(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Missbluey: oh, ur pls near to poly? Okok.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gitz: thing is im not too sure hw does out doc(be it pd in hosp kind or pte clinic) work. Tq for the tip! Really help. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oic. gd for u, can be spared the agnony of waiting.


usually im engorged in the morning as i slept through the night. now i tried to latch bb on once every night & pump every 2-3hrs in the day. but some parts of my breasts still have blocked ducts. blocked ducts & engorge same? everytime my massage lady massage my breasts, it is a torture but they did feel better. but definitely not as pain as my 1st massage.

Good morning ladies!

going for my wk39 gynea appt this aftn.. am scheduled to see gynea at KKH clinic B instead of the usual TPS coz gynea is having make-up clinic. haiz.. i just realised if i see gynea at clinic B, i must do the ultrasound at AMC and the waiting time at AMC alone can be up to an hour lor. gonna be stuck at KKH for a long time today liao.

Missbluey, when u sleep through the night confirm will engorge. U got to wake up to pump once at night..

Block ducts is cuz breast is not empty properly..

U latch on in the day too?

Everytime before u latch on, use hot towel on ur breast. Do hot massage on the block ducts area before pump/latch.

Is very important to clear those blocked ducts before it get worse..


u using diapers? wat nappy rash cream u using?

that time my girl has nappy rash i put her on cloth diapers + thick application of nappy cream. recover within 3days..


Massage on the ducts using hot towel before feeding and expressing. As wat bliss mention, at least express once during the wee hrs so in the morning wun be soo engorge.

For dis morning i oso latch my girl.. lazy to heat up frozen ebm.. =P

lucky she nv reject!

Dear mummies who have popped n stayed in mount A 2 bedders, can share yr bill amount for comparison?

How much cash did u top up for yr baby package?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks alot in advance..

Zinc, u use wet wipes? My CL told me wet wipes cause diaper rash too.. My SIL told me her bb PD also advice

to stop wet wipes when there is diaper rash too..

Especially for some babies who have sensitive

skin like my bb...

Try cloth diapering n air it as much as possible..

congrats to mummies who have just delivered..! i mia coz past 2 days been sick, nauseous and LS.. =.= lost 1 kg and now still not much appetite.. hopefully baby is ok, will be seeing gynae tml.. any mummies due next wk and still working? my EDD next friday, still feel like working monday and tuesday next wk.. save my ML.. hehe..


u went to see YC Goh already? I went this AM. He went for a lastmin op, is that for u?


for those whom went for c-sect GA, any side effects? Regain conscious straight after op?

I using cloth dispers in e day.. I think my cl nv change him often enough so now got rash..

Usually she use wet wipes then cotton balls.. I will tell her to use cotton balls only. Hope she listens...

one of the mummies here was sick (vomiting) just before she delivered rite? who was it ar? i abit worried coz i LS-ing wor.. scared affect baby..

Gd noon mummies...

I am still in waiting game though bb bump getting really big. Scheduled c-sect date is 24Jun, hoping can tahan till then.

CONGRATS, congrats to mummies who have popped. Jia-you (Go! Go!) who are breastfeeding. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Enjoy the mummy-hood journey.

I will join all of you next week...


For my #1, he was on cloth nappies. You may like to avoid using wet wipes and use cotton balls dipped in warm water to cleanse bb's butt during nappy change. For nappy rash relieve, I use Desitin Creamy (Blue one) and it's effective.

Get CL to be more hardworking and check on bb for nappy change every hour (unless bb is sleeping) or during every feed.


Waking after GA depending on how one's response to the effects. Some may regain faster, but some need to rest longer. It should take @ least 4 hours?!


I am having those MS symptoms e.g. nauseous feel, urge to puke, headache, sleepy... Kinda awful. Wondering if it's norm though I din see a doc. Only minimising my movements n rest more.

missbluey, i see.. just now my gynea's nurse called n advise me on the change fm clinic A to clinic B.. she also said if my gynea nv said need to scan, den dun need to go AMC.. just see gynea can liao.. wondering if today izit will do CTG and VE.

grats Irma!

missbluey, yupps! u can give him ur breast or u must try to quit pacifier from 6 mth.. normally i'll remove it once she is aslp if she nv release the pacifier..

Daphne, i think ur bb is used to ppl to hug him.. do u wrap ur bb that make him feel like ppl hugging?

