(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


why don't know how to use leh?

Just pour the milk inside. Label how many ml, date n time that u express..

When thawing frozen milk just put in fridge overnight. Use within 24hrs

if u need to thaw the milk asap just put under running water. When all ice melted, just warm like how u warm milk.

Do not pour hot water on frozen milk or boil the milk bag..


hello all,

I have not popped too. at the 38 weeks check few days back, doc say baby is estimated to be 2.45kg already. hurray! guess the durians and beef helped a lot.

doc say baby is not engaged yet which is quite puzzling for me since this is my first child.

still going to work everyday and watching out for signs of labour. unfortunately, other than the pelvis ache and boobs ache, there seems to be nothing else.

Bluberi, finally there's a date for u to look forward... Why can't watch movie? Your hubby scared u give birth in the middle of the movie or scared u laugh too much then trigger contraction huh... Thot it a good time for both of u to spend some quality time together... Good Luck!

FRIENDS, ya lor, finally got a date to look forward to.. u are rite, he scared i suddenly go into labour while watching movie.. now i can oni stay home or go over to my sis place, maybe still can pop over to kiddy palace if he accompany me.. other places not allowed!! he is supposed to bring mi to Jack's Place for lunch before i pop leh.. i must remind him again tonite.. lol.

best of all, he told mi to admit myself next wed 7am if i still dun pop by tue coz he still need to send BIL to work. hear liao really angry lor.. sending BIL to work is more impt than the wife giving birth. i told him he better dun disappear duing late aftn to fetch BIL fm work if i still in labour, else he will get it from me.


still can watch movies de ma, best is go with hubby. my last week before i popped, i dun dare to go anywhere. no mood also as my back pain, dn there pain. but the night before i induced, i went out with hubby & his friends. thought can went back late as my "last night" before confinement, oh well...

anyway, 1 more week, jia you ok?

congrats Kelly & chermaine!

chermaine, i totally understand ur traumatized experience. somemore no epi! salute u! my bb was 3.695kg, i already got difficulty pushing liao.


i know there is this thing growth spurt but didn't expected this early. his timing is only daytime irregular, @ night still qute fixed. so its not too bad right? i also make it a point to pump every 2-3hrs, hv to top up with some fm, only then he is full. but well, @ least i have some bm for him to drink. hehe.


still can watch movie..good to relax and divert attention away from the waiting games..I watched movie with my hybby one day before delivery..choose the nearest seat to the exit in case I need to go hosp in middle of the show.

Hi mummies, I have popped,will update my birthstory when I'm more stable...

Plz update my status.

Lervin,52cm head circumference 43cm 3.12kg...natural w/o ePi...

Thanks a million


i gave birth with epidural wor.. during contractions, i already cannot tahan so i asked for it.. really very painful! argh!

Pre-loved BPA-free ameda pump for sale. In good working condition. Warranty ends Oct 2010. Selling for $180 with free home delivery. Will throw in 10 boots milk bag & handsfree pumpin pal. Interested party, pls pm me.

bluberi, your hubby very funny leh. watching movie is nothing much meh. u should really enjoy and relax first before going to give birth, right? anyway its gd for u, so that you have a date as to when bb is coming out. poor me. still havent get any dates yet.

When is my turn *waiting & waiting* [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


oops.....i read wrongly.

wao, 4.1kg liao! got ppl say big bb easier to tc? not sure what does that means.

my boy was weighing 3.840kg on the 3rd day. not sure what his current weight.

Where is sheryl?

Did u ask how much for 5-in-1 or 6-in-1 jab at polyclinic?

5-in-1 should be $290 or $290+

6-in-1 should be $326.10

Also congrats to Juliianna..

this morning admitted for induction.. feeling slightly diluated (i think only 1-2cm) but still no sign of contraction...I'm now stuck at my maternity ward now.. waiting for mid-wives to check on dilution.. haiz.. super sian la..

Was quite pissed with KKH.. i booked the deluxe suite 3 mths ago for admission; they only told me this morning that there is NO SUCH room in KKH anymore. They decided to convert the deluxe ward to A1 wards only.. started to tell me its cheaper now.. I asked them how come they never informed us for the last 3 mths, then now they only tell us when we are abt to admit..they have no answer for me and actually force me to sign now to accept so called "downgrading"..

Lucky i called hubby to go main admission office to find out more.. he was furious and made a big scene.. so they end up giving us 2 A1 ward (which can be opened up to a room) and only charge us one A1 room rate.. If i had agreed to the downgrade.. my hubby will be totally upset cos he felt very claustrophbic with the A1 room.. at least now we have a "holding" area for guests who will be coming in loads.. haahaa LOL..

Even before i have delivered, the phone calls has beeen coming non-stop.. i already have 5 visitors so far.. quite silly rite..


eh, the price for the jabs have increased liao leh from what i have seen in polyclinic.


its boring to wait for cervix to dilate rite? @ least ur hubby can stay with u. that time i booked 4 bedder, had to sleep alone & praying hard i wun deliver when hubby was sleeping @ home.


i didn't use any lotion, only wash with water, sometimes dettol shower gel. just have to keep changing pads & dry the area.


mine seems to be gone since yest, dunno why. normal?? thought should last abt 1mth plus.

Elaine: thanks for e info..

