(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

hi mummies..

Im back to the forum. haa.. no time to surf the net. haa..

First, I would like to thanks everyone for the well wishes.

Secondly, congrats to mummies who had popped. and For mummies yet to pop, JIA YOU!!!

Back hm yday. first think i did was pump out my BM. Little rascal just refused to latch. he get frustrated easily. haa..

i slept throughout the whole afternoon. while my parents cook my lunch for me while waiting for my CL to arrive. Hubby did grocery shopping and entertain my mil/sil and friends who came and visit. haa..

Really appreciate to have CL. She is very proactive. Did most of the things. me n hubby slept thru the night. so shiok. haaa..

I told my hubby to appreciate is one mth as he kept grumbling that baby kept sleeping, dun wan to play with him. haa...


Hi mummies,

can i check, anyone know when will be a good time to start my massage? cos i c-sec and my stitches will only be remove on the 14th.


If I am not wrong for C-sec it is advisable to start the massage 3 weeks after delivery..

So DoT delivered huh?? Congrats........

ya. i heard from my massage lady that fir csec, can only do it after 3 weeks. i just finish my massage today, reduce 2 inch. and weight reduce 2kg as well. eat a lot to make sure i got the energy to pump my milk. still quite low, but increase a bit,

raleigh, chk with you how much milk you pump out each time? and what is your interval between each pump? me each time can pump only 60ml, now my baby drnk 90ml liao

bliss, what is BH?

Bluberi, u starting on your ML soon right? today i just heard my boss telling me temp gal coming tomolo. whew.....anyway i starting my ML on 14th june now, instead of 21june. scared bb will pop out earlier


BH is Braxton Hicks. It is the hardening of the tummy that we get sometimes.. This is our body's way of preparing us for the real labour.. : )

Raleigh, from what I know is 5-8 weeks if u are going to massage tummy. I'm starting on the 4th week and not going to massage tummy. No binding for me too..

Elise, BH is braxton hicks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Elise, tentatively my ML is starting on 14Jun but last week i told my GM i hope to start on 07Jun. my GM wants to see how far the temp gal has learnt so far by this week before releasing mi for ML, so now ML will start anytime fm 07-11Jun, depending on the temp gal's progress. my hubby said just ask if gynea can give MC or Hospitalisation leave for 07Jun-11Jun in case my GM dun release mi. i feel abit bad if i really use tis method to start my ML next week. anyway, i told my GM we will see what my gynea says this wed when i go for my wk37 appt. i also scared bb arrive earlier.

i really feel so tired nowadays plus i got braxton hicks today again, no mood to work. see how ba... just pray the temp gal is ok.. now she still needs a bit of reminding on the system procedures.

just now my GM asked mi my bb wishlist, so paiseh leh.. he is buying mi separate bb gift, on top of company gift.


u chging school for him?? the current one no gd??

I aso dilemma...can we go out everyday for a short while so that i can send my son to cc uh?? or is it not allowed to go out uh??

Kelly, is the same school..

He used to attend 2 hours.. I bring him to sch via cab and he take sch bus home cuz 10.30am lesson no sch bus.

Cuz of sch bus I ended up changing to 4hours so he can take sch bus to sch for at least the next 2 mths while I recover from csect..

Anyway I wanna ask what mummies think about PAP?

I'm thinking if I should enroll my boy to PAP as is just my house downstairs. Meaning I can save all the trouble of sch bus, bringing a newborn ard etc..

And also pocket will be easier cuz my son sch fees plus transport is $560 for 4hrs playgroup at montessori sch. Compared to PAP so much difference leh..

Not looking down on PAP lar.. My hb and me thinks that school is very important as kids learn so much in school.

Students from a good school comes from a better education family which will educate their kids better. We are afraid PAP students comes from all types of family and they will learn nonsenses from other kids..

My hb feel is better to prevent than my son learn nonsenses before we know..

Hope my post won't affect those mummies who put their kids in PAP. I just want to be sure my decision is correct before changing to PAP. I don't want to keep changing his


Limbox/Bliss: Thanks. I book my massage lady for June. Think i will call her in june to check lo.. by then i think i shld be able to massage liao.

