(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

bliss: thanks for the encouragement... i'll persevere!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] all the best for your delivery... in case i don't get have the time to login aft my delivery.

missbluey: i'm not totally sure but it definitely doesn't hurt to ask :p at least that's what i will be doing tmr. oh yes! i also heard that nurse Yen Ping is also quite pro-breastfeeding (i guess that means she's good also!).

mummy2nia: if you're consulting the LC during your stay in the hospital, i don't think you have to pay. but there are some private LCs who do home visits, that wld be chargeable though. so ask whatever you can during the stay in hospital [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


mummy2nia: i'm only taking malunggay capsules right now. will only start my fenugreek tmr aft the delivery. so, if you're asking if there's any problem in taking them together, i'm not so sure leh. but i've asked the girls at Mumsfairy, waiting for them to reply me. If i get an answer from them soon, i'll post and reply you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats dot and all mummies who had delivered!

Happy to know that the deliveries went well for all of you.

Hav a good rest [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

I just came back from TMC for my 37 weeks check up. Everything is ok. Booked Doc Adelina Wong for C-Sec on 9 June as Dr Caroline Khi will be onleave during tht week. This was the first time visiting Doc Wong, I would said, Wow... She is very very experience and I can easily tell she's a senior Doc. I like her ;) Worth waiting for 1.5 hrs as she has emergency deliery. It would be my baby's birthday when I see her again. =)

Any one knows is it too late to do a cordblood banking now? Thinking of doing it in the public bank. Anyone got their contact no?

Btw, did any mummies did a injection on the button recently? The nurse said its to get the water out from baby's lung when its a C sec delivery. But my prev 2 gals also C sec, nv have this injection before. Hmm... I wonder...

Congrats dot!

Wld like to check if there will be any pain if the waterbag burst suddenly? Was thinking what if waterbag burst while I was bathing.... Will I feel anything? So anxious waiting for the D day...

ML: Will start mine on 14 Jun... Now very heavy leh and body aching after standing for a while... So tired...

congrats dot!

Friends, my water bag burst for #1. Dint feel any pain, only feel the wetness, much like leaking urine.

BB updates:

Went for my 36week scan today and bb was found to have turned upright. She has been head down for the last few visits, dunno why last minute 'chu pattern'. So gynae says I would need to schedule for C-sect in 2 weeks time! Gulp!

All along, I happily tot this will be a natural delivery cos she has been consistently heads-down. What a sudden change of plans!

mummy2nia: they replied me... said that there is no problem taking both fenugreek and malunggay together [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but i think the cheapest way is definitely consuming fenugreek by putting them in our daily drink. i managed to get 150g of fenugreek for $4.00... and that shld last me for at least a week. way cheaper than than other supplements, i think :p

Thanks Elise for the info on safety gate but luckybaby brand is metal type right?

Dianajs no problem u check & let me know can msg me in facebook also, by the way is it metal or plastic type?

yeah Elaine, my one is the metal type,white colour. if u choose the black one, even more ex!

congrats to Dot for giving birth.

Friends78, u same as me, i also starting ML 14th June

icey, ur original EDD 16 jun, dr khi will b back liao.. any reason y ur c-section scheduled earlier? if delivery done by dr wong, then charges will follow dr khi's or dr wong's? i'm gg to see dr khi for my wk 37 chkup tml...

Elise, i think there is lindam brand at kiddy palace too? The safety gates not included in the sale [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

re: massage.

Thanks mummies, I will check with my gynae on Friday.

re: medisave

I'm not sure if different hospital practises differently. By right maximum medisave can only claim up to $3500. But u can produce a receipt for your gynae visit bill which must b more than $100 ++. We can claim the max amt of $3900+.

The amt claim is only for hospital bill which is the hospital package.

yeah Elaine, there's also lindam brand. of course its more ex than Lucky baby. & yup, you are right, there's no discount for the babygate, becos they told me its at nett price oredi. for other things there's discounts leh.

Bluberi, make mind leh, just ask your gynae for Hospitalisation Leave lor, if your GM die die dun allow u to take ML earlier. u need the rest meh right

Thanks for the well wishes ladies.

Friends, for me, there was a bit of pain, but not too bad. I was trying to turn over in bed to get out, and as I started to turn, felt a bit of cramp. Then when i turned, some pain and then felt a gush of water. As for being sure if your water broke, my gynae told me that if I suspect it, put on a pad and stand ard for 10 - 15 mins. It worked for me. I wore a pad while getting ready and felt more water coming out. Hope that helps.

Congrats to mikojade too!


My prev 2 was under C-sec delivery so this one must go for C-sec also. Fortune teller says during this period of time, the best day for bb to born is on 9 of June. (My mum in law is a "fan" of this teller so bo bian, have to follow.) Hopefully bb can wait till then.

