(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

CF welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm sure when the time comes you'll find a way. maybe just less sleep oni! lol.


i think maybe some vitamins not covered. sorry not v helpful, cos when i had #1 i just claim everything from company so i dun really pay attention, just pay and claim! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wowwwww...really alotsa west mummiessssss


hohoho i m not steady lah....i m SIAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :p

i count count count next yr my #2 will b 15mths old when the bb is out and he may not know how 2 walk yet.......dun know how 2 carry 1 bb and 1 15mths at the same time if both oso crying for meeeeeeeeee!!!!


where u staying????next time free can come my hse sit sit kekeke

Isobellies, nvm so good can claim but now still can claim anot :p i just 1 2 know roughly how much got to pay for all .. i know keep the receipts can claim $450 from medisave right....

CF LOL ...... then how to cope with 3 kids? Any1 helping u ....... think must really do safety precaution after that.

My hubby ask me do ligation..... i ask him to do lorrrr wahahahahaha.... heard that quite ex.....

hi Peck, haha.. thanks for ur tips to reject the CL. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi bliss, if u don't mind the age of the CL, maybe u can consider this mdm tan, the one i told u, she sounds nice, experienced except abit old. pm me if u want her contact. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cf >> sure no problem.. i stay near dazhong primary school .. how about u ??

I salute to you to take care 3 babies at one time.. maybe u can get your inlaws or your parents to help you?

ask u guys how long must i complete the folic acids? Do i need to take any tonics or iron pills if gynae does not give it to me?


me too, and i only got #1! haha. will u have help? think 1 person cannot handle 2 of such young age leh. i actually know a couple who have #1 then 1 year later got twins. think the first few years q jiat lat.


now change company, i think cannot claim [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i haven't asked HR yet cos the girl v gossipy, i dun want her to know [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and in the end i claim from co, i think i didn't use medisave, so i also not sure how much can claim. sorrreeeeeee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have twins brother..... i remember how they pooo how they cry asking for milk together [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ..

My mummy scare me say maybe my #3 will become #4 *choy* touchwood..... Nitemare.....


eh.......no one helping me....yupyup MUST REALLY BE VERY VERY CAREFUL after my #3 liao cos i c sec for both my #1 n #2 then #3 oso will c sec so max liao...cannot give birth liao...later jialat

hmmmm....man hor....cannot do it one cos ego mah :p tsk tsk

u oso #3 ah? who is helping u to look after ur kiddos? ur kiddos age gap big ornt?...hohoho TWINSSSS!!!!! my hb wants hor....tsk tsk....he really think i super woman...


i m staying near st anthony pri sch.....juz moved over 4 mths back cos i m a kaisu mother kekeke.....i want both my boys to go st anthony pri sch cos have affiliation to SJI

my mil very busy one.....must go watch those chinese 7th mth ge tai after dat is those chinese god ge tai and if not must go n meet frens to drink kopi in kopi shop n she smokes lah....so i dun really like oso. then both my parents are still working...*headacheeeeeeee*

hey! folic acids very impt....must take all the way until give birth. i m taking iron pills cos i anemic.....hmmmm...tonics i dun really take...only take bird nest...dong cong cao....black chk...


boohoooooooooooo.....no helpppppppppp.....u all must help to entertain me to keep me sane then keke


eh.......no one helping me....yupyup MUST REALLY BE VERY VERY CAREFUL after my #3 liao cos i c sec for both my #1 n #2 then #3 oso will c sec so max liao...cannot give birth liao...later jialat

hmmmm....man hor....cannot do it one cos ego mah :p tsk tsk

u oso #3 ah? who is helping u to look after ur kiddos? ur kiddos age gap big ornt?...hohoho TWINSSSS!!!!! my hb wants hor....tsk tsk....he really think i super woman...