Limbox: I pump at every 4hrs for 30mins.

everytime abt 100 to 125 ml.but it depends. yday i only manage to pump 80ml at night and only 60ml early this morning at 6am. then this morning 11 plus pump out 125ml.

congrats to all mummies who have delivered.. so many many! rest well!


been feeling so tired lately and slept thru the long weekend.. what a waste but was really feeling terrible like super weak and pain at the tummy area now and then.. for moment I though bb wanting to come out... I too cant wait for maternity leave to come


not sure about PAP now since I went to PAP as a kid and seriously I dont remember much of that place so maybe its the pri and sec sch that is more important? I guess kids can learn nonsense anyway.. my friend's nephew is in some private playgroup and there is a bully there already... so sometimes I think its heng or not..


No offence to mummies for have enrolled their kids in PAP.. But from my understanding the number of students in a class is huge and thus teachers are not able to spend enough attention on ur child.

My colleague who enrolled her child in PAP for kindergaten is now facing difficulty teaching her child who is in Pri 1. Apparently the foundation is not that strong. Another one of my colleague who enrolled his child in another school (eg like those edufarm that kind) is coping better in Pri 1.

My colleague was saying that either u spend money now and build up their foundation and prepare them for Pri 1 early or else later on still have to take tuition which might not be cheap..

Just my two cents worth ; )

bliss, dats a gd idea since nb oso wun know so much. me wunder how...


i think it's okie mah...my hub said he was from there and have gd memories..just go down to check the environment whether it's fine. me sending my kid to a mosque playgrp then juz continue kindergarten cos the mosque is soo near, just infront of my place and 3 of my frens recommend the place so why not. They are not those typical makcik oso, quite trendy, will have breakfast at coffee bean, mcdonalds, swensens etc tog after they drop their kids to sch. Initially wanted kinderland but come to think of it, pri sch onwards is more imp.


saw ur ad abt your safety gate, still available? hee


yup, massage for c-sect is 3 weeks after the delivery date.

silly question

went kiddy palace yest and say baby binder..wat is it for? how come bb need to bind? bind where ah?

i agree with jus'us, depends on ur luck..im worried abt those bullies...hmmm....cos my colleague's kid kena bullied at kindergarten...forgot which kindergarten in pasir ris

Bliss, i tink for the start-work AP for CL, u can just give $20 or $28. n if u find her really good n do more than she is suppose to do, like cleaning the hse, etc. reward her wif a bigger AP at the end of 28 days.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Raleign, welcome back.. btw, i just heard fm my bro tat the Birkenstock sandals finally arrived. I will be picking it up tonite at my parents place. will sms u again.. :p

Kelly, r u the one who is employing Xiuzhen sister, Xiuling for confinement? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Raleign, as urs is c-sec., better get yr gynae green light before attempting the massage in case it aggravate yr wound.. take care.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dianajs, luckily I'm not the one having thy thinking.. I told my hb the same thing too. Is son can manage well before kindy we can consider PAP provided his foundation is good.

If go to a good sch and able to teach him

more things isn't it the same as going to PAP and enchrichment course. More can fare and time involved.

I'm from PAP too. One thing is last time kids is not like now lor.. Last time kids blur blur one.. Where got terrible stage.. Now kids are too clever! My son able to tell people we are staying at toa payoh after listening to a conversation with my friend over the phone!

Understand that all schools have bullies but at least I hope teachers is able to stop and correct them in time before is too late.

My son school ratio is about 1:6

now his whole school has 4 teachers 2 helpers.

So im quite confused if I should change or let him stay after this year.. What I know is PAP got a long waiting list!

Mummy2nia, u are having confinement lady?

I'm planning to spend my time with my #1 and #2 will

sleep with CL. CL will only help me cook and bath my #1.

everything about about #2 will be handled

by CL. Provided she is good lar..

Sberry, ya! She will be coming earlier and take care

of my #1 when I'm away for delivery.. Just thinking if I should give a bigger AP cuz taking care of #1 is not within her job scope..

i tink it actually depends on which PAP ba, if the PAP is in new estate like sengkang or punggol, the teaching method is totally diff from those in older estate, like Hougang. my nephew who started P1 tis one went to PAP in Hougang, not very good lor.. his classmate's younger bro nw attending PAP in sengkang aft they shifted to compassvale view this yr, the mum said teaching totally diff. the PAP even gave parents a CD recording of the kids during lessons.


i tot the lower the PH the better? haha i also no idea...hv been using it for no 1 since recommended by mrs wong fm TMC.