Dc Khi will be away from 2 June onward, so cant help but to refer me to Dc Wong. Hopefully will go thru painless C-sec agian. Just like my last delivery 3 yrs ago. Dc Khi was good, I dun feel the pain even AFTER the epi was gone.

You going for natural or C-sec?

Azureoct, thx so much for the info. I think i will try to get fenugreek then. May i know where u get urs from? Sorry so many questions. Disturb u cos u goin to deliver tomolo! Oh my! Cos i oni know can get from gnc. Btw, wish u a smooth delivrery tomolo

dot & mikojade, Congrats! Take care and take plenty of rest ok =)

Btw Jojo, I did ask Dc Khi abt the charges and she mentioned its abt the same.

Congrats to Dot and mikojade! Glad mummy and bb are doing well..

Just checking again, for medisave claim on gynae's visits, we just bring all the receipt/invoice amting to $450, the nurse will help us to do the paperwork on the day of our admission? Quite clueless on this.. i thought we can only claim the medisave for the hospitalisation and the delivery..

Jasmini, glad to hear that you have a great delivery... and thanks for the encouragement.. i also bought the Medela freestyle and just can't wait to use it man.. meanwhile i really missed ur sweet face since the pilates classes.. Are u on FB? add me so that we can catch up again..

By the way, wat do we put inside for the Red dates tea.. i have not bought the herbs and all.. guess i need to go to the medical hall and find out..

oh.. i heard the 1st week we should not eat chicken.. cos our skin will itch.. is that true..? And we should not eat white cabbages during our confinement month cos we will get wind in our tummy etc..

Can anyone share wat are the food we can or cannot eat during the 1st wk and our confinement month? I'm doing the confinement myself and relying on maid to do the cleaning and MIL to take care of bb.. But my MIL is totally clueless on cooking herbs/confinement food.. I can't cater confinement too..haiz.. i need help badly.. :'(

Joelle, u cnan actually buy those confinement receipe books, normally inside will have meal plan for each week and some Do's and Don'ts abt confinement. Last time my mum also know nothing abt confinement food when she helped my sis with her confinement. For my case, she just bring out the old receipe books and bought 1-2 more new ones fm popular bookstore.

hi all..

I hv popped on 27 May.. seem like its a hot date for few of us here[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

25th May:

Went for checkup on tues at 36wk 5D. Oredi 3cm dilated and engaged. so Gynae gave me letter for admission when i hv signs of labour anytime till Sat.

26th May:

Hubby and I tot that since i'm oredi dilated.. might as well admit to labour ward and let Gynae break my waterbag..

But we were wrong.. as I hv 1 hour of active contractions.. then thereafter no contractions at all

plus Gynae felt that i shd wait till Thurs where i be 37 wk.. and considered Full Term baby.

so was sent back home. but gotta pay $180!! Anyway there was alot of deliveries on that day and all the wards in TMC were fully booked!

27th May:

8.30-9.30am: Reach TMC labour ward -Observations Room. Clear bowel and shaved. Strapped on CTG but no contractions.

then Gynae broke water bag at 9.30am.

As this was my #2 preg, i knew that once waterbag breaks.. contractions will come.

So i asked if my appointed Anesthectic Dr is in TMC anot. If he is then i wld not ask for Epi now.

unfortunately, he was doing an Ops and the covering Dr was away in Gleneagles.. so I then asked to sign the Epi form.. coz for sure, i hv to wait at least 30 min for Dr to arrive.

9.30-10am- Contractions came.. and indeed unbearable.. was pushed to Birth Room. And this time I used the Laughing Gas.

Correct way to use the gas.. is to breath in deeply once you knew Contractions coming.

Previously.. i just keep breathing the gas.. hence i tot it was not working for me.

10.30- Dr arrive and took some time to do Epi for me. I gotta bear with 3 contractions before epi took effect

11am- 12pm: Epi took effect at 11am and nurse ask hubby to go out and take his lunch

but shortly.. my dilation hits 8cm. And Nurse got shocked when i told them i can feel my boy bearing down and gotta quickily asked hubby to come back.

with 3 easy push.. my baby came out!

but he was light.. only 2.4kg at 37wk.

the single was fully booked so gotta pay extra for Premier ward. but no regrets lah! the room and nurses were great.. got internet access and the Confinement menu very yummy!


this time Dr Khi quite good in stitching i think

i only felt pain down below for 2 days and also have light lochia flow as Dr Khi told me she cleared quite alot of clots for me.

but then the contractions of the uterus was quite painful this time.

nurse told me bcoz tis my 2nd preg and muscle not as strong as before. and also realise tummy did go down as much as my #1 preg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Congrats Jasmini/Gitz/Dot - rest well, mummies!!