i m staying near st anthony pri sch.....juz moved over 4 mths back cos i m a kaisu mother kekeke.....i want both my boys to go st anthony pri sch cos have affiliation to SJI

my mil very busy one.....must go watch those chinese 7th mth ge tai after dat is those chinese god ge tai and if not must go n meet frens to drink kopi in kopi shop n she smokes lah....so i dun really like oso. then both my parents are still working...*headacheeeeeeee*

hey! folic acids very impt....must take all the way until give birth. i m taking iron pills cos i anemic.....hmmmm...tonics i dun really take...only take bird nest...dong cong cao....black chk...


boohoooooooooooo.....no helpppppppppp.....u all must help to entertain me to keep me sane then keke

Bliss - very nice!

missbluey - thanks for the list. very useful!

question: I know that ms is supposed to get better, but what abt other symptoms? Like achy breasts? My breasts used to be very sore, and my nips used to be 'alert' all the time. But this week, not so much. Those who have gone thru this b4, is this normal, or shd i go see my gynae asap?


CF, he really think u are superwoman or he is earning alot hehe....

#1 9yo ger, #2 13mths boy... no1 is helping me bt sometimes 9yo ger is helping [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dot, i do have sore nips when i expecting my son.... slowly the sore will gone... i think is normal dont worry.... unless u feel pain or uncomfy maybe can go to the gynae... or next round to the checkup u can ask your gynae [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hmmmm.....my gynae asks me take all the way till give birth for all my 3 pregnancy.....


OH!!! u sahm too??? ah my hb hor talks n talks but i know he super scare this time round another boy again kekeke he said he will b busy bringing them to toilet....piggy back them.....play fight fight.....super jialat keke

awww...ur #1 so sweet....i will b VERY gratefulif my #1 dun fight with his didi :p

CF, im sahm coz i prefer taking care of my kids myself...... hahaha heng #1 is ger but sometimes she also bully didi.....

sberry, if she is old cannot liao. i'm looking around 40+-50 cause i need the CL to help me bath my son. i scared if she too old can't take it leh.

peck, not yet. the CL i found that time i let sberry take her cause my edd will clashes with the CL previous job.


my situation was rather similar like yours. it was partly due to my pregnancy that i was forced to tender. =(

about fruit juices/soft drinks - unless you are drinking natural fruit juices, i think should be ok. but as for soft drinks, moderation is the word.


you didn't 'showed face colour' to your hubby? if hubby were to be like that, i think i'd scream my head off. complain to your son, keke.


you are most welcome! =D

thread is moving so fast that im blur from scrolling up & down.


entertain ha? ok can ;)

i also want my son to go SJI but will have to think where i can put him for primary sch. now only 21 months so i guess still got time to think...

missbluey: yala. same here.. very fast thread..i got dizzy.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anyway abt the guessing the gender chart.. still dun understand.. coz i malay..how to conver tto "chinese age"? hehe~

missbluey, actually he is taking off for this whole week to settle our new house stuff. but last min can't take off so even on my bdae he got to work OT.

too bad he is working for my dad. even i scream off my head also no use. haha

everyday he is always working late. earliest also 8pm but need to fetch workers to and fro so reached home also about 11pm. if can i will follow him to fetch workers at least my son got time to talk to daddy.

he is too busy at work, even present also don't have. it has been since we got married and i'm so used to it.

Hi mommies n MTBs,

thread really flies! Back fr my gynae appt - chop chop as usual, since not much qn for him. I also take folic acid for the 1st tri only, but with my MS getting better, i hv asked for multivit cos food aversion is still quite bad.


u r'nt alone - i hv been drinking either hot or cold drinks, cant tahan plain room temperature water. YIKES!


me also SAHM, but stay @ SK area, so many west mommies here. The thought of handling 2 is enuf to give me headache, and i am starting to worry i can't cope, so wanna put my gal in CC next yr but still on waitlist..

Me also will reveal my FB later cos most frenz still in the dark abt my pregnancy, hee...