missbluey: not sure abt what the engorgement part which Lin mentioned but i'm kiasu (since i've to 'produce' enough for 2 babies) so i already started on Malunggay supplement (which i've got from www.mumsfairy.com) for ard 2 wks, papaya and fish soup yday and today. planning to start on Fenugreek together with the red dates tea tmr. you're delivering in KKH like me? can check with the lactation consultant, Ms Cynthia Pang, if you're in doubt. i heard she's really good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] for mummies delivering at Mt A, Sis Kang is also good! i attended her breastfeeding workshop.

raleigh: i heard from a therapist from Rustic Nirvana where I used to go for my massage that if its c-sect, it shld be at least 6wks. so i'll be a good girl and wait till at least 6wks to make sure that the wound is really well first. apparently, postnatal massage is effective within 3mths of delivery.

dianajs: tks for the well wishes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] before you know it, it will be your turn to carry your bundle of joy!

bliss: i also get BH quite a fair bit but i've never really monitored how regular it is. i get it a lot at night!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my gynae says its because we're less distracted at night so it will seem like its more regular :p

Bluberi, yes! Estate makes a difference

also. Like ounggol sengkang got

more young and edcuated parents so standard of the sch will increase.

But for Tpy area I don't think so lor...

Azu, I get it throughout the day.. And is getting so uncomfortable!

Good that u start to prepare for breastfeeding!! Just latch on and express and u will success in bfing!!

Dear ladies, check wif u.. For the medisave claim

under maternity package, only max $450 right?

In this case, m I right tat we need not bring all

our receipts for pre-natal check ups n tests?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


for mine, the nurse only staple $450 of my gynae checkup claim in my card for admission time use to claim under medisave. total amt of claim is $2.1k for medisave.

sberry, yup.. antenatal max can claim oni $450.

toking abt antenatal claim of $450 from medisave, i must remember to put the receipts in my hospital bag. i already put the receipts at the kitchen table top.

bliss: i know what you mean!! but i guess unless we can contractions in the womb/uterus as well, we can only tahan... hang in there!!! your scheduled date is on 3rd.. soon soon.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my friend told me, "now you wish the babies will be out soon, right? there will come a time where you wish you can pack them back into your womb" haha... but i know how all these discomfort can make us feel so urrghh....

as for breastfeeding, ya i got to be kiasu.. even my pro-breastfeeding friend says that if i need to provide for two, i got to be more diligent. me and hubby really wants to succeed at it, not only becos its good for babies but also wld help greatly in reducing our family expenses. at least, i won't have to spend like $200 a month on FM for them [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] maybe this amt is only for 1 babies and not even 2 of them. so yes, i will be praying hard and doing my very best to make them latch on and feed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Back fr my wk39+ gynae review, Heng no VE, juz listen to bb heartbeat n measure my tummy.. Estim to be 3.2kg liao.. Bb a bit lower than previous, but still a waiting game for me. Waterlevel ok - he only need to press here n there to judge. In less than 5 min I am out again..


wat is the current teacher to student ratio in I's class now? My gal is in PG so it's 1:8. But once go to nursery will be 1:15. Besides this yardstick, I feel indiv teacher makes a whole lot of difference - regardless of the curriculum. I will prefer to go down and observe the interaction btn the teacher n students n how they conduct lessons etc if they allow. Many times we r sold by a certain school brand name but not all branches r equally good - maybe good to check if got other mommies in kiasuparents forum n etc hv good review on that school?

Azu, yes! I have that feeling that I had #1. I wish he is still

in my tummy..

For this one, I still don't wish to deliver yet leh.. Haha.. I

still want to enjoy abit more..

Re breastfeeding

is good to have such thinking! I succeed cuz I'm very perserve in bfing.. I make myself think FM is not good then I don't bear to give in.

I read up alot of facts about FM too.. Well it really helps me to hang on and not giving FM.

Actually feedig twins is not difficult. Some people express more than what bb drinks to freeze so is just like feeding twins too.. For the start in hosptal contcentrate on latching on.

Once latch on is good, is already a big step. From there u can start pumping. Bottle feeding ususally makes bb drink

more cuz of the force feeding action bottles works. So mummy tends to feel they can't express enough. And also expressing can't yield as much milk as baby sucking.

For me I don't express so I don't feel disappointed in my supply. I only express at night for CL to feed. And is enough for 2-3 feeds. Other than that I latch baby on demand.. Be it 1-2 hours.. Babies goes through growth spurt too.. And often moms get depressed when baby keeps crying. But don't get affected as is good baby is on growth spurt meaning bb is trying to make ur body produce more milk. So don't give up during this period.. Body takes awhile to adjust and baby takes awhile to adjust too. Feeding FM at this time will makes things worse - bb wants more milk and breast can't supply enough.

