(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

jalgal: i certainly hope so.the last time i went (that was the first time see gynae) was 27 Oct.next one is 25 nov.

you know ladies, doc found sth in my pregnancy, but he said theres no need to worry. there's a cyst! was worried when he first told me, but he said, it will go off together when i give birth.i certainly pray for that to happen. scary2..



I have not really gone down after my pregnancies, and I have to tell you that ever since, I have been wearing maternity pants to work. Maybe that's why I still can fit into my clothes when I go to work 'cos the pants are stretchable!


can't help it when i crave for potato chips. especially the wise potato chips which we can't get from singapore. so that time go m'sia and buy so many packets just to stock up. i am telling myself not to eat already. 'cos of salt and all. sure get water retention.


i was like that for my #1. eat macdonalds, kfc almost daily. very bad. but what to do? don't have the ability to cook anymore during pregnancy. the sight and smell of raw food just put me off. so i put on so much weight. 22kg. hai... after that quite difficult to shed off. but because of b/feeding, i manage to lose 20kg. the 2kg extra quite difficult. this time round, i told hubby that i will eat healthily. eat yoghurt, fruits... but so far, i don't even feel like eating these kind of food. quite bad right?


when i can't get food immediately, i will develop gastric. that's what happened to me 2 weeks ago. went to GP and she told me that it's the pregnancy acting up. it's not a good feeling though! i buy bread and will always have something in my bag just in case i am super hungry.

i have been very diligent in applying strech mark cream for my previous pregnancies. but not this time round.. .will it really help? i already have existing stretch marks leh... if put, not like it will go away right?

missbluey: sorry..just noticed..now you 6wks? im into 7wks today. but your edd earlier than mine. hehe~

you seen gynae alr?


but different mummies/babies/gender also different. i'm hoping maybe this one is a girl so i'm bigger faster? lol. clarins oil is v nice! actually the instructions is you put on then lightly shower off, but i think waste money so i just leave it on, haha.

Hi Ladies!

Finally had the time to log in... Been busy with my boy who is down with a bad cough and running nose..

The thread is moving really fast! will go thru it slowly later...

I'm abt 7 weeks now and my tummy is already showing as if I'm 5-6mths... I haven't had much chance to reduce it after my last pregnancy and now feeling all so bloated contributed to it.. keekee...

Add me on FB:) [email protected]

Iso!! Hi! I am here too!U cant wear ur normal clothes already? U were quite slim after giving birth to E leh.

Jia lat.. i really dunno my big tummy due to my baby or 'exisiting' fats.For my 1st pregnancy, tummy only show in 3rd /4 th month too. But the baby only 1.5cm now..

Looney, perhaps its stomach bloated, i still have bloatedness too.. super uncomfortable cant eat much..

Aven2009, wow.. pizza everynight?

i am still waiting for my appetit to turn good.

Sourfish i also dun have much cravings for mylast pregnancy but this tie round luv to eat rice and curry.. hehe.and dun like meat..dunno why.

Stretch mark cream

Galenic elancyl one is good too less than $30


is your first one girl or boy?

do you think your cravings have to do with the gender of the baby?

i am so kan cheong. can't wait to find out gender... but all of my pregnancies are different. none are the same. so hard for me to tell. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


added you liao.


you are prettyyyy! =)


i used to eat supper almost every week during my #1. i could ask hubby go tabao supper while out with his friends, then i go sleep and he wake me up just to eat supper. =p

yep.. my stomach will make alot of weird noises.. then followed by some reactions.. next i will throwup yellow acidic juices... its really weird for such a small baby at early wks can make us so uncomfortable... -_-'''


Pizza every nite? tats really quite filling! hee..


Seems like we hv a habit of eating supper.. i usually can eat more in the morn or late nites.. nv for dinner.. =( unless its really my fav food..

Anyone got bad MS? mine can happen anytime of the day.. afternn.. dinner time.. urghh.. so uncomfortable... even on the way bk home in a car.. and if the road is bumpy.. i can feel nauseous.. ^_^


i follow you here, haha just kidding.

only recently before i got preggers again then i was almost near my original shape, before that i was just hiding it lah. i thought this time would be fatter so won't show so soon, but boy was i wrong! also can't eat too much at one go. now feeling hungry already...

is not the baby lah is the hormone la i think hee hee....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yah i feel hungry very often almost every 2-3 hours not stop eating and my company have a lot of snack all over staff's deck. so i put on a lot liao i think.

emm i also wonder does the craving mean something to the gender of baby? my hubby said we will have a boy but both of us like a baby gal. can't wait to find out.