Joelle - you can check out some confinement menu here http://www.momsinmind.com.sg/confinementrecipes.html or get confinement recipe books from popular like what Blueberri has suggested.

For me, my daily confinement menu bery standard - steamed fish/chicken dish + green veg dish + fruits (usu apple). Avoid white veg and broccoli as these are too windy.

For red date tea - besides red date, I rem there are black dates, longan meat and dang shan. My mother will add in ginger pieces but MIL does not cos my baby was jaundiced and I was bfg. Remember to remove the seeds inside the dates - they said the seeds will cause heatiness.


I tried it before..not sure if it worked..but I was smelling like a walking maple syrup that I stopped the supplements..:p

mummy2nia: dont worry... but i got to run after sending this message though :p you can get it from any chinese medical hall. just tell them you need 葫蘆巴 (胡芦巴).. the hanyu pinyin equivalent shld be hu2 lu2 ba1 zi3. just ask the staff at the medical halls.. not sure abt those Hock Hua type of shops but the traditional ones shld have.

bebe75: i think if u take enough of something, you'll prob smell like it. my friend told me that if you take enough fish and papaya soup, your armpits will have fishy smell and you might leak fishy breastmilk :p so be prepared, pple!!!!

see you ladies ard.. got to run!!!


i had lots of Ginger during confinement. i stll ate brocoli for almost every meal. chicken & fish cooked in white wine. ate mee sua, biscuits & drank milo. avoided cold drinks though dying to do so. mil forbidded me to drink plain water only red dates tea. sumtimes i sneaked in some warm water. could only bathe with herbs during last week of confinement, 1st 3 weeks was a torture w/o shower, only could wipe with white wine. i think shld b able to bathe since most hsehold hv heater these days.

hope it helps.

congrats gitz!! im hoping i can push bb out with 3 easy pushes!

icey, i see, no wonder u pick c-sec date.. but at least u find dr wong good too so not too bad.. my EDD 25 Jun, so far dr khi never say need schedule c-sec.. this my 1st baby so i guess he decides if i can go natural or not.. haha.. good to hear that dr khi's skills good! heehee.. i gg to see doc khi today, then next sat, immediately after her holiday.. been telling baby this 11 days guai guai stay inside wait for dr khi to be back from holiday...

Good morning mummies!

Have been trying to catch up on the thread from last week and wow! so many mummies popped!

Congratulations to Summerbel, Raleigh, Cyberbabe, Daphne, Genice, Jasmini, Dot, Mikojade and Gitz (hope I didn't miss anyone)! Thanks for sharing your birth stories, and very happy for all of you that you had wonderful births! Do rest well and enjoy your time with your little babes.

Re Progress:

Went for my weekly yesterday (38w6d according to Babycentre and 37w6d according to doc calculation) and doc says no change from previous week - long way to go according to her and no sign of any dilation. Think baby not engaged too. Did my 2nd CTG (package only covers 2 CTGs and we have to pay for the 3rd). But she prescribed the Medela Purelan for daily massaging of areola area to stimulate BM production. Otherwise, no sign of colustrum yet.

Re CL and angpows:

We are thinking of $20 for welcome angpow as well since we are not sure how she will be. Her charges are $2000 and will have to pay for her transportation Taipeng-Singapore return separately. Think she will have quite an easy life since baby is sleeping with us and I will be doing all the night feeds (trying to BF all the way where possible and only introduce bottle one month before I go back to work).

Re Nipple confusion:

My sister gave birth to her baby early as well in April (as her fluids were low) and baby was small at 2.3kg. Doc told her to supplement with FM initially as her BM production was really low and baby really needed her weight boosted but she has since increased her production of BM and is off FM, so do persevere mummies. From the start to avoid nipple confusion, her lactation consultant taught her how to cup-feed her babe. For mummies who want to explore this, can check with your lactation consultants how this can be done.

Re NB shampoo and bath:

Both my sisters started out with Baby Sebamed, we will be using that as well. Not sure if Dettol may be too harsh for baby Missbluey.

Re Facebook:

Finally got back onto FB this weekend. Accepted your invite Missbluey. But tried to look for the June MTB group and did not manage to. Can any of the mummies please tell me how I can find and get onto the June MTB group on FB?

oh, so the delivery charges follow the replacement doctor's.. i tot it would be dr khi's rates...

congrats all mummies who have popped!!

Missed out another thing - lunch!

Doobom and other mummies working around RFP:

It does look like we may need to postpone lunch till after we pop given the days are drawing close for many mums. If anyone is up for it still though, just let me know. I think I need the exercise - walking.

Morning Mummies!!