Joey, the reason y i din opt for GA cos Anesthetic was saying it will cos drowsiness for next 12 hours after opt.. so if u intend to bf.. it will be much harder.. btw, another risk is preggy tend to vomit more easier, thus might lead to lung inflection as GA will be on mask..

Jojo & Straw, wow i tink u all should rest leh, before your bb really decides to pop. wait pop at the workplace then how? i imagined such an scenario, so that's why i choose to take ML earlier before my EDD

Zinc, u use wet wipes? My CL told me wet wipes cause diaper rash too.. My SIL told me her bb PD also advice

to stop wet wipes when there is diaper rash too..

Especially for some babies who have sensitive

skin like my bb...

Try cloth diapering n air it as much as possible..

doobom, yaya i also feeling those.. but coz i was feeling very terrible and was having fever, i went to see GP.. plus i LS 4-5 times ytd...

yap sheryl, rmb u mentioned tat u were hospitalised rite, then there was this shuffle between the normal ward and delivery ward.. any advice on wat i shld take note of? or just the usual stuff on contractions and watch for show and discharge can already..

elise i greedy to save ML for more time with baby... somemore 1st child so prob will not be too short labor to react... tml i not workign coz gg to see gynae.. then tot work 2 more days - mon and tues, then prob wed see gynae, thurs start ML.. i also worried take too earli wait at home i anyhow think, time will pass very slowly too.. somemore i'll be alone at home.. so quite sian also, duno how to pass time..


I stayed in Mt A for 3 nights..

1st night - delivery ward

2nd and 3rd night - 2 bedded ward

My hubby opted for express checkout and used the credit card for deposits. We were not given the final bills when discharge..they said everything will be charged to our credit cards and they will post the final bills to us later.

Hi mummies,

congrats to all mummies who have delivered and treasure the little kicks in you for those who havent.. I missed it the first few days after delivery...

haven got a chance to read the threads.. but thought since I haven got a chance to in the last few days...

oh yes my birth was natural with epi... those mummies who took without.. wow you the "woman"... I was in pain when the contraction started and was worried that I might not have enough energy to push when the time cam so I took epi

anyway my water bag leaked at about 2 plus on 11 June and I was in the midst of working... then I had to clear up whatever and went home to shower and drink essence of chicken.. (so I was taught to do) so far no pain so this was the easy part..

I was 1cm dilated after nurses did VE.. then doc came and checked.. still the same and gave the drip... slowly the contractions came.... very pain so I decided to take epi at about 8 plus then when doc came it was like 2 cm dilated so he said maybe tomorrow morning at 5-6am then will deliver... so he left... but at abt 10 plus I could feel some pain like bb pushing and like I need to poo.. nurses checked and it was 6cm then 1 hr later 9plus cm so I was asked to push.. then saw bb head and doc was called and bb came out at about 12 plus.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] doc was shocked so he said the epi relaxed me maybe that is why so fast cos I was very tense when he checked me initially :p

so far everything quite ok on total breastfeeding but dunno why after the visits to the doc yesterday now I have pain when I walk... haiz.. dunno if I over tire myself yesterday...


i did c-sect with GA, i went in the op room at 10 45am, regained conciousness at 11 44am. by 3pm, i drank milo .. no vomit, no giddy.. :D

mummies, i want to ask, during confinement can eat bird's nest or not? What abt icecream and cold drinks? is it really cannot turn on the fan?


thanks. now temporarily got massage lady to help me massage my blocked ducts. but the force she used is somehow too pain for me.

now i try to latch bb on during day about 15mins each side. did feel breast quite empty after that.

maybe i shall start pumping once during wee hrs, hopefully my pump won't be that noisy!

feeding times:

how ur bb can survive solely on bm? mine like forever not enuff for him though i latch bb on for about 15mins. zzz. i think he drink more frm ebm rather than latch on, but still nt enuff for his stomach though i can feel the difference in my breasts after that. haiyo, buey tahan lor.

Jojo.. Nuttin to look out for.. Contractions ba.. They frequently put mi on ctg due to my intense vomiting.. They did ve checks during ward oso whenever my ctg shows high contractions sign.. U nw ls better make sure u haf plenty of fluids.. I was on drip for 3 full days.. They nil mi by mouth.. If ur ls gets v serious like 6times within an hr or 2.. Beta go c doc

hi all,

i hv joined the mommies popped group!! i hv popped yesterday at 1416 hrs...bb weight is 3.34kg, natural no epi. BB's name is Kyros...

will share more whn gt time...nw nd to bf liao...ouchs...beginning to sore liao..