So for those sahm if can avoid pumping and fully latch on. This way u can't see how much u produce and will not be disappointed. Secondly breast can adjust to baby needs accordingly..

Most importantly don't give up so easily or get affected by people comment. Try you best. Even a day of breastfeeding is better than nothing.. Very little woman inthisnworls couldn't

produce milk.. And don't get too stress up!!

Koaru, now ratio is 1:6. My son sch is montessori so

he mixed with 18mths to K2 kids.. The whole class have total of 6-7 teachers n helpers. Currently I think they have any 30 students or lesser. I feel till date they handle well


So even he continue to nursery to kindy also this ratio.

I feel teachers is really important.. Actually I'm thinking of he should stay or go to PAP. If change to other sch also nt alot cheaper n got to take sch bus too.. Must well continue in this sch since he is used to it.

But $560 for 4hrs is quite alot!!

Mezzo, bluberi, thanks for yr reconfirmation..

Then I can just ignore the later receipts.. Haha..

Btw, my hb having pre-natal blues.. He is so stress

as I might be giving birth anytime..;)

bliss, u can consider giving yr cl the reward end

of the session.. Shld be better right?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yup, I'll b delivering @ kkh too. u mean can request for a specific LC? bought my fenugreek online frm gnc.

re: pap

i was from pap, dunno how this time pap works. my son will be gg to nursery under pap next Jan @ hougang there, registered him there cuz he can 'directly upgrade' to kindergarden when he 'grad'.

re: BH

other than tightening of tummy, any more symptoms? hv pulling pain?

oh btw, congrats to mikojade & dot!! juz saw ur facebook status.


me dun haf CL, only haf maid and my mum to depend on. so far, my maid is very patient with #1 and she help to feed my #1 and bathe her these days cos i realli can't handle myself already..it's too tiring to squat and bathe her even though i did dat till end of tri 2..

#1 loves attention but i realli hope #1 will love her brother...prayin hard...hee..


yup, me heard of the website...tot wanna give the pill a try...all the best in BF ur kids... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

3 mummies giving birth tomolo....wish you all a very smooth delivery! keep us updated ya!


my appt is at noon time leh.. Chop chop n go. Hopefully my last prenatal visit.. Hee


it really depends on yr preference n of course affordability. I for one, is glad to find a cc that my gal enjoys n able to settle down in, will pretend play to be the teacher whilst I am the student, and can recite clearly some Chinese song/rhyme (cos my gal still sings out of tune as of now). For her age I feel it's suffice and I plan to add in music lesson after she turns 3 as she seems keen in piano. I will prefer to select certain enrichment classes that she enjoy myself, great if the school provides all but I doubt so.

Being SAHM gives u better leverage to teach the beliefs n wat nots to yr kid now - as I greatly believe education begins at home


yes yes, i am using her sister..any comments abt her uh?? so yrs how?? u gg to use her fren 1st and then her later?? Then like tat u got to gif ang pow 2x uh??


i tink no obligations to fetch her...for mine, she said she will come herself..if she was to tell me tat we hv to fetch her then i wldnt hv use her...cos we will be so tired on the day of discharge...but unless whn u 1st book her, she told u tat u hv to fetch her...else u can consider reimburse her taxi fare provide she has the receipt lor...

Hi all mummies,

just went for my 35-36 weeks checkup with my gyne today coz of BH for last 1 week & pelvis bone very pain, bedrest 2 days on bed & is abit better.

BB is 2.87kg today but I lost 1.5kg since the last checkup to today.Total weight gain for me is 6.2 kg, is losing weight normal in last stage of pregancy???

Dr did a ultrasoundscan for me & told me my bb's heartbeat is very fast today so he asked his nurse to do a CTG scan as he is rushing for delivery to TMC.

Glad that my bb's position is ready for birth but Dr said cervix not dilated yet sian...have to bear with BH & pain the a few more weeks.


Hi Ladies!

I've popped!

Water broke at abt 6am this morning. When gynae checked, I was 3cm dilate and bb engaged, but effaced (head not in right position, facing up instead of down), so cannot deliver naturally. Instead, went for emergency C-section.

Mother and son both doing well.