Re cats:

It is not so much the cat you have to be afraid of. Just dun clear their litter, which, if you never had a cat, can give you an infection in the form a mild flu (toxoplasmosis) which can be dangerous for pregnant women since out immune system is weaker. If you have already owned a cat and had to clear it's litter, you've most probably already been infected and are now immune to it. So, if you already have a cat, no need to get rid of it. If you do not own a cat, now's not the time to get one. Also, there's no need to run and hide at the sight of a cat. Just dun clear it's litter as that's the most likely way of getting infected.

Summer - you are scared that the dog's barking will affect the baby in what way? Are you afraid that the baby will not be able to sleep? I guess that would depend on how much your dog barks. I believe that the baby eventually get used to the barking, the way it will get used to the sound of the vacuum cleaner and other sounds that may startle baby.

Anyway, I dun believe that we should get rid of our pets just because we have babies. I love my cat (and my dogs previously) very much, and will absolutely not get rid of him just because I have a baby. And no one will be able to convince me to. Good luck to them if they try.

Sourfish.. i certainly hope so!!! I am so looking forward to have a boy.. but erm.. i thot boy will prefer a lot of meat.. so a bit confused.. But i think i better dun think too much.. as long healthy and smooth pregnancy can liao.

Actually i kinda miss givng birth and the excitement of seeing the 'new' baby.. still can remember when my ger came out of me... her eyes open wide wide and looked around in the labour ward.. so cute..

Looney.. My MS also quite bad... i cant even sleep well for the past few nights.. stomach blaote.. woke up early in the morning to vomit.. i cant take public transport to.. luckily dun need to travel ard so much..

Iso.. i follow u lah.. hehe.. cause u 2nd june mah... wah 10 weeks already can show.. thats eally fast so confirm its because of the baby har.. or u eat too much mee siam and mee rebus?? :p.. Baby ger dust to u!!! Give me some baby boy dust!!

Missy bluey.. i think i am a fb idiot.. how to add pp har??

HI all,

Have not posted for a while, but took time to read all the interesting posts [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm still seeing the doc every 2 weeks too, probably because of the bleeding/spotting - last rounds last Wednesday and the Monday that just passed I think, don't remember well now.. pregnant brain.

Still on Duphaston, generally feeling sick and no appetite, but forcing myself to eat. Have this unpleasant bland/sourish taste in my mouth too.

Hope all these will pass soon. Next visit to doc this Friday, hope all progresses well.

suelynn: hope you're gonna be alright ya. how far along are you as of today? hope the spotting & cramping stops soon.. i soooo know how you're feeling..

Talking abt maternity wear...I brought my gal to the TPY library..on the way home..I saw some maternity wear at this shop called Carrona..bought 2 bottoms (one capris and one short)- pay less than $50..considered cheap. The lady boss told me the capris can last even after post delivery cos of the adjustable elastic band. They also sell maternity tops..but I did not check them out.

The boss told me they have outlets at AMK central, Bugis (near OG)..so if you are nearby, you can pop in and take a look.

Measuring on BabyCentre shows 9w1d, but each time I went to the doc the date regressed further, so by last count by doc should be 8w2d today.

I know what you mean, each time there is a long break I am relieved but continuously check, and whenever the spotting comes back it is a little disheartening, especially when there are cramps. Then follows the many silent prayers.

Have not provided my details yet, as I wanted to be more sure first that everything is alright. Hope to let you girls know soon, to add my name to the list.

Hi Suelynn and many other mummies,

Take care k. Everything will be fine..will pray hard for all of u.


The count by the doc - that's after they measure the size of bb right? it's just a computer estimate. if you follow the pregnancy wheel which goes by your last mensus, that should be the due date bah.

a friend of mine said that pregnancy symptoms such as cramps, MS, headaches, are signs that everything is normal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if got no signs you might also be worried!


ya i think i have put on q a bit already! last time i hardly put on, maybe only 1 kg by 3rd month. this time i think 2 weeks i gained 1 kg already. last time i went to gynae i dare not ask the nurse to see the records, wahah.

Hi Bebe75

Thanks for the recommendation. Shall pop by Toa Payoh one of these days to see see look look.

