actually a type of fungi which eat mainly on insects and a few other types are parasitic on other fungi.

wow Jenn, your friend is very rich lor. 1 small bunch of cordyceps costs more than gold pcs! at least a few k leh. with the bad weather at china now, the prices raise even more.

ty: u gotten how much leave? good xia. but bad for your pocket leh.

Jenn, Elise

Ya is Dong Cong Cao. I took alot during my pregnancy. Very good for my airway. My mum told me is not worm n ask me to eat them up! So is worm!! Omg.


Is very ex. I saw hock Hua selling at 200+ only. I nv try before so I dunno what's the difference but I guess still good for health ba.. I know EYS sell at 1k for 1 small bunch.


My friend's hubby sells one leh so of cos they eat very often [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


The reality is that baby WILL favor the one they see the most often. So you have to get used to the idea u less you be SAHM. But ah, no worries de once they are older, they will know who their mommy is.

Hope, Ty

Odyssey sounds good! To be honest, the Pat's that Jeph goes to is not clean. Due to the rain, there are constantly puddles of water in school and thus there are mozzies. When we parents complained, the school will always respond that they are addressing it etc but cannot control the weather blah blah blah. Damn irritating.

Cordycep- frens swear by this and said it helps to prevent asthmatic babies. So I took on a weekly basis during my pregnancy cos I myself had childhood asthma. The cordyceps sold by EYS are really good stuff but exp. When buying cordyceps, must buy those from Tibet. Those which are squarish looking and bundled together are supposedly not authentic. I verified this with EYS and a few medical halls. Also must finish the piece of meat together with the soup. The sinsehs say the meat will absorb the nutrients.


Yaya full house now.. Actually I abit in a fix now.. The kiasuism in me is acting up.. I initially wanted to put him to sch at age 3.. Since there are pple at Hm taking care of him now.. But yet I scared by the time he's ready for sch, there will not b space in these schs that I'm keen.. Cos normally ppl frm pre nursey or toddlers Grp will follow up! So thinking if I should put him there earlier to secure a place! Another thing I'm looking at is flexi-care.. Eton 717 can send for only 2 or 3 days instead of full 5.. Sounds ideal too cos like I said, Hse got pple to look aft and I plan to sign him up for some enrichment classes like gymboree n SM, I dun wanna overwhelm him.. It's a bit ironic.. Cos I let him attend these sessions in hope that he will learn stuff jn fun way.. Then if it's really fun, they shouldn't b considered overwhelming right?? .. If u get wat I mean..


Have u wrote in to mgmt? Hmm quite serious eh.. Shuldnt happen.. Dengue hw??


Thing is this helper is gd! We dun plan to switch unless she wants to leave! Bt like wad jenn says, they will grow to go to u..


hmmm my fil also bring bb everyday but just downstairs walk walk.... but most of the time bb knows when go out with me its different she gets to wear nicer clothes and see more things! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] her excitement level also different [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


dong chong cao is a cao... mil said its a herb that looks like a worm so called worm in chinese... she also ask me to take but I find it too $$$$$ how to swallow... like swallowing gold... if buy for bb maybe can.. adults need too much of it!! keke.. hows ur bb? recovering?


Yah. My friend's hubby who sell cordyceps also told me not to buy those bundled together ones. Not that it is not authentic but very small and poor quality. Apparently, the fatter the caterpillar, the better it is!


We companied to the principal several times. We do see those pest magement people around school but I think they should adjust fixed The uneven flooring! I have told the principal about that too. Her response is she will feedback to Head Office but nothing done yet. The current weather also really doesn't help.


Cordyceps IS part fungus, part caterpillar. They are a kind of endoparasitoids which infects the caterpillar, kills and mummified it and then the fungus will continue to grow out of the body thru the caterpillar's head! Google and read about. It is really interesting!

hopecg, I also called odyssey abt a mth back to waitlist for their N2 or K1, but the girl told me "don't have". Maybe I call tmr to asked more details.