Hi Mummies, sorry to interupt... I have overstocked with baby items:

- Avent Thinsulate Bag

- Avent Milk Bottle

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- and many more...

Pictures available at www.flickr.com/photos/44523954@N02/. If keen, pls email to [email protected]. Thank you!


wah, your hubby is really bussyyyy. i guess being understanding is very important. can't imagine if my hubby is in this line, now he is on shift work basis, i already sian liao.


understandable! none of my friends have no idea im preggie. haha.

oh btw, how to get my son start his potty training? i don't want to waste $$ on fanciful potty yet in the end didn't get to use it. have to admit i find abit late to start teaching my son to go toilet wee wee cuz lazy, hehe. now he knows how to say "shh shh" & hold his little birdie but yet refused to pee inside his "tam pui" or toilet bowl. he'd rather pee on the floor while saying "shh shh". -.-"

I also been told by my friends and some reference mother's book, stop folic acid after 1st trimester. Cos' folic acid is Vitamin B too much Vitamin B not good for fetus. Overall, I think is wise to ask our gynae before do anything.. don't try to act doctor lor.

missbluey, ya that's why i'm so used to it. he is working for my dad so must close one eye. but what time he start work and knock off i will know it. so he won't go other places to play after work. but mostly he is left with no energy to go out.

at first abit sian cause he finish work late. now even later. if i pull a long face everyday i think i will be very xin ku.

re potty training, i yet start on my son too but he know what is wee/poo. no hurry i guess. they will learn when time comes. my son enjoys peeing on the floor unlike some kids will cry when accident happens.


oh i thought im already late! haha, so i can slowly teach him. =p

but my son is a little scared when he sees his own poo. my mil says we should have teach him earlier, can save $ at the same time. now already not giving him to wear diaper during the day.

Kate, congrats on having twins. My gynae is very interesting. He scan 3 times, 3 times he kept searching for another baby and only tell us - Hmmm ok only 1 baby. All 3 visits he did the same. We were holding our breath for a while whenever he did that.I am staying at La Casa, are you there too?

CF, we are seeing the same gynae at the same place - i will go to his clinic at 10mile. delivering at MtA too.

re: Potty training

sigh my son 19 mths already still don know how to tell us that he poo poo. he can walk around in shit-filled diapers like nothing wrong (sorry for being gross).

After 9yrs ago for my daughter i got to start potty train my son again zzzzzzzz i hate it..... lastime i work at childcare almost fainted too hahahahaha.......

Cath, me too haiz but after i eat i will feel my tummy bloated as if the food is doing somersault inside grrrrrr........ unbearable..... 1 2 puke but cannot puke out.....


19 months still ok right? mine is 21 months but i'm FTWM so i also got no time to implement anything... haha. i think they will be able to do it when they're ready.

where is 10mile?? i know only got 7 mile market [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow..this place is really active..I was gone merely for a few hours and so many stuff to read now...


I already PM you on the experiments..hee hee


My #1 and #2 were delivered by Dr Clifton ..and for what I have known him over the past 8 years (I still go back to him for my annual pap smear tests) and I think I can only remember 2 occassions that he "stood" up on me...his nurses said he was held up in the hosp delivering babies..I agree that weekdays noon he has more time..can even chat with you on non-pregnancy stuff.

You do not have to worry abt signing up the package first..maybe u just book an appointment with him..and see if you can get along with him first? After signing up the package, you will not need to pay for subsequnt consultation or u/scan fee. But blood tests or supplements you still have to pay. If you prefer to get supplement from outsides (which is always 30-50% cheaper), you can ask the nurses not to add them in your bill. The last visit, he gave me the DHA supplement, I think I can get them easily from the pharmacies..so I will not be buying my next bottle from his clinic. In the past, he also used to give me free milk samples whenever I went for my follow up. He is one of the gynae who will not push you to buy supplements from him...will give you whatever you need.