Halo mummies..

Finally can log on to share more bout my bb, Hayden.. My EDD is 8th June but I've given birth on 5th June at TMC, natural with epidural.. Needed forceps as my boi very big! 3.87kg, 54cm.. I really didnt have the energy to push! This is my first boi and i feel really traumatised by the whole process, it was so painful! hahaha!! Congrats to all mummies that have popped! take ample rest..

hey mummies,

any advice as my boy always latch on only one side then fall alsp refuse to latch on the other side?

then an hour later ask for milk milk again....


I just received my hosp bill from Mt A, breakdown below (incl GST)

a) Hosp charges for normal delivery 2 days 2 bedded ward = $2163

(incl baby package $298, delivery ward 1 day $220, 2 bedded ward 2 days $440, nursery ward 2 days $170, baby hearing test, medications and consumables etc)

b) Gynae charges = $1350 + $$700 deposits which I paid earlier = $2050

c) PD charges = $182

Total = (a) + (b) + (c) = $4395,

Less amt paid by Medisave $2550

Less deposit paid to gynae when I signed up his package $700

= balance $1145 (paid by Visa)

kk sheryl, will take note.. thanks...

wow kelly congrats...! i tink we were just talking abt the waiting process rite and so fast u pop le..!

Congrats kelly n chermaine!!


our bb born on same day rite if I rem correctly... Mine already going thru griwth spurt lor, I juz express enuf for his in take which means I gotta express every 2-3 hrs to now abt 4 hrs interval n hence hv not been sleeping thru the nite. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] can't also else breasts sure very engorged. Be careful dun massage too hard else hurt yr breasts tissues. Ok to use some force to soften but thereafter shld be juz carressing strokes as advised by LC cos my left breast tends to be hard.


no worries.. Keep ur body fluids high when u are ls-ing..

Milk bag:

bliss!!!!! I dunno hw to use.. Zzz.. Lolx.. Buy Liao dunno hw to use.. No instructions oso


Yes...we have the same gynae..what time did you deliver? I was admitted to Mt A on 5 June, Dr Chan came to see me around 6-7pm. He told me he had to run a few errands..I told him not to go too far...haha.


Our boys are 1 day apart..I also think he is going thru some growth spurt. He used to drink 80ml and that will last him 3 hrs..but now 80ml only last him 2hrs. I try to increase his milk feed to 90-100ml..but he always dozes off before he can finish..now I have to feed him every 2 hrs..no time to rest and pump!! Wish he can go back to the 3 hrs interval..at least I can get some rest..

Congrats Kelly & Chermaine!

i just came back fm my wk39 appt.. tis KKH give wrong info lor.. said change to see gynea fm clinic A to B.. ended up switch back to clinic A again.. lucky dun need to go AMC do ultrasound coz inside the room have the machine.

checked with gynea if i can opt for induce, he did VE for mi, am 1cm dilated oni, so he told mi to wait another week more, if bb dun come out by next tue (22jun) den we will induce her on wed which is my EDD based on LMP. coz if 1cm dilated and we induce, i might have a longer labour. so while waiting for cervix to dilate more, bb still got 50% chance of arriving before wed. if really no sign of arriving by tue, then wed morning 7am check in to delivery suite.

hubby banned mi from going to the movies!! so tml i cannot go n watch Toy Story 3 in 3D.. super fed up lor. hubby said i better take the chance n rest these few days.. i koe he meant good for mi, but i want to watch Toy Story leh.. haiz.. tonite gonna wash the cot bedding set and do some last min packing for my confinement stay at my sis.

will prob ask my sis to help mi get the breastpump & milkbags from First Few Years at KKH directly.

btw, for those who have popped by natural delivery.. do ur get any lotion to clean down under after bathing if there is a tear?


bliss, i used to order from neogarden... for four season this is e first time, i received a email from them n find it quite worth it as e red eggs n ang ku kueh all included, no need to buy separately, i went down to e fair n try their cream puff, not bad.. so decided to try on them...

bliss/milkymouse, have send u the email...

bliss, can i have your CL's contact? my friend need one..