Congrats to bibibaba/kate/jasmini/raleigh/SummerBel/Daphne/cyberbabe/ genice/dot/gitz who have popped!! We have finally finished the lst hurdle and now it's another journey of sleepless nites and endless feeding. But we are here for each other so am sure we can pull it thru!

Thanks for all the well wishes:-D I've finally delivered Li'l Natalee via C-sec with epidural on 30th May. She weighs 3.19kg and measure 49cm.

I must say that this time round the experience is totally different from the previous. I felt no touching, pain, pushing, pressure at all this time whereas for my previous delivery, I swear I could feel every little detail minus the pain. And it was quite scary to see the umbilical cord around her neck twice. My hb commented that she looked a little purplish-blue at birth so am glad that I decided to deliver her earlier. It's Day 3 now and she has a little bit of jaundice. Hopefully it doesn't go higher and we are all ready to go home tmr!!

Besides having genice as my room-mate for a few hrs,when I went into the operating theater, I realized that 1 of the male nurse was my ex-customer! He bought a car frm me many years back and I never remembered him as a nurse... lol!! So we were oso chit chating about cars during the op. Sounds like a mini gathering during the op... keekee

Genice: Was nice meeting you!!!!! Wish we had more time to talk.... But I must say you hv a good memory! Til now I'm still shock that you can recognize me!! lol!!!

Gotta go moomoo soon... Once again, Congrats to all the mummies who have popped and for those still in the waiting game, Jia you!!!

Morning all...

Congrats to all mummies who have popped! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For me... Should be 36weeks this Thurs. I am hoping that bb will cooperate and arrive on scheduled c-sect date (23-Jun). Though gynae mentioned can be Anytime from now.


I have been feeling so lazy, lunch-in most of the time. Din really want to walk much (opp of u), coz scared the 'Anytime' caught me by surprise. I am yet ready... Still have plenty of prep yet done. U waiting for d-date or have any scheduled date?

Or maybe we can do lunch @ Philip St or Mcdonalds one of these days?


Sure re lunch, just let me know what's near you - I don't mind walking to your area. For me it is the total opposite, you are right - I was thinking wow! so many mummies popped so I must be going to as well anytime now, then doc said.. long way to go for you and no signs yet duh! hahhaha... so trying to walk more.

But I have bad water retention. My feet have been very swollen since I stopped gym at week 33 when water was low. And the skin has changed - looks reddish and patchy, think under stress by the water retention. Fingers also started getting affected, can't clench fist easily. Started first with little finger on left then 4th finger, then right hand and this morning left thumb was clicking hahhahah....


gynae say at week 36, very little chance bb will chance position. Cos very little room for her to move ard too. So he ask me to be mentally prepared for C-sect.

Next week will be seeing gynae again to confirm her position plus check ammiotic fluid level. If by next week, she still same position, then its C-sect lor.

I am so mentally UNprepared for this.


thanks. looks like in the end, i will just get johnson's baby bath/shampoo for bb.

i re-sent an invitation to join the group again. maybe after that, try to search for june 2010 mtbs?


hope you have a smooth delivery!

re: ML

my ML will starts next tues~ hehe.

re: angpao for MIL

for those mummies whose mil are doing confinement for you, how much will you be giving them as an appreciation? i forgot i gave how much last time.

re: bb going home clothes

still thinking to bring short or long-sleeved clothes?

straw81, i see.. mi seeing gynea tml, hope the lil one dun chu pattern. wonder if she is fully engaged already..

now i find my tummy too heavy liao, want to turn to sleep on my sides also difficult.. but if i lay flat rite, i feel breathless.. haiz.. even getting up from bed to go toilet is a chore, basically walking damn slow nw.


I have difficulty in turning in @ any position. In the end, resorted to putting a small pillow underneath my bb bump. E.g. if sleeping on left, then HIDE the small bb pillow to STACK-up my bb bump. It really makes me feel better. But have to keep shifting left/right as I wakey in middle nite.

Re: Raffles Plc lunch

1. Doobom

2. SueLynn



Any more mummies? How about lunch this thurs/fri? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Morning mummies,

I haven been active in this thread for long. Just checked the past thread n saw so many mummies delivered within May.. Congrats to all the mummies n tks for sharing ur birth story out. Hope all mummies are having great bonding time w ur bb now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My edd is supposed to be on 22nd Jun, however, I need to be induced tomorrow as bb is not growing for the past 3wks.. still stay at 2.3kg as of yesterday check in wk37. veri worried for the health of bb nw... kena a jab on my thigh yesterday to boost up bb lung. hope my bb will be delivered safely tomorrow and will share the birth story for u nice mummies here. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Can anyone teach me how to get in June MTB group on FB? Would love to keep in touch with new mummies n share our bb life tog. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