My plan was to travel with baby monthly between Spore/BKK till he's abt 3-4yrs old. Like you mentioned, by then, most of the popular nursery/kinddy would be filled up, no more vacancy.

Btw, anyone doing flash cards for baby? Heard of Glenn Doman?

Lilysnow, just an advice, u might want to consider abt buying glen doman unless u r very positive that u can follow the routine daily. A lot of my frens have gotten them b they r white elephants now cause kids r disinterested n e parents themselves also find it boring. They find that e interaction is more when they read books or go outdoor. I do have a spin off of glen domain just to try out. B I have stopped using it cause I really dun have time. If got spare time prefer to do other interactive stuffs. Do consider b4 getting it because it's not cheap. U might want to get other flash cards to try out first n c how ur kids react b4 committing e $$. Hehe.. It actually takes a disciplined person to do it, I admit I am not. :p

Hi Genice, thanks for the advise. My sil said her boss mentioned it to her, and she going to pass me the book to read, then can DIY, no need to spend $$ to buy those expansive cards. Her boss's two daughters started reading on their own at abt 2yrs old!

Alternatively, get 2nd hand GD cards, but still cost a bomb. Any of your friends letting go their GD cards at bargain price?...heehee....

I hope after my continuous flashing of Chinese words at him, my boy will one fine day...... miraculously start reading Chinese books on his own, coz my Chinese really make it!

I bring bb to playground, market, walk walk....read to him, flash ABC to him, thot GD will be good too, and reduce his babyTV time.


serious arh.... yikes my mil bluff me... goodness gracious these carnivorous plants.. thats it Im not touching it.. eeks! thanks for advice!

jenn, ya i knw also thats y so paranoid whenever R seems to start getting closer to mil.. older is how old? by 1yo he'll knw im his mommy and different from others?

hope, i realli hope he starts differentiating me from the rest (aka mil!!) soon....

I also read that cordyceps is good for lungs. But I can't take it during pregnancy cos it made me nauseous.

Jenn, but I heard the best way to consume is to swallow it in powder form. No nutrients is lost nor killed. Heard this from the tcm physician that my father frequents.

So sleepy n tired, my zz is not over from his teething crank. Wonder how long it will last.

xiaoxin: my bb's teething phrase lasted roughly 2 weeks. u apply the teething gel or not? btw, that time you said you have used Goon diapers for your zz. is it comfy? how much u bought?

R's tooth cut thru le..!!! looks so cute.. was a touching moment when i discovered it..!! no wonder he's been waking up during the nites since christmas.. awww my baby is growing up so fast... soon i'll be an old lady and R will be running off with his gf..!

haha jojo, you damn funny leh. if he running around with gf, will be many years later. did you imagine him getting married and tears dropping down your face? hee hee


U think too far down lah LOL!! I juz hope his future gf or wife dun make me vomit blood.. I am still enjoying my boy toothless grin n boy he is a friendly bb n keep smiling at strangers..n those auntie will auto wana touch him!


my ger is nov 07 bb so within a few mths in this cc she has moved up fr PG to N1 n this yr N2. Yrs?


My boy has moved his dream feed of 10+ to 9+ cos he is zzz later now. I hvnt dropped any of his milk feeding amt n times (still 5 times) cos he is not taking a lot of semi solid yet.

Elise, teething gel no use on him. I really nearly brot him to pd again to ask him y my zz keep crying at night. N it's not the normal type of cry. He's behaving like a monster. Use full force n arch his back backwards. I even hurt my wrist while supporting him so that he will not fall backwards. N he has seperation anxiety now, only want ME n no one else to carry. After warming up, the two grandmothers also still can carry. So now it's strictly the three of us who can touch him. Not even my hubby.

I only used three pieces of goon. Samples from hwa xia. Leak urine leh. Dunno is it bcos I din tape properly. I think use mammy poko can already, abt the same.