Another qs, my girl has a Appt on July tat is e booster jab for hep b I believe, I can go poly instead of gng back to o&g rite? All babies nw all muz be given penococual jab.. Any mummies de bb took it yet?

Congrats Juliiana!

my hubby just refused to let mi go to the movies lor.. sianz.. ended up i brought home some VCDs fm my sis place to enjoy in my study/entertainment room.

Joelle, u admit till now still haven pop ar? my gynea did VE for mi and i was oni 1cm dilated.. he told mi better wait a few days for cervix to dilate more so that labour wun be long. ur hubby power ar, can made a scene until they charge 2 A1 ward as 1 A1.

missbluey, thanks for ur info!

izit ok if we bring bb to private PD for the booster jabs instead of polyclinic? wondering how much is the price difference.


got such thing as big baby easier to take care de meh? neva heard of leh.. my boi is a milk monster lor!! every 2-3 hours must feed le!! my hubby said he is an auto alarm clock!! LOL!!

missbluey> Wah really increase... so fast? Then for what go to polyclinc nextime alamak.

sheryl> Paiseh paiseh i didnt know the price increase coz only took the jab in 2008 zzzzzzzz


dunno, to me the same leh. that's what ppl told me. same lah, every 2-3 hrs need to drink milk. plus #1 often screaming for attention, making me more short-tempered nowadays. abit feelin guilty towards #1 but now really no extra energy to tc him.


ya. i think i have the pricelist, must search again. but i think still cheaper than hosp? im still sticking with polyclinic as its few bus stops away frm my plc.


haiya, just tok about lochia, it returned again.....with vengence! zzz.


i hv a dog and she oso quite moody and wan attention.. i oso feel tat i'm a bit impatient cos really tired.. but i try my best not to neglect my doggie lor.. haiz..

sorry to interrupt

I have 3 brand new pkts of Fitti premium 360 size M to let go at $11 each. Self collect or delivery in jurong/west area and a BN pack of pigeon nappy cloth at $13. (UP $29.90) Please email me [email protected] if keen Thanks

I also thinking of gng to PD outside [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sigh breastfeeding is tough. now my baby only want left side of breast cos right side nipple smaller. whenever I put him on my right side, he cried like mad. he can cry non stop if I insist. anyone can help me please? so Sian.

and he'll doze off after nibbling on left breast even after giving him suckle for 25min- he's still not full. 1/2hr later will cry for milk again. so after long latch still hv to give ebm or FM. why like that? sigh dunno where I go wrong.


80ml to 90ml shld be ok guah.. My boy can take 90 ml quite well now, so aim to feed more in the day, so he feels full enuf n won't wake up for milk too many times at night. But he started to chu pattern n hv problems settling himself to sleep in the late afternoon... Sigh.


I also told gynae I thot my lochia has stopped n the next day came back to visit again - now worse uterus contractions so pain that I am popping panadol


I was given bottle of antiseptic lotion to apply on my stiches leh..


seems like our little ones got huge appetite so prob need both breasts to satisfy. Try nipple puller to extend?

Cath.. same here.. mine also got problem these few days... dunno whether frowth spurt.. still not satisfy after feeding, can feed for 40 mins and after 1 hr will cry for milk.. still have to give ebm.. he drinking a lot now , almost 110 to 120 ml... i very frustrated too..

kaoru, genice,

I realised what happened liao- he has nipple confusion - he only wants bottle and not breast. now he even reject the left side. oh my. so discouraging, after all the sleepless nights tryin to latch him.

aiyo i woke up to pee at 4am.. cant sleep liao.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

chermaine, how u handle baby and ur dog ar? after u carry dog u change clothes then handle baby? i've a cat, who sleeps with me.. tinking at nite when i wake up to bf baby in his room, i need to wake up, change to new pyjamas, wash hands, then go over to baby's room..


do u bottle feed yrself? May wanna ask hubby to do it cos my nips too short n hence hv a hard time latching - decided to juz give ebm, better than none. Relax n stay happy! I was so upset at not able to latch successfully again despite making an appt with LC n do all that. But I hv since put that behind me n move fwd to give total ebm. Persevere n do waz best for u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: jabs

my pd clinic 5-in-1 n 6-in-1 package is $440 incl consultation.

Rotavirus is $99 per dose I rem my gal took 2.

Pneumococcal is $169 per jab n my pd says take fr 6 mths. At least need 2 or 3 jabs.

All prices before GST. Just for yr reference. Can pay via CDA account.


thanks. I was so hopeful cos first few days he can suckle pretty well. ya now I express out and give him best possible. now volume is v low like 70ml max per 3hrs gap. and must rest lots lots.

koaru, thanks for ur info.. so i do not need to buy the antiseptic lotion on my own la? as for the booster jabs, i guess i will check with the PD clinic at rivervale mall, i oni koe they accept payment fm CDA.

help, been having intermittent tummyache tat feels abit like poo type pain, abit like menses cramps.. comes with abit of menses backache too.. contractions are lidat?

JoJo - contractions pain are like BH (hardened tummy), that follows by menses cramps and aches. If it is regular, call yr gynae or get ready to go hosp.

will definitely have hardened tummy? i dun feel it hardening but when touch tummy its quite taut n packed.. how regular need go hospital?


another qn, say if admit hospital at friday 12 midnite (earli sat morning) for delivery, for natural will discharge monday afternoon? then c-sec 1 more nite stay?