Welcome..wow you must brave yourself to the big challenge next year..my #1 and #2 are about 16 mths apart..when they were very young..I could not survive alone with them at home for long..esp when they had their "terrrible -2" together. But on the hindsight, they are very bonded to each other..they keep each other occupied most of the time.

Folic acids - is essential for the first trimester where the spinal cord is developing. By 2nd trimester, the spinal cord shd be mature and we do not have so much need for folic acids - our body will just flush out the excess folic acids by itself.

I am also anemic but I do not take iron pills cos they make me constipated...I try to source iron from green leafy veg, red meat and apples.


You are the only one..my breasts seemed not so sensitive like previous weeks...Happy cos cleavage is still there..ha ha ha...

My MS comes and goes..just like my headaches...and lately I seemed to have change my appetite..no longer crave for spicy stuff...rather I prefer hot and soupy stuff, but must be clear soup (not like those ban mian soup with minced meat) ...I had fish ball kway teow soup for the consecutive past 2 days.....only fishball or fish cakes..and must put cut red chillies...


your gynae indeed is very interesting!

just have to keep reminding your son that he has to tell you that he poo-ed. we always did that to my son. sometimes if we fart & he happened to hear it, he'd say "mummy poot", then put his hand on his butt-covered-by-diaper & says "elson poot". so cute lor.

anyway, i will just leave the dirty job to hubby, mil & maid. lol.


i think should be ok lah since mine 25mth+ still don't want to pee/poo in the toilet bowl.

bebe75 & the rest of the mummies thanks for explaining to me hehe....

missbluey-ELs - tks for the info. I tried to take everything in moderation coz i am quite fat. Gynae told me not to take too much tonic due to my size.

koaru - keke i secretly drink those cold drinks but mostly fruit juices coz my bb kind of like it. each time i take fruit juices, i dont like puking also dont know why ...

CJ - St Anthony is a good school! But i guess my hb will enrol my bb either Dazhong or Princess Elizabeth coz he used to study there lol...

Elaine.. I have the same feeling as you.. I also feel like the food turning in my stomach. Wanted to throw out too.. but after taking some peppermint sweet it help somehow.

Beside, puke after food. I also having this lower abodminal pulling..Btw mommies, when is the best time to apply stretch-mark cream? any products can recommend? I heard from my friend said Palmer's coco butter no good.. she always get rashes for apply that, so she didn't apply anything during her pregnancy.


i started applying as soon as i learn i am preggie.....so far my 1st...no stretch marks..hehhe..so hopefully tis one aso wont hv...i used palmer's coco butter also...sm ppl may get allergic sm may not....so u hv to test 1st....another brand is good is clarins but price is steeper of course...i tink it helps the itch for me also after i apply the cream...cos got moisturer so skin expand nt tat itch...

Re: Potty training

my gal juz turned 2, and before she will tell us when she poo-ed, now worse, keep quiet until we smell it.. gross right! I intend to take it easy tho i hv gotten a potty, just unused! I think i cant tahan the mess on the sofa/mat so i rather sit on it for now, haha.


me dun mind doing the experiment too for the fun of it.


my fren also broke out into rashes after using Palmer's so better test it out any brand before purchase. For me, i just dun like the smell, and for me, i just bought the Clarins tonic oil, juz hvnt apply.


I was at LA Casa last mth for a frenz daughter bday celebration. My gal keeps wanting me to bring her to the pool, nice place there except the distance.


i think your bb must have taken a liking for sweet stuff bah. hehe.


i heard you can apply stretch cream once you know you are preggie. but then again, i believe if stretch marks are inherit along your family, i guess you will have them more or less. for my #1, i started using stretch marks cream when i was in my 5th mth, already too late to do anything cuz hubby refused to allow me to put any cream onto my tummy scare bb will be affected. -.-" in the end, i got quite a few stretch marks here & there but will fade de.

this time, im using normal nivea moisturiser with vit E, so i shall see what happen later on. i've tried palmer's, so far so gd.