Jojo, zz's second tooth follows three days after the first appeared. Very cute hor


goon diapers are like ultra thin! and soak up pretty well but must tape properly cos will leak if not... mine leak when I didnt tape well I used to use it for home but now going to use M size soon so will be too ex so converting to going out use only so bottom not so pong pong! I use sealer for now in the daytime quite good too... at least the M size is more affordable and cheaper than mamy poko!

got goon from cold storage and baby fair... online can get from diapers.com or gmarket..

I saw at isetan before too.. cheapest at gmarket and baby fair


its to strengthen body, v good de. though i think i had not taken much of this myself. last time when give cordyceps to #1, he choked & pui all out. -.-""


ya agree with jenn. when R grows up, he will know who is mummy & who is nai nai. last time i also paranoid why #1 seems to be close to mil, now he calls me mummy this mummy that, i find that irritating! keke. now #1 is quite close to fil, cuz fil rarely scolds him! so kids ARE smart!

my #2 also close to my maid, she always carry him. hee.

but on the other hand, our bb bond with pils also consider good lah (minus negative feedings & teaching), its a bond between grandchildren & grandparents ma.

you think too much le lah. relax & enjoy your bb moments!


got try syringe to give him plain water? or add a tiny bit of gripe water?

koaru, mine is jul 06. so feeling the heat cuz going P1 soon!

was so tired yest that I only expressed once. think supply going to dip big-time! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bluey, syringe he also dont want leh.. haiz.. gripe water i havent tried.. but cannt give too many times a day also right? can bb drink fruit juice ah?


gripe water ah, i usually give my boys 1x a day. but hor i see the instructions stated there can give more than 1x per day leh.

can drink fruit juice but don't drink everyday bah. sometimes i buy those bottled ones & give abit to my bb.

Gitz, my boy still doesnt sleep thru too. his last feed is around 9pm plus and will wake up middle of nite for feed again.

genice, cool down cool down. maybe sumo K behaviour is a passing phase?? my boy is also active, cannot be left alone to self-entertain so when tc of him myself, i really feel drained out. i'm hoping that as he grows older, maybe he will play by himself?


I tend to think that K is not getting used to being taken care by in laws. N ur in laws are too used to hvg u around n them being just helping out. When full responsibility falls on them, they could not get used to it.

Guess just to give bbK some time to get used to it. Ask in laws to talk more to K n K will slowly open up.

My bbG is about the same but I just kept telling my parents - anyone will need transition period, not mentioning a little baby. Just give time.

P.s : old folks love to complain abt bb, hoping that they will turn guai guai. So maybe ur ILs are just complaining?


Hope u r recovering well.


Hope E speedy recovery. U take care too. V Siong on u too. Now my turn to bring bbG to pd for his cough again. Haiz like a mthly affair.

Hi mummies! Long time no post..

I can c 小D teeths cming out.. Haa.. Yday I bgt the baby biscuits for him to try n he loves it.. Haha.. But still refuse to eat cereal or porridge..

hopecg, good news!! i called Odyssey this morning and the lady said can waitlist. i said when i called last mth, another lady told me "don't have", so she explained that they have not started the waitlist for 2013/2014, so the other lady said "don't have".

so you can go waitlist your bb too. no need deposit, only need to go fill up their form.

she said i can go anytime to fill up the waitlist form for 2013/2014 and i'll probably be the first on the list....haha...

bb is 7months today!!! time really flies, soon he'll be crawling...walking...running...

zinc, i add a bit of gripe water into plain water to feed my bb in between feeds, someday 1.5tsp/1tsp/0.5tsp into 2.5oz of water. baby will drink 2-3times water per day, so that he doesn't get constipated.

thanks lilysnow and bluey.. i go n buy e gripe water later to put one at my place.. i hv one bottle at my mum's place but i dont think she gave him also.. my mil shld hv cos my nephew is there too.. sigh.. everything nd to buy 3 times! zzz

seems like everyone's bb is v active.. mine also.. and he's nt even taking artifical / a lot of sugar yet..