Hi ladies

When I feel like vomiting, I wld just pop in one cookie to stop. I now must drink ribena everyday as i can't stand the taste of plain water. Ok to drink everyday? Scared sugar level sudden jump up...

hi ladies,

i'm new to this forum, in fact, new to everything since this is my 1st pregnancy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] glad to see that there's quite a few of us who's due in June 2010.

and there's so much questions that boggles my mind daily :p the latest being, is it ok to go bra-less when we sleep at night? i've been doing this like forever but with the pregnancy, its just so uncomfortable... the whole sore feeling [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and to top it off, my friend said if i continue doing this, the breasts will start to sag.

any opinions? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my gynea told me to drink sprite and ribena to prevent giddiness.. and i am eating vanilla ice-cream to reduce the nausea feeling. hope it useful info

hi all! thread is going really fast! i'm at mount e right now as my cousin just delivered a baby girl this evening. makes me hope that time can pass asap. manage to carry her just now and suddenly feel so strange handling a newborn. too used to a toddler already.

Anyway my fb account is [email protected]. will add everyone tomorrow!

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miss bluey thanks but think its just a good picture, def not feeling to pretty at the moment,

genice, milkojade and bliss just added you to facebook,

azureoct I go braless to bed and yes mine have sagged but think it was going to happen anyway, so I say whatever makes ya confatable.

looney yes pizza everyday,my husband made me have tuna salad tonight as soon as he left for football, I was going through the cuboards looking for biscuits, choc etc

bebe: thanks for the recommendation. Will check out the branch at amk one day. any idea where in amk itt is?

friends: me too! I've always been drinking plain water, but now, I find that it tastes too...plain.

hi ladies.. nv com in for a few days liao..

mi suddenly had red spotting today n rushed to kkh.. the 24hr clinic gynea did a v-scan n said bb is ok.. finally saw heartbeat. given a progesterone jab upon request. tis gynea super direct, told mi 1st 3mths bb is unstable n not linked to us.. nothing can prevent M/C if it's meant to be, even complete bed rest wun help.. she tink the progesterone jab is extra one.. dun even really wan to give mi MC for today. o_O

going back to KKH to see my gynea on fri... pray that bb will be ok n show strong heartbeat.

darn it. spotting again.

bluberi: that's what my gynae said too. btw, how much did you pay to see the gynae at kkh's 24 hr clinic, including the scan? and how long did you have to wait? thanks

anyway, rest well. am keeping my fingers crossed for both of us.

dot, i paid as per my normal visit... $35 for consultation, $28 for scan, $0.93 for progesterone jab, forget how much the urine test cost liao.. total $70+.. does not incl. medication. i waited an hour odd to see gynea. nearly fall asleep.

hope ur spotting stop soon.. so far mine has stopped. *fingers crossed*

hi all..i'm in my early pregnancy..haven do the scan yet. Still breastfeeding my 16mth boy (mix with formula though). i'm wondering if i should stop breastfeeding? anyone can share? if i do..how to? he cant sleep without sucking..will wait for me to get home...

jalgal.. i thought i saw your gynae is Dr CHkoh in the list CJ did. i was with CHkoh in my 1st pregnancy. Why u change? u don like? i'm in mist of looking for a new gynae for my this second pregnancy...made an appt with Dr Watt Wing Fong (raffles med grp)..wonder if she is good?!

Hi all,

went for my scan yday and finally saw the baby plus the heart beat... hmmm, my edd for now is 17th June..

doc says that baby looks fine and should be more or less stable liao...

morning all, thread is moving fast. gotta read 1 by 1 & digest them slowly. hehe.

finally accomplished my hor fun mission last night. pestered hubby to buy it since the previous night. haha.

today i feel like im an ah soh, lol. started wearing my old maternity pants. can't fit into my not-so-old pants. -.-


just counted mine & realised im already 7weeks. =p im abit blur when it comes to this.


yes i had that habit of having supper almost every night. this time round, im determined not to have so much supper. im so afraid of piling up unneccessary weight.


hmmm, in your fb, you will see eg. "1 friend request" if someone tries to add you. then you click on it and approve. very easy one.


thanks for the info. might check out the shop one of these days.


i know how you feel. i've been through spotting too, till now, sometimes there is a little tiny weeny bit spotting. i hope it is nothing serious. take care k.


i think maybe when you make ribena, don't make it too sweet lor. my son also loves ribena, sometimes he just drink when he sees the colour though diluted. to him, red is ribena.


wah, that gynae really very straight forward, don't think i will like these type of comments. anyway, hope you are ok.

Good morning everyone,

Actually my gynae said the same thing, if MC were to happen, it would and that it is not linked to what the mother does or doesn't do. But generally she says to just take things easy, so that's what I do these days too - doing everything very slowly. I generally find myself being tired and out-of-breath often these days anyway.