if i rem correctly, besides st anthony, de la salle is oso affiliated to SJI.....and if i want my #1 to get into st anthony hor i need to do parents voluntary work next yr liao.......:p


when i was preggy with my #2, i oso send my #1 to full day cc......is really very much easier [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yeah! mayb can see u there as i oso visited his clinic at 10mile.....dr ong very funnie one he did dat to us oso.....make my hb excited untilllllllll.....keke


arghhhhhhhhhhhhh....TERRIBLE 2!!!!!!


princess e is good! i wanted st anthony cos of the affiliation heehee

re: potty training

i didnt really potty train my #1, he suddenly wanna stop using his diaper but until now poopoo he still wants his diaper.

re: stretch marks

for me, any cream oso dun work.....boohoo....my stretch marks super ugly!!!! arghhhhhhhh

re: MS

this time round my ms is very bad.....i cant eat any chinese food at all....but pizza, sandwich, cakes no prob :p and super sensitive to smell....esp to my kiddos' poo poo....ewkkkkk


wow, i only mia for a few days and i got to spend like 1 hr + to finish reading everything!

Can't remember who said what haha....

My MS got worst from week 8 till nw week 10 liao still like that. 3/4 of my waking hr got bad MS and some time headache. Envy those who are facing lesser MS.

I was away from work for abt 3 i/2 weeks (HL and MCs) really very sick. Few days before my lady boss spoken to me. She said "Girl, i see you very weak. Do you want to be on unpaid leave for some time? I'm worried you force yourself to come to work and it's bad for you and your baby you know? It's very difficult to find others to back up for you, everyone is so busy. Since you are a headcount and i expect you to perform but i don't want to over stress you. If you on unpaid for some time at least i can get a temp to help your partner."

I told my hubby that and he immediately say NO NEED. I'm afraid i will lose my job if i continue to take mc but really very sick lor. I have a 'chong dong' this sat see my gyane ask her give me 2 weeks HL to get back on my boss haha. But on second thought better don't. I might really get sacked leh. Not at work = bad performance?

I heard orange juice got gd folic acid leh. My fren wash down her iron pills with orange juice.

I'm staying with MIL, FIL passed away many years ago. Getting my new hse key end of next mth or early Jan 2010. MIL will be shifting in with us. Only son but got 2 daughters. So i think she will be doing my confinement for me and taking care of my bb.

My tummy is growing! I can see the difference since week 5 till now. Especially after a meal my tummy will look like 4 months haha. Still trying to hide from my colleagues.

I told my boss at week 5 that i'm pregnant. No choice cos i on HL ma. I told my partner too cos i need her help to cover my work. Told afew of my close frens too. Can't wait till i'm 3 mths which is 2 weeks away and announce to the whole world!

So many mummies choose MT A ah. I choose TMC because hubby doesn't own a car so if i go MT A then troublesome leh cos not near MRT station. Although i got direct bus la but got to climb slope to MT A very tiring. When i was young, i had a small eye operation at Mt A and the slope is unforgettable haha.

Wow twins! Your MS must be very bad? My MIL is a twins and she is hoping i'm carrying twins leh. I don't want cos very xin ku, some more every thing pay double like insurance, diaper, school fee etc. Don't think i can cope......$$$$

Blood cord bank, i'm not interested. One thing is the cost la the other no confident in it leh.

Cold drinks i secretly drink but very seldom. I now crave for milk tea in the morning cos bad MS must drink something to make me feel good ma. Although doc ask me avoid coffee and tea but...1 cup only......pity me la.

I was with my gynae at 8th week and she said my bb 2.6cm. Did i remember wrongly or wat? Nvm this sat 10th week check up i must listen carefully to what she says. My brain not working anymore, sigh!

Any topic i missed? Arrgggg cannot think anymore. So late already still got to worry what to wear tmr to hide my tummy!

Good night everyone and sweet dreams!