xiao xiin, mine is v sticky to me nw too.. my hubby carry him away frm me he also cry.. faint.. went to a wedding dinner last night and carried him almost e whole night.. cos the high chair there is nt suitable for him...

he seems to hv gone back to his infant days where he will wake up to cry in e middle of e night and needs someone to pat him to sleep -.- nt sure if it's because of teething but frm what i see all 4 teeth cut thru alr, the rest of e teeth nt so soon right?


you are welcome.

hope the gripe water can assist to help drink drink plain water, but best is to drink just plain water lah.

ya, now i have to buy everything x2! pocket hole deep deep, lol.

Lilysnow, you must be the lady that Christine from Odyssey was telling me about. I just called also enquiring for Jan 2013 and she said a lady just called before me, so I am the second kiasu! I've got an appt to meet Christine or Komala the principal on 17 Feb at 10am. Would anyone like to join me? It's the wilkinson school.

Jenn, how abt sending Jake to Odyssey? I drove past the school yesterday and it's really quite nice and big.

haha elise and koaru, i quite emo then suddenly tot that time passes so fast.. before i knw it i'll be lao kok kok liao.. then my R will be his gf/wife's liao, dun wan mummy anymore..

xiao xiin, oh, 2 teeth comes out close to each other? no wonder R last nite still keep waking up.. i tot the tooth cut thru le, he'll be back to sleeping thru, but last nite he woke at 12.15, 1.30, 3.30, 5.. then from 5-6 dun wan to sleep.. when he finally fall asleep, will suddenly cry out.. maybe 2nd one on the way..

bluey, coz my mil keep wanting to prove that R wants her more than me.. she'll say things like hahaha u dun wan your mummy, or o, u wan nainai carry, etc.. when R leans to me want me carry she say no la, he wan to go press lift button. because she's like that I really dun wan R to be super close to her..

zinc, i just spoon feed R water when he's eating cereal... haven tried using the magmag cup yet..

feel like gg to take a look at odyssey tml.. any mummies wan to go?


No lah. So far leh. I will send my didi to Pat's. So near. If emergency, my maid can walk and pick him up. Some more by the time didi goes to school, kor kor will be in grade 1 Int'l Sch. I will have a lot of driving to do. Haha... I super lazy one leh.

Xiao Xiin

Don't know leh. The guy at Medical Hall told me to double boil the cordyceps for 4-5 hours. If my hubby can eat the ingredients while drinking the soup will be BEST. He said double boil will bring out the jing-hua. Cos I super lazy, did ask if I can just grind into powder and mix with water.


If it bothers you so much, dont get your MIL to care for your baby. ow about your mom?

oh ty.. i just called odyssey and they say need to book appt.. and i tot can just drop in chop chop see.. Jan 2013 means our babies will be 30mth old, so start N1 is it?

Jojo, can understand your insecurity cos my mum is also like that to my SIL, holding my nephew tight tight and keeping my SIL away...So I will snatch my nephew (pretend I'm playing with him) and 'return' to my SIL. Own daughter do it so my mother don't dare to say anything... My MIL is opp... the moment I step in house, she will quickly throw baby to me so that she can do her stuff... so all got different pattern... Just hope next time we won't be like that... Ha! Ha!

Jojo, if you pop by odyssey I can join you. Since they say anytime can go fill in form right? Just give me a ring. I can drive I think. As long as don't reverse park since I can't turn my body to look behind haha! Just joking la. Just that I have to drive slower because I slow motion now.

Jenn, Singapore v small only la.... Join us haha! I think odyssey is affiliated to pats leh because the basics of the website are the same.

Jojo, yes the school goes by calendar year, so in Jan 2013 our babies will join the 3 yr old class which is N1 right?