Hang in there everyone. Eat and rest as well as possible.

Morning gals!

Will update e list tonight.

FYI there is a shop at AMK central -Pink Beauty, blk 705 amk central ave 8 #01-2571 selling Clarins scretch mark cream & body tonic oil at $56 each

hi Heng,

i nvr see dr chKoh b4 leh may be typo error. i am now with dr woo bit wah. from thomson woman clinic at tiong bahru. he is quite suitable for me. after seeing 3 gynae i decide to sign a package with him. i am like you at first i so worry abt choosing which gynae. i think diff gynae have diff style u must find 1 that u are comfortable with and not base on what ppl said cos he might be the best but might not be the best for you. i think location is another issue dun find some one very far from you place.

HI Bluberi,

i dun like the way the kkh gynae talk to you. i think she can make you think -ve. why not you change to a private doc. may be will be better at least not need to wait so long plus if anything happen you can immedialy go back to the same gynae which is more understand abt you situation. since ur spoting has stop is a good sign you must find a gynae really care abt you and can see you everyweek so you can monitor your bb closely. i am so happy to hear that you have seen ur baby HB. That is the great thing. i think you should have medical leave and rest at home for another week. try to be more careful during this perior. after 1st tri everything should be fine. beside if you sign package with the private gynae it is not that expensive compare to the gov one.i also have bad experience with NUH gynae.

sorry to interrupt, in case you are keen to participate in online community/surveys and earn some extra bucks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Are you expecting your 1st child or currently have a child under 5 months old?

Are you keen to earn rewards (in USD via paypal) for participating actively in a community/surveys?

I'd like to refer you to an online community which you can share ideas and discuss topics relevant to you and your kids.

Just to share, I'm a member since March '09 and have earned almost US$100 from the participation.

If you're keen, pls PM me your name + email address

Dear ladies

have u started to source for confinement lady?

usually wat questions shld we ask them before confirming that she is the one for you? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

missbluey, tis 24hr clinic gynea reaslly direct hor.. i dun like her at all.. heng the other gynea i'm seeing at KKH is good.. beri humorous one. so far the spotting started again but brownish n oni teeny weeny spots nia.. hope will stopped soon *fingers crossed*

Jalgal, tis is not the usual gynea i see.. hope tis is the 1st n last time i see her. I'm seeing Dr. Ben Choey fm KKH tis time.. he's not bad, gentle n humorous gynea. most prob sticking to him since hubby is also fine with him. but i go agree a pte gynea package price might sums up to be cheaper than the cost at govt hospital.

Pink beauty selling clains stretch mark cream at $56 or oni the tonic oil? Sasa selling the cream at $80! beri expensive lor..


i feel that doc's/gynae's tone & attitude is very important when delivering negative news to patient. at least your gynae told you to take things easy. me too, i feel tired easily & tend to doze off @ wk! lol.


i think i will stick to my same gynae as he was my #1 gynae. his name is Dr Tan Thiam Chye. doubt nobody is seeing him in this thread. i feel he is good, friendly, patient & approachable.

do rest well ok. don't think so much.

heng, i'm the one who seen CH koh last time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sberry, i think only me has found my CL. i'm start to think which date i should deliver.

your should ask if

-how many meals she will cooks for you?

-will she cook the same thing almost everyday?

-lunch and dinner is it the same?

-is she experience in breastfeeding like freezing breastmilk, defrost, and temp to warm the milk.

Ask her to answer you instead of you asking "do you know you can't shake the bottle of breastmilk like FM?)

-experience in confinement (how many years)

chat with her more so you can listen what she say. and sometimes she might say something you didn't like and you will know if the CL is suitable for you.

asking more questions makes them say "everything know" but end up everything don't know.


thanks alot for your help.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i didn't know BM cannot be shaken coz actually i only BF for 2 months during my last pregnancy.

there are a few recommendations of CL in the forum, but really scared they r posted by own relative or themselves.. :p

u r getting back ur previous CL?


missbluey, i'm only 22 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sberry, BM cannot be shake up and down like FM. will spoil all the goodness inside.

i found my CL through forum too. i will search the confinenement lady name and will see at least 2 different reviews from different person before i decide.

must be more wary of CL that is recommend by CL.

my first one is very bad.

my dinner was leftover lunch. breakfast is biscuit. throughout confinement i only drink soup twice and is near midnight before she gave it to me. so this time i find really early and make sure is better than the previous one. my first CL was found when i'm already 7-8 months pregnant.