Jenn, I'm very free now plus fact that I m kayo, the driving from yr place via PIE the most 15 mins la. We take turns to drive our boys home! Haha! Or use school bus? Now I seriously considering not to work anymore because my health is real bad (other issues) and I feel uncomfy abt my frequent absences from work. My boss is very nice abt it but still.... He visited me in hospital everyday and can see he's also caught between me and HR.


relax relax.....

i guess she just want to spend more time with her grandchild? is R the first grandchild? my pils also very sayang my boys, often give in to #1, spoil all my discipline system. like for eg. my mil loves to give sweets to #1 automatically even if he don't ask for it. -.-" so i just throw abit here & there every now & then since i can't convince her not to give sweets. its just her way of doting her grandchildren bah. she often say directly my boys sure look like their daddy since they are his children in front of me! of cuz i bu shuang but i just keep quiet lor. selective hearing very important!

i also don't want my boys to be close to mil but i cannot escape since we are staying under the same roof. in fact, i want them to be close to MY parents, haha! nonetheless, its the reality & i just accept it lor, else you really feel xinku & inbalanced.

Mummies! So cold in TW.. Hehez..

Elise can mms mi ur maggie mee pic? Dun send email!

Hoooo! I'm nw at taipei main city gng late lunch

jenn, my mum cant take care of babies for long, as in whole day, day in day out.. she didnt even take care of me and my sis.. grandma took care of my sis, nanny took care of me.. moreover we bought our place near in-laws to facilitate her looking after our kids, onli 5min walk away.. i knw my hubby 4-5 yrs then we got married.. last time before i got married my mil not like that one lei.. easy-going and nicer to me.. now after giving her a grandson, duno y i feel she treats me worse then b4 =.=

friends yalo.. sometimes the comments she makes quite hurting.. but i always try nt to show it in front of her.. dun too outright, later hubby in difficult position.. so i always swallow.. then after that when alone with hubby then i complain.. lol

ty, pm me your hp no.? if i dropping by to fill in the form tml i'll call u.. u stay meyer rd rite? no worries i can swing by and pick u.. how long is ur mc? i understand what u mean abt your boss being very caught between u and HR... so who's taking over your work in your absence?

bluey, yes, R is 1st grandchild for both me and hubby's parents.. so he realli a baobei lo.. everyone sayang him so much.. he pull my dad's ear my dad also say nvm nvm let him pull.. but hubby and i will "scold" him, say cannot pull gong gong ear.. somemore R same bday as my mil!! cant believe the coincidence.. she also tiger.. at 12 midnite on her bday my contractions started.. then her whole bday she never go anywhr, was waiting anxiously at hm for my hubby to call them to update on my progress in the labor ward.. same same, i also wan R to be close to MY parents.. but no choice, in-laws are looking aft him, so not very possible.. im nw at the whining, dun-want-to-accept-reality stage.. so, feeling miserable lo.. when R starts to crawl and talk, i tink my heart will break if he pushes me away and say he wans nainai.. i tink this is part of the reason y i wana bf as LONG as possible.. to strengthen the bond so R knows im different from nainai.. haiz.. feels like petty childish emotions here but i cant help it leh.. >.<


shiok sia!


i totally understand how you feel. been there before, still stuck there now but i agar know how to control my feelings le. =p

Jus'us: how much u bought the goon? i saw at gmarket.com.sg, so tempted to buy!

lilysnow: so fast 7 months oredi, your bb! hee hee

ty: u really have a good boss. so blessed leh. u now on MC until when?

Sheryl: i have sms u. enjoy your tw!!! great weather, nice food and shopping!! envy


Finally bot my bb's cny clothes. From fox. According to the lady, there is factory outlet sale at anchorpoint now, going for 50% off or more. Seems like I can only buy my cny clothes when I leave bb with mil. I dunno how to try clothes. Hahaha!

Jojo, ya the bottom teeth comes out almost together. I can see his upper teeth coming out also. Not yet cut through but the gums has turn pale pink, can sorta see the teeth through the gums. His teeth looks big, like mine. Need to save money for his braces liao.

